A Confession

"(Y/n)....I-I feel the same way. I never want to l-lose you," Toby said looking away from you. "The best w-way I can think of for me to e-ensure that I never lose you, would b-be for me to... (Y/n), will y-you be my girlfriend," he asked blushing. You lifted your head up from his shoulder and smiled at him,"nothing would make me happier." He took your hand in his and you two interlocked fingers. "This i-is how you hold h-hands, right," Toby asked. You laughed and shook your head yes, just remembering that Toby had never dated anyone before and didn't know much about it.
He led you out of his bathroom and back downstairs to the dining room table. All of the other Creepy Pastas were cleaning up from breakfast, so they were still all downstairs together. The first person to look up at Toby and you was of course BEN. He looked up with a smile and started to slowly clap, which caused everyone else to look up at the two of you. You both started to blush while all of the Creepy Pastas clapped for your new found relationship. You didn't know what to do with yourself, never much a fan of receiving attention, so you hid your face in Toby's sweatshirt, which of course then received an "Aww" from BEN and Jeff.
Toby then took your hand and led you over into the living room where you both sat on the couch. "I'm sorry a-about them, they can be kind of j-jerks sometimes. It's j-just, you're new and you're with m-me, which gives them two reasons to p-pick on you. But once they get to know you, t-they're actually kind of nice," he whispered. "You could officially introduce me to everyone that way they can get to know me, maybe at dinner," you asked. Toby nodded and then looked at you with a smile,"I don't have a m-mission today, so what would you like to d-do until then?" You thought for a moment but nothing came to mind," I have no idea. What do you usually do when you don't have a mission?" "L-let me show you," he said, standing up and taking your hand once again.
