Author's Note

Wow, it's been seven months since I created this masterpiece, and despite the numerous and indefinite days of hiatuses, I still managed to finish this one of a kind story I've ever made. I know that there are some lapses and gaps I failed to fill in, and I would like to apologize if those that linger in your mind which is still unanswered to this part of the story will still remain in mystery. Moreocer, as an author, I have learned a lot while consuming my focus on this masterpiece;

1. Truth will always be unexpected, in which the words you believed were the lies are actually the images of truth,

2. Time is not just a gold, it is a platinum,

3. Absorb your right to fight for justice, but always remember to realize that in some circumstances, our fight for justice without seeking thw right medium can turn you into a monster like the oppressors, and;

4. Always learn how to love not only others, but also yourself.

This masterpiece had come accross different social issues like incest, rape, misogyny, discrimination, job mismatch, white elephant properties, family cruelty, inequality, and among others. I hope that as an author, I have come to spread awareness about these societal issues, in which I tend to make even the tiniest difference accross my audience, because I believe that a tiny progress may sometimes be a huge success.

I, an advocate for social equality and social equity, used this story to amplify the importance of addressing these issues. As an author, this bright hope I have for influencing our society slowly but surely through writing pieces can be an instrument to scrutinize more of these issues.

As Acrimonious Heart comes to an end, I hope that everyone enjoyed reading the piece, especially the mind blogging and mind-blowing plot twists I instilled must have created a whopping surprise to my audience, most importantly the feedbacks I received in my messaging applications. Thank you for staying with me until the end, the fourth piece, Punebre, will start publishing its parts by tomorrow.

Thank you for the never-ending support to this piece! You guys made me so overwhelmed over the past two years I have been working in this platform. I am certain that I am more than dreamy enough to achieve more triumphs, and become an influential author someday. I will be promising to hold my hope, strength, and power, to share more upholding and distinguished masterpiece as the days, weeks, months, years, and even decades to come!

Now, this note closes the continuation of the publishing of Acrimonious Heart. That is really the end of the story. If the ending is, however, dissatisfying, please inform me, so I can be better for the next stories I'll make.

Thank you so much for reading Acrimonious Heart! I love you all, guys!

- :)
