Without Him

It'd been three days since you left the Creepy Pasta mansion. You were happy to see your parents again, who were over joyed to give you all of the details about their vacation. However, every minute that ticked by, the more you missed Toby. You wanted to tell your parents a little bit about what had happened while they were on vacation. Maybe they would take it well, they held no grudges against Toby and what he did. Your parents were all too familiar with how abusive his father was, so they weren't surprised when they heard the news. You mulled over the idea since you had gotten back to your house.
     You walked into the kitchen to see both of your parents. "Umm, do you think that I could talk to you guys," you asked your parents in a nervous tone. They looked at each other and then nodded their heads almost in unison. You all walked into the living room, your parents taking a seat on the couch. "What's the matter buttercup," your father asked, concerned. "I have to tell you guys something...I saw Toby, while you were gone. I spent time with him, and I want to spend more time with him. I want to go live with him," you said, staring at the rug that covered your hardwood floors.
"Well, we're going to have to talk about it, (Y/n). You're eighteen now, but you still have one more year of high school," replied your father sternly. "Your father is right, dear. Give us some time to think about it and we'll have an answer for you in a few days," your mother said with a smile. You nodded your head and hugged your parents. Then you went upstairs to your room, hoping that they'd make the right decision.
You laid in your bed and started to cry into your pillow. You felt so torn, not wanting to leave your parents, but feeling so incomplete without Toby. I hate crying, it makes me feel weak and helpless, you thought. So you did what you thought of as your crying routine. You put on your pajamas, took some junk food from your secret stash, and grabbed your computer. Laying in bed, you put in your headphones and went on YouTube, absolutely positive that binge watching your favorite YouTubers would make you feel better.

*I want to get to know you guys better, so every so many chapters I'm going to ask you a question that goes along with something that was in the chapter. Today's question is: What YouTubers do you guys watch?*
