
I woke up to the sounds of yelling in the hallway. I ran out there and it was Jaden and Mads.
M- well I wouldn't be complaining if you didn't do it in the first place!!!
S- what's going on
J- well thanks mads you woke up the baby
S- tf did you just call me
M- she's not a baby she is 15 years old, she is a proud independent women
S- yo what the fuck is your problem Jaden
J- my problem, well my problem is that mads cheated on me. So I cheated on her and apparently I'm the bad guy
mads pulled out her phone and showed me the messages between her and her cousin.
J- see it says " can't wait to see you then a heart
M- cause I haven't seen him in 2 years, and he's my family I love him.
S- wait so Jaden you cheated
J- I did cause I thought she did
M- well I didn't and now we're over
She stormed out the house.
S- you fucked buddy
I patted his shoulder and went downstairs to the kitchen.
S- ahhh my head hurts and I'm just gonna order McDonald's
I felt arms feeling me up. I assumed Noah and continued on my phone.
S- hi baby
He whispered in my ear with his morning voice.
N- good morning princess
I instantly got πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹!!! I turned around, he was shirtless and only had grey sweat pants on. I went and whispered in his ear
S- just saying I would totally fuck your brains out right now but there is too many people home today
N- you said no more teasing
S- this isn't teasing, it's facts
I turned back around and I continued putting in my order.
S- want anything
N- nah
He came and sat next to me. He put his hand on my thigh and moved his thumb over my area.
S- not right ohhhh-
He hit a really good spot that felt really good.
S- nope nope can't do
N- he stopped and gave me puppy eyes
S- I'm sorry, pinky promise my virginity is yours....... after marriage
N- but that's soooo long
S- that's a you problem, I'm feeling just fine.
I placed my order. I got up and kissed him
S- I'm sorry baby
He looked sad, I felt bad until I saw his dick was hard.
I screamed up the stairs
~Noah's POV~
Ahhhh this women I'd gonna be the death of me. She teased me, got me hard, then left me to handle it myself. She also said not till marriage, MARRIAGE. I get she believes and god but damn why is god so mean. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I finished myself off then cleaned my body and stuff. I got out the shower and put on this.

Someone was at the door so I went and answered it.
W- food for Sophia
N- ah yeah she's upstairs changing I'll take it though
He handed it to me then left. I carried the food to her room. I heard weird noises from her room
S- ahh shittttt
I peeked through the door crack. I was very surprised with what I saw. She was pleasuring herself!!
S- Ahhh I'm almost there fuuuuuck
I tried to look away before I got hard again. I went back to my room and laughed my ass off. I didn't think she did that stuff. I thought she was holy and an angel. I am so gonna have blackmail.
~Sophia's POV~
I was feeling to horny after my interaction with Noah. I'm saving myself till marriage, but it says nothing about self pleasure. I grabbed my secret vibrator I had his awhile ago. I started it and it felt so good. I was almost to my climax but I heard someone walking in the hallway. I didn't wanna get caught so I went to my personal bathroom to finish. Now I know why Noah wants to do it. It felt amazing. I took a shower and got dressed into this

And hair

I walked downstairs and saw dad, Noah, and josh.
N- hey baby
I went and sat on his lap
He kissed me josh continued talking. He was talking about how they have plans with Larry for his music video. Noah whispered in my ear
N- Ahhh I'm almost there fuuuuck
I immediately widened my eyes. I looked at him and his was holding in his laugh.
S- you tell no one
N- I won't
He laughed a little. I went on my phone and was scrolling through Instagram. I saw Charli's new hair.
S- dad can I dye my hair.
D- why
S- look at Charli's new hair. It's amazing!!!!
D- sure as long it's done by a professional not you cause I don't want you looking around all crazy.
I called Charli

What's up Sophia
Who did your hair
Brad mondo
Ooo can you shoot me his number, I'm def gonna get my hair done
Thank you girl
*call ended*

N- do you understand how expensive Brad mondo is
S- no
D- like I can barely afford him
S- I'll just get a sponsor ship form someone. I have multiple people asking me to do one. What sounds better Nike or Vans
N- wtf you got both of those
S- yeah
D- well take both, double money
S- TRUE!!!
I ran upstairs and contacted each company to tell them I except. They said they will ship my boxes soon. Nike was paying me 900k for there sponsorship and vans were paying me 700k. I think that's a pretty good deal but I don't know anything about money.
I went back downstairs and told everyone.
S- hey dad can you set up my cash app for me
D- sure.
He took my phone and set up the app.
S- thanks
I went upstairs and called Brad
Hi is this Brad mondo
This is he what may I help you with
I was wondering if you can come do my hair. I saw you do Charli's hair and I love it.
Well thank you and yeah I can do your hair. Who is this may I ask
Oh this is Sophia Hall
Ah of course, well I can fit you in tomorrow at 4 pm
That sounds good
Ok well I'll see you tomorrow
*call ended*

I was so excited!!!! I wanted my hair done like this

I showed dad what I wanted and he approved!!!! I ran upstairs and was really hungry
S- Hey Noah did you eat my food
N- no it's on my bed. I was gonna give it to your but you were........
S- taking a shower yea I forgot. I'll go get it
I gave him a death stair. He laughed as I got my food. I got a McGriddle, hash brown, and iced tea. It was sooo yummy. I finished eating and was so happy all day. It was about 5 in the afternoon and I was running around the house playing tag with all the boys. I love playing with them. They always are nice and they sometimes let me win. I heard Blake on my tail so I took a sharp turn out to the back yard. I ran all across the yard then climbed up a tree.
B- hey that's cheating
S- no it's not, it's being smart
He ran the other way and after my dad, I slowly got down. I was in the highest point of the tree. Why did I climb up so far?? My foot slipped and I fell out the tree
I was screaming at the top of my lungs. My leg hurt sooo bad. All the boys crowded around me.
D- one what happened
S- I was climbing out the tree and I slipped, my leg hurts sooooo bad
Dad slightly touched it
S- AHHHHH Don't touch it
D- sorry
B- I'm gonna calm an ambulance
A few minutes later they showed up.
P- so what happened
S- I fell out the tree
P- can you tell me your name
S- s- Sophia
P- hi Sophia, can you tell me what hurts
S- my leg really bad, don't touch it please it hurts so bad
P- ok I won't l, I'm gonna get some pain medicine and then can I touch it
S- I guess
They put me on the stretcher. I looked over and saw my dad. He was tearing up. Then all my memories came rushing back.
P-It's gonna be ok Sophia your dads fine so is your mom.
P-I'm sorry we can't he has to get treated.
I was balling my eyes out
P-It's ok Sophia calm down
S- no I just wanna be with my dad he got more hurt than I did I wanna see him
P- you can see him after we get you guys safe
~Bryce's POV~
I saw Sophia look over at me. It hurt my to see my baby in pain. When she saw me her whole face changed. It was like she just saw a dead body hanging or something. She started crying and breathing really heavy. No one noticed
B- hey she's having a panic attack move.
I was pushing the medics and got in the truck
P- sir you can't do that
B/ it's my daughter and you guys didn't even notice she was having a panic attack, so I can do whatever I want.
I ran and sat next to her. I couldn't take her off the stretcher so I layer close to her as possible. I hummed her song and played with her hair. She started to calm down and come back to me. She was crying
S- d- dad
D- I'm here baby
She sat up and hugged me so tight.
S- promise me you won't leave
I looked over at the paramedics and they shook their heads yes
D- I promise
I let the doctors back in and I rode with them to the hospital. I don't really like hospitals. The last time I was here was when my best friend died in a car crash. They took Sophia away to get X-rays and tests.
~Sophia's POV~
I woke up in a hospital bed. I felt someone holding my hand. I squeezed their hand and it was Noah.
N- omg bryce she's awake
Dad came running in any sat next to me.
D- hey how are you feeling
S- like crap. My legs still hurts but not as bad. My head hurts and my wrist feels sore.
D- well you broke your leg, and sprained your wrist.
S- ahhhh
D- you also had a minor concussion, umm you have been sleeping to 4 days
S- omg!!!! Where's my phone I need to text everyone
D- I already did. Also you can't get your hair appointment changed to Friday
S- man I was looking forward to my hair so much
D- yeah, Brad understood and was fine with it.
S- is it ok if I sleep a little though my head hurts.
The doctors came in right when I said that.
D1 - hello Sophia I'm glad to see you awake
S- hi
D2- well I don't know if your dad told you but you have been sleeping for 4 days
S- yeah and he told me my injuries
D1- well he did our job for us then, you should get some food and drink some water.
S- ok, do you guys have popsicles
D1- yes would you like one
S- yes please, the blue one
They walked out and I rolled over on my side. He came back and gave me my popsicle
S- yay thank you
I eat my popsicle and took a nap. This has been such a bad day....... or should I say week.
