A Visit

*ding dong* went your door bell. You grabbed the twenty dollars that your parents had left you while they were on vacation and answered the door. "Hello, one large pizza with everything on it for (y/n)?," answered the pizza boy. "Yup, that's me and here you go," you said handing him the money. "Thanks for the tip, you have a great night," he responded as you closed the door. You sat down on the couch and started your feast.
Toby's POV
I watched from the bushes outside of her house as (y/n) opened the door and paid the pizza boy. I guess that her parents decided to go on their yearly couples only vacation after all, I thought. After the pizza guy pulled off, I emerged from the bushes and sneaked up to the door and rang the door bell.
*ding dong* went the doorbell again. Hmm, did I not pay the pizza guy enough, you thought. You opened the door to be face to face with your best friend, Toby, but you had to admit that you were a little afraid of him. He walked in and closed the door behind him. "I'm s-sorry, I just n-needed to see you," he said, pulling you into a hug. "Where have you been? I've been worried about you, you just disappeared," you said sadly. "I-I'm so sorry (y/n). I j-just couldn't stick around a-after what I did, w-what he m-made me do. And I t-thought you wouldn't w-want to see m-me," he replied with a twitch. "Oh Toby, of course I wanted to see you. But what do you mean "what he made you do"?," you questioned. Toby began explaining how Slenderman was controlling him sometimes and that he has became one of Slenderman's proxies. "(Y/n), I'm s-so sorry that I h-have to do this t-to you, b-but I have to go before S-Slenderman realizes that I l-left. I c-can't visit you a-again," he said staring at the ground. "But you can stay here with me while my parents are gone. Please Toby, don't leave. I don't want to be all alone again," you pleaded with tears in your eyes. "Well, I guess one night won't hurt ," he said with a smirk and a neck crack. "Yay," you said, giving him a hug.
You sat on the couch with Toby and finished off the rest of your pizza while watching some scary movies. He fell asleep on your couch, so you went to your bedroom to sleep. It felt just like old times, you had missed your best friend. But what are you going to do once he's gone for good?
