Secret Sleepover

You grab Toby's hand and lead him over to your bed to sit down. "I talked to my parents, they'll have an answer for me tomorrow. Until then, there's nothing I can do, so can I please go back to sleep," you said, still kind of groggy. As if this boy couldn't have picked a better time to do this than in the middle of the night, you thought to yourself. You laid down in the bed while Toby slept on the floor, a force of habit from childhood sleepovers.
*Knock knock* you heard from your door. What a pleasant way to wake up in the morning, you thought to yourself seeing that it was 9 am. "Sweetheart, we have something to tell you," your mother called from the other side of the door. You stood up, nudging Toby with your foot to wake him up. It was a failed attempt, so you just opened your bedroom door open a crack and snuck out the door.
Following your parents downstairs and into the living room, you took a seat on the couch. "Well buttercup, your mother and I thought it over and...we're going to let you go live with Toby," your father said with a slight smile. "However there are a couple of rules in order for this to work. You have to finish high school, even if it's online schooling. And you have to call and check in with us at least once a week. Please come and see us sometimes too," your mother said, pulling you into a hug.
     You smiled brightly, excited to go upstairs and tell Toby the news. "Oh, thank you so much," you said to your parents, kissing them both on the cheek. Then you ran upstairs and shook Toby awake. "B-babe, what are you doing. I'm t-tired," he replied sleepily. "Toby, I get to come and stay with you," you yelled. He jumped up and rapped his arms around you. "That m-makes me so happy," Toby replied, cracking his neck.
