
Toby's POV
     (Y/n) still hasn't waken up yet, and it's been a few hours since the initial shock. I'm so worried about her, I really don't want to lose her. I let the voices in my head get to me, they keep telling me that I'm losing her and that she's never going to wake up. At first I just brushed them off, but the more time passes, the more I start to worry that they're right. Once I started listening to the voices, I started to break down. I held (y/n)'s hand and started to cry, whispering,"p-please wake up, I need y-you."
Your POV
You slowly opened your eyes as your vision cleared and you saw Toby sitting in a chair next to you, sobbing into his hands. You reached over and grabbed his hand. "Don't cry sweetheart, I'm right here," you said with a smile. "(Y/n)! You're okay!," he yelled with excitement, giving you a big hug. "Where am I? And what happened," you asked him, not remembering anything past going into the arcade. Toby explained what had happened to you, and you turned a head to see BEN laying in the bed across the room. "And I assume that you did that to him? Toby, you really shouldn't have, he didn't do this to me on purpose," you responded," but it was still rather sweet that you were so worried about me." You grabbed his face and kissed his cheek, making an exaggerated mwah sound. Toby's face turned bright red and he gave a little giggle.
Toby then went and retrieved Eyeless Jack so that he could make sure that you were alright. "Yup, you're 100% alright. You can leave whenever you're ready," EJ responded after checking your vitals again. You looked up at the wall clock, which read 6:47. "Did you guys have dinner yet," you asked innocently. EJ shook his head no, which made you very happy. "Well, I guess I'll finally get to meet everyone at dinner tonight," you said to Toby with a smirk.
