
     You looked around and saw nothing but trees, it was just you there, in the middle of the forest. You started to walk around looking for something that seemed familiar. Finally you found yourself standing in front of Slender's mansion. How the hell did I get out here, you thought to yourself. You had an uneasy feeling as you opened the door to the mansion. You looked around and no one was there. Finally you walked upstairs to Toby's room. You opened the door and started hyperventilating as you saw Toby laying on the ground in cold blood.
Toby's POV
     I heard (y/n) moving around a lot in her sleep. I think that she might've been having a nightmare, but I wasn't sure so I decided to just let her sleep. Then I heard her sit up and start hyperventilating, then I knew she must've had a nightmare. We used to FaceTime most nights and whenever she woke up from a nightmare, I was always there for her, and now would be no different.
Your POV
You woke up and sat straight up in Toby's bed. You put your head in your hands and tried to slow down your breathing since you were hyperventilating. Suddenly Toby also sat up and looked over at you. "I'm so sorry Toby, I didn't mean to wake you up," you said sadly. "It's o-okay, I was already awake. D-did you have another n-nightmare?," he asked. You nodded your head and he stood up and say on the bed next to you. "Do y-you want to talk about it?," Toby asked looking at you sadly. "I lost you. I don't ever want to lose you," you said, hugging him tightly with tears in your eyes. "Shhh, it's okay (y/n). I'm right here, a-and you're never going to lose me," he said with a twitch.
"Toby, do you think you could stay up here with me? At least until I fall asleep?," you asked hopefully. Toby nodded as you lasted back down in his bed. He sat with his back against the headboard and stroked your hair while you fell back asleep.
