Chapter 589 - 590

Chapter 589 The miners return

I'm afraid no one can imagine that the original body with the inexplicable formation-breaking stone was actually a spiritual stone that was only produced in the spiritual mines of Diyue Kingdom a few years ago and could only be used by cultivators of Diyue Kingdom. , a very rare spiritual stone.

Su Ziyi didn't think of this before, until he just made a careful inspection. The remains of dried spiritual veins were found underground.

Spiritual veins are both dead and alive.

It has no mind, but it will flow and be consumed. Wherever it goes, it is prosperous, with luxuriant spiritual grass, abundant spiritual energy, and the production of spiritual stones will be much greater than that of ordinary spiritual mines. It is precisely because of these special characteristics that even if it dries up completely, it will still leave traces where it has flowed, which is - tears of spiritual essence


Spiritual marrow tears are particles formed after the marrow of the spiritual veins loses its spiritual energy. They are only one-third the size of a small fingernail, dark black, and will sparkle when placed in a bright place, like a tiny gem. Although it looks luxurious, in fact it has no practical use. It has completely lost its aura and is no different from an ordinary stone. Except that it also once carried a glorious history that other stones do not have.

It was also by relying on these soul tears that Su Ziyi determined the identity of this mountain.

A few years ago, this entire mountain was a spiritual mine.

Just standing here and thinking about it, Su Ziyi could imagine the grand scene at that time. It’s no wonder that many forces in the Diyue Kingdom chose this place to strengthen themselves, take back the fallen lands, and restore the former glory of the Diyue Kingdom.

However, that is all in the past.

After connecting this series of events, Su Ziyi became more and more afraid of the root cause of the ruins of the capital city. It is said that what caused all this was the spiritual funeral, but where did this spiritual funeral come from? What caused the funeral?

Su Ziyi was still immersed in his own thoughts when there was movement from above.


I heard the sound of a hard object hitting the mountain, and the iron chain between the cliff and the mountain wall made a "clatter" sound. After Su Ziyi's consciousness caught these sounds, he immediately broke away from his subconscious contemplation. Even though his naked eyes could not see anything, he still looked back. At the end of the darkness, the miners who had left were coming back. .

The number of miners was more than Su Ziyi thought, there were sixty or seventy people.

Moreover, these people are all strong and mature men, tall, with strong muscles, and strong backs. Just standing there with a cold face gives people a great sense of oppression. But now, they were all carrying bundles on their backs and thin iron ropes hanging on their waists, slowly crawling over from the edge of the cliff along the iron chains.

not good.

Although Su Ziyi is not afraid of these people, he doesn't want to cause trouble. It's a pity that even if he wants to retreat at this moment, there seems to be no other place to retreat. There is nothing on the top of the mountain except a few hills with mine openings. It is bare and there is no place for people to hide. From this point of view, it would be better to hide in this mine and use this dark environment to hide himself. Anyway, there are some things that he hasn't fully understood yet.

After some calculations, Su Ziyi dodged and hid in an abandoned shallow mine.

The speed of the group of men was so fast that even if there was an abyss that they could not see below, they did not seem to be afraid at all, as if they were just climbing an ordinary tree. The head crawled over. But when they reached the top of the mountain, they still had a thin layer of sweat on their bodies. And as soon as they landed, without resting for a moment, they loosened their restraints, got into the mine and found their own mining tools. They chatted in groups of three and five as they walked down.

Although these people are nothing in the eyes of cultivators, among mortals, their skills are already considered to be first-class.

When the group of people approached, Su Ziyi subconsciously leaned her body against the stone wall. Fortunately, those passing by were not interested in taking a look at the situation inside the abandoned mine, and just walked over, making Su Ziyi slightly relieved.

These are all people from the Black Wolf Alliance.

Although he didn't know what the Black Wolf Alliance was capable of, Su Ziyi still thought a little more when he saw the black wolf portrait painted on the back of the miners' clothes. But before he could think about anything, his attention was attracted by what these miners said.

"This rainy night seems to be more severe than before. When I came here just now, I wiped a hand of ice on the iron chain. Logically speaking, shouldn't these things disappear long ago when the sun comes up? ? "

"Who knows? This thing itself is extremely evil. It seems that it is not strange if such a thing happens again." Another miner said lazily: "No matter what the matter is, We can't help, so we might as well just dig a few rocks."

"That's right, that's right." The words of the latter miner were recognized by the others. But the person who spoke in front was not convinced, and said in a rough voice: "Why doesn't it matter? If there is really a problem on this rainy night, then we should find out and deal with it in time, so as not to encounter an accident when we crawl over. "It's such a high place, even if you have iron chains tied to your body, I don't believe you are not afraid." "

Okay, okay, I'm scared to death - can you step aside and let me dig a few more rocks before I die?" ?" The other party was too lazy to argue and said casually, making the man even more angry and frustrated.

There were quite a few voices discussing last night's events like this, but no one anywhere would react as fiercely as the man who spoke first. Everyone just said a few words casually, as if gossiping, and then stopped talking. They concentrated on the work in hand, and the sound of iron mirrors resounded throughout the mine.

Su Ziyi noticed that even though all of these men were strong, their efficiency was not very high. A group of people might not be able to dig even one stone in a whole day. All the excavated waste rocks were carried by these people in bamboo baskets, carried to the top of the mountain, and poured down the cliff where they could not see the bottom.

About half an hour later, there was already a different scene on the top of the mountain.

Where there was originally only one thick iron chain, there were dozens of thick ropes in the air. These thick ropes were connected to the opposite side at a distance of about half a foot. It was also at this time that Su Ziyi discovered that at the edge of the top of the mountain, these people had also made a series of pulleys made of iron. A thick rope is passed through the wheel, and as long as the other end is pulled, the basket hanging on the rope will move.

Although it is a very simple thing, Su Ziyi still has to say a few words of admiration when he thinks of the environment here.

Looking at the ropes and pulleys, some daily necessities were delivered basket by basket. It can be seen that the people in charge here are very generous. In addition to the basic staple food and vegetables, the food delivered also contains a lot of meat! You know, it is much more difficult to eat meat in Qin than in Dai. Ordinary people rarely see meat a few times a year.

The Black Wolf Alliance really has some tricks up its sleeve.

At this moment, two out of place young men suddenly came out from the other side. Although these two people are very far apart and not too thin, when they stand next to the miners, they look like little chickens. They look fragile, but no one around them dares to look down on them because of their appearance. Respectfully, obviously in awe. When Su Ziyi was still thinking about the origins of these two people's rivalry, the two people had already stepped on the thick iron chain, and then started running on the iron chain in the envious eyes of other miners. Su Ziyi couldn't help

but Eyes widened.

The figures of these two people were very stable. Even though the wind was still blowing in the air at this moment, their bodies remained upright without any interference. Su Ziyi could clearly feel that these two people were not cultivators, they were completely ordinary people. However, such ordinary people had such skills, which really made Su Ziyi have to marvel.

When the two people landed, their postures were also perfect. Needless to say, they were sweating, and even their robes were not messed up.

Su Ziyi knew that these two people should have practiced certain skills like Bai Suiyi to be able to do this.

It can be seen from their clothes that the identity of these two people is much different from that of the miners. Although these two people were not approachable, they were not domineering either. As soon as they arrived at Dushan Mountain, they carefully inspected the mountain, especially the parts where the iron chains were connected.

Looking at their eyebrows knitted together and their movements of squatting down to check from time to time, Su Ziyi knew that they were probably thinking about what happened on the rainy night last night.

If things are really as what the miner said, then the danger index for the miners here on this rainy night has increased by more than one or two points.

It took the two of them a stick of incense to conduct the inspection. After the inspection, they did not say any conclusions. They only looked at each other and then asked the miner for questioning. They all asked if they had found anything when they came this morning. Other abnormalities? It's just that most of the miners really didn't feel anything. They only replied a few words dryly, and then were dismissed by the two men and went to work.

Occasionally, a few people who noticed something was wrong said something, but those words were of little use.


"I have some thoughts in my mind, but it's not appropriate to talk about it here. We'll talk about it when we get back."


After Su Ziyi only heard these two people say these words, he stopped talking and turned to Standing at the opening where the miners dumped the waste rocks, I looked at the rolling fog below with cold eyes, as if there was some secret hidden in it.

After the two people made sure that everything was okay for the time being, Su Ziyi quietly left the mine and went up.

Chapter 590 What is the truth?

It is difficult to hide in a place with a wide view.

But if you just keep up with these two people, it is very simple for Su Ziyi.

With his own speed, Su Ziyi appeared on the top of the mountain before the miners had time to react. The miners might have thought it was just a gust of wind.

As soon as Su Ziyi stood on the top of the mountain, his consciousness had locked onto the people moving nearby, using their blind spots to plunge back into the sea of ​​fog. So in the end, no one noticed that someone had just left Dushan and had quietly chased the two departing stewards from the other side with his sword.

Unlike at night, the fog sea during the day was very peaceful. Apart from the rolling fog, there was no other reaction. Even the coldness I felt yesterday had disappeared, as if everything that happened last night was just Su Ziyi's illusion. .

Now, Su Ziyi felt more intuitively how weird the words of the miners were about the rainy night.

Because the spiritual power in his body was limited, Su Ziyi took the flying sword back after reaching the opposite cliff with the help of the flying sword, and chased them in the direction they left.

Those two people definitely had a lot of information, so he couldn't miss those two people.

Even if those two people practiced their skills and were very fast, they were still only as fast as ordinary people. For a cultivator like Su Ziyi, it was of no use, and it didn't take long for him to catch up.

Su Ziyi did not expect that several simple wooden houses were built on a gravel land a few miles away from Dushan. These houses were painted black with special paint, and coupled with the obstruction of the surrounding stones, it was difficult for ordinary people to detect their existence, and the two people disappeared behind the door of one of the houses.

The two of them closed the door in front of them, and Su Ziyi arrived on the back and listened to the conversation between the two in a hidden place.

"Do you want to tell the people above about this?" The person who said this was a man in green clothes, and the man in black standing opposite him frowned after hearing what he said: "But the key is that we also I'm not sure if someone really sneaked into Yushan Cliff last night.

That's it.

Su Ziyi's eyes moved, and he didn't expect that these two people would find this. In addition, from the mouths of these two people, Su Ziyi Make sure he is not looking in the wrong place, this is his destination.

"We have just searched all the places we could check, but we found no trace of anyone. "The person who spoke was still the man in black. He was a few years older than the man in Yu-shirt. He always had an upturned face and looked like a good old man who was very easy to talk to. When he saw that his companion still had a look of disapproval on his face, , said: "Unless that person left before we came - but the brothers all said that before they came, there were no traces of ice damage on the iron locks. "

"If you insist on thinking like this, there is only one possibility - that person fell into the abyss.

"But if they really fall, I'm afraid they won't survive. Even if that person is a cultivator, once they enter the abyss, all their spiritual power will be blocked, eating away at them bit by bit, making it difficult for the cultivator to fly. " . "

Is there such a thing?

Su Ziyi, who was hiding outside, was stunned for a moment. He had no idea that the abyss, which seemed to be just a ruin, could have such a strange thing. He looked inside his body, He didn't find anything inappropriate, so he became even more surprised by what the man in black said. The man in black said firmly, but the man in green didn't agree with his opinion, but asked instead: "What if

that Are cultivators not affected by the abyss? You and I both know that everything here is only for cultivators of Diyue Kingdom, and has no binding force on cultivators who do not practice the mental methods of Diyue Kingdom. "

"How can it be! "The man in black looked at the other party with wide eyes, as if the other party was being unreasonable: "Diyue Kingdom is the last place that cultivators from other countries want to come, let alone what can we, the Qin Kingdom, do when we come here? Within half a month, no matter how cheap they are, all the spiritual power in their bodies will disappear, leaving them just like ordinary people.

"So do you think it's realistic? " "

No matter which direction the person entered Qin. " "

The man in green shirt bit his lower lip, obviously not very convinced. This made the man in black couldn't help but sigh and said: "I know you are just assuming a chance, but Yudu has long been turned into a pile of ruins. It has no value at all - even before its fall, Yudu was extremely prosperous, but now there is nothing left, and there is no qualification for people to care about it, so what are you still worried about? "

Besides, there are emergencies everywhere now, and the people above are busy with other things. What's the use of just reporting it?"

The last sentence became the last straw that broke the determination of the man in green shirt. The lips that had been pursed finally let go, but the eyebrows furrowed even more tightly. It was obvious that he had decided to give up in his heart, but he still couldn't calm down.

"It's also possible that there's something wrong down there."

"You said that, right?" Seeing the man in green shirt give up, the man in black also took a step back: "The power of these things is beyond our control, so a little Unexpected situations are also normal. What we can do now is to lead our brothers to dig as many formation-breaking stones as possible before things develop beyond expectations. The Red Scarf Army in front is still waiting for us." After finishing speaking, After saying this, the man reached out and patted the man in green shirt on the shoulder and walked out.

But when the wooden door creaked and people walked outside, there was no one around the house.

From the conversation between the two people, Su Ziyi learned a lot of information.

The first is the identity of this ruins and the Black Wolf Alliance's understanding of the situation here. Just as he thought, although the people of the Black Wolf Alliance

have a certain degree of strength, they are just a group of ordinary people after all. It is easy to be at a loss for things that are beyond their capabilities.

In addition, there are still unknown secrets hidden in the ruins under the Yushan cliff.

Although the two people didn't say it out loud, Su Ziyi intuitively felt that the secret was related to the blurry face he saw last night. At that time, although the face showed extremely strong attack power, it was not acting consciously. Instead, it seemed to be a kind of stress behavior.

Therefore, Su Ziyi decided to go down to the bottom of the cliff again.

There is no day or night at the bottom of the cliff, and everything around is exactly the same as last night. Although he could clearly see the general situation around him, Su Ziyi took out a torch from his storage bag and lit it, carefully observing the surroundings as he walked.

It's really too broken.

Everywhere he looked, there was a mess, and there was no difference at all. This made Su Ziyi couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking too much, but just at this moment, a crashing sound came from behind. He turned around and found that it was the rocks that had been dropped by the miners above and hit the ground. sound.

It was obvious that these stones were still so hard on top, but the moment they hit the ground, they were smashed into pieces. Like fireflies escaping hastily, flashing through the darkness.

Su Ziyi raised his eyebrows.

Looking down at the ground beneath my feet, there seemed to be nothing different. He stomped the ground hard with his heel, but the same situation did not happen. At this moment, another string of stones fell down from above, but this time, the same situation did not happen.

When no more stones fell, Su Ziyi picked up his feet and walked over there.

The ground was full of gravel, and the cloth shoes felt a little awkward when you stepped on them. Relying on his excellent memory, Su Ziyi found the area where the stones had fallen before, and then explored it carefully.

It was not easy to find something in a pile of rubble, but Su Ziyi quickly achieved results.

Because he has seen this thing before.

Although it was dilapidated at the moment, full of cracks, and large stones fell from it, Su Ziyi still recognized it at the first moment - he had seen it at the blood-killing altar in the Thatched Cottage Village incident

. The stone pillars are exactly the same!

It's just that this one is bigger.

At this moment, Su Ziyi was so shocked that he didn't know where to put his hands. He touched the stone pillar and the ground with his hand without the torch, but found nothing else. In a daze, Su Ziyi picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it hard on the broken stone pillar -

" Slightly - feed!"

In an instant, the firefly appeared again and disappeared in an instant. At the moment it disappeared, Su Ziyi felt that something in the surrounding air had changed, and something seemed to be unusual.

I never expected that Yushan Cliff would also be an altar for bloodshed.

Before, when I looked at it from a distance, I just felt that Yushan Cliff had been chopped with a knife and ax to become what it is now. Before Yushan Cliff turned into what it is now, the entire mountain was actually within the range of the Blood Killing Altar. What about within?

Also, is the Bloody Altar just this mountain, or does it include something else?

The stones in his hand changed one after another. After a long while, Su Ziyi came back to his senses and stood up, looking up in confusion.

If it was the former possibility, then Yu shouldn't have been so miserable. If it's the latter... Su Ziyi turned around. Although he couldn't see too far with the naked eye, his eyes suddenly became obscure.

I don't know how long it took, but his stretched body finally moved, and his consciousness spread around at the same time, trying to find the location of the second stone pillar.

If it is really the second possibility...

the entire city of Yudu has been turned into an altar, and it is not surprising that the original fall occurred.

But this possibility is really frightening.
