Chapter 405 - 408

Chapter 405 Nightmare Garden

Because of the appearance of Yong Ren's corpse, Su Ziyi was extremely cautious along the way.

He must have found the right place, so this time following the direction of the torches along the road, Su Ziyi quickly found signs of human activity, and they were still very new.

This time, Su Ziyi's breathing became lighter.

Without the obstruction of the strong Yin Qi, his spiritual consciousness immediately found out the way ahead. This place is bigger than Su Ziyi thought. It is like a maze. The passage that Su Ziyi just walked out of is not the only one, but there are many. They appear every three miles or so, forming a circular shape. Su Ziyi is walking now. The road is guarded in the middle.

On the other side of the road, there is a smooth stone wall that is so long that there is no end in sight.

The color of the stone wall looked a bit strange. It was a blue-black color with some muddy yellow inside. At first, Su Ziyi thought it was caused by the light from the torch. Later, he found out that it was not, but that the stone wall was originally like this. color. He reached out and touched it, but didn't feel anything, so he put the matter aside for the time being.

When passing by other passages, he found that the passage was the same as the one he came from, full of yin energy and dense bones.

However, those corpses were missing.

That's not to say there weren't any at all, but compared to what Su Ziyi had seen before, what he saw at the entrances of the passages behind them were basically rotten or even just white bones, and the time of death could not be seen at all. And speaking of this, Su Ziyi found this a bit strange. He actually didn't see maggots or other scavenging animals or fungi along the way, even on those highly decomposed corpses.

This is a bit interesting.

Although this place was bigger than Su Ziyi thought, it was not ridiculously big. It took Su Ziyi almost half an hour for him to walk around completely and return to the place where the corpses were. beside. And along the way, his consciousness did not find a slightly different passage or any living person.

This doesn't make sense.

Su Ziyi thought as he looked at the fresh corpses in front of him.

The torch here seemed to be inexhaustible. Even though Su Ziyi had been away for so long, it was still as bright as if Su Ziyi had only left for a moment. Looking at the jumping red flames and the long shadow under his feet, Su Ziyi narrowed his eyes and stepped forward to touch the torch.

Then his little finger touched a bump, and he subconsciously pressed it.

"Boom -"

Suddenly, there was a sound of rocks moving behind Su Ziyi. He looked back and found that a stone wall half a foot high and three feet wide was slowly moving next to the body, making a loud noise as it rubbed against the ground. Without thinking, Su Ziyi dodged and entered the black passage next to him. He looked warily at the entrance of the passage exposed behind the stone wall, which was emitting bursts of orange light from the inside out. It was fire. color.

But until the stone wall on the opposite side closed again, no one or thing that Su Ziyi had imagined before appeared.

It seems that nothing is going on for the time being.

In order to prevent accidents, Su Ziyi did not go in from here, but turned around and started at the next passage. Sure enough, as he imagined, as long as there was a torch in front of the black passage, there must be a switch on it to open the door to the other side of the stone wall. The moment the stone wall moved, Su Ziyi dodged and rushed in. .

However, compared with the road behind the stone wall in front, this road is dark.

However, even if it was dark, Su Ziyi, who was already in the middle stage of foundation building, could barely see the path under his feet, which meant that the situation here was not as bad as the passage he had walked through before.

The road underfoot is very smooth, and there is no sound when walking on it. The air was also quiet. Apart from the slight sound of air movement and footsteps, there was no other sound. Such an environment would inevitably make people panic, but Su Ziyi had no intention of panicking because he found that the road was very fast. It's come to an end.

But this time, he finally heard human voices.

It was not the sound of people talking, but the busy footsteps of several people. They didn't know what they were doing. They kept wandering around in the same place and returned to the previous place. Repeating this way, it seemed that they were busy with something. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Su Ziyi did not release his consciousness, but carefully approached.

And when he reached the bright spot and was still about three feet away, he could see the situation in front of him at a glance.

Su Ziyi never expected that there would be a spiritual plant garden in front of him!

No, it is wrong to call it a spiritual plant garden, because there is only one kind of spiritual plant planted in it, and that is the nightmare flower that Su Ziyi once saw in the water realm. Looking at the nightmare flowers swaying under the firelight, Su Ziyi couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He still remembered the trouble this flower brought them.

Now, he saw it again.

There are not many nightmare flowers here, far less than those in the water area, but Su Ziyi does not dare to underestimate them at all, because judging from the size of the other plant and the more colorful flowers, the nightmare flowers are much older. It was much longer than what he had seen before. The longer the spiritual plant reaches adulthood, the better the effect will be.

Su Ziyi didn't know how long he could last if he fell into the trap of the Nightmare Flower again this time.

Listening to the footsteps that never stopped, Su Ziyi knew that these nightmare flowers were carefully served by these people, and he also had certain guesses about this group of people. As a result, he disappeared into the blind spot of his vision, and released his spiritual consciousness to poke out little by little, until his spiritual consciousness captured the four figures busy in the nightmare garden. Only then did he relax.

Fortunately, they are just practitioners in the Qi refining period.

These people are all Miao Dian people, but the clothes they wear are a little different from the group of Miao Dian people in the village. Specifically, the patterns on the clothes are more complicated. In the village, whether it is the elder Ge Tong or the ordinary little fat guy Ser, they all wear an ordinary black robe and a colorful hand-woven belt. They look really shabby. .

Although the first few are also wearing black robes, their collars and sleeves have some exquisite patterns embroidered with red and green thin threads, which look like totems. In addition, a lot of effort has also been put into the fabric, and one needs to look carefully to find the dark patterns on it.

It seems that this group of people is a little different from the people in the village.

Are they from different villages?

Combined with the customs and customs on the earth, Su Ziyi couldn't help but think this way.

With these four people here, it was a little difficult for Su Ziyi to go inside. Even if he had absolute strength and could subdue the four of them, he still didn't act rashly in order to avoid anything, so he continued to hide in the dark and watch. These people are busy.

These people are not loosening the soil of the Nightmare Flower or anything else, but they are holding a wooden box in one hand, holding something like a chopstick on the other hand, and pinching out a small ball about the size of a small fingernail from the box. The white stuff was buried under the roots of the nightmare flower. When Su Ziyi used his spiritual consciousness to explore, he couldn't help but take a breath of air, because the little white thing was the strange bug that formed a human form to deceive them.

Unexpectedly, this thing is actually related to Miao Dian.

Su Ziyi was still frightened when he thought about the few people who were fine one second and turned into a bunch of bugs the next second. At first, those bugs could no longer be found after that station. Even if they wanted to study them, they didn't have samples. In addition, Dai Guo didn't have many ancient records on bugs, so he still hasn't found them yet. Understand what these things are.

But now, seeing the cautious looks on some people's faces, it can be seen that these little white bugs are probably not that simple.

Thinking about it this way, the person who designed them in the first place may have been a bit unsophisticated.

There were only a limited number of white bugs in the box. After a short period of work, the wooden box was empty, and these people stood up and took the box away. However, they never said a word from beginning to end. Even when they were about to leave together, they didn't speak. They only communicated with their eyes. This made Su Ziyi feel even more weird.

After these people had left for a while, Su Ziyi came out of the darkness.

With the help of Silt, Su Ziyi doesn't have to worry about being caught out with his spiritual consciousness. Before he walked out, he carefully explored the place with his spiritual consciousness and made sure that there was nothing unusual before he stepped into this flat land.

This piece of land designated as the Nightmare Garden is not large. Su Ziyi compared it when he used his spiritual sense to explore it before. It is probably only the size of the small dilapidated house where he lives now. But in such a small area, there are so many nightmare flowers growing there that almost no one can smell the smell without specifically inhaling it.

Therefore, Su Ziyi knew it beforehand and used his spiritual power to form a spiritual shield in front of him to avoid being affected by the fragrance of flowers.

He did not step into the garden to see the white bugs that those people had buried just now, but turned to look in the direction where those people left. It was another long and narrow passage, but it was no longer so delicate and narrow. It was so curved that one could not see how long it was at a glance, and the surrounding cave walls were also bumpy. Compared to The path Su Ziyi had just walked was completely different.

And in this area, apart from the road he just walked, there is only this path that can be walked.

After looking at the road behind him, and then at the patch of nightmare flowers in front of him, Su Ziyi finally walked towards the path.

Chapter 406 Goodbye Qiao Yun

It was a long way out before the few people who had just been busy in the Nightmare Garden spoke.

The path is long and narrow, so there are no torches placed on the cave wall, and people only rely on groping forward. Therefore, after this, Su Ziyi, whose visual ability was not particularly affected, soon caught up with those people, followed them closely behind them.

In the darkness, I didn’t know who was the first person to speak.

But no matter which one it is, it doesn't matter, because Su Ziyi can't understand this obscure Miao Dian language at all, even if he spent half a year in the village.

Fortunately, these people didn't talk for long, and the narrow path suddenly became clear.

It's like walking through an alley and suddenly breaking into a bustling street. When you get here, not only are the lights as bright as day, but there are also suddenly more people. They were in groups of three or five, chatting together. Although some of them had high-pitched voices, spoke very fast, and looked extremely excited, the look on his face was not relaxed.

Or, it should be said, no one here has a good-looking face.

Because they were all Miao and Dian people and all spoke Miao and Dian dialects, Su Ziyi was like a deaf person and didn't hear anything this time. But he found among this group of people a dozen cultivators wearing black robes like those in the village. They all said something to the compatriots next to them with serious faces. Their raised eyebrows showed their mentality. It's not easy either.

Su Ziyi discovered that the number of cultivators in the village was actually the largest, but in this simple hall that was only half an acre in size, it was not them who had the right to speak, but a few people with a white crescent moon embroidered on their sleeves and collars. Miao Dian people. These Miao and Dian people were sitting on the protruding stone cut out from the bottom of the cave wall just like the others. Except for their different clothes, there was no difference in other places.

But for these few people, whenever they spoke, the others remained silent and looked at them with solemn expressions, obviously admiring and convinced them.

As soon as the Qi refining practitioners followed by Su Ziyi entered this simple hall, they quickly joined in the collective conversation.

Their conversation became more and more passionate. In addition to the fierce tone at the beginning, they even jumped in front of everyone and waved their limbs to express their emotions strongly. Others around them either frowned or shook their heads, and some people stepped forward. Arguing with that person in front of me made the whole hall look more like a noisy vegetable market.

This is definitely not the core area of ​​this maze-like place.

Looking at the group of Miao Dian Qi Refining Stage practitioners who were still noisy, Su Ziyi pinched his nose tiredly. There is more than one path in this hall, but because there are so many people sitting there, it is more difficult to move than in the Nightmare Garden before. Seeing time passing by little by little, but these people had no intention of leaving, Su Ziyi had a headache.

How about we do this temporarily for today?

And just when Su Ziyi was about to retreat, the hall that was so busy just now suddenly became as quiet as a pindrop. Su Ziyi was surprised, stopped what he was thinking, and continued to look over there. As a result, I found that everyone stood up and faced the same direction respectfully.

Su Ziyi's expression also became serious.

It was a road similar to the one where he was hiding now, but at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in that road, and Su Ziyi could infer that it was almost without using his consciousness - what was inside There are many people walking out, and the people inside have foundations, and there are more than just foundations.

In an instant, Su Ziyi's whole body tensed up.

His breathing slowed down, and he shrank into the darkness. He didn't even have the courage to think clearly and shrank to the intersection. Su Ziyi had already minimized his presence. Not long after he finished these things, the people walking on that road finally showed their heads, and the moment they were exposed to the light, Su Ziyi was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, I actually met a few acquaintances here.

It’s not surprising that Mr. Ge Dongzhai, whom I haven’t seen for a while, appears here. It’s also not surprising that the leader of the Tianyuan Sect, who has been involved with the Red Scarf Army, appears here. But - when he saw Elder Qiao Yun, who was still wearing the robe of the Xuan Cang Sect, and who was obviously thought to have died within the restriction by most people, and a small number of people knew that he was still alive, appeared here, Su Ziyi really couldn't react.


Qiao Yun?

How come she is here?

When Su Ziyi came out of confinement, he was surprised to learn that Qiao Yun, whom he thought was dead, was actually still alive. But after thinking about the other party's talent in weapon refining and his status in Xuan Cang Sect, it doesn't seem too difficult to survive.

As for why the sect leader appeared in the restricted area, but she did not take the initiative to come to him, or did not return to the Xuan Cang Sect's headquarters after leaving the restricted area. Su Ziyi selfishly believed that the other party also knew that she was using the Xuan Cang Sect's Qi refining period as bait to capture senior The black ghost is a bad thing, so Wu Yan returned to Xuan Cang Sect.

But now it seems that it is not what he thought at all.

Qiao Yun's condition is not good.

Her complexion was very bad, and her physical condition was also very bad. Her originally healthy body now really looked like a rag doll, with a large number of wounds all over her body, like patches, making her originally good face look very scary. But forget about the appearance. When Su Ziyi saw the other party limping and walking with his right foot obviously shorter than his left foot, he couldn't help but frowned.

This Qiao Yun looks a little too miserable.

The right ear and a small part of the hair on the right side of the head are missing, and the scapula of the right shoulder is also turned back. No matter how you look at it, it looks miserable. But Su Ziyi only sighed at the first moment and then started to question.

Something is wrong.

Although Qiao Yun's strength is not high, she is also a solid early-stage practitioner of foundation building. Even if she was seriously injured within the restriction, she could still escape from the Xuan Cang Sect even if she was seriously injured. The search was enough to prove that she still had some room left. So, after so long since the ban, why is the other party still so seriously injured? No signs of repair at all?

In just an instant, Su Ziyi listed in his mind a list of pills that could cure Qiao Yun's current injury.

Although these pills are not cheap, it is not impossible to get them with Qiao Yun's wealth. But now, the other party's appearance is not only completely ruined, but also physically disabled, and obviously no treatment has been done. So, why is this? Why doesn't Qiao Yun go for treatment? And why does Qiao Yun appear here?

In the territory of the Miao and Dian people, the Miao and Dian people naturally have the greatest say.

Just like the previous group of Qi-refining period practitioners who gathered in the hall, the person walking at the front of the group was still a man with a white crescent moon embroidered on his collar and cuffs. This man is also the strongest among the group of people - in the late stage of foundation building, almost as soon as he appeared, all the practitioners in the Qi refining stage became a little restless and couldn't help but want to raise their eyes to see each other, but they were hindered by The power on the opponent's body, so in the end, he had to itch all over his body and mind.

It seems that this person's status among the entire Miao and Dian people is somewhat unusual.

This man in the late stage of foundation building looks like he is only in his forties, with bronze skin and a good-natured and honest face, which is very deceptive. He said a few words in a dry voice, and instantly the whole Qi Refining Period became calm. However, the calm did not last long before he was broken again by himself.

He waved his hand, and countless small black dots bounced out from his sleeves like raindrops, falling straight into the palms of each Qi Refining stage.

When Su Ziyi, who was in the Qi refining stage and in the dark, saw this little black thing clearly, his heart was shocked. However, the Qi Refining Stagers were happy, but Su Ziyi was surprised, because he did not expect that the pills he had refined for Ge Tong before would appear in the hands of these Qi Refining Stages! And looking at the cheerful faces of these people during the Qi refining period, I guess these things are all good things.

This time, Su Ziyi's view of Ge Tong became a little different.

Before Su Ziyi could continue to think about it, the late-stage foundation builder suddenly waved his hand and said something, and immediately several people came forward with something in their hands. Su Ziyi took a closer look, feeling nauseated instantly, and looked at those people with smiles or expressions on their faces in disbelief.

It's a corpse.

They are all Yong people's corpses.

They were all corpses of Yong people who had not been dead long, whose blood had not yet thickened, and whose eyelids had not even been closed.

Su Ziyi didn't know how to evaluate these Yong people. Because the news he has seen since entering Adali City until now all shows that among the ordinary people at the lowest level, most people are looking forward to becoming Yong people and trying to use this kind of Miao Dian Magic changes their destiny. In order to achieve this goal, they even did not hesitate to collectively weave a big lie.

But now it seems that their choice was not the right one.

Regarding these Yong people who had taken refuge with them and died for unknown reasons, all the Miao and Dian people, the Red Scarf Army and Qiao Yun had no expressions on their faces, as if they were tired of seeing them. Those people left the corpses here and retreated to the back. Then, after the late-stage foundation-building man gave a few instructions to the Qi-refining stage men, they followed him and left through another road.

After these people left, the already excited Qi Refining Stagers couldn't contain their inner joy and started chatting with their companions next to them.

This time, there was a smile on my face.

Only a few Miao Dian people in the Qi refining stage who looked resigned sighed, took the elixir into their arms, walked to the corpses, lifted the corpses and carried them out of the hall.

And the direction they chose was the direction where Su Ziyi was.

Chapter 407 Deep Pit Stronghold

The people carrying the corpse were muttering to themselves, seemingly complaining.

Su Ziyi held his hands like claws, inserted his five fingers deeply into the rock wall, then stepped on a bump with the toes of both feet, tensed his body, and was firmly stuck on the top of the passage.

The rough stone wall was only a palm away from his face, and he could even clearly smell the muddy smell on it.

But the flavor is not strong.

Therefore, when he carried the corpse and passed below during these Qi Refining Periods, the strong smell of blood instantly filled his entire nasal cavity, and in addition, he also faintly smelled the smell of some medicinal pills. The taste of this elixir was different from the elixirs he usually took. Not only was it not fragrant, but it had a fishy and pungent smell.

Subconsciously, he frowned.

There's something familiar about this smell.

Although those Miao Dian people in the Qi refining stage were swearing, their footsteps were not slow. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared from sight, and after a while, they couldn't even hear the sound. At this point, Su Ziyi fell down from the top lightly, turned his head to look at the direction the group left for a while, and finally turned around and walked towards the hall.

At this moment, there were far fewer people in the hall.

Originally, when the pills were distributed to these Qi refining stages in the later stage of foundation building, this group of people was already restless. Now, the senior they longed for has left, and they have nothing else to do, so naturally they have no intention of staying here anymore. Even the extremely hot topics they talked about before can no longer attract them.

In short, by the time Su Ziyi walked slowly to the entrance of the hall, there were only a few people left.

The entire hall is connected to four exits, the one where Su Ziyi is standing, and the two roads that Qiao Yun and his group followed when they came and left. I don’t know where the last one leads, but it seems that these Miao and Dian people in the Qi Refining Stage are all Go over there, it should be a resting place. So, hidden in the darkness, Su Ziyi thought he knew where to go.

He followed the last disciple.

This man is about the same age as Ajiu, but he is only at the fourth level of Qi Refining. However, he has a face that is built up, and he looks domineering. Whether it is the tall eyes or the tight thin lips, every detail on his face is... This is evidence that this person is arrogant and arrogant. Perhaps because of his face, or because of his own personality, he was not welcomed by others and was left alone at the back.

Not far in front of this man, there were three young people walking and talking. They were immersed in their conversations, as if they had no idea there was someone behind them.

For this reason, Su Ziyi used his spiritual sense to take a closer look at this proud-looking young man.

There were more people walking, and the road became wider and smoother. Not long after following these people, Su Ziyi heard a noise coming from the front.

It seems that we have arrived at the right place.

This is a deep pit with a height of six to seven feet, but it is only the underground part, and the rock wall upwards has also been dug to a height of three to four feet. And in this super pit, which is nearly ten feet high and not wide, a large number of caves have been dug out from top to bottom. They are next to each other and neatly arranged in circles against the rock wall. Look. It looks quite spectacular.

The entire deep pit is in the shape of a funnel, larger at the top and smaller at the bottom, but even so, there are nearly a hundred caves.

These caves are obviously where these disciples rest during the Qi refining period.

The man followed by Su Ziyi had already walked down the stairs built on the rock wall, but until the top of his head disappeared from Su Ziyi's sight, Su Ziyi had been hiding in the shadows and never came out.

The reason why he behaves like this is because there is a lot of excitement here.

Looking at the past, there were six roads like the one he was standing on. I don't know where the other five roads lead, but at this moment, there are many people filing out of each road, either climbing up or walking down to find their own place to stay. Coupled with the bonfires and torches set up everywhere, the place was very bright and lively, which was not suitable for Su Ziyi to go out now.

From this, he waited patiently.

Having seen so many caves before, Su Ziyi would still wonder if some of them were empty. But after watching it for a while, I found that more and more people were coming back here, and I realized that there would definitely not be a shortage of people, and maybe there were not even enough caves. Su Ziyi felt extremely solemn when he thought that Miao Dian actually sent so many people here who didn't know what to do.

But fortunately, the people here are all in the Qi Refining Stage, and those in the Foundation Establishment Stage don't seem to live here.

When the flow of people diminished a little, Su Ziyi ducked into the pit. Relying on the exploration of his spiritual consciousness, he accurately found a cave that was still empty for the time being and hid in it, and then used it as a base to observe the surrounding situation. Of course, this does not mean that no one lives in this cave, but that the owner of the cave has not returned yet.

The cave is not big, only about two feet deep and one foot wide.

At the same time, it was also very simple. There was only a foot-long mud bed in the innermost part, and there wasn't even a door. So as soon as Su Ziyi came in, he hid in the innermost shadow and frowned when he saw the owner of the cave throwing away a bed of things in a mess. .

This really doesn't look like the residence of a long-time resident.

Hiding in the cave, using his spiritual consciousness, Su Ziyi could "see" the entire situation in the pit clearly. At this moment, most people were sitting cross-legged and meditating after taking the elixir. Only a small number of people were still busy with some chores. Just by looking at the chores they were busy with, Su Ziyi got a lot of information.

Some people were covered in blood, their clothes were still stained with uncoagulated blood, and they were playing with some elixirs or spiritual herbs in their hands; while some people were buried under the dim oil lamp, rubbing a ball of black stuff into pieces with their hands. Pea-sized meatballs, and then carefully put them in the wooden box aside... In short, there are all kinds of things.

But among them, the one that aroused Su Ziyi's curiosity the most was the young man in the Qi refining stage that he had followed before.

As soon as this man returned to the cave, his expression completely changed. He was no longer the cold and arrogant look in front of outsiders, but his facial features instantly softened, and he walked deeper into the cave with a smile on his lips. And this young man's cave is completely different from the one Su Ziyi is in. Although the layout is the same, there are some boxes and cabinets neatly placed inside, and there are even thick brown mats and mattresses on the bed. The quilt looks very soft.

As soon as he got into bed, he didn't turn on the light. He took out a bamboo tube from a box beside the bed in the dark, and then with a "pop" sound, he pulled open the stopper on the bamboo tube.

Suddenly, only a thin rustling sound was heard.

Su Ziyi couldn't hear such a small sound. He only saw that the moment the bamboo tube was pulled open, an extremely intoxicated expression appeared on the young man's face, a blush appeared on his cheeks, and even some words came out from his mouth. He groaned for a while, looking very weird. The moment the bamboo tube was opened, the young man stuffed his right middle finger into the bamboo tube, and then saw a black flash covering his entire hand.

Su Ziyi, who was looking at him, narrowed his pupils and was a little surprised to find that the black color was clearly a group of insects as thin as rice grains!

insect? !

Although the Miao Dian people had long been known to be good at controlling insects, this was the first time he had seen someone come into such close contact with insects. Su Ziyi didn't know what kind of bugs these black bugs were, but just seeing that the young man was willing to give the pill given to him in the later stage of foundation building to these small bugs, he knew that for this young man, These little bugs are very important.

This also made Su Ziyi a little interested in these insects.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he turned his attention to the messy bed behind him.

Although the place is messy, since there are people living there, the other party should have left some things behind, such as things related to their Miao Dian.

Thinking of this, Su Ziyi took action directly.

Although there were a lot of things, it was quite easy to find what he wanted. It didn't take long for Su Ziyi to find an old yellow book from under a dark pillow that had a hairy cover. This old book was written in Miao and Yunnan script, so Su Ziyi couldn't understand it, but even so, he read it from beginning to end, focusing on memorizing the patterns drawn on it.

Although the owner of this book is slovenly, he still studies very seriously. The book is full of marks he made with his pen. Although he still can't understand it, based on the number of marks, Su Ziyi is very familiar with the contents of the book. The recorded importance levels of these insects are vaguely known.

When he had finished reading the book, suddenly there was a noise outside.

First, a short man with blood all over his body ran out of a passage. The man yelled as he ran, and his anxious voice echoed in the silent pit, waking up most of the people at once. And these people who were awakened didn't have time to worry, so they rushed out and surrounded the short man.

Before anyone else could ask, the short man started chattering excitedly. After hearing what he said, the faces of the others also became nervous and angry. But before they even opened their mouths to say anything, someone already He ran towards the passage where the short man came from, and the others followed him.

The news brought by the short man spread throughout the entire pit in an instant. Even those who did not rush around immediately soon learned that something terrible had happened after being informed by others. So, one by one they left, and the pit, which had not been lively for long, suddenly became empty again.

After these people left, Su Ziyi followed them curiously.

Chapter 408 Little Corpse

This passage is not the one when Su Ziyi came.

This road is wider and flatter, and there is even a stove set up on the rock wall every other section along the road, so Su Ziyi must always be vigilant about not being discovered. After all, wherever there is light, his shadow can be illuminated.

Su Ziyi didn't follow him for too long before he arrived at the place.

This place is really like a maze. Along the way, I encountered several forks in the road, and I don't know where it leads. If Su Ziyi hadn't always used his spiritual consciousness to lock onto the person in front of him, he would probably have had a headache when encountering such a situation. Before reaching the destination, Su Ziyi restrained his speed and consciousness, and deliberately searched for a dark place to go, because————

there was the aura of foundation building in front of him.

"Ah -" From a distance, Su Ziyi heard roars and scoldings from the Miao Dian people. When he got closer, he smelled a strong smell of blood coming from the front. He paused and slowly moved forward, finally reaching the end of the road after half a cup of tea.

The bloody aura was almost solid and rushed towards Su Ziyi's face.

Before he could look forward, Su Ziyi felt extremely nauseous, his stomach was churning, and he almost vomited due to the smell of blood. And among the blood, a smell that he had felt familiar before was finally verified and identified by him - it was the smell of the main medicine, and more importantly, the most important smells in the main medicine. The flavor of the recipe.

During this period of time, Su Ziyi's understanding of the main medicine became deeper and deeper. Except for some that he had never seen before, he had basically recognized all the others.

Judging from the ones that have been recognized, some of them are very common, some are very precious, but overall, most of them are not very valuable, and they are the kind of spiritual grass that can be planted on a large scale. These spiritual herbs are also used in other elixirs, but they are mainly used as neutralizers. One or two types are enough.

But the neutralizing agent spirit grass in this compound main medicine contains twelve flavors.

Anyone who knows something about alchemy will know what this means. When Su Ziyi listed these spiritual herbs, he was shocked. He was quite unbelievable. After confirming several times, he was convinced that he was really not mistaken. The main medicine given to him by Ge Tong was There really are as many as twelve flavors of neutralizing herbs in it.

And now, the smell he smelled was the smell of the remaining ingredients in the main medicine, except for the neutralizer.

One of these remaining materials played a vital role, and Su Ziyi still has no clue. But at this moment, standing here, with the thick fishy smell filling his nose, Su Ziyi vaguely felt that he would find the answer today. Therefore, with the support of this mentality, he quietly disappeared into a shadow, and then he let go of his consciousness to see.

However, after just one glance, the contents of his stomach immediately surged up. If he hadn't covered his mouth in time and clenched his teeth, he would have vomited it out.

But even so, his palms were still wet.

Su Ziyi thought that the so-called Shura hell on earth should be nothing more than this.

This is a depression that is more than twice the size of the deep pit Su Ziyi saw before.

Although the place is large, it is packed inside. In the middle is a rectangular groove, with blood-red liquid rolling inside. It looks like blood, but it is redder than blood. At this moment, the groove was smashed into pieces by a huge black iron cage. Blood-red liquid flowed along the gap and spread to the spiritual grass and corpses scattered on the ground.

This corpse is that of a monster.

However, even though they were the corpses of monster beasts, they still made Su Ziyi extremely sick at the moment, so the corpses of these monster beasts were now covered with insects of all sizes. These insects penetrated directly into the body of the monster beast, as if treating the body as a piece of cultivated land, plunging into it with one end, constantly biting its texture, and then emerged from the other end, making the corpse of a monster beast look like it had been It's like being late.

These monster corpses should have been placed in the black iron cage before. However, due to an inexplicable accident, the black iron cage fell and was slightly deformed. The bottom was divided into two parts from the middle, causing the monster corpses inside to float in the air. When it was turned over, it fell to the ground, leaving only one or two trapped inside the cage by the bars of the iron cage, crawling with insects of all sizes.

There were nearly twenty corpses of monsters, so looking at them like this, it was very disgusting.

Some of these bugs look like millipedes, and some look like spiders. In short, as long as you can think of it, there seems to be everything here, and they are still coming in a steady stream, constantly crawling from the periphery towards the groove in the middle.

I have to mention the topography of this place here.

They should also know that except for formations, other means cannot contain these large and small bugs, so these Miao Dian people simply opened the entire depression upwards and only placed some large stones on the ground of the depression. There is nothing else. However, the ground and stones have also become pitted due to the constant erosion of these insects, making people reluctant to step down just by looking at them.

Su Ziyi even saw several fluffy mud nests like super large honeycombs on the upward slope of the depression. At this moment, a large number of ants were crawling out of them.

Most of the ants were crawling down. Like other insects, they climbed onto the bodies of the monster beasts, and then crawled into the pool of dark red liquid. They used their bodies to form a rag, and gradually wiped the red color from the ground. Erase. But after wiping it away, what was left was not a clean ground, but another darkness.

Faced with all this, all the Miao and Dian people around them went a little crazy.

Su Ziyi had noticed a foundation-building cultivator here before, so after casually glancing at the situation on the ground, his attention was fixed on the foundation-building cultivator.

This is also a Miao Dian man. At this moment, he has rushed into the depression and rushed towards the middle like those insects. However, before he could get closer, a huge and hard spider leg appeared in front of him. The black shell with white hair directly blocked his way, completely isolating him from the middle.

Su Ziyi was slightly surprised because this was actually a nightmare spider.

However, this nightmare spider was obviously stronger than the one Su Ziyi saw in the water. Because he was worried about being noticed by the other party, Su Ziyi did not dare to detect it too much with his spiritual sense, but even by watching from a distance, Su Ziyi could feel the aura of at least a fifth-level monster from the nightmare spider.

The foundation-building cultivator opposite him was only in the early stages of foundation-building.

Now things look a little better.

He probably knew that he had little chance of winning against the Nightmare Spider, so he didn't dare to fight head-on. He could only fight with the Nightmare Spider while yelling at others to rush forward. However, although the nightmare spider was entangled by him, other monsters and insects also stood up. They rushed forward one by one without fear of death, and fought with those Qi refining practitioners, killing them to the death. .

In an instant, the entire depression was filled with screams of killing, and the smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing the Miao Dian people fighting with the insects he raised by himself, Su Ziyi did not feel happy because he saw two more iron cages on the top platform of the depression. These two iron-colored iron cages were intact, but the only difference from the one in the depression was that they contained humans instead of monsters.

One cage contains live people, and one cage contains dead people.

None of the people in the cage were Miao Dian people. The clothes they were wearing were all worn by Dai people, so it was easy to know their identities without any effort. At this time, these people watched everything in front of them numbly, watching the Miao Dian people and those insects strangled together, killing each other, with no fluctuation in the expressions on their faces.

Only the occasional flash of light in his eyes contained a hint of pleasure.

The living people have given up struggling, but the dead people refuse to rest in peace.

Most of the people in that cage of corpses had their eyes open, and the last expressions left in this world were full of dissatisfaction and resentment. Their corpses were well preserved. No one was damaged, and no one was bleeding or injured. They were just clean and neatly dressed. They were huddled together like soft rice cakes without bones. In a cage, just gone.

How did they die?

Su Ziyi didn't know the answer, but looking at the cage with living people, he probably knew how these people died.

Looking at all this, Su Ziyi couldn't help but think of Qixia Town that winter.

At that time, those people were also like this.

However, at that time, he was still kind to those in Qixia Town, but he felt that the world was unfair and did not give everyone the same start in life. But now, when he looked at these Dai people whose clothes had obvious characteristics of Dai's border, he couldn't feel the slightest emotion in his heart.

When anyone betrays anything, the first thing he betrays is himself.

These two iron cages were placed at the highest point of the entire depression, and there was a broken iron rope hanging on top of the iron cage. It seems that the iron rope should have passed through the entire depression and connected to the opposite side. And the iron cage that fell down probably became what it is now because the iron rope was broken.

At this time, the bright red liquid in the middle rectangular groove finally almost reached the gap plane.

And here, it seemed to have reached the level of a groove, so everything at the bottom was directly exposed, which was a large number of incompletely digested spiritual herbs and corpses. But the most eye-catching thing is the little corpse in the middle.
