Chapter 577 - 578

Chapter 577 The formation-breaking stone

Zhihuai smiled.

The young man is so enlightened, how can he let him down?

Taking Su Ziyi's hint, Zhihuai said directly: "I see that you have become so familiar with the team leader just now. You must have had other purposes for staying in the village before, right? The destruction of the village must have something to do with you." The young man because of these words There was a moment of panic, but fortunately the next second Zhihuai said: "Don't worry, we will not hold you responsible, and we are not interested in revenge or anything. After all, this matter has nothing to do with us in the first place. However, there are still some things that need to be clarified."

He raised his chin towards the young man and signaled: "Let them step aside first, we have something to ask you."

The young man hesitated for a moment, But after seeing the non-negotiable attitude of Su Ziyi and the others, as well as the person being held in Zhihuai's hand, he finally gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement: "Okay!" With that, he let the soldiers retreat. When those soldiers came over, they not only failed to show off their power, but even asked for a beating. They hated the young man, Su Ziyi and the others, but because they couldn't deal with Su Ziyi's strength, they could only leave holding their chests in frustration.

When they were far away, Su Ziyi and Zhihuai, who had better hearing, could still hear their cursing.

"Just ask." The soldier left, and the young man realized that he had no other choice, so his expression became calm. And Su Ziyi and the others were not lying to him, so after Su Ziyi transmitted the question to Zhihuai, Zhihuai started to ask: "Who is this person?" He weighed the people in his hands and asked. .

Now, the young man looked at them suspiciously: "Don't you know who he is? Don't you know he is a cultivator? You don't know and you dare to run with him?" There was obvious disbelief in his tone.

"Of course we know." The other party did not answer directly, but said something irrelevant, which made Zhihuai's face not so good-looking.

"Oh, that's good..." the young man said dryly. He had never dealt with Zhihuai before, but judging from his appearance, Zhihuai was definitely easier to deal with than Su Ziyi. But now he found that he was wrong. This person's attitude was not as good as Su Ziyi's. At least he would not take advantage of Su Ziyi's attitude. There was a sense of superiority in his expression. However, no matter how dissatisfied he was with Zhihuai's attitude, after he realized that Zhihuai was not easy to mess with, he immediately explained his origins clearly.

The foundation-building cultivator in Zhihuai's hands is named Xue Ning, a cultivator from Sanqing Mountain in Luomen County.

As soon as Su Ziyi opened his mouth, he noticed that Shuang'er beside him had an irritated expression on his face. He kept stepping on the ground with his feet and pursed his lips tightly. Cui Yishan, on the other hand, adhered to the principle of doing less than doing more, and refused to get involved in Su Ziyi's affairs. Therefore, he took a few children to rest nearby from the beginning, but sometimes he would still turn his eyes this way. Take a few glances.

Both of these people have something hidden in their hearts.

The young man didn't know what Xue Ning's position was in Sanqing Mountain. He only knew that this man had taken over all the major and minor matters in the eastern part of Luomen County connecting to Qin State since five years ago. This area had been abandoned by cultivators because it had become increasingly barren over the years, so when a person like this came to take over, everyone who lived here was shocked.

The same goes for the boy and his family.

Their family has lived in the eastern part of Lomon County for generations, and none of their ancestors has ever left that land. But since Luomen County began to target the Qin State, the cultivators who were unable to enter the Qin State's territory to fight began to extort exorbitant taxes, bringing even greater disasters to the people who were already living in poverty. The boy lost two brothers because of these wars.

But at that time, he was still young and had a very difficult time in these troubled times, so he didn't have much energy to think about the topic of hatred.

But -

the Qin State and the Diyue State have been fighting for so long, and no one can do anything to the other, and no one can completely destroy the other side. On the contrary, it will only intensify the consumption of both sides. Especially for cultivators, the years of war have led to a sharp decline in the population, the output of spiritual grass and spiritual stones has been greatly reduced, and spiritual funerals occur from time to time, and the frequency is getting higher and higher, making it increasingly difficult for them to support Went down.

Therefore, a few years ago, the two sides began to cease war one after another. Even if there were occasional small frictions, there would not be any major disputes.

The cultivators from the Diyue Kingdom had a very good idea and decided to surround the people of the Qin Kingdom and directly trap them to death. Even if they are trapped, a country that has been unable to communicate with the outside world for a long time will only become more and more degenerate and worse. By then, they may be able to take back Qin's land without any effort.

As a result, the boy finally lived a peaceful life for a short period of time after experiencing a miserable childhood.

The area where Qin State intersects with Luomen County was severely damaged, and all kinds of output were very low. Therefore, after the war, the boy's parents always thought that the cultivators would give up there and give them a barren life there. Opportunities to rest and recuperate on land. Unexpectedly, Xue Ning came not long after.

In everyone's heart, Xue Ning is a devil.

"Since you can bring him here, you must also know what this person has done, right?" As the young man spoke, he looked directly at Su Ziyi. Although his tone was calm, it was inexplicably a little disturbing. Leng: "Those people were not the first batch. Before them, there were countless people who were buried at the bottom of the lake under the suppression of him and his minions. They died with their eyes open!" His voice suddenly rose to a broken voice, and red appeared in his eyes.

"This is how my parents died."

After saying this, the young man did not speak for a while, until his mood calmed down a little: "I don't know what is in that lake, I only know that this person comes every other day." Three months will bring a group of people to that mountain, and then none of those people will be able to come back." Three months... was Su Ziyi's mental preparation beforehand, and he did not expect that the frequency of blood sacrifices would be held by the other party. This Li... It's no wonder that the bloody humanoid is so powerful despite being so small.

Because of the incident between his parents, there was a blood feud between the boy and Xue Ning.

Xue Ning is also particular about selecting people. Those who are young like teenagers or those who are weak will basically not choose. Among adults, there will only be those who listen to them and regard their orders as gods - such as those in the hut village. Although the reason why those villagers were bewitched was the mind-bending grass, the bigger reason was themselves.

They no longer believe in anyone, they do not believe in their own ability to get out of the predicament, and they do not believe that the Qin State, which is only a few dozen miles away from them, can rescue them.

Therefore, day after day, year after year, the mark of slavery is etched deeper and deeper on their bodies.

But even if they completely obey the orders of the people above and love their master more than anyone else, they will still inevitably die in the end. Red Sun Grass was added to everyone's spiritual food in order to activate their bloodlines and make them vigorous enough to meet Xue Ning's requirements. Finally, they were all sent to the mountain like the disobedient sacrifices.

Hearing this, Zhihuai fell silent.

What's on that mountain? Xue Ning held a blood sacrifice on that mountain, and what benefits did she get from the lake?

The boy didn't know the answers to these questions. He only knew that the mountain had been heavily guarded by cultivators from the past, but there had never been such horrifying things as they are now - it might have always been there, but he didn't know it. But no matter what, the lake on the mountain has swallowed up more than one or two lives over the years.

"What about Bai Suiyi?"

"He was with you before, right? Where are the others?" Zhihuai carried someone in one hand and put his hands on his hips, asking in a casual tone: "My brother saw him at your place a few days ago, why is he missing now?"

Seeing that the young man was about to speak before he finished speaking, Zhihuai hurriedly said: "You should think about it before you answer." His expression that was half-smiling but not smiling immediately choked the young man.

The two looked at each other for a while, and finally the boy took a step back.

"If there is no accident, then he should be dead." As he spoke, the expression on his face was cold, and the coldness in his eyes could almost force a person to retreat.

"What if there is no accident?" Zhihuai chewed these words in her mouth. He knew Bai Suiyi and had met him several times. Although they didn't have many interactions with him, he also knew that he was very skilled and it would take some means to kill him.

However, if it is a practitioner who takes action, it is not that difficult.

Just when he was thinking about how to continue asking, Su Ziyi, who had been standing next to him silently, took a step forward and spread his hands towards the young man. His unexpected movement attracted Zhihuai to look over, and then he saw the face of the young man opposite changed drastically when he saw what was in Su Ziyi's hand: "Why is the Formation Breaking Stone in your hand?!" What


Formation breaking stone?

What the hell is that?

Zhihuai was confused. He looked closely and saw a fist-sized cone-shaped stone in Su Ziyi's hand. It was full of pits. If it hadn't been for the blood stains on one side, this unattractive stone would have been thrown to the ground. I'm afraid no one even took a look. But now judging from the words from the young man's mouth, this stone is of great use.

Su Ziyi didn't answer, just looked directly at the other person, but even so, the young man who had recovered from his illness felt a sense of oppression.

"There's nothing I can do." The young man held his head and murmured in pain: "I don't want to send him to death, but if we want to completely break the formation on that mountain, we can only use the formation-breaking stone. And The only ones who can bring the Formation Breaking Stone in are the ones chosen as sacrifices, but the others were all fooled by the cultivators' methods and couldn't possibly cooperate with our actions, so I had no choice but to look for him. ."

Chapter 578 True and False

How much truth is there in this young man's mouth? How many lies are there?

Looking at the regretful young man, Su Ziyi thought.

He didn't care how many loopholes there were in what the other party said. As long as it was correct in general, the misleading details didn't matter. After all, there were only a few issues he originally wanted to know.

So, how did the young man encourage Bai Suiyi to go back and die again even though he escaped? He doesn't care.

What he wants to know is what the use of this formation-breaking stone is.

Besides, Su Ziyi, who had watched the whole process over and over, could guess why Bai Suiyi did what he did. People in the entire Baijia Village were dying and being arrested, and he, the leader, had lost his meaning. Moreover, his wife was captured and completely controlled by the cultivator with potions. For a man who had nothing and was unable to take revenge, it was not too difficult to instigate him.

From this, he directly asked Zhihuai to ask the young man about breaking the formation stone.

Seeing that Su Ziyi and the others did not care about Bai Suiyi's death, the young man was relieved at first, but then became suspicious. Obviously their relationship with Bai Suiyi was pretty good, so why did the expression on their faces not change when they heard that Bai Suiyi's death was still related to him? Are their hearts made of iron?

Looking up again, the young man was sure that he didn't see anger in Su Ziyi's eyes, and he felt more doubts in his heart.

"I don't know what the formation-breaking stone is." The young man said very frankly: "This is what the people above gave me. I was told that as long as the practitioners take this thing away on the day when those people take it away, Throwing it into that lake will cause unexpected consequences. As for what kind of consequences, I don't know." "

Originally, I planned to go by myself." At the end, the young man added, but it's a pity that now No matter what he said, his credibility with Su Ziyi and the others was extremely low.

Since this young man doesn't know what the Formation Breaking Stone is, then someone must know.

For example, Captain Qi.

Zhihuai exchanged glances with Su Ziyi and said, "Isn't it true that you and Captain Qi didn't tell the truth before?" The topic suddenly turned to an unrelated person, and there was a moment of confusion on the young man's face. But then he immediately realized what was going on, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the eyes he looked at Su Ziyi and the others became very unkind. He pursed his lips and lowered his voice and said, "You want to regret it?" "Repent

? No." Although she has a arrogant attitude towards ordinary people, Zhihuai is not someone who likes to go back on her word: "It's just that there are some things that I want to understand." "This Xue Ning is a foundation-building practitioner." "Even if he is half dead


, but as long as he still has breath, then he has value. Especially for a person with power like Captain Qi, the value is not low. As long as this person is delivered to Captain Qi, I will Brother, I'm afraid I can get a lot of rewards." Sure enough, Zhihuai's words made the face of the boy opposite him change sharply, and he scolded: "No! You promised to give the person to me first!" Look, you know it yourself. "Zhihuai raised the corners of her mouth and looked at the young man with ridicule, which made the young man instantly feel better. "We don't care whether there is a

blood feud between you and Xue Ning, or what you want to do with him, we just want him to The things inside can be exchanged for things of matching value. "At this moment, in his mouth, Xue Ning has become a piece of goods. As long as the other party offers a suitable price, they can sell it. As for negotiating with Captain Qi? Zhihuai and Su Ziyi are afraid of trouble. It's one thing to have one thing left.

The young man's face improved slightly after he understood, but his tone was still a bit bad: "Then what do you want? "

We are new here. We don't know much about Qin, and there are old people and children. What do you think we want?" "The young man is too cunning. Zhihuai and Su Ziyi are not going to talk to each other anymore, for fear that they will be self-defeating. But after hearing Zhihuai's words, the young man immediately understood their request, and a trace of contempt suddenly appeared in his eyes. : “If you just want to settle down in Qin and live a good life, it’s not difficult. "

"Oh?" It seems that this young man has more power than Su Ziyi and the others thought.

The young man did not reveal his details, but simply told them about the situation in the Qin State.

All the power in the Qin State was indeed controlled by ordinary people. People are in their hands, and because they have been oppressed by cultivators for a long time, their resistance to cultivators has reached a peak, so there is no big chaos within them, and they are basically orderly. Among them, currently in Qin The three main forces are the Qin Royal Family, Black Flag Mountain and the Red Scarf Army.

Red Scarf Army?!

When Su Ziyi heard the word Red Scarf Army, his whole body trembled, full of disbelief.

It was the one he knew The Red Scarf Army?

The Qin royal family was the first force to establish power in the Qin Dynasty. It was originally an ordinary rebel army, but because it took the first place, it became the largest force in the Qin Dynasty at that time, controlling Controlling the entire Qin State. But after all, such a force had little foundation. When the population of the Qin State began to grow and things began to become complicated, they became powerless, so the Black Flag Mountain and the Red Scarf Army appeared. Black Flag Mountain

is Over the years, when the Qin State was at war with the Di Yue State, those soldiers from the Di Yue State who entered the Qin State to fight and eventually defected were based in the base areas. Although their lives were not very prosperous, because they had rich experience in combat, they became the base of the Qin State. It has a place in the country.

As for the Red Scarf Army,

it is an external force.

No one can tell where it comes from. They only know that when most people hear its name, it has grown to be as powerful as the Neng

Qin royal family. There are Black Flag Mountains on par with them. And the Red Scarf Army is not like those two guys who only know "brute force". They know business, farming, knowledge, and religion... In short, they are in Qin's country. A complete set of order has been established so that everyone can effectively resist foreign enemies and live and work in peace and contentment under this set of rules. Because of this, the Red Scarf Army has a very high prestige

among the people of Qin, and it is about to Beyond the Qin royal family, there is Black Flag Mountain.

The Captain Qi that Su Ziyi and the others met before was also from the Red Scarf Army.

The small town not far from them was also the station of the Red Scarf Army. Near this place, Although it is not suitable for farming, it is still a good gold mining area for those who dare to fight. Therefore, the small town called "Sangang City" has some strong and arrogant men wandering around all year round. . When

the Red Scarf Army is in need, they can temporarily join the army to help the army resist foreign enemies.

At normal times, they will follow the wind and rush into Diyue's country to plunder as they did yesterday. In their view, Although there is only such a short distance, those ordinary people are not willing to come to them, which shows that they do not have the same heart at all, so they are not soft-hearted at all when they snatch them. Although the young man had no idea of ​​joining the Red Scarf Army, because of his performance Excellent,

so he has accumulated some assets and certain connections in Sangang City.

Now for the foundation-building cultivator Su Ziyi and the others have, he decided to exchange most of his net worth.

In this regard, he He didn't feel bad at all, because he knew that he could get more by relying on this foundation-building practitioner.

Under the leadership of the young man, Su Ziyi and the others entered Sangang City smoothly. Sangang City is not big, and there is nothing prosperous about it. The houses are either mud houses or wooden houses, which look very simple. Because Post: is adjacent to Luomen County, shirtless men can be seen everywhere on the streets here. They are strong and full of blood, and they are not easy to mess with at first glance.

When passing by a wooden house, the young man shouted at the top of his lungs and shouted inside. After a while, a thin man ran out of it. When the man saw the young man, his eyes immediately lit up. He rubbed his hands and came over to please him. He said: "Boss." The young man nodded, and then introduced this person to Su Ziyi and the others: "This is Asu. He is very clear about the affairs of Sangang City and Qin State. 99 Su Ziyi nodded, knowing why the young


He wanted to introduce this person to them.

Next, after walking through two more alleys, the young man took Su Ziyi and the others to an adobe house, opened the door and welcomed them in: "This is my house. It's a bit simple. Please, please Be patient. "

Su Ziyi and the others have experienced so many things along the way, so naturally they don't think much of the house in front of them. After following the young man in, they found a place to sit down casually, while Asu stayed at the door obediently. Outside, it seemed as if he was watching out for them. After a while, the young man came from the inner room with a black cloth bag. Inside the black cloth bag were some silver coins. These silver coins were all printed with unique patterns


It is obviously a currency that only exists in the Qin State. Although I don't know how much these silver coins are worth, seeing the pained look on the young man's face, I know that these silver coins are definitely not small. Su Ziyi took the silver coins and asked Zhihuai to take the people. He handed it over to the other party, and the young man breathed a sigh of relief after he got it.

Seeing him like this, Zhihuai asked a little boredly: "The way he is now is no different from dead, even if you take him away It's not much use anymore."

"It's none of your business. "After the transaction was over, the young man's tone immediately became a little stiff: "I will take care of these. "

"Oh." An unexplained snort came out of Zhihuai's throat, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He didn't look angry, but people who were familiar with him knew that he was probably going to be angry to death.

"This guy I took it away. "The young man doesn't know Zhihuai's emotions. As Zhihuai said, this foundation-building cultivator only has one breath left. If he wants to play his greatest role, he must seize the time. So he is holding people to the ground. On his shoulders, he raised his head and said to Su Ziyi and the others: "I know you don't trust me and are worried that I will go back on my words, so you can follow Asu directly later. He will tell you everything they want to know on the way. I will take you to settle down in Qin properly. "
