Chapter 449 - 452

Chapter 449 Ouye takes action

The atmosphere in the team changed instantly.

The atmosphere inside changed instantly.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, silence, embarrassment, and all kinds of uncomfortable emotions filled everyone's hearts. But before this emotion could continue to ferment, the leader, Elder Ou Yezi, stepped forward expressionlessly. In an instant, everyone only heard a "crunch", and Elder Ou Yezi's figure gradually moved away.

The person who was following Elder Ou Yezi looked down and saw a forearm bone that had been trampled to pieces in the middle.

He couldn't help but trembled and quickly followed.

That human skull was just the beginning.

Not long after catching up with Elder Ou Yezi, large areas of scattered or complete white skeletons appeared around them. No matter how careful you are when walking among them, you will still step on them unless you fly over them. Therefore, as soon as we entered here, the "crunching" and "crunching" sounds never stopped in the entire cave, which sounded a bit scary.

But no matter why these skeletons appeared here, Elder Ou Yezi didn't even stop for a moment before walking straight into the depths. When other people see this, how can they still have time to take care of those who have it and don't have it? He quickly stepped up and hurried inside, his feet squeaking as he also disappeared into the darkness.

In fact, after arriving here, Su Ziyi was able to confirm that this place was exactly the same as the passage leading to the underground palace.

Except there is no heavy Yin Qi.

A place like this where bones are everywhere is the easiest place to track people. Because as long as someone walks by, there will definitely be traces of people like Su Ziyi and others walking past, unless they are foundation-building practitioners who have been flying past with their swords.

Therefore, when Elder Ou Yezi discovered that almost all the bones in front of him had been trampled to pieces, he was like a frightened hedgehog, instantly raising all his thorns. The natal magic weapon also appeared in his hand, and he shouted: "Be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the Xuan Cang Sect disciples were shocked, and a Mo Dao stood in front of them, as if they were ready for battle.

What's going on?

The other disciples of the sect were a little confused and couldn't figure out what Ou Yezi meant. Although they were only a few beats slow in getting ready for battle, they were still a little confused.

There are even more narrow-minded people, secretly thinking that Ou Yezi is afraid that he is old and timid, and he will look at everything as enemies.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, the movements of his hands were still polite.

The scattered bones here must have been left by Elder Liu Yu and the others!

Su Ziyi, Ou Wang and others understood it at a glance.

They had walked so far without finding any traces. The only traces appeared here, which meant that the person who left the traces must have come with the sword before. However, they encountered an unexpected situation here and had to get off the sword.

Suddenly, the vigilance of Su Ziyi and his party was raised to the highest level.

While on guard, their eyes also did not forget to collect useful information from the surrounding areas. There was no blood, no corpses on the ground, and there were no traces of battle on the cave wall. A pile of broken bones on the empty ground showed that something must have happened at that time.

But standing here, the answer will definitely not come to your door.

Ou Yezi's eagle-like eyes scanned the ground inch by inch. After making sure there was nothing unusual, he cautiously walked forward with the Mo Dao in hand.


Two steps.

Three steps.

Elder Ou Yezi walked out for more than ten steps without encountering any problems, which made the group of cultivators behind him who had been staring closely at him breath a sigh of relief. Those who didn't take it seriously before felt that Elder Ou Yezi was too nervous and made too much of a fuss, which made people panic.

But now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, there is no need for everyone to be so nervous.


Just when those people were thinking like this, suddenly a very small sound came from the depths of the cave. It was extremely small, and when it penetrated people's ears, it was like the sound of human breathing. It was very inconspicuous. But

all People noticed it immediately.

Ou Yezi, who was standing at the front, looked back and looked in the direction of Su Ziyi. Su Ziyi knew why he was looking at him, and just shook his head with a stern face. He really didn't know. What is this? He has never seen it in the underground palace before.

Without getting the answer he wanted from Su Ziyi, Ou Yezi turned back his gaze with a gloomy face, staring gloomily at the unclear depths, his spiritual consciousness He was also urged to the extreme.

Suddenly - before

the expression on Ou Yezi's face could change, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body jumped up. At the same time, the Mo Dao in his hand was moved horizontally, and a sword light shot forward, It seemed to be completely purposeless.

What's going on?

Elder Ou Yezi's sudden outburst shocked everyone. Before everyone could react, they saw a flash of white light in front of them and a "boom" A loud noise reached the ears, and the surging wind directly pushed the group of people out backwards. The bones that had been broken into pieces even made a "lingling" sound, which was heard continuously, and the smaller ones were even blown up directly. It hit people all over the face, and they had to squint their eyes and move their arms horizontally to shield their eyes.

A smell similar to burning hair came, and everyone immediately knew that the situation was not good.

Cui Yu and Ou Wang were the fastest to react. , after them, other Xuancang sect members also moved forward with weapons, forming a very reliable city wall in this not wide passage, directly blocking the road behind. This alone

, It can be seen how different the Xuan Cang Sect is from other sects. The

leaders of other sects also realized this immediately, and their faces instantly became ugly. But the Xuan Cang Sect members were already blocking the front, and Seeing that their positions were clearly arranged, like the ranking of a certain formation, this made them dare not act arbitrarily and destroy the Xuan Cang Sect's layout. Among the crowd, they were squeezed into the queue

The Su family at the back seemed even more abrupt.

Su Ziyi did not rush forward, nor did he let Bian Qing and Su Yulang rush forward. Instead, he squinted and looked forward, trying to see clearly what was going on inside. But what was inside the cave? It was too dark, and he couldn't see anything clearly at all, but because he couldn't see anything clearly, the sound that came from it became more obvious. "Oh...ha...

huohuo..." A very strange sound came from , it sounds a bit like a human groan, and a bit like a sharp animal cry. The sound is low and sharp, which makes people very uncomfortable and makes people unable to guess its identity. The only thing anyone can guess is What is certain is that the thing is not feeling well at the moment.

Because of this sound, everyone is even more nervous.

The sound is getting closer and closer, and the speed is very fast, from a dozen feet away to a few feet away From a distance, the sound was as loud as blowing in people's ears, making people's hair stand on end. What made people even more worried was that even though they could hear the sound so clearly, their spiritual consciousness could not detect it at all. The existence of the other party!

This is simply making people crazy!

Ou Yezi was the one who disliked these ghost realm tricks the most. When he heard this voice, he snorted coldly and moved the Mo Dao in his hand again.

The sword technique of Foundation Establishment Dzogchen is different from the power of ordinary sword techniques. With one strike, even if it is not aimed at the target, it still locks the opponent's action space with the all-round blade without blind spots. Almost the second after he swung the sword, a strong bloody stench spread to everyone's noses. The smell was even worse than a slaughterhouse that had never been cleaned. It instantly made everyone's blood boil. His face changed.

But fortunately, in the next second, a ball of white light flashed, gradually igniting a red flame, burning the smell of burning, and blowing away the smell of blood.

In everyone's field of vision, they could only see three fire stick-like things heading towards They came over.

The fire burned so fiercely that it illuminated the entire cave, allowing people to see clearly what was burning. But when they saw it clearly, their hairs stood up.

what is that?

That's obviously a human being!

Although the face can't be seen clearly, the outline is clearly the shape of a person! There are many people in the group who are knowledgeable and can completely confirm the identity of the other party with just one glance.

It's people.

That’s people!

Suddenly, Elder Ou Yezi gathered a lot of attention, but these were basically from other sects. Everyone in the Xuan Cang Sect looked at the three groups of fire men with great vigilance, waiting for a suitable opportunity to attack them.

However, before Ou Yezi could give the order, the three groups of flaming men fell down.

They fell down one foot away from Elder Ou Yezi.

As soon as they fell down, the fire on their bodies became much smaller, and it looked like it would be extinguished soon. But before the fire on them could

further diminish, the strange sound they heard before came from the depths of the cave again. Listen to the sound, it was much louder than before! And more messy!

Obviously, there are many such things that look like humans but don't know whether they are human or not, and they are coming towards Ou Yezi and the others!

Suddenly, everyone was ready to fight.

The humanoid monster that was not intercepted by Ou Yezi was very fast and appeared in everyone's field of vision soon. With the help of the three burning human figures on the ground, everyone could clearly see the things rushing towards them, and then their breathing became lighter, and some even stopped breathing for a moment.

Oh my god.

What is this?

What the hell is this!

These things clearly look like real people!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes changed. But before this change could last for a moment, when they saw those "people" making meaningless noises and running toward them with their teeth and claws bared, those who were feeling a little uncomfortable just now had to swallow all their sympathy. got up.

It's time to put it away.

Because although these things look like humans, they are clearly not humans.

Chapter 450: Criticism

If Su Ziyi had to use one word to describe these things, it would be


Yes, although the skin and limbs of these things don't look tattered, the green skin, the hard body, the stiff body movements, and the eyes with only the whites of their eyes are all very consistent with what Su Ziyi once saw in the movie. Zombies that have arrived.

Suddenly, Su Ziyi's expression changed.

After the leader, Elder Ou Yezi, saw clearly what kind of monsters these things were, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He no longer held back any hands and rushed directly into the zombie group with a knife. He raised the knife in his hand and reaped the lives of the other party. In the blink of an eye.

The disciples behind him no longer hesitated, shouted loudly, and charged forward with their swords.

These things are already dead, completely dead.

They have no life, no aura, and not even death energy. They are like puppets supported by machinery, approaching everyone. It is precisely because of this that no one's spiritual consciousness detected their existence at the first time until they were exposed to the firelight.

Although they were a bit unpredictable when they appeared, the strength of these zombies was not high. Before the disciples of Xuan Cang Sect could make more cuts, Elder Ou Yezi had already dealt with them.

He was among a pile of zombie corpses with a pensive look on his face. After the people behind him followed him, he turned around and said, "Master Sudan, do you know these things?" Su Ziyi didn't know how to answer


Because he both knows and doesn’t know.

Although these things look like zombies, they are definitely not zombies. And looking at their body shapes, Su Ziyi had a vague suspicion in his heart.

He did not speak directly, but walked over to the front, squatted down, and carefully observed the corpses. After a while, he said: "It's Yong people." He raised his head and looked at Elder Ou Yezi and repeated seriously again. : "It's Yongren."

Instantly, there was an uproar.

Later, he immediately retorted impatiently: "How could this be a Yong person!" He plausibly said: "Although we have never come into contact with Yong people, we also know that Yong people are just ordinary people who have been forcibly fed with spiritual power. , in the final analysis, they are still human beings. And the things in front of you, do you think they are still human beings?" Although this man was only a Qi Refining Stage Perfectionist, he was very rude to Su Ziyi because he looked down on the Su family from the bottom of his heart at such a critical moment. The guy who hides important things.

There are many people like him.

Almost the moment he finished speaking, Su Ziyi's eyes doubled in size, filled with disdain and condemnation. Bian Qing and Su Yulang's expressions darkened at the back. Without saying anything, they squeezed in from behind and blocked Su Ziyi's body, separating the eyes of Su Ziyi from those behind him.

Although those people had the same look when they saw Bian Qing and the others.

The rudeness of these people did not anger Su Ziyi, and of course it was impossible to get Su Ziyi's good looks. Su Ziyi stood up directly and pulled Bian Qing and Su Yulang behind him to protect them. He looked at the people in front of him with emotionless eyes and said, "I have seen living Yong people, so I naturally know what Yong people are." "

Ha— —" The man was about to continue to speak sarcastically, but Su Ziyi was already a little impatient and interrupted him directly. He frowned and said: "It is true that the Yong people came from ordinary people, but ordinary people passed by the Miao and Dian people. After infusing spiritual power with secret techniques, the body will become stronger and broader, the muscles on the body will become larger, and the facial lines will become firm and deep." Someone looked at the corpses on the ground curiously and found that the characteristics are the same as Su Ziyi said.

"The Yong people we knew before were all thugs of Miao Dian and the Red Scarf Army, and they were rational. But with Miao Dian's methods, how difficult is it to come up with such a thing?" At this point, Su Ziyi was in a bad mood, but in order to let these people calm down for a while, he still finished the rest of his words: "The Miao Dian people have a kind of alchemy that uses insects as medicine. People will not be able to use this elixir. What's the problem? Because the bugs in the elixir are still in a dormant state and haven't woken up yet."

"When the bugs wake up, they will begin to devour the human body's spiritual power and vitality, and infect the human body step by step. Wait until the person can no longer When there is no extra strength to resist their offensive, they will swallow up the remaining vitality in the human body, occupy the human body, and replace it." Needless to say the rest, because the result of the bugs taking over control of the body is lying on the ground.

Everyone felt a little creepy for a moment.

Of course, not everyone is convinced by Su Ziyi's statement. As soon as Su Ziyi finished speaking, someone retorted unconvinced: "Who knows if it's true or not? No one knows if you made it up." His words immediately made many people's eyes flicker.


Who knows whether it is true or false? Maybe it was compiled by Su Ziyi?

Su Ziyi was a little irritated. He had no responsibility to answer these people's questions. Seeing that these people still looked doubtful, the last thought in his heart that he wanted to explain was gone. He said in a somewhat irritable mood: "Just because you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Don't use your ignorance to measure the world. If you are really doubtful, after you go back, you can ask other alchemists to see what they think." Answered." After saying that, he stopped answering a word and turned around, leading Bian Qing and Su Yulang towards the depths of the cave


Standing with those people and breathing the air in the same place made Su Ziyi feel suffocated, so he turned around, quickly passed Elder Ou Yezi, and took the lead to the front of the team.

Cui Yu exchanged glances with Ou Wang and others, and immediately followed them.

A person was walking at the front. It was dark in front and he couldn't see anything. However, Su Ziyi quickly calmed down. In fact, he also knew that among the people who came out this time, whether they were disciples of this sect or other sects, they would have more or less opinions on their family. Su Ziyi didn't care about this, but the entanglement of some people I don't know, it made him a little unhappy to bite him like a mad dog.

Su Ziyi recognized the cultivator who had provoked him several times just now as someone from the Nanming Sect.

In fact, among all the sects, the ones who looked down upon him the most were the people from the Nanming Sect.

This is actually very confusing.

Because in Su Ziyi's impression, no one in their family had ever offended anyone from the Nanming Sect.

Cui Yu and Ou Wang quickly caught up with them, and they breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Su Ziyi's expression had softened. After the two looked at each other, Cui Yu finally used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the message to Su Ziyi.

"Senior Su."

"Don't take that person's words to heart."

"People from the Nanming Sect have always been like this." Cui Yu patiently explained in the divine voice transmission: "Although the Nanming Sect is also an upright sect, , but because the entire sect likes to bully the weak, is narrow-minded, and likes to resort to tricks in doing things, and often gets involved in various things like a stir stick, so it is not very popular." "So senior

. Just ignore what that person said."

"In the competition six years ago, because you eliminated the people from their Nanming Sect, they always blamed you for the reason why the other party failed to advance. On the body." Speaking of this, Cui Yu was still a little disdainful. He just felt that the Nanming Sect really couldn't wait for the elegant hall, and couldn't even tolerate the winning or losing of a competition. It was really disgusting.

Su Ziyi was startled. He had never thought that this was the reason.

If he didn't think about the Dabi competition six years ago, he would rarely think about it. Even if he thinks about it, he only thinks about those seed players, the one from Nanming Sect... To be honest, he really has no special impression.

However, after being explained like this by Cui Yu, Su Ziyi felt better.

But after he got better, he remembered another thing: "Hasn't the royal family sent someone here yet?" Although the rule over Dai's border has existed in name only, this time when such a big mess was caused, the royal family actually even If the team is not sent out, then it is a bit unreasonable.

Hearing Su Ziyi ask about this, Cui Yu's face flashed with helplessness: "I heard that there are some problems within the royal family. Now they are busy dealing with internal conflicts and have no intention of paying attention to things here." Although he said this to Su Ziyi , but in fact, Cui Yu also has some opinions on the royal family on this point. He only feels that if this continues, the existence of the royal family will be in danger.

And its demise is not like other small sects, which disappeared due to the suppression of other forces. It was all done by themselves.

But in the end, he is just a small cultivator of Xuan Cang Sect, and it is not his turn to comment on these matters. So after saying the previous words, I stopped talking.

Here, the bones are so thick that someone's knees are high, and they are all covered in debris, making it difficult to walk. Along the way, they also saw a lot of Yong corpses, but these corpses had already rotted to a certain extent and had obviously been dead for a while. Cui Yu stepped forward and looked at the wounds on the corpses, and confirmed to others that they had died under the attack of Xuan Cang Sect Mo Dao.

It seems that Zhu Lian and Liu Yu really disappeared from here.

Knowing that the road was correct, the Yong people's corpses were nothing to look at. The group of them had no intention of waiting for the people behind them, and walked straight to the front. Now, even the disciples of Xuancang Sect who originally had objections to Su Ziyi, after what happened just now, are far more dissatisfied with Nanming Sect than with the Su family. After all, the Su family's affairs are within their sect. Things, where do those people get their turn to point fingers?

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire team became weird.

Chapter 451 Looking for Traces

When his consciousness touched an impenetrable wall, Su Ziyi knew that they had reached the end.

With a "puff", Su Ziyi took out the torch from the storage bag, and everyone could see the situation clearly.

It looks exactly like what I saw the last time I entered the underground palace.

Holding the torch, Su Ziyi's eyes had some unclear meaning.

The people behind followed closely, especially after seeing the torches lit, their movements became three points faster. But Su Ziyi didn't stay any longer. Before those people could get closer, he just chose a direction from the left and right and left.

He was very fast and it didn't take long for him to finish half of the turn.

His face also fell.

Along the way, what he saw most was the body of Yong Ren. These corpses were scattered all over the floor like garbage, piled left and right, turning the entire passage into a corpse storage place.

Su Ziyi had no intention of going forward to explore the secrets of the corpses, but even so, he could still see that these corpses died in different ways


Some were stained with blood, some were clean and without wounds, some had hideous faces, and some were numb and expressionless... Su Ziyi saw the big wounds made by the sharp knife, and also saw the body with the chest of the corpse exploded and the flesh turned outwards... He didn't dare No matter how they died, there is no doubt that the deaths of these Yong people were abnormal.

In such a sea of ​​corpses, it is difficult to identify some traces left by the past. But hard work paid off, and Su Ziyi finally found some clues. When he saw the familiar-looking corpse, Su Ziyi's face instantly turned livid and ugly.

Bian Qing and Su Yulang, who had been following him, noticed his emotional changes immediately. Bian Qing stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?" Hearing Bian Qing's voice, Su Ziyi reluctantly

He barely managed to calm down, but he was still not at all shocked. In order to further verify his conjecture, he walked a little further forward, and then lit a stove on the wall of a passageway, which instantly illuminated the place even brighter.

When others entered this area, they immediately discovered the strange situation that their spiritual consciousness could not penetrate the wall in front. But this emotion was quickly replaced by others, because after walking a while further ahead, they actually found the same passage as when they came!

The entrances of these passages formed a circle, guarding the invisible wall in front. Together with the corpses everywhere, it looked very strange.

Although some people are eager to try those passages that look similar, they still have to obey the orders of the large army, turn their heads and look towards Elder Ou Yezi, waiting for Elder Ou Yezi to give them orders.

Elder Ou Yezi was looking for Su Ziyi at this time.

Just looking at Su Ziyi's expression and movements, he guessed that the other party might have a clue. It's just that Su Ziyi left too fast, and he had to take care of the people behind him, so he was left behind for a while.

But fortunately, Su Ziyi didn't want to act alone.

After Elder Ou Yezi came over with his people, Su Ziyi touched a hidden spot under the torch on the wall in front of everyone this time. Suddenly, everyone only heard a "boom", and a passage appeared on the stone wall opposite Su Ziyi.

At this time, everyone was excited.

Su Ziyi opened the mechanism in front of many people, so regardless of the previous What opinions and views people have towards Su Ziyi's family all changed at this moment. At this moment

, everyone's attention gathered on Su Ziyi.

Su Ziyi seemed not to notice the doubts of others, and once again took the lead with a cold face. He walked into the passage alone, and after exchanging glances with each other, those behind him finally followed Elder Ou Yezi and walked in together. Su Ziyi was familiar with this road, but not so familiar. He had walked it once

This road, when he was still forced to stay in the village, he walked to the underground palace through this road and got a glimpse of the secrets of the Miao and Dian people. At that time, the road under his feet and the surrounding stone walls were exactly the same. , the only difference was that the place was illuminated by fire that time, and it was dark this time.

This shouldn't be the case.

After walking along this road and seeing the familiar Nightmare Flower Garden, Su Ziyi was filled with doubts.

They came in from a different location. Similarly, Ser's village is very far away from the village where they came this time, and it is impossible to

get there in less than half an hour. But now, they appear here, at the place that connects to Ser's village. In a passage.

Su Ziyi had an extremely unrealistic dreamy feeling at this moment.

The nightmare flower, which had grown extremely lush, was burned completely by someone's fire, leaving only a black and bald piece, just like a piece of skin. The black spots were extremely ugly. Su Ziyi stepped into a pile of black ash and found the spot where the Miao Dian practitioners put the insects last time. He stepped on the ground with his toes, but found nothing. Ou Yezi discovered

Something was wrong with Su Ziyi, but before he could ask, Su Ziyi took the lead in sending him a message.

After listening to Su Ziyi's narration, his expression changed.

"What we passed was not an illusion array at all, but a teleportation array! "Ou Yezi answered Su Ziyi like this. What made his face change drastically was not because he had misjudged the type of formation, but because "Each channel represents a teleportation array, so how many teleportation arrays are there? ! And if we can use the teleportation array, the location where we are teleported will definitely not be close! God knows where we are now? "Coupled with the strange wall just now that can completely isolate spiritual consciousness, it is no wonder that Zhu Lian and Liu Yu have been away for so long. They are obviously still well, but no news has been sent to them. Only this point,

It was enough for Elder Ou Yezi to take out all his vigilance.

This nightmare flower was burned cleanly, not even a stubble was left. Even the roots in the ground were roasted to death by the fire, along with some that had not yet grown. The hatched insect eggs. Just digging a little deeper into the ground, Su Ziyi and his team found something more. They were

bones one after another.

The bones were black and smelly, as long as they touched them with enough force Bit by bit, it instantly shattered into pieces. The inside was full of pits and pits, looking like decayed paulownia wood tissue. Coupled with the unique stench, everyone's faces looked a bit unsightly. .These

are human bones.

Even though they have rotted like this, Su Ziyi and the others can still recognize their identities at a glance.

Under their feet, under the nightmare flowers, there are countless corpses buried.

The swaying Beautiful flowers turned out to be the color nourished by flesh and blood.

Facing these, Su Ziyi had no other expressions on his face. Others only felt that the Miao Dian people were too cruel, with expressions of resentment and indignation on their faces, as if they wanted to immediately Rushing out to punish those Miao Dian people.

Thinking back to what he saw last time, Su Ziyi could no longer imagine how many lives were buried behind them.

But it was useless to think too much about this kind of thing.

After those disciples dug up those After all the bones that came out were completely burned with fire, Su Ziyi led the people and moved forward. Elder Ou Yezi didn't say anything. Su Ziyi was more familiar with this place than he was, so it was best to let Su Ziyi lead the team from the front.

Su Ziyi led the people forward.

They passed through the hall, past the hole-shaped deep pit stronghold... Along the way, they didn't see anyone, not even a corpse. In the caves of the deep pit stronghold, there are still traces of many people's lives. Clothes, food... all kinds of sundries are scattered on the ground. It is obvious that their owners were very panicked when they left.

Once here, Su Ziyi and Ou Yezi discussed the next way.

Although he got a glimpse of many secrets in the underground palace that time, he didn't go to many places. When he got here, there were only two roads he knew, one was the road to the insect nest, and the other was to the weird lake and island.

The two roads are in different directions. It is not Su Ziyi's decision where to go.

Ou Yezi also fell silent after listening to Su Ziyi's analysis.

Because the two roads Su Ziyi mentioned contain huge secrets, and each one is not so easy for people to give up. Therefore, Elder Ou Yezi inevitably struggled for a while.

But fortunately, he realized the purpose of their visit this time.

"Let's search the surrounding area first to see if we can find any traces left by Elders Zhu Lian and Liu Yu." Elder Ou Yezi absolutely believed that the two elders would leave traces after they came here, so that people behind could follow them. .

Su Ziyi had no objection to the decision made by Elder Ou Yezi.

The situation in the underground palace is too weird. The strength of these people alone is really not enough, so it is best to meet Elder Zhu Lian and others this morning. So after Elder Ou Yezi made his decision, he nodded and backed away. Anyway, everything he knew had been explained, and there was nothing he needed to explain next.

Except for the Tzuyu statue.

If what Elder Ou Yezi said, it would be impossible for Elder Liu Yu and his group to leave the underground palace without making any marks. It's just that those marks were hidden and inconspicuous, so it took Elder Ou Yezi and the others a little effort to find them.

But this reminded Su Ziyi and others.

Since Elder Liu Yu and the others made the mark so obscure, there must be people here when they came here, and they need to always pay attention to their whereabouts so as not to be exposed. Therefore, when Elder Liu Yu and others arrived here, there should not have been any problems in the Shenkeng stronghold.
