Chapter 481 - 482

Chapter 481 The battle begins

It's the nightmare flower.

Although it had been processed with a large number of other materials, Su Ziyi and Elder Yao finally determined the identity of the most important material - it was the nightmare flower.

The main medicine is almost harsh on the selection of nightmare flowers.

If they hadn't processed enough of the main medicine, Su Ziyi and the others wouldn't have been able to discover the secret inside.

All used are nightmare flower hydrosols, which are of extremely high purity.

Su Ziyi and the others could not imagine how the Miao Dian people extracted them. Because they gave it a preliminary try, even if Elder Yao, who is already a Xuan-level alchemist, refined it with heart fire, he couldn't reach that level, not even half of it. Thinking about it, there are other secrets hidden in this


There was very little time left for Su Ziyi and the others, so after trying once and failing, they gave up and began to specialize in the research and development of medicinal powder. In the end, they fortunately lived up to their fate and developed the medicinal powder used today to provide the frontline with The disciples solved

many problems.

However, as time goes by, the corpses of those bugs pile up higher and higher, and there are fewer and fewer living bugs.

Almost everyone is preparing nervously.

On the one hand, Zhu Lian and the others sent people to Miao Dian territory to further search for available information with the help of underground palace passages. On the other hand, they went to the deep pit outside the city with the three Jindan masters to do everything possible to dig out the secrets below.

Unfortunately, they failed to succeed until more than half a month later.

On this day, Su Ziyi was discussing with Elder Yao about adding a new spiritual herb to the medicine powder, when he suddenly felt an aura comparable to the early stage of the golden elixir burst out, covering them from a distant place.

They stood up immediately and hurried out like the others, their eyes and consciousness looking in the direction of the breath.

The ground moved again.

Compared with the last time, the earthquake this time was more violent. Su Ziyi and the others could feel the earthquake clearly even far away from where they were stationed, and everyone was swaying even when they were standing. Along with the earthquake and the breath, there was a shocking scream, and large swaths of rolling clouds in the distant sky.

This dark cloud appeared suddenly.

They didn't spread over a large area, just in that group. Su Ziyi and the others knew at a glance that it was the direction of the deep pit in Adali City. As the screams became louder and louder, the clouds rolled more violently, as if they had the power to shatter everything.


The already heavy wind and snow suddenly became bigger at this moment, and every snowflake hurt people's faces, leaving patches of red marks. This sudden accident caused the entire station to fall into panic. All the Golden Core Stage and Foundation Establishment cultivators jumped on the flying swords and galloped away.

And just when Su Ziyi was about to leave, someone from behind stopped him.

Su Ziyi looked back and found that it was Zhu Lian.

Next to him stood Elder Yao, both of whom had serious expressions on their faces. Although Su Ziyi was worried about Bian Qing and Su Yulang who were still patrolling near Adali City, after thinking about it for a moment, he still leaned over and said, "What's wrong?" "Everyone else and I are going there."

No. It was time, so Zhu Lian tried to keep his story short: "There will definitely be many unexpected situations later, so someone needs to be guarding the back." Needless to say other words, just by looking at the person's eyes, Su Ziyi knew that Zhu Lian wanted him to be at the station. .

But -

Zhu Lian saw his concerns and hurriedly said: "The opponent this time is very difficult. Those who are in the middle stage of foundation establishment and below will retreat later, so you don't have to worry too much about your husband." My child, there are still a few Jindan Daoists holding the battle over there, and there will definitely be no problems in a short time." The reason why Zhu Lian and the others made such an arrangement was entirely because they were worried that the Miao Dian people and the Red Scarf Army would take advantage of them. Chaos broke out, so it was decided to send back all the people who were no longer needed on the front line.

As for why we need to discuss it with Su Ziyi in particular.

This is entirely because he has confidence in Su Ziyi's strength and believes that Su Ziyi can calm the situation.

After listening to what he said, although Su Ziyi was still worried, he couldn't just ignore it, so he finally agreed to the arrangement. However, as soon as Zhu Lian and the others left, he immediately took off with his sword and stood in the air, looking far away from the station. He tensed up and stared in the direction of Adari City, waiting for the two familiar figures to appear.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long before the retreating troops arrived.

Although the identity of the inexplicable golden elixir has not yet been revealed, the disciples who returned are not in good condition, and most of them are injured. After Su Ziyi received Bian Qing and Su Yulang, he learned that at the same time as the aura appeared, a large number of insects that far exceeded any previous number suddenly emerged from the ground, bursting out and hurting people, both in terms of quantity and lethality. The disciples who were patrolling the surrounding area were caught off guard.

At that time, Bian Qing and Su Yulang had already been rotated out, but they still inevitably suffered some injuries.

"Many disciples died." Both Bian Qing and Su Yulang looked ugly. Bian Qing plucked his fingers and took a breath before saying: "Those bugs are like crazy. They have no fear at all, no matter how many people are in front of them. The insects died in our hands, but they still rushed forward one by one, opened their mouths and turned towards us."

Hearing this, Su Ziyi's face instantly turned livid.

"If it hadn't been for the timely rescue of the three Jindan Daoists, I'm afraid more people would have been injured." Thinking of that scene, Bian Qing still has lingering fears. He felt that he would never forget the overwhelming number of insects in his life. The scene that came over me.

It's almost like the end of the world.

Su Ziyi carefully checked the physical conditions of Bian Qing and Su Yulang. After confirming that the two were only slightly injured and nothing serious, his face looked better and he told them to have a good rest before leaving the house. The matter of finding Elder Yao

came too suddenly, and many of them were not prepared, so losses were inevitable.

Therefore, as soon as he returned to Yaolu, Su Ziyi went to treat the injuries of the injured disciples before he had time to do anything else. However, even though he tried his best, some seriously injured disciples were unable to survive in the end.

The atmosphere in the entire medicine house was gloomy.

Just when Su Ziyi and the others were covered in blood and desperately trying to save the injured disciple, Zhu Lian and the others who rushed outside Adali City finally made a new discovery


However, this discovery was not discovered by themselves, but the other party took the initiative,


''Boom--Boom! "

Like steel soldiers walking, the sound of heavy steps came out from the deep pit one after another, and at the same time, they carried the sound of a large amount of gravel rolling down. These sounds became louder and louder. , getting clearer and denser, the secret hidden under the pit finally appeared in everyone's field of vision. It

was a nightmare spider.

A nightmare spider that was as big as one-third of a mountain.

It passed through It is pitch black, and its hairless carapace is as bright as fine iron. Every inch is a reflection of strength. Its eight clawed forelimbs are deeply pierced into the wall of the pit, and every time it moves, a large hole is formed at the bottom of the pit. And the dull echo spread to far away places through the air. Everywhere it passed was a field of potholes and falling gravel.

This was simply a terrifying killer.

The other party's body is like a hill, so the movement it brings when moving around is naturally not small. Before it climbed out of the pit, a piece of the forest house outside collapsed. When its forelimbs climbed up the edge and its upper body poked out, it immediately stepped down several feet from the edge of the pit.

"Buzz -"

At this moment, the aura of the nightmare spider suddenly shook, and two rows of more than a dozen dark eyes suddenly appeared from the opponent's back, spreading from the head to the tail, spinning around, looking at It looks extremely scary. At the same time, a golden elixir stage aura instantly burst out from the body, making everyone aware of its cultivation level - a seventh-level monster in the early golden elixir stage.

This is a bit tricky, but not too difficult.

I don't know if it was Zhu Lian's misunderstanding, but they always felt that although the Nightmare Spider made a huge noise, it always gave them the feeling that the other party was wounded inside and powerful on the outside. But as to whether it was true or not - they knew it when the nightmare spider crawled out of the bottom of the pit with its entire body, raised its head to the sky and hissed, and a large amount of white spider silk sprayed out from its mouth, and they came up with their knives.

There's definitely something wrong with this nightmare spider.

It really didn't show the strength it should have.

But even so, it was too strong. Even in the face of heavy siege by so many people, it still instantly killed two practitioners in the middle stage of foundation building.

The other party is very strong.

Su Ziyi and the others in the station also felt the fluctuations of the battle ahead, and any sound coming from there made them all feel nervous. Whether they were injured or not, they all prayed silently in their hearts that their side must win.

Although it is not complete, most people have absolute confidence in the three golden elixir masters.

The same is true for Su Ziyi.

The moment Zhu Lian and the others started fighting, Su Ziyi no longer stayed in the air, but returned to Yaolu to rescue the wounded with Elder Yao. He knew that no matter what the final result was, they would never be able to stop here, and a large number of disciples were still waiting for their help.

And the three golden elixir masters did not disappoint everyone's expectations.

One day later, after using eighteen kinds of martial arts, the three Jindan masters successfully killed the nightmare spider in the deep pit of Adali City.

When the opponent's body fell to the bottom of the pit full of spider silk with a "bang", a burst of cheers suddenly erupted from the surrounding area. This time, their losses were not big, they just took a little more time. This shows that they are still very powerful in dealing with the other party's conspiracy.

However, before their cheers were over, they could only hear the dull sound of "dong dong" coming from a distance.

Those were two more nightmare spiders.


Chapter 482 The Sect Master Arrives

These two nightmare spiders are even stronger than the previous ones.

They came all the way from the direction of Miao Dian, and the aura on their bodies made even mid-stage foundation-building practitioners feel a little suffocated. They were already the strength of eighth-level monsters.

Zhu Lian immediately told any mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivators to step back, and he also led other Foundation Establishment cultivators to guard the side. He licked his dry lips with dark eyes - it seemed like another hard battle was coming.

This time, it wasn't just the two nightmare spiders that came.

Zhu Lian and the others didn't notice it at first, but after waiting for a while, they discovered a team of cultivators not far behind the two nightmare spiders. They were all foundation-building cultivators, numbering fifty or sixty in number.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is a man wearing a white robe embroidered with gold thread.

This man looks a little different from the average Miao Dian people, and he also has some facial features of the Dai people between his eyebrows. The robes he wore were also different from the simplicity of the Miao Dian people. They were complicated and had several layers. They looked like ordinary elders in the sect, with their own style.

But the most eye-catching thing was his snow-white hair.

The long hair scattered behind her head is as white as snow. When mixed with the flying snow in the sky, no one can tell who is who, as if they have merged into one. His face was also cold and cold, without a trace of human fireworks. It just didn't have the mistiness of an immortal or the alienation of a Buddha. What he had was just a cold look.

Zhu Lian has felt this kind of temperament before.

It was on Su Ziyi who once had an explosion of Yin Qi.

Therefore, his eyes darkened instantly.

This man in white clothes and white hair was already at the early stage of Golden Core. Even though he had been very silent, after everyone was shocked by the two nightmare spiders, his presence suddenly became apparent, and everyone's attention was instantly focused on him. Concentrated on him.

Although his expression was calm, everyone felt a great threat from him.

"I'm afraid it's a bit tricky." Xia Zheng on the other side sent a message to Zhu Lian. The Mo Dao in his hand was ready to attack and was ready to go. Zhu Lian nodded, his eyes passing from the white-haired Jindan to the foundation building team behind him: "These two nightmare spiders and that man will be handed over to the three Jindan real people later, and we will deal with the others as soon as possible. ."

"Okay." Xia Zheng had no objection to this.

After making the decision, everyone no longer waited for the opponent to attack, but took the initiative to attack in formation. In an instant, the sound of shouting and killing resounded again in the wind and snow of Adali City, and the sound of swords clashing was heard in the air.

The smell of blood was intertwined with the smell of wind and snow.

Although it was very tricky, because they agreed with Zhu Lian's suggestion, the three Jindan masters targeted their respective opponents as soon as they entered the battle. Unexpectedly, they thought well, but the other party might not agree.

The thin, frail, white-haired man jumped from the flying sword to the top of a nightmare spider's head. The wind and snow made his robes rustle, and the large snowflakes confused people's eyes, and they could only see streaks of black getting closer and closer.

But the man didn't panic. He calmly touched it from inside his robe, and a dry yellow bamboo flute appeared in his hand. When he put it under his lips and blew it leisurely, a strange tune suddenly floated in the world, and it was

strange to capture everyone's attention in the blink of an eye.

The sound of this flute was not loud, but the moment it sounded, it drowned out all other sounds. The sound of the swords clashing was like two balls of cotton hitting each other, dull and silent. The howling of the wind and snow also stopped, and even the falling speed of the snowflakes slowed down. They turned into autumn leaves with their fierceness, shaking Floating toward the ground swayingly.

Everyone was in disbelief.

This weird situation only lasted for a moment, and everything returned to its original position the next second. The wind and snow continued to rage, and the sword continued to hurt. The only thing left was the surprise in people's hearts, which turned into a slow movement in the hand.

But fortunately, everyone has rich combat experience, and they changed immediately.

The flute sound continued, but this time the only ones who responded to the flute sound were the two nightmare spiders. The sound of the flute was heard getting louder and louder, and the auras on the two nightmare spiders were also rising steadily. In just a few breaths, they reached the late stage of the golden elixir! And it's very stable, without any feeling of emptiness.

The three Jindan masters felt their hearts sinking.

Although the three of them have been promoted to the Golden Core stage for a long time, they are all still in the early stages of the Golden Core. Not to mention fighting the Nightmare Spider one-on-one, it would be difficult enough for the three of them to fight against one person.

But looking at it, they have the highest strength on their side. So, what else can be done? I just had to bite the bullet.

In an instant, the entire battlefield rumbled.

The appearance of the two nightmare spiders also shocked the people stationed at the rear. Although they were not on the front line, they were increasingly worried, not because they knew that these two nightmare spiders had become stronger, but because in their opinion, it would have taken too much time for these three seniors to take down a nightmare spider before. One day and one night, and now, two?

A haze enveloped everyone's hearts.

Su Ziyi, who finally had time to rest after changing shifts, didn't know what was going on outside. At this moment, he is seizing the time to rest and recover his spiritual power. There are too many wounded this time, and the elixirs they prepared before are not enough. After he has rested, he will immediately devote himself to refining elixirs, so he will take advantage of the opportunity now. Just try to rest as much as possible.

Therefore, Su Ziyi had no idea that the battle situation in Adali City had changed drastically while he was resting.

"Amu." The atmosphere in the station was very tense. Although no enemy appeared in front of them now, there was no one. Everyone dares to relax, and everyone is on guard. There are people patrolling the station at any time, making the entire station look as solid as a barrel, allowing those things in the dark to be drilled seamlessly. Bian Qing and Su Yulang, who had already rested, also joined the patrol team.

"What's wrong?" Bian Qing asked calmly as people came and went.

"I think the situation is a bit bad. Am, do you think we should retreat?" Su Yulang hesitated to say this with a guilty conscience. He didn't want to say such depressing words, but why didn't he expect a few days to pass without any good news? They could only feel a few golden elixir stage auras being pushed toward them. Obviously, the people on their side were at a disadvantage, which really made him think a little too much.

There are not many people who think like Su Yulang.

It's just that everyone is a sect disciple. No matter which sect they are from, as long as the matter has not reached the end of the road, no one will smuggle themselves into the escape route. Because once they choose this path, no matter what the outcome of the final front line is, their outcome will not be good.

Therefore, in the end, everyone can only wait patiently.

But the atmosphere is getting more serious day by day.

The weather is getting worse.

As the war situation became more intense, the snowstorm in Adali City became more and more intense. What was even more amazing was that in such a blizzard, there was still thunder in the sky. Thunder and lightning struck the sky like green snakes, exploding directly into the battlefield.

Zhu Lian and the others found that these two nightmare spiders, whose aura had broken through to the late stage of the golden elixir, showed fear and shrinking emotions when facing these thunder and lightning. This immediately allowed them to seize the opportunity and reverse the situation of being suppressed and beaten by Miao Dian's side. It's just that the number of thunder and lightning is finally limited. Even if the nightmare spiders are naturally afraid of these thunder and lightning, they are still retreating steadily and suffering heavy losses.

If this continues, it will soon spread to the station.

Everyone was clearly aware of this fact and felt extremely heavy.

Things took a turn for the better five days after the battle began.

Whether on the front line or in the garrison, the atmosphere was almost tense. Wounded people were constantly being sent from the front line. Su Ziyi and the other alchemists never stopped. The entire camp was filled with the smell of blood and death, making people panic.

Just when everyone's mood was suppressed to the extreme, on this day, several powerful auras came from behind and arrived above the station in the blink of an eye.

After everyone panicked at the beginning, they discovered that the people who sent out these auras were all among them. The leader of the Xuan Cang Sect who left in a hurry last time also appeared among them. They immediately suppressed everyone's uneasiness and cheered loudly. got up.

No one knew whether they were the only ones here or whether there were others. Everyone only saw these Jindan Daoist people staying above the station for a moment, then disappeared in front of their eyes and headed straight ahead.

In the camp behind, calls rang out, and everyone who believed that this disaster was about to pass was almost overjoyed. Some of the more fragile ones burst into tears and jumped three feet high.

But -

sometimes things just go well as they think.

After the arrival of Xuan Cang Sect Master and the others, the situation on the battlefield was indeed changed in the blink of an eye. But soon the Miao Dian people also sent other golden elixirs again. Although no other nightmare spiders appeared this time, they were able to narrow the strength gap between them to the greatest extent.

Suddenly, the entire battle situation became deadlocked again.

Su Ziyi knew from the beginning that this matter would not end easily. After all, the Miao Dian people had been planning this matter for who knows how many years. If they were defeated so easily, where would the dignity of their ancestors go?

So, while others were restless, he made elixirs. While others were forcing him to patrol around, he made elixirs. In short, no matter what the situation is outside, he always remains calm and does what he should do.

Until this day, his consciousness caught a strange movement.
