
     You sat down at the dining room table with all of the Creepy Pastas, choosing a seat between Toby and a little girl who wore a pink dress. She turned to you with a smile and said,"Hi, I'm Sally. Do you want to play with me after breakfast?" "Hello Sally, I'm (y/n) and I'd love to play with you after breakfast," you replied happily. It was odd because even though you sat around a table with a bunch of murderers, you felt more at home than you did anywhere else in the world, except maybe when you were just with Toby.
Slender set down plates of food including scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and waffles. Toby looked at you with a grin before grabbing the entire plate of waffles. "(Y/n), you really need to t-try these. Slendy makes the b-best waffles," Toby said. You took two waffles off of the plate and drowned them in syrup. "These are really good, but I think I like the ones that you made better, Toby," you replied. He smiled so brightly at you, you loved when he smiled like that. You started to blush a little bit, and then some of the other Creepy Pastas started to notice. BEN looked across the table at you and gave a little nod and then winked at you. Slender just stared at you intently from the head of the table, with a look of what you would think was confusion on his face. Sally then whispered into your ear ," are you feeling okay? Your face is getting all pink." "Uhh, excuse me everyone," you said as you got up from the table and tried to casually walk upstairs.
     You went into Toby's bathroom and locked the door. Well, that was embarrassing, and pretty soon Toby is going to figure it out. As soon as he does, he's going to leave you because he could never like someone like you, you thought solemnly. You sat on the floor with your back against the bathtub as you brought your knees into your chest and started to cry. Then you heard a quiet knocking on the door.
     "(Y/n) p-please open the d-door," Toby said worriedly. You contemplated it for a moment and then shook your head and continued to sit there. "F-fine, I guess I'll j-just have to open it m-myself," Toby said as he stormed off. He returned a few minutes later and you heard him unlock the door. He saw you immediately and sat down next to you. He put an arm around you and put your head on his shoulder. "It's okay, I-I'm right here," he said as you started to cry a little bit more. "Toby, you just don't understand," you choked out between sobs. "Then m-make me understand. Tell me w-what's the matter, please (y/n)," he begged. "I can't tell you, because I don't want to lose you. You're the only person I feel safe with, the only one who I can be completely myself with. I don't want to put that in jeopardy," you said looking into his eyes. "(Y/n), I have s-something to tell you," Toby said with a twitch.
