
"G-good morning love," Toby whispered in your ear. You groaned in response not wanting to wake up so early. "Come on, you n-need to get up," Toby whispered. You rolled over and groaned a little louder, wanting to sleep just a little longer. "Fine, if that's h-how you're g-going to be," he said with a smirk. Toby pulled all of the blankets off of you and started to tickle you until you were fully awake. "Okay, I'm up, I'm up," you said in between fits of laughter. You grabbed Toby and kissed him sweetly before getting off of the bed. "I b-better see you downstairs in a few and n-not back in bed," he giggled before heading out of the bedroom.
     You got dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a white tee shirt and quickly finished getting ready before heading downstairs as well. When you headed into the dining room, everyone was seated at the table except for Toby. "Looking for your boy toy," BEN asked with a laugh,"he went outside, said he'd be back in a minute and we should keep you here." You sat down nervously and waited for Toby. He just got back, and now he's gone again, you thought shaking his head. "Whatever he's doing, he better be careful since he's still healing," EJ said.
     Suddenly the front door opened and Toby appeared. You looked him up and down, noticing that he had his hands behind his back. "Well what do you have there," you asked with a smile. "I j-just wanted to g-get a little thank you for m-my lovely lady," he said. A few people at the table Awwed while a few others made gagging noises, making the room erupt into laughter.
     You went into the kitchen to try and find some kind of vase for the flowers, but no such luck. You frowned, not wanting the flowers to die quickly. Pondering the thought for a minute, you went upstairs and grabbed a few of your heaviest books. You grabbed one of the flowers from the bouquet, a beautiful baby blue wild flower. You carefully laid it down in between a few of your heaviest books. Once it was as flat as a pancake, you planned on laminating it into a bookmark that you could keep forever. 
