Clean Up

     Against Eyeless Jack's advice, Toby decided that he didn't want to sleep downstairs in the infirmary and wanted to get cleaned up and sleep in his bed. You helped Toby up and he leaned on you slightly the entire way up to his room. He had a little bit of a limp, but you were just happy that he couldn't feel anything. Toby was still wearing the blood covered clothes that he came back to mansion in and he looked like a bit of a mess.
     "Do y-you think you could help me get c-cleaned up? EJ said I shouldn't stand on my leg t-too much since he just b-bandaged it," Toby said nervously. "Of course I'll help you. I'm here for anything you need," you said with a smile. You helped Toby into the bathroom and took off his sweatshirt, which was drenched in blood. There was still some blood that went threw and ended up on him. He washed his face while you took a face cloth and washed his back. You had never noticed how many scars he had on his back before, you tried to figure out if they had happened before he became a proxy or not.
     You went into his room and grabbed him a fresh change of clothes while he finished washing up. You passed Toby the clothes through a small crack in the door. "You know, I've seen you in your underwear before," you said with a giggle. "W-what?! No you d-didn't," he said from the other side of the door. "Uh huh, remember when those jocks stole your clothes out of the gym while you were showering and only left you your underwear? Then you called me to come and try to help," you said, laughing at the memory. Toby chuckled too as he opened the door,"b-but that was different."
     Toby was carrying his shirt in one hand,"now, (Y/n), I know that your mother has told you that it's impolite to stare," he said with a laugh. You started to blush, not realizing that you were staring at Toby. "Sorry, I'm just so glad that you're mine," you said with a smile. He wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug and whispered in your ear,"I wouldn't want to be anyone else's."
