Chapter 413 - 416

Chapter 413 Heavy Rain Comes

——"Are you okay?"

As soon as Ajiu left, Bian Qing stepped forward and held Su Ziyi's hand, with a worried look on his face.

Although Su Ziyi came back safely, as soon as he came back, his whole figure collapsed, and he didn't seem to be fine at all. After all, for a person in the middle stage of foundation building, he didn't feel any pressure even if he stayed up for several nights.

Therefore, Bian Qing concluded that Su Ziyi encountered something last night.

Su Ziyi was indeed sleepy.

He shook his head and nodded again. The relaxation after seeing Bian Qing and Su Yulang safe and sound made him feel dizzy. He knelt down and didn't want to move anymore. At this time, Su Yulang also came in with water. When Bian Qing saw that he had closed his eyes, he took the cloth handkerchief from Su Yulang's hand and wiped all the mud off Su Ziyi's face.

Su Ziyi raised his eyelids and smiled at Bian Qing.

Bian Qing withdrew his hand and pushed him gently: "Take a bath and go to sleep first." Su Ziyi shook his head, braced himself and sat cross-legged on the ground, with his back hunched over, looking completely uninspired. Seeing this, Bian Qing asked Su Yulang to pour a cup of the strong tea that he brewed yesterday, and he drank it directly. It was cold and bitter, and it immediately lifted his spirits.

Su Ziyi recounted last night's experience, emphasizing his meeting with Qiao Yun.

When Bian Qing and Su Yulang heard this, their hearts tightened slightly. As disciples of Qingcang Peak, they know better than Su Ziyi how ruthless and indifferent Qiao Yun is in matters other than weapon refining. Therefore, when they heard Su Ziyi talk about the opponent's actions yesterday, they felt hatred for Qiao Yun in their hearts. There are also concerns about the current situation.

After saying everything, Su Ziyi felt more energetic and less tired.

"What do you think?" Bian Qing thought for a moment, raised his eyes and looked at Su Ziyi: "Based on my understanding of Elder Qiao Yun, once she really chooses to do something to you, she will really have no reservations in her heart." It was completely He no longer cared about his identity as a member of the Xuan Cang Sect. Thinking of this, Bian Qing inevitably felt worried.

Although he didn't know Qiao Yun, it didn't stop Su Ziyi from thinking the worse. He thought for a while and said: "I don't really care about her doing something to me. There are only two people I care about most right now." Firstly, what is her status among the group of people now? Secondly, what actions will she take after seeing me?" Su Ziyi's eyes were very serious: "It's hard for me not to doubt that she will see me

. Tell the Miao and Dian people about the matter."

"We're afraid we'll be in trouble by then." As soon as

he finished speaking, the three of them were silent for a while.

At this moment, they have fallen into a strange circle that they cannot escape from. Because of the poison given to Su Ziyi by the Miao Dian people, Su Ziyi could not leave here at this moment. Once he left here, his life might be in danger. And if they don't leave and Qiao Yun turns around and informs them, the situation they will face will be the same as that of Bei Ming's Exclusive Dealer, and they will also face a dead end.

At this point, they really had no idea what to do next.

After a while, Su Ziyi said: "Let's see it this way first." He knew that in Bian Qing's heart, he was more worried about the poison on his body, so it was really difficult to get Bian Qing to agree to escape from the village like this. So I might as well - "I'll take a rest during the day, take a look at the situation, and think of a solution at night." "It's

been a few hours since I met Qiao Yun, but Ge Tong and others haven't shown up yet. , Thinking about it, things are not as bad as we thought." Although it is very possible that Qiao Yun was completely convinced that he had died in that weird place and was not worth mentioning.

What else could Bian Qing do about this? I can only listen to Su Ziyi's opinion.

However, after Su Ziyi finished washing and went to rest, he sat in front of the window with some worry and stared at the medicine garden outside the window in a daze. After Su Yulang finished cleaning up the things in his hands, he also sat over and whispered: "Emma." Bian Qing turned back and smiled at him, but the smile was a bit forced no matter how you looked at it.

Su Yulang didn't pay attention to this, but lowered his head slightly and asked in a low voice: "Amu, are you worried about the poison on your father's body?" It had been nearly half a year since they came to the village, but the poison on Su Ziyi's body They still had no idea how to cure the poison, so they never felt at ease.

But this time, something like this happened again, making them even more anxious.

Seeing the helplessness on Bian Qing's face, Su Yulang knew that he had guessed correctly. He sighed and said tactfully: "I was thinking about the same thing, but we don't know how to make alchemy. It's really..." Bian Qing already understood the next words without saying them. But he was not as pessimistic as Su Yulang, and said in a calm tone: "Then do what we can do." When he was in

Qixia Town, he didn't know anything, but he still helped Su Ziyi manage the elixir business. is booming.

But now, they just moved to another place, so they shouldn't be unable to do anything.

So, at noon that day, Ajiu returned to the opposite side of the wooden house again and saw the two twins of the Su family busy with something there. This surprised him especially. After all, from the beginning to now, besides practicing, he had never seen these two twins doing anything else. So as soon as he saw them busy, he couldn't help but go there.

Bian Qing and Su Yulang were knocking on some wooden boards, and they built a simple small shed in one morning.

"What are you doing?" There was a formation in the Su family's medicine garden, so Ajiu didn't dare to enter easily, so he had to stand outside the medicine garden and ask loudly. As soon as they heard his voice, Bian Qing and Su Yulang stopped what they were doing and looked back. However, when they saw it was Ajiao, a hint of disgust flashed across their faces.

Ajiao knew that this was normal. If the other person saw him smiling, it would be abnormal.

Then he saw the two of them glanced at each other and then looked away, continuing to go about their own business, completely ignoring his intentions. This can't help but make me feel a little embarrassed. I ask myself, am I already so annoying to others? No, it shouldn't be, but the other party is too hostile to them.

However, who can tell whether the matter between Miao Dian and Dai Guo is right or wrong?

After Bian Qing and Su Yulang got bored, Ah Jiu stopped pestering him too much and turned around to leave. He returned to his usual sitting position, dangling one leg outside the wooden house, playing with the gadget that he would never get tired of playing with, his eyes constantly staring at Su Yulang's movements. After a while, he sniffed and looked over the branches above his head towards the sky.

It is going to rain.

Not long after Shen Shi passed, a heavy rain suddenly came, waking up Su Ziyi from his sleep.

This was the first rain they encountered when they came to the village. Judging from the intensity of the rain, they were afraid it wouldn't stop for a while. Su Ziyi sat up from the bed, opened the window, and saw that it was as dark as night outside. His heart tightened, and then he released his consciousness, only to find that all the foundation-building practitioners in the village were gone. .

Suddenly, he jumped from the bed to the ground.

He quickly put on his coat and tied it while walking towards the hall. He happened to see Su Yulang and Bian Qing sitting in front of the fire in a daze. Perhaps it was because the rain outside was too heavy, pounding on the roof, covering up the sound of his footsteps, so they didn't notice him until he walked behind them.

"You're awake." Bian Qing moved to the side and asked Su Ziyi to sit next to him. Then he gave Su Ziyi a bowl of porridge that had been kept by the fire and said to Su Ziyi: "It's raining so much." Suddenly." He tightened his clothes, feeling that the weather was a bit too cold.

"Yeah." Su Ziyi was still thinking about tonight's plan, but now that it was raining so hard, should he go out?

It just so happened that those foundations disappeared, which was a godsend.

But it doesn't rule out that the other party is hiding in a more secret place, or is setting a trap on them...

Bian Qing didn't notice Su Ziyi's distraction, and said while warming himself by the fire: "That person left before it rained, as if he knew it in advance It's like it's going to rain." It's Ajiao mentioned here, but he never liked the other person, so he kept using that person instead. It was also because of his reminder that Su Ziyi realized belatedly that the person who was supposed to be guarding the wooden house opposite was missing. Now, there was no one else within ten feet of their house except their family. .

Pushing his spiritual consciousness to the extreme, the situation in the entire village instantly fell within the scope of Su Ziyi's investigation.

There are still some cultivators patrolling outside the village, but they are all in their Qi refining stage, and because of the heavy rain, they are not feeling well. They are all hiding under the big trees, even though this does not prevent them from turning into drowned rats. After a round of inspection, Su Ziyi found no trace of Ajiu, as if he had disappeared from the village.

He told Bian Qing about this and said smoothly: "All the foundations in the village are gone."

Bian Qing didn't know.

But when I heard Su Ziyi say this, I felt a little strange. After all, even if Su Ziyi was poisoned, their family still had two foundations. It would be too easy to destroy the stronghold, and it was really wrong for the other party to leave without any reason.

From this -

he turned his head and said to Su Ziyi: "It's raining so heavily today, so don't go out." The firelight illuminated half of his face, while the remaining half of his face was hidden in the darkness, making him look like Somewhat gloomily: "This is too unusual, and I feel something is wrong in my heart, I always feel like something is going to happen." Su Ziyi, who had the same feeling, only glanced at him, and responded simply: "Okay"

Chapter 414 Serge asks for help

This rain has been falling continuously for five days, but it has no tendency to stop.

The room was already damp, and no matter how bright the fire was, the moisture would always stick to people's sleeves and hair, making it annoying.

Su Ziyi's family is doing fine, but the ordinary people in the village can no longer hold on.

This heavy rain is really weird.

Even the oldest man in the village has never seen such heavy rain in the forest in all his years of living. Moreover, the clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and it is obvious that they cannot stop for a while. This is a disaster for the villagers who have almost run out of firewood and have little food left.

During this period, those foundation-building practitioners who disappeared never appeared.

Su Ziyi stood by the door, frowning and looking at the spiritual herbs in the medicine garden that had been pressed to the ground by the heavy rain, feeling a little unhappy. At this time, Bian Qing came over from behind, stood next to him, looked outside with him, and said: "I don't know when the rain will stop." It has been raining for a while, which is really annoying, but it has been They were relieved that no one from Miao Dian or the Red Scarf Army came to the door, and they put Qiao Yun's matter behind them for the time being.

"I think -" Su Ziyi stretched out his hand outside the eaves and let the cold rain slip from his fingers: "This rain is a little unusual." After saying that, he put away his cold hand. Come back and carry it behind your back.

It was obvious that he had only been exposed to the rain for a moment.

Bian Qing said with emotion: "Yes, it's obviously just a rain, but it makes it seem like winter is coming." After finishing speaking, he asked and answered himself with some hesitation: "But does Miao Dian have winter? How come I've never heard of it?" "There is indeed no winter." Su Ziyi took a hand, and the palm of his hand became warm again in an instant: "It's hot and humid here all year round, and the sunny days are better than the rainy and cloudy days. There will be twice as many days."

"So, something is wrong..."

Three days later, the rain in the sky has not become lighter, but the temperature has dropped significantly. Su Yulang and Bian Qing even I think this is comparable to the early winter in Qixia Town.

The sudden drop in temperature did not have much impact on the Su family, but it was different outside.

The spiritual herbs in Su Ziyi's medicine garden were fine. Although they were a little embarrassed, they were not particularly seriously affected. But the leaves on those ordinary trees shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. They did not wither and wither like normal leaves. Instead, they seemed to have been cut off by something that cut off their connection with the branches. They became deformed due to lack of water. Got to be wrinkled.

Obviously the whole world is about to be flooded by rain now.

Just as Su Ziyi was talking to Bian Qing about these strange things, a small black ball suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

The little black ball is not completely black, but because the sky is not bright and the body is covered in mud, it looks like a black ball at first glance. And the little black ball was stumbling from the woods towards the Su family's wooden house. However, because of the heavy rain and he was too small, he accidentally tripped over tree roots and mud along the way. How many stumbling blocks.

But even so, the other party still rolled towards Su Ziyi and the others.

It's that little fat guy from Serge.

Su Ziyi waved his hand, and immediately the formation arranged in the medicine garden opened a gap and allowed Serge to squeeze in. As soon as Serge came in and saw Su Ziyi standing at the door, he burst into tears and crawled towards Su Ziyi on all fours, shouting something loudly, but Su Ziyi and the other three completely listened. don't know.

Looking at the mud fingerprints on his lower robe, Su Ziyi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Serge was still crying and jabbering, and he kept pulling on Su Ziyi's hand, but his strength was too weak, so he couldn't move Su Ziyi even a little bit after pulling for a long time. Su Ziyi and Bian Qing looked at each other, and then looked down at Ser, who was covered in mud and water and had black and blue marks all over his body.

This look looks really pitiful.

"Let's go."

After saying that, he freed his robe from Serge's hands, raised his legs and walked into the rain, and behind him, Bian Qing and Su Yulang followed closely. Serge, who was still crying, couldn't understand what Su Ziyi just said. He only felt that his hands were empty, and then the person in front of him disappeared.

He blinked in confusion, stopped crying, turned around and found that the three people were almost out of the medicine garden.

Immediately, he got up from the ground and stumbled after him again.

It rained so heavily that it was useless to hold an umbrella, and Su Ziyi didn't want to waste his spiritual energy on such a trivial matter, so the three of them were already soaked wet before long. It was only after his whole body was soaked by the rain that Su Ziyi realized that the chill in the rain was even colder than he thought, almost making him shiver.

Therefore, he couldn't help but take another look at the little fat man behind him.

And looking at it this way, after discovering that the mud and water on the body were washed away by the rain, the little fat man not only had black and blue stains from falling, but also pale skin that was frozen by the coldness. Immediately, he sighed in his heart, and with a flick of his index finger, a stream of spiritual power was injected into the little fat man's body. Immediately, the little fat man's soul felt warm.

He looked towards Su Ziyi in confusion, and gave Su Ziyi a silly smile through the thick rain and fog.

It's just that it's too ugly.

Along the way, Su Ziyi did not help Serge. Fortunately, after entering the woods, the rain eased a little, allowing Serge to continue moving forward without expending so much effort. While following the little fat man forward, Su Ziyi's attention was always focused on the tree houses in the forest.

There are many ordinary people living there.

This sudden heavy rain interrupted everyone's plans, and its severity was far beyond their imagination. Trapped by heavy rain for so many days, their firewood, food and other supplies were all decreasing little by little, and they soon ran out of money.

But what surprised Su Ziyi was that, faced with such a predicament, none of these people went to the Qi Refining Stage practitioners patrolling the village for help. Although it was useless, after all, the other party's situation was not very good. But seeing that some people's houses were almost soaked by the rain and had no place to stay, they didn't curse loudly, but looked calm.

However, when they discovered Su Ziyi and his group passing under the tree, their expressions suddenly changed.

Especially when they saw the little fat man leading the way, they who had looked indifferent before actually started to curse loudly. Although Su Ziyi and the others didn't know what these people were talking about, they could guess that it wasn't something nice. He used his spiritual consciousness to look at the little fat man, and sure enough, he saw the little fat man pursed his lips and had tears in his eyes.

This Miao Dian man seems to have real backbone.

Su Ziyi sneered when he looked at the villagers who were filled with indignation in the wooden house but never dared to get off the tree or look at him.

Although there was heavy rain, the few people still reached their destination without walking for too long.

Little Fatty's home is located in the most densely populated area of ​​tree houses. Therefore, when Su Ziyi and the others walked under the tree house, the wooden house of Serge's family was crowded with a bunch of wet villagers. They were talking in low voices. When they found out that Serge was in trouble, After the people were brought up, there was an instant uproar.

The people standing close to the door immediately rushed out. After seeing Su Ziyi and the others, the others also ducked into the corners of the house. However, the house was so big, so no matter how hard they tried to hide, it was useless, so they simply turned away and did not look at Su Ziyi and the others. , as if Su Ziyi and the others do not exist.

The only exception was an old man wrapped in a heavy black cloth turban.

Almost the moment he saw Su Ziyi and the others clearly, one of them, a thin and wizened old man, took the lead in scolding Serge. His eyes were fierce and his tone was extremely fierce, as if Serge had done something unforgivable. But Serge just lowered his head and stubbornly pulled Su Ziyi into another room, turning a deaf ear to the other party's words.

But the other party didn't comply and stopped directly in front of them.

This time, Serge's expression finally changed.

There was both fear and anger on his face, and because the old man almost poked his head with the crutch in his hand, the anger became more and more obvious. Finally, his round face turned red and he shouted. In an instant, the whole room fell silent, including those who were hiding in the corner and whispering secretly.

Serge's eyes were red, he clenched his fists and shouted at the old man. Because of his crying, the old man's face finally showed a trace of unnaturalness. The villagers who were watching the excitement also found opportunities to sneak out of the wooden house. Soon, they were the only ones left in the whole house.

It must have been too wronged. At the end of the sentence, Serge cried.

However, even if he cried, it did not move the old man's cold heart at all. The other party was still blocking their way like a door panel. This made Serge tremble with anger, his eyes kept rolling, and he almost fainted. past. Finally, he couldn't stand it any longer, and he slammed into the old man with a single bounce. He immediately knocked the old man to the ground, and he fell heavily, and he cried out in pain.

Su Ziyi and the others didn't expect that this would turn out like this.

Serge pressed the old man to the ground. Even if the other man cursed, he did not intend to get up. He directly pressed his fat body on the man's chest, making him unable to turn over. Then he turned around and shouted to Su Ziyi a few times. Su Ziyi guessed that he was asking him to come in, so he didn't think much about it, avoided the old man and Serge's bodies, and walked in.

Chapter 415 Yin energy enters the body

Lying on the mat in the corner was a man with weak breath.

Su Ziyi recognized him as the little fat man's father.

He looked like he was dying.

He obviously looked so strong last time.

The body was still so thick and strong, but the soul inside was gone. He was like a weak baby, lying flat there at the mercy of others, as if a random gust of wind could blow out his last breath.

This one should be, he's not that fragile.

The room was a bit messy, and there were no women or children waiting around. It seemed like this man and the little fat man were the only ones in the house. Su Ziyi looked back at the little fat man and found that his eyes turned red as soon as his eyes touched his father's body.

There is a true love between father and son.

After thinking about it, Su Ziyi walked straight towards the man. The old man who was knocked to the ground by the little fat man hit his head on the ground and suddenly became a little unconscious. However, when he was in panic, he caught Su Ziyi walking towards the house out of the corner of his eye. figure, he suddenly woke up with a jolt.

He completely ignored his old bones and struggled wildly with all his strength, and actually knocked the little fat man over!

Although the little fat man's head hit the ground, he was always thinking about more important things, so he didn't take the pain in his head seriously and turned over directly. When he saw the old man crawling toward Su Ziyi tremblingly, he immediately became anxious and swooped down, hugging the man's thigh and dragging him down forcefully.

The old man really exhausted all his strength just now, so after being pulled by the little fat man, he fell down directly. He felt that all the muscles and bones in his body were rattling, and he grinned in pain, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He had no extra strength to crawl forward, so he could only watch Su Ziyi squeeze the man's wrist while sucking in the air-conditioning.

Suddenly, he went crazy.

He roared almost furiously at the little fat man several times, his withered face turned red, and the blood vessels on his face and hands almost seemed to burst from under the skin.

But the little fat man turned a deaf ear from beginning to end. He just pursed his lips and pulled the person's thigh. Then, like climbing a tree, he pulled the old man's thighs and waist with his whole body, and climbed up to his upper body little by little. The old man really had no strength at all, and could only watch helplessly as he was suppressed and motionless by such a broken child.

During this process, Su Ziyi never looked back from the beginning to the end.

Su Ziyi knew very well that this old man, like the villagers in the village, was very resistant to their family and even full of malice. So when he saw the other party's defeat, he not only disagreed, but also took pleasure in his misfortune.

But this pleasure was quickly broken.

As soon as he pinched the other person's wrist, Su Ziyi felt a coldness, like a dead person, even colder than a dead person. This made Su Ziyi startled. When he found that the other party still had a weak pulse, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then with a serious look on his face, he slowly sent a trace of spiritual power into the opponent's body.

Then, his brows furrowed.

The spiritual power flows very smoothly, and even if the input of spiritual power is doubled, it will not put any burden on the opponent's body at all, because the width and toughness of the opponent's veins can bear it.

But that's what's most wrong.

This person is obviously an ordinary person. Why does his condition of muscles and veins look the same as that of a practitioner at the third or fourth level of Qi refining stage?

Su Ziyi investigated again and found that the other party was really an ordinary person, with no spiritual energy fluctuations on his body. Even without his forced guidance, the spiritual energy poured into the opponent's body would have dissipated into the air in an instant. The whole person would be like a big sieve, unable to retain anything. This is simply worse than the situation of ordinary people. Worse.

He can't be a cultivator.

But -

the old man was still cursing. Su Ziyi suddenly turned around and saw the trace of fear in the other man's eyes. The old man panicked instantly, and Su Ziyi suddenly understood something in his heart like a mirror.

Sure enough, there is a secret in this man's body.

And it's not just any secret.

Otherwise, the old man wouldn't have stopped him in every possible way. It was obvious that this man looked like he was about to die.

After figuring this out, the corners of Su Ziyi's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

At this end, the old man was indeed nervous, even scared. This fear caused a renewed strength in his body, almost allowing him to get up again, but the little fat man was also ready this time, holding the other person's arms tightly, never giving the other person a chance. Get up, so in the end, the old man could only lie on the ground and scream.

And this time, he scolded him even harder.

The rain outside is still banging on everything that can be hit, and everything in the world is soaked in water vapor. No one's eyes and ears can see the farce in this room through the heavy rain curtain. . Therefore, in the end, all the old man's insults became his one-man show, with no one paying attention or answering.

Seeing this, the old man's face instantly turned gray, and the light in his eyes dimmed a lot.

He looked down at the little fat man who was still pressing on him and preventing him from moving. He sighed inexplicably, and finally gave up all resistance, loosened his tight shoulders, and just lay on the ground with his eyes closed. It seemed As if sleeping.

At this time, Bian Qing and Su Yulang also walked in.

There was no fire in the house, and the heavy rain for days made the house damp, so it was not very comfortable.

Seeing that there was nothing they could do to help Su Ziyi, Bian Qing and the others went directly to the fire pit to light up the fire and boiled a pot of boiling water with the iron pot from the little fat man's house. As the temperature increased, the cabin gradually became drier, and all the irritability caused by the cold and dampness gradually calmed down.

But this does not include Su Ziyi.

At this moment, he was completely convinced that this man had practiced cultivation.

First of all, it is not strange that the other party can practice.

The Age of Ending is approaching, and the general environment of cultivation is getting worse year by year. The number of newborns with spiritual roots has dropped sharply. It may be that in a few hundred or thousands of years, children with spiritual roots will be rare. Therefore, those who can give birth to a child with spiritual roots are basically those whose parents have spiritual roots, such as Su Ziyi and Bian Qing, or one of the two has excellent qualifications.

In addition, the children born from other combinations of parents are almost ordinary people.

Therefore, since the little fat man has spiritual roots and can practice, it is not surprising that his father can practice or even practiced before.

The only surprise is, why is the other person now like an ordinary person, or even worse than an ordinary person?

The tendons and veins of the other party are intact, not damaged at all, and quite tough. It's just that his blood energy is greatly depleted, and his seemingly strong body is actually just strong on the outside and weak on the inside, and does not have any strength beyond that of ordinary people. But even so, the opponent's physical fitness should be pretty good, and there are no other hidden injuries in the body. Everything looks quite normal, and it shouldn't be like this.

Su Ziyi glanced at the pale man, and his doubts deepened.

If you can't find the source, you can't find a way to get close.

Su Ziyi wanted to ask the little fat man about the situation, but their languages ​​were different. Even if the two of them argued for a long time, they might not be able to get the result he wanted, so he might as well continue to take a look at it himself.

Now that it has been determined that the opponent's tendons can withstand more spiritual power, Su Ziyi no longer holds back too much, and immediately inputs more spiritual power into the opponent's body, just enough that the opponent's tendons can withstand more spiritual power. The upper limit of what can be tolerated. And as this spiritual power rushed into the other party's body arrogantly, the other party's body temperature gradually increased, and his complexion also improved a little.

But in the end it was of little use.

Well, this is even more strange.

Su Ziyi couldn't think of any disease that would make his spiritual power helpless. If at first he just wanted to take the opportunity to explore the situation inside, then he is now really interested in the other party's strange situation and wants to learn more about it, and therefore he begins to tirelessly drive spiritual power into the other party's body. I walked around again and again, trying to find something wrong.

As a result, I didn't expect that he would actually be found.

It didn't take him too much time. It only took him two rounds of spiritual power to swim around the other party's body. Su Ziyi found that the yin energy in the other party's internal organs was stagnant and had begun to spread to the surrounding areas.

This time, the source has been found.

Spiritual energy is thought to be the nemesis of Yin energy, so after injecting Spiritual energy into the opponent's five internal organs, the accumulated Yin energy dispersed instantly. The man's condition began to stabilize, and his breathing became stronger.

But -

after a stick of incense, Su Ziyi's face couldn't help but become more solemn after discovering that there was still a small part of Yin Qi still entrenched in the five internal organs. . He didn't expect that the yin energy in the other party's body would be so weird.

It was also because of this sudden discovery that Su Ziyi began to use his spiritual power to carefully examine other parts of the other party's body.

And during this inspection, the expression on his face almost became unbearable.

Although he had always felt that the other party had practiced before, but had lost his cultivation due to some unknown reasons. But now, after he had conducted a comprehensive inspection of the other party's body like Plowing the Earth, and actually discovered the spiritual root in the other party's body, he couldn't help but be surprised.

——Especially when you find that the spiritual root is so broken that it is almost impossible to find it.

Chapter 416 Black Wooden Box

The remaining spiritual roots are so small that they can be ignored.

Su Ziyi couldn't think of what kind of method he could use to achieve this.

But no matter what, when he loses his spiritual root, this man must be in pain, even worse than death.

Because he not only lost what he already owned, but also lost his expectations for the future and the possibilities that his life should have had.

By now, Su Ziyi could basically determine that the yin energy in the other party's body was related to the other party's loss of spiritual roots. It's just that the other party lost his spiritual roots a long time ago, and it's impossible for him to find out the whole story now, so he has to put this matter aside and continue to deal with the Yin Qi in the five internal organs.

But the yin energy seemed to have taken root there, and no matter how much he activated his spiritual power, it remained motionless.

With no other choice, Su Ziyi could only retract the hand that conveyed spiritual power, and sat cross-legged next to him with a gloomy expression, his head slightly lowered, wondering what he was thinking.

But if he didn't move, the little fat man would become anxious.

When he was pressing the old man down just now, he had actually been paying some attention to Su Ziyi and the others. Especially after the old man lay down because he was really exhausted, he focused most of his attention on his father.

At first, the little fat man was very happy when he saw that his father's face gradually improved due to Su Ziyi's intervention. However, as time passed, his father's condition never improved, and Su Ziyi's face remained tense. Now he even just let it go, and he immediately knew that the situation had changed. Immediately, he became anxious.

He no longer cared about what happened to the old man he was pressing on the ground, and jumped up directly and ran towards Su Ziyi.

Su Ziyi felt his sleeves sink, and a slightly cold body came closer, which made him wake up from his deep thoughts. He looked up and saw that it was the little fat man who was still wearing wet clothes. He was so anxious that his brows were wrinkled together. He was chattering to him and pointed at the man lying on the mat.

Unfortunately, Su Ziyi didn't understand what he meant at all.

Maybe it was because the confusion in Su Ziyi's eyes was so obvious that the little fat man was so anxious that he almost burst into tears. Suddenly, he suddenly had an idea and stood up. He ran to a box in the corner and rummaged through it. After a while, he rushed over with an excited face holding a black wooden box. At that moment, the old man opened his eyes and almost jumped when he saw the wooden box in the little fat man's hand. .

He tremblingly wanted to get up and grab the things, but his opponent was the young and nimble little fat man. He was dodged by the opponent. After watching the little fat man hand the black wooden box to Su Ziyi, She turned around with a defensive expression and blocked him in front of him, preventing him from taking another step forward.

Looking at the little fat man with a repulsive expression, the old man's body trembled, and finally he lay down on the ground as if resigned to his fate, closed his eyes and paid no attention to anything.

Holding the black wooden box and weighing it in his hands, Su Ziyi knew that the things inside might not be simple.

He placed the box on his knees and opened the box casually. There was nothing valuable in the box, and it could only be described as old and shabby. Looking at the scroll of notebooks at the bottom of the box and a flower that was too dry to recognize its original appearance, Su Ziyi couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, and then reached out to pick up the yellowed notebook.

The handwritten note was still recorded in Miao-Dian language, but because there were pictures on it, Su Ziyi could still understand it a little bit.

But just that little bit made him feel a little creepy.

In fact, there is nothing too complicated drawn on these thin notebooks. For example, the one Su Ziyi is looking at is just a simple outline of the human body. The only thing that makes people feel a little surprised is that , on the person in this picture, there are a group of small black dots on the five internal organs and Dantian.

Just looking at this picture, naturally I didn't know what the black dots were, so Su Ziyi turned to the next picture.

Then he saw a picture of a group of spiders.

Staring at these spiders and seeing the decomposition of a flower drawn in the corner of the note, Su Ziyi suddenly had a little suspicion in his mind. He put down the note, reached out and picked up the dried flower in the box, put it under his nose and smelled it, then crushed it a little bit with his fingers and tasted it, then his heart skipped a beat and his face began to look a little bit... It's getting unpredictable.

——It’s the nightmare flower.

It's actually a nightmare flower.

Since it is a nightmare flower, there is no need to think about the identity of the spiders. There is an 80% chance that they are nightmare spiders. After all, the two have always been complementary to each other.

Turning to the previous page of the notebook, Su Ziyi's eyes became a little darker when he looked at the small black dots on the human body in the painting. He raised his head and glanced at the man who was still sleeping. After sighing in his heart that the Miao Dian people really thought they were all crazy, he put the things in his hands away and gave them back to the fat man who was looking at him eagerly.

Su Ziyi shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't want to save, but he knows very little about nightmare spiders and the Miao Dian people's insect control skills, so he doesn't know where to start. He just wants to stabilize the opponent's current situation and make people sigh. It’s not difficult to stop getting worse.

He gestured as he spoke, but just as he couldn't understand the little fat man's words, the little fat man couldn't understand what he was expressing.

He only saw Su Ziyi shaking his head with a solemn look on his face. He immediately decided in his heart that Su Ziyi could not save his father. He felt as if he had lost his support in an instant. He knelt down on the ground with a "pop" and looked at him in confusion. He looked at Su Ziyi, looked around the room, and finally started sobbing.

At first, the little fat man didn't make a sound, but later on, the more he thought about it, the more frightened and panicked he became, and his voice couldn't help but get louder.

And when he cried, he attracted everyone's attention, including the old man who had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

The old man is too old and can't stand the torture at all, so he is very tired now and can't muster any energy at all. But when he saw the little fat man crying so hard that his voice was about to become hoarse, he finally couldn't bear to speak: "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask me directly. As long as I can save him.

" As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone present was shocked. No one thought that this old man could speak Mandarin!

The old man's common language was not standard, and even a little stumbling, but it did not affect Su Ziyi's understanding. It's just that Su Ziyi was stunned by his sudden opening, so he didn't ask immediately. Instead, the little fat man reacted first and said something to the old man excitedly in a dumb voice. But the old man ignored him and just looked at Su Ziyi.

Seeing the tiredness and regret in the other person's eyes, Su Ziyi thought that the old man was probably the little fat man and their father-son relationship was unusual.

But now is not the time to dwell on this. Now that the other party has spoken, he will not be polite. He took back the black wooden box from the little fat man, took out the notebook from it, pointed at the picture on it and asked: "Did you keep the nightmare spider in your body?" Bian Qing and Su Yulang looked at them with horror. , the old man nodded, closed his eyelids slightly and said: "Here here, if we want to breed the most ideal insects, this is how we do it." He said it quite indifferently, but the three people who understood him could

only I felt goosebumps all over my body.

Su Ziyi was a little better. After the other party answered, he started to ask the next question: "Are these bugs related to his damaged spiritual roots?" As soon as Su Ziyi finished speaking, a burst of emotion suddenly burst out in the old man's eyes. With strong emotions, full of anger and hatred, he gritted his teeth and said: "If that despicable villain Yaoli hadn't used such disgraceful methods, how could Cesida have ended up where she is now?"

"Obviously, Cesida is the most qualified among the young people in our village!"

Su Ziyi didn't expect that there was such a story behind it, but he didn't care too much. As long as he knew about it, he would still be able to do it. As long as it really has something to do with the Nightmare Spider. So when the old man calmed down, he continued: "Maybe because of the nightmare spider, there is some Yin Qi in Cecida's internal organs that cannot be dispelled, and these Yin Qi suddenly exploded due to the influence of the weather these days. When it breaks out, even if I do a little bit of processing, I can only dispel the spreading Yin Qi, not the ones rooted in the five internal organs." "Do you have any suggestions here?" I heard Su Ziyi say that because of


recent The abnormal weather caused the Yin Qi to explode. The old man had a sad look on his face. He lowered his eyelids and thought for a while before dryly saying: "The Yin Qi cannot be removed." Huh


Before Su Ziyi could ask further questions, the old man explained: "Nightmare flowers and yin energy are both essential for cultivating nightmare spiders, so when raising them, we will try our best to put as much yin energy into them as possible. The Qi passed into his body and gave birth to the Nightmare Spider. Therefore, over time, the body began to be affected by the Yin Qi, especially the part that gave birth to the Nightmare Spider." Hearing this, Su Yulang couldn't

help Asked: "There are so many parts of the body, but you don't care for the hands and legs, why do you have to focus on the five internal organs and the Dantian." The old man laughed twice strangely, looked at Su Yulang with a very contemptuous look, and said : "Because the vitality and blood are the strongest there, and the best nightmare spiders can be cultivated." As he spoke, his eyes were shining, and he was very fascinated by the nightmare spiders that were bred with all the energy and blood. .

When the three members of the Su family heard what he said, they were speechless and felt chilled.

It seems that in this village, oh, no, this Miao and Dian people are all crazy, no one is normal.
