Chapter 827 - 829

Chapter 827 Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation

How much courage did those people at the beginning need to have to make such a decision?

Su Ziyi couldn't imagine it.

Things have reached this point, and the two of them have basically completely broken up with each other. Therefore, Zi Xi did not intend to hide more things from Su Ziyi, and decided to let the other party die clearly: "The Qingze Continent at that time was not what you can imagine now."

"Even after such a fierce struggle, There are still many people who survived."

"In order to achieve the goal of never causing future troubles, all forces put forward suggestions one by one, and finally launched the Heaven and Earth Formation nine hundred and sixty-five years after the extraterritorial passage was closed."

"That's it, the entire Qingze continent began to enter a new stage."

In fact, to express it in words, that period of history is pale and without warmth, but for Zixi, who has personally experienced it and is one of the hosts, that period of history is But it is a memory that is engraved deep in the soul and will never be forgotten. Even after he died and his soul was imprisoned in that land, his obsession never disappeared.

He wants to remove all traces left by the evil spirits outside the territory.

He wants everyone's sacrifice to be valuable.

"I actually look down on the monsters. After all, at that time, they were just pawns of the evil spirits outside the territory." Zi Xi snorted lightly, full of disapproval of Shan Mei Zelong and other monsters: "So, in It's part of my plan, so the monster is going to die." He said decisively, his tone full of gloom and coldness.

"The same is true for those cultivators who live for profit." "

They have already enjoyed benefits that most people in the same era cannot enjoy, and now it is time to repay them." "So, don't give

me any trouble now . With such a face."

"The death of those people is inevitable. When they step into this secret realm, the outcome is already doomed. No matter what relationship they have with you, you have to accept the fact." "Hate me

. , it's useless." He stated this fact extremely calmly and objectively.

This fact is also the source of Su Ziyi's most pain.

Above the sky, layers of white light flashed across countless suspended boulders, and those hazy white lights were transmitted to other suspended boulders along with the countless white light rays. Between breathing and breathing, it has even formed a rhythm and its own rules.

Under this rule, a large amount of evil energy is purified every second.

The origins of the extraterritorial evil spirits left in this world are also disappearing little by little.

"Yeah, you're right..." I don't know how long it took, but a voice that sounded like he was talking in his sleep finally came from Su Ziyi's side. However, when he turned his head, what he saw in his eyes was not confusion or despair, but calmness, a calmness that had identified his goal. And it was this kind of calmness that made Zixi couldn't help but frown.

"No matter what, we are all going to die."

"Use our death to welcome the arrival of a new era..." "

However, this does not prevent me from doing anything for those who have helped me and treated me well. Take revenge." After saying this in an extremely calm tone, Su Ziyi disappeared completely. When he appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Zi Xi. With a move of the long sword, Zi Xi flew out. .

Su Ziyi's aura was rising crazily.

Although he was not injured, Zi Xi was caught off guard by Su Ziyi's song. He looked at Su Ziyi's cultivation level in shock, and soon broke through the ceiling of the Golden Core Peak, approaching the Nascent Soul stage.

At the same time, more and more dark clouds gathered in the already chaotic sky of the secret realm.

Su Ziyi is going to make a breakthrough.

At this moment, Zixi was completely shocked.

Although he knew that the evil spirit had poured a lot of spiritual energy into Su Ziyisu before, which made the opponent's strength rise rapidly, but it was still very difficult for the opponent to break through the golden elixir and advance to Yuanying. hard.

However, I didn't expect that this opportunity would come so quickly.

Looking at the other party's calm eyes and the deep resentment hidden in his eyes, Zixi even suspected that the opportunity for the other party to break through lay in the words he just said.

It would be ridiculous if that were the case.

Su Ziyi's breakthrough, strictly speaking, does not pose any threat to Zi Xi. However, the current situation is too special. More and more time and space cracks appear in the secret realm. Spiritual energy and evil energy begin to flow out of balance. Small changes may cause big problems.

After finally getting to this point, how could Zi Xi allow an accident to happen?

Immediately, he adjusted his mentality and started fighting with Su Ziyi.

The scenery before my eyes changed.

Being dragged into the illusion again, Su Ziyi was no longer surprised. People in ancient times had many methods, and their research and achievements in magic were unmatched by them now. The opponent's method was just an illusion array. It is even more sensational.

However, Su Ziyi has been tortured by the other party too many times, and he has become somewhat immune mentally.


He sticks to his heart and always pays attention to the changes in his surroundings. When Zixi's sword comes from behind, he reacts immediately. With one hand behind his back, he raises the sword body and avoids it. He used the opponent's move to attack his vital points.

At the same time, in order to prevent himself from falling into the trap of space-time rifts without knowing it, he always acted within a small area around him.

Soon, the opponent's moves changed again.

After an unknown length of battle, Su Ziyi no longer knew what time it was, nor did he know whether the illusion array in front of him was the first one he had faced. He only knew that as the opponent was consumed, the opponent's condition, which was already subject to the limitations of Qin Jue's body, was also declining. He even suffered critical injuries due to the forceful activation of the formation before, and the situation was more serious than him.

Therefore, after he gave an encouraging blow, the illusion in front of him was shattered, and the scene where a huge cloud had condensed appeared in front of him again.

It turned out that such a long time was only a quarter of an hour.


Dark clouds gathered above the head, and thunder and lightning jumped among them, directly turning the opponent into a pool of thunder sea, which was intimidating to watch. And with the appearance of these tribulation thunders, the evil energy that had already tended to be stable began to undergo some new changes.

And this little change was enough to change Zixi's face.

"Stop!" He said coldly: "If you don't want to see Qingze Continent invaded by foreign evil spirits again, then stop!" What he said was righteous, but Su Ziyi only found it funny.

All moral high points are occupied by the other party.

Is there any place for him to talk here? Is there any room for him to move?

Furthermore, is it possible for a cultivator to break through the calamity cloud and stop it whenever he wants? This is only possible unless he kills himself with his sword and the path of life and death disappears. However, he will never commit suicide, and will even actively resist when the other party wants to take his life.

Therefore, when a small beam of evil energy broke away from the control of the suspended boulder and spread to the surrounding area, he immediately took action. The essence of the Five Elements, the Brahma Kasaya, and the Sword of Yuanxu, all like hungry wolves that have not seen meat for a long time, pounced directly on them, not only swallowing up the scattered evil spirit in one mouthful, but also Bringing in more sinister energy.

What Zi Xi strongly prevented at first happened again.

Zixi's face could no longer be described as livid.

"Okay, you're fine!" He gritted his teeth and looked at Su Ziyi as if he was poisoned. His long white hair moved automatically without wind. The aura on his body began to rise steadily. At the same time, a layer of white mist appeared around him. It looks somewhat similar to the light on Xu Zhique's souls before.

It was as if he was burning his own soul.

Such a sacrifice surprised Su Ziyi, but then he became more cautious.

He won't let anything happen to Qingze Continent.

Zi Yi, Zi Yi, Zi Yu... he would never dare to destroy the achievements that countless people had paid for with their lives. Therefore, when he aroused that trace of evil spirit, he was already prepared to sacrifice himself, no matter what the calamity caused by his promotion would do to this formation and the evil spirit. He will use himself to compensate for the impact.

Suddenly, the three ancient holy objects burst out with dazzling light.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you." Zi Xi's eyes were terrifyingly cold, and the way he looked at Su Ziyi no longer seemed like he was looking at a living creature. But Su Ziyi didn't realize it, feeling more and more spiritual energy pouring into his body, feeling that the bottleneck he could break through was getting thinner and thinner. Finally, when the first tribulation thunder crashed down, he raised his sword and rushed upward. !


The clouds were heavy and the sea of ​​thunder was rolling. In front of such a powerful calamity thunder, Su Ziyi was as small as an ant. But even so, he never retreated at all. Instead, he became more and more courageous. He rushed upwards and passed through the suspended boulders, as if he was about to rush into the sea of ​​thunder!


Jie Lei seemed to feel provoked, and suddenly became more ferocious, and the sky seemed to be split into two sections by him. However, it is precisely because of Su Ziyi's active attack that the suspended boulder below is less and less affected. It feels that because of the power contained in the practice, the speed of purifying the evil energy is getting faster and faster, allowing more people to The evil energy surged up from the ground and headed towards the suspended boulder and Su Ziyi!

This scene is shocking!

In the midst of this, another white figure suddenly appeared and broke into the range of the thunder sea. Su Ziyi noticed the entry of Zi Xi, and also felt that the power of the calamity thunder increased several times due to the entry of Zi Xi. Every thunder and lightning that struck down was enough to make his skin and flesh rip open.

However, even so, he never had the slightest thought of retreating.

Chapter 828: Heaven and Earth as a Map


A thunderbolt exploded in my ears. I was wandering in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't tell the direction.

Even the consciousness is severely hindered in this place.


A muffled sound came from behind, and Su Ziyi realized that Zixi had touched his back unknowingly, and was about to make a move, but he didn't want to be hit by the thunder that fell from the sky. A reminder to Su Ziyi.

But even so, Su Ziyi was helpless.

Because he was already deep in the mud and couldn't move at all, let alone defend himself. And Jie Lei is not someone to be trifled with. For Zi Xi, an outsider, the closer he gets to Su Ziyi, the more severe the thunder will be. Helpless, she could only leave temporarily with resentment, watching helplessly as Su Ziyi's aura increased steadily.


Under the sky, a large amount of evil energy was pulled by the ropes of ancient creatures and poured out, roaring and rushing upwards, but the moment it entered the thunder field, it was dragged by the sea of ​​thunder. Go in. A small part of the evil energy was directly purified by the extremely righteous energy in the thunder, and the rest lost the ability to control itself and was forced to float up and down in the thunder sea, and its power was continuously consumed.

However, the more evil energy consumed, the more spiritual energy will be added.

Not only Su Ziyi, but also Zi Xi's eyes were filled with surprise when they felt the changes in the concentration of spiritual energy around them, but they dimmed in the blink of an eye.

The small amount of evil energy can otherwise be purified by the power of thunder and lightning, but once the amount exceeds one degree, no matter how many cultivators are promoted, the calamity thunder will only be a drop in the bucket.

Didn't you see that the newly added spiritual energy was swallowed up by the formation below in the blink of an eye?

Although most of the spiritual energy was taken away by the heaven and earth formation, a small part flowed into Su Ziyi's body, allowing him to still be able to compete with the thunder in the sea of ​​thunder.

At this moment, there was no good skin left on his body. The whole person was tortured by extreme pain. The outermost layer of flesh and blood had been burned into a black hard shell, and there was a steady stream of tiny blood streaks seeping out along the cracks.

Life is simply worse than death.

The Sword of Yuanxu could no longer be held, and was floating in front of Su Ziyi. Together with the essence of the five elements and the Brahma cassock, they formed a spiritual shield in front of Su Ziyi.

However, they were originally born to purify the evil energy, so there is really nothing they can do against the Tribulation Thunder. They are even quite close to each other in terms of attributes, and their own qualities have become even more powerful due to the tempering of the Tribulation Thunder. , the ability to purify evil spirits has also improved a lot, which makes Su Ziyi even more painful as he is forced to absorb more and more spiritual energy.

This kind of pain can be solved by Su Ziyi without even needing Zi Xi to take action.

Zixi also saw this, and then he no longer insisted on attacking Su Ziyi.

But when he took a quick look and saw more and more evil spirits being dragged into the sea of ​​thunder, he came up with a plan. Su Ziyi didn't notice at all. Zi Xi was holding his hands and performing magic in a place where he couldn't see. Suddenly, the suspended boulder below sank half of the height, and it could almost be said that it was submerged in the evil spirit.

After the suspended boulder gave way, the evil energy was like a ferocious tiger that had lost its shackles. Suddenly, more than twice the amount of evil energy rushed towards Lei Hai, and Lei Hai accepted it completely. The three ancient holy objects together tortured Su Ziyi until he was almost breathless.


Su Ziyi couldn't even moan at this moment. The thunderbolts struck him one after another, not only destroying his body, but also weakening his mental strength.

By the time the thunderstorm was over, he was already in a trance, relying solely on his willpower to hold on.

And how long this tone can last him is another question.


"Husband? Husband?"

It seemed that he had slept for a long time. When he heard a familiar voice calling him, Su Ziyi had not yet woken up. He was so sleepy that he spent a lot of effort to open his eyelids and found that in the bright white in front of him, a vague figure was waving to him.

Although his mind was still in fragments, his hand had already been stretched out.

"Bian Qing... Bian Qing..."

His throat squirmed, but no sound came out.

And just when Su Ziyi raised his hand, the bloody hand that appeared in his field of vision immediately dragged him back to reality. Countless tiny lightning bolts were raging along the muscles in his body, like needle pricks. , the fine pain made Su Ziyi finally realize that

--his body was falling.

not good!

Su Ziyi's brief loss of consciousness made the situation even worse for Su Ziyi, who was already at a disadvantage. A blue thunder that was as wide as three of him appeared in his sight, and was about to hit his head with a "crack".

His mind went blank, and he subconsciously summoned the Sword of Yuanxu. He howled like a lone beast in his throat, compressed all his spiritual power on the Sword of Yuanxu, and struck out with a shocking sword!


The white sword energy collided with the calamity thunder, and the doubled power suddenly exploded the entire sky into snow-white. Zi Xi, who was waiting to watch the show at the edge of the thunder field, also suddenly changed his expression and hurriedly stepped back.

However, it was too late.

An extremely powerful wave of air hit him from top to bottom, with a tingling feeling that immediately pushed Zixi to the ground! But it was not over yet. The momentum of the air wave had not subsided, but its staying power was quickly replenished. A large piece of the ill-fated land collapsed in an instant, with a full fifth of it. Because of this accident, It collapsed directly into the abyss, leaving a huge hole.

And this hole was quickly taken over by a sinister aura.

At this moment, if you look from a distance, you will find that the sky and the earth are connected here, and countless black evil spirits are strangled with the violent sea of ​​thunder from bottom to top. They are clearly black and white, taking the first sign of doomsday.

In the face of such momentum, even those cracks in time and space had to give way.

Just terrible.

At that moment, the situation of Su Ziyi, who was instantly swallowed up by the thunder, was not too bad. The three ancient holy objects also felt threatened when the overwhelming thunder came over, so at this moment, their performance was no longer lukewarm, but suddenly radiant. Da Sheng swallowed up a lot of lightning in one go. However, this resistance will eventually cause harm to them, and the light of the magic weapon itself can't help but become slightly dim.

Su Ziyi's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

But fortunately, ancient sacred objects are ancient sacred objects after all.

The thunder catastrophe Su Ziyi faced was just the thunder catastrophe of the Nascent Soul stage, which was far from being able to destroy them. On the contrary, because their demand for spiritual energy increased, more and more evil energy was extracted. Suddenly, the already collapsed earth was filled with turmoil. From a distance, it seemed as if all the evil energy under the ground had spewed out.

Zi Xi, who finally managed to free himself from the cracked soil, saw this scene, blood welled up in his mouth, and his vision turned black.

how so?

The situation at this moment has completely exceeded Zi Xi's expectations. He can feel that the entire heaven and earth formation has not been affected for the time being and is still proceeding in an orderly manner. The suspended boulders in other places are also steadily exhaling the evil energy. There is this side - the order within hundreds of miles has completely changed, and the evil energy underground is also changing.

There are faint signs of breaking away from the control of the heaven and earth formation.

It also made it impossible for him to predict the situation here.

The Heaven and Earth Formation is not an ordinary formation. It can be said that it brought together the strongest efforts of the top practitioners and formation masters at that time. It cannot be shaken by ordinary destruction. Otherwise, so many practitioners have been on it for so many years. After tossing and tossing, it collapsed long ago. What is even more surprising is that even if one corner of this formation is destroyed, it will not affect the whole, and other places will continue to do their own things conscientiously.

However, even if there is only a problem here, the evil energy released is not something that the current Qingze Continent can bear.

Because, Qingze Continent no longer has the corresponding ability to compete.

The last batch of top combat powers were all harvested in this secret realm, and the rest were just struggling to death. When the secret realm completely collapsed, their end would be even worse.

Therefore, Zixi had to worry.

We have to be afraid that if things continue to develop like this, this area will completely get out of control.

Taking a deep breath, he flew into the air. When he closed his eyes and opened them again, what he saw in front of him was no longer black, but a vast land with mountains, water and seas. The raging sea of ​​thunder also completely disappeared, and it was as if he was the only one left in the entire world, allowing him to overlook the continent from the perspective of the Creator.

And if there are knowledgeable people here, they will be surprised to find that what is presented in front of Zixi is actually the entire Qingze Continent!

The entire continent was shrunk countless times and filled into the Fallen Immortal Secret Realm. Then Zixi relied on secret methods to shrink the entire secret realm countless times, turning it into a thin map in front of him.

On this map, the mountains are green, the sea is blue, there are fertile fields cultivated by human beings, and there are also desolate deserts where no one has set foot... There is a thin layer of clouds over these places, but as time goes by, As time goes by

, these clouds are thinning little by little, and the colors of the green mountains become clearer. There was only one place where the clouds were not getting thinner, and certainly not increasing, but the clouds that had originally occupied a palm-sized area were rapidly condensing towards the center, and soon formed a slender black whirlwind at the centermost point. .

And this whirlwind has the power to reach the sky.

When Zixi saw this scene, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, closed his eyes and calmed down hard, and then opened his eyes.

Chapter 829 Change of Generations

The black earth returned to sight.

Looking up, the black air column closely connected with the thunder field was already faintly rotating.

And where the two meet, Su Ziyi, as the only alien, is wearing white light, stepping on Yin Qi, and the three holy objects take turns to compete with the thunder.

One, two...

the sixty-ninth, the seventieth...


the total of eighty-one lightning tribulations were running out. Zi Xi never expected that under such a terrifying thunder tribulation, Su Ziyi would Not only did he survive, but his breath continued to rise. Although each subsequent step was twice as powerful as the previous one, Zi Xi had a hunch that Su Ziyi would definitely be able to survive it, and even get more opportunities than he thought.

This is a gut feeling.

An intuition that comes from the strong.

Zixi rarely doubts his intuition, and this time it was the same.

Therefore, after determining the general situation of the matter, he did not intend to continue to interfere with Su Ziyi's promotion, and planned to wait until the other party's promotion was completed before solving the problem. Moreover, he knew that even if he didn't go to Su Ziyi, Su Ziyi would come to him for the sake of the souls of the practitioners he used to sacrifice the formation.

There will eventually be a battle between them.

Either Su Ziyi dies or he dies.

While Zi Xi was taking the time to recover, Su Ziyi had completely entered a transcendent state.

At this moment, Zhiyi Sword Jue and Qing Linggui showed unprecedented power, and their hidden power was further stimulated. Before, Su Ziyi was still lamenting that although it was only one move, the power of Zixi's sword move was countless times more powerful than his. But now, in order to resist the thunder tribulation, with the support of the three holy objects and the massive amount of evil energy, he seemed to have an inexhaustible source of spiritual energy in his body, allowing him to face the thunder tribulation head-on without changing color.


The seventy-eighth path, thousands of thunders galloping!


The world trembles!


On the 80th path, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and all objects within a hundred miles disappeared, surrendering under this boundless pressure!


- "Boom -"

After the eighty thunderbolts, Su Ziyi, whose one eye was completely covered in blood, looked up, but did not see the eighty-first thunderbolt fall. But he was not at ease, because he could see that in the distant sky, all the thunder and lightning in the thunder field were converging towards the center, and the clouds were doubling in size. touch.

Su Ziyi was so angry that he didn't dare to speak out.

He could feel that behind the thick clouds, there was an extremely terrifying blow, which was incomparable to any previous tribulation thunder. It was a force that was enough to shatter his body into pieces.

However, once he successfully survives, he will receive a huge reward.

From heaven.

From a gift to the fearless.

Suddenly, the look in his only remaining eye became fierce. I don't know when the Yuanxu Sword in his hand had completely restored its full appearance. All the bumps and bumps had disappeared. The entire sword body was extremely smooth. It was obviously It's black, but it can clearly illuminate the figure.

Moreover, it is covered with an invisible edge. Anyone who comes close to it will be immediately split in half by the edge as long as it is not recognized by Su Ziyi and it.

The ancient holy relics of the past have finally returned to their glory.

Zixi, who was floating in the distance, naturally saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly flashed with enthusiasm. He looked at the Sword of Yuanxu as if he was seeing something through it that reminded him of something.

And just when they were each thinking about what was going on in their hearts, the last calamity thunder was finally gestated.

It came very suddenly.

There was no warning.

A second before it became clear, the black clouds were so dense that only a dim light could be seen. But the next second, as if someone pushed the door from the inside out, a passage suddenly opened, and a purple-black thunderbolt that looked like a giant dragon appeared silently, rushing in front of Su Ziyi in the blink of an eye.

The sound came too late.


Zi Xi was already unable to open his eyes, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

Based on his knowledge, it was very rare for someone to gain such momentum just by being promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, and in the era he lived in, he was even more outstanding.

But, who is Su Ziyi?

A three-spiritual root in the Dharma-ending era.

Why should he?

At this moment, when he saw the last thunderstorm, Zixi had to put away his arrogance and re-evaluate Su Ziyi's value in his heart. He no longer simply regarded the other person as a lucky guy, a man who only relied on The lucky man who has followed his senior brother's inheritance to this day.

There must be some unknown secret hidden in this person.


When that thunder disaster came, Su Ziyi's brain had completely stopped functioning, so everything was his subconscious behavior.

The Brahma cassock had already rushed to the front. It aroused countless evil spirits and weaved layers of shields of evil spirits in front of Su Ziyi. After the thunder purified these evil spirits, he immediately Devour the purified pure spiritual energy and feed it back to itself and the other two holy objects. And when the Five Elements Essence it supported became even more dazzling like a star, the five beads revolved crazily around a certain pattern, producing an invisible aura that became Su Ziyi's second layer of protection.

The third layer of protection comes from the Sword of Yuanxu.

The huge black sword shadow has appeared behind Su Ziyi, pointing straight into the sky, ready to crush the enemy at any time.

After these three layers of protection, there is the last layer of protection, and that is Su Ziyi himself.

All the healing elixirs have been put into his stomach, and Qing Ling Gui Yi Jue has reached an unprecedented limit. Where he and the three holy objects are, the spiritual energy attracted by them has become dense and white. It's foggy. Every breath and breath was full of spiritual energy, and every breath injected vitality and vitality into him.

He is ready.

We must also face the battle.

The moment he raised his head, he was extremely calm, even though he was not thinking about anything.

He watched helplessly as the calamity thunder broke through the first layer of protection of the Brahma cassock, causing the color of the Brahma cassock to dim immediately; he also watched calmly as the protection condensed by the essence of the five elements could no longer bear it after a few breaths of support. He collapsed, then raised the sword in his hand and stabbed it resolutely.





Before seeing this scene, if someone asks what is the scene of the end of the world, some may still hesitate.

However, after today's round, no matter how poor the language is, people must be able to accurately describe it after seeing the round in front of them.

Because, that is - collapse.

Everything is as vulnerable as a fragile mirror.

Only absolute greatness and strength can survive this.


Where is he?

After the final counterattack, when Su Ziyi's consciousness returned to normal, his entire body was in a white space.

This is a strange place.

Is he dead?

No, if he died, he should not even have a soul now.

So, has he arrived in another new dimension?

Su Ziyi subconsciously remembered everything he encountered before coming to Qingze Continent.

At that time, he also met another him in a black space. After devouring the other person, he replaced the other person and came back to life.

So, is he going somewhere else this time?

At this moment, Su Ziyi felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, which seemed melancholy and sad.

He felt as if he had forgotten something. However, before he could think about it, the white color in front of him suddenly changed, just like the mist melting after encountering the sun. The surrounding white color receded crazily, revealing the secret behind it.

This is a land full of green.

There are no big trees or animals, just endless grassland and various flowers dotting it.

Although they were unusually quiet, Su Ziyi could feel the vitality in them. This made him couldn't help but squat down, and then he saw a black dot appear on a yellow flower. The black dot squirmed a few times, and a pair of transparent little wings stretched out, then the head, and finally It's the heel and belly.

It's a bee.

Su Ziyi blinked and realized that at some point, a huge number of small creatures suddenly appeared on the grassland that was so quiet just now. Bees, butterflies, beetles... They shuttled back and forth, and following their steps, ants , stones, vines... appeared one after another, and then the scenery in front of them changed.

The vicissitudes of the sea have passed, and the white horse has passed.

The existence of the human race is just a small period compared to the progress of the entire world, and the same is true for other creatures.

Su Ziyi watched as this continent was destroyed and reborn several times. Countless creatures once lived here and were destroyed here; countless civilizations were born here and disappeared here... Those things that Su Ziyi thought of, Unexpected, experienced, never experienced... It has happened countless times in the long history of this continent.

Even what Su Ziyi and the others considered to be the only cultivation civilization had been restarted several times.

However, this kind of restart is not without cost.

The occurrence of something means the demise of that thing.

This process is irreversible.

Before Qingze Continent, every cultivation civilization that had appeared was more powerful and more destructive than it is now, but when it was restarted later, it was already greatly reduced. Su Ziyi knew that this was the origin of the world and could no longer sustain it. This form of being robbed of vitality by countless people could not last at all.

That's why he saw civilizations being destroyed one after another, and great powers fleeing one after another.

But most of them failed.

Only a thin figure flashed into a dark road, heading for a different future.
