Chapter 547 - 548

Chapter 547 The spirit stone is strange

——"Never come back again."

Hearing this, Su Ziyi couldn't help but become silent.

Feeling: These Diyue Kingdom cultivators have destroyed a spiritual mine, so they should change the place immediately. Although the Diyue Kingdom is big, if they deal with it this way, I'm afraid they won't be able to last for many years.

At this moment, Su Ziyi felt the anxiety of the cultivators of Diyue Kingdom.

In particular, the source of this anxiety is their powerless existence.

The other party was still saying something, but Su Ziyi focused on it. While listening to the other party's ramble, he secretly thought about the so-called spiritual funeral. He didn't know whether the vacuum of spiritual energy caused by the funeral was permanent or temporary. If it is temporary, how long will it take to recover? Can it be restored to the way it was before? Will there be any other impact on the collapsed spiritual mine?

This series of questions entered Su Ziyi's mind, making Su Ziyi think deeply.

The man babbled a lot, his mouth almost drying up, and then he stopped, looked at Su Ziyi and asked: "How is it? Brother, the situation in Diyue is not good now, and those cultivators are not doing well. It was moisturizing before and made them even more crazy, so you might as well leave with us early." "We don't

know what the specific situation is in Qin."

"But we won't be wronged here."

"And I have had enough of these cruel and ruthless practitioners. Even if I die, I would rather die in the hands of other ordinary people at the same time, instead of being oppressed to death by these practitioners like a dog without dignity!" At this point, his eyes were red: "If I have the chance, I will definitely avenge my husband and children! To comfort their souls in heaven!" After saying that, he calmed down and stopped talking


Su Ziyi had already gotten enough information from them, but he still had one question, and that was - "I just dug this down below." He reached into his arms and pulled out a blindfold from the storage bag. He took out the spirit stone dug out before: "Its color seemed to have changed the moment it was dug out?" As soon as the

spirit stone appeared, everyone's eyes became excited.

Although these people hate cultivators, the value of spiritual stones is indeed real. Just such a piece is enough for their family to live a good life. How can this not make them excited.

But considering that this spiritual stone belongs to Su Ziyi, and Su Ziyi is their savior, no matter from which angle they look at it, they cannot reach out and grab it. Therefore, after their eyes flashed for a while, they finally suppressed the greed in their hearts and stood aside silently, but the envy in their eyes was not less.

Seeing how successful they were, Su Ziyi felt a little satisfied.

The big man opposite was the same as those people, but looking at Su Ziyi still waiting for his answer, he calmed down, tried his best to suppress his emotions, and answered Su Ziyi: "This is normal." Afraid that Su Ziyi would not understand, He added: "The spiritual stones in Diyue are all like this." "

I heard people say that this is related to the spiritual energy in Diyue."

"I don't know what is going on here. After all, We are not cultivators, and we cannot understand these things. But I am certain that it is normal for spiritual stones to change color after being dug out. We have seen many similar situations, so you don’t need to feel strange." In short

, , he just doesn’t know.

Su Ziyi didn't expect an ordinary person to be able to answer this question, but when he heard this, he felt a little disappointed. After asking this question, Su Ziyi had nothing else to know, so he pretended to think about it, shook his head and rejected the other party's previous proposal: "I don't plan to go to Qin yet. Go find my family." After saying that, he pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Hearing what he said, the others were startled for a moment, and then they all laughed to themselves.

There is also family, which is great.

In this case, there is no need for them to get together again. So, after saying goodbye, the group of people divided into two groups and left from different directions.

When Su Ziyi returned to the inn, Cui Yishan and several children were still awake, so Su Ziyi went directly to Zhihuai's room.

As soon as Long Huai felt his breath, he immediately opened his eyes, climbed out of bed and opened the door for Su Ziyi. When he saw Su Ziyi covered in mud and looking embarrassed, he had a weird look on his face. But he still welcomed the people in first and asked them to sit down and rest. He went down to find the waiter and asked the waiter to bring hot water up.

Yesterday, he learned a lot of Diyue dialect from Cui Yishan, and now he can speak some simple daily expressions.

Su Ziyi took a quick bath and had a hearty meal, and then he felt relaxed. He put down the bowl and chopsticks, faced Zhihuai who was sitting opposite, and told Zhihuai what he had discovered yesterday. Finally, he took

out the spiritual stone and handed it to Long Huai: "Have you seen or heard of it before? Is there a similar spirit stone?"

He held the spirit stone in his hand and looked over it several times. Long Huai frowned and shook his head: "No." "

Although Diyue Kingdom is a neighboring country to us, this country is not. They are very wary of countries like ours. Once someone enters the country, they will pay close attention to them. In addition, Diyue Country is not suitable for practitioners from these countries, so over the years, not many people know the specific true situation in Diyue Country. ——Even if it’s something like the frequent collapse of the Spirit Mine."

Su Zi fell silent.

He took the spirit stone back into his hand and rubbed it. After a while, just when Zhihuai thought that Su Ziyi had other ideas, Su Ziyi suddenly exerted force, and the spirit stone that was intact just now turned into a pile of dust with a bang. , Long Huai was stunned.

"What are you talking about?"

"There is something wrong with this spirit stone." Su Ziyi said: "Normal spirit stones are not fragile, but this one, I just put some spiritual power into it and it shattered like this. Obviously, there is something wrong with it." Spiritual energy is not pure, there is something else in it." Su Ziyi said, while thinking about what could be hidden in it? Yin energy? Turbidity? No, this breath is stronger and hotter, different from those breaths.

This is a new existence.

Thinking of this, Su Ziyi suddenly wanted to know more about Diyue Kingdom. He turned his head and looked at Zhihuai: "How was your chat with that old man yesterday?" The topic was too jumpy, which made Zhihuai stunned for a moment, but he still answered in a straight tone: "Not bad, already. You're relatively familiar with it, right?"

That's good.

Su Ziyi nodded: "Then wait for them to wake up and discuss with this old man to see if he is willing to join our team and go to Qin with us." A light flashed in his eyes: "It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not. Promise, you have to ask him to accompany you to the bookstore to see if you can find information about the spiritual changes that occurred in Diyue Kingdom thousands of years ago." "This" Zhihuai naturally knew that Su Ziyi said this because of him.

Although he was a little confused about his plan, he finally nodded in agreement: "Okay." This matter was no longer something he could handle, and his brain was not as good as Su Ziyi's, so he just obeyed. Just do what Su Ziyi said.

When the sound of the door opening was heard from the next room, Zhihuai glanced at Su Ziyi, opened the door and walked out.

Zhihuai's mission went very successfully. Of course, it is impossible not to succeed. After all, with the physical strength of Cui Yishan and his friends, old and young, and the financial resources of Qingfeng, it is impossible to reach Qin State. To a large extent, they will die of exhaustion or starvation on the way. . Therefore, Zhihuai's invitation to him was undoubtedly a timely blessing.

This made him feel more and more grateful to Su Ziyi and the others.

When Zhihuai was getting closer to Cui Yishan, Su Ziyi was not idle either. He didn't go to see the two children, so he hurriedly left the inn again. Last night, those Qi-refining period practitioners who should have noticed the abnormality in the mine in advance abandoned the mine and left alone. This made Su Ziyi curious about how those people knew that the mine was unstable.

If they really have such a discerning ability, then why did such appalling tragedies happen in the big mine before? Many practitioners died at that time.

This really made Su Ziyi very curious.

Although those people had been gone for several hours, it was not too difficult to find them. After all, Su Ziyi had targeted them from the beginning, so even if they were gone now, he could find them by chasing them in the direction they left. Group of people. By then, whether those people go to a new mine or go to other places, they will definitely gain something.

Relying on the gestures, Su Ziyi rented a horse in the city and chased it in that direction.

The Diyue Kingdom is really pitiful. Outside of Rucheng, there are very few people inhabiting it. All the villages and towns that Su Ziyi passed by were deserted, just like the ones Su Ziyi had seen before. Thinking about what the man had told him before, most of the people working in the mines were foreigners, he couldn't help but start thinking, where have all these original residents gone?

Was he caught working in a mine that the men didn't know about, or was something else going on?

This series of disturbances distracted Su Ziyi's attention, allowing Su Ziyi to sort out the problems and situations he encountered along the way, and then determined that what happened in Diyue had been hidden below. The hidden secret will definitely not be smaller than what happened in Miao Dian, and may even be bigger and more serious.

When he thought of this, Su Ziyi's eyebrows never relaxed again during the rest of the journey.

Chapter 548 The entrance to the bookstore

More than a hundred miles to the southwest of Rucheng, there is a small town.

Breaking into this small town, Su Ziyi suddenly felt as if he had returned to Dai Country.

Because the cultivation atmosphere here is really too strong.

Spiritual grass shop, monster beast shop... From all kinds of magic products to all kinds of items needed for cultivation, this small town sells them all. Moreover, the number of ordinary people here is very small, and they are basically all cultivators. Even if their cultivation level is not high, they are enough to outshine ordinary people, so this small town is somewhat unusual.

Su Ziyi dismounted from a distance, took out a low-level treasure sword and put it on his back, pretending to be a low-level cultivator and entered the city.

After a while, Su Ziyi realized belatedly that this should be a place similar to Fangshi.

While walking, Su Ziyi observed the surrounding situation. Compared with Xicheng in Qixia Town, this place is much smaller, and the richness and quantity of resources are far inferior. Su Ziyi thought for a while and thought that this should have something to do with the Fallen Fairy Forest. After all, there were many spiritual objects in the Fallen Fairy Forest, enough for a large number of cultivators.

And this -

the spiritual mines collapse from time to time, and the survival of other spiritual creatures becomes increasingly difficult. The current situation is not surprising.

But these are not what attract Su Ziyi's attention the most. What really makes Su Ziyi wary is the large building complex standing on the mountain a few miles away from this city. Judging from the concentration of spiritual energy on the mountain and the number of active practitioners, it is obvious that there is a base for a cultivator sect, but it is not large in scale.

This should be the sect of those cultivators who left in the middle of the night.

Although Su Ziyi wanted to go up there to explore, after all, it was still a little early, there were people everywhere, and he was a stranger, so a frivolous move would attract the attention of many people. Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Su Ziyi planned to store the horse and walk around the city to see if he could find anything interesting.

Small but complete.

Before, Su Ziyi relied on his spiritual consciousness to explore the entire city, so he didn't have a high opinion of this city. But now, after he walked into the store, he realized that although the things here were better than It is not as good as Yuan Kingdom and Dai Kingdom, but it is enough for ordinary practitioners. Obviously the situation here is not as bad as Su Ziyi thought.

On the way, some practitioners wearing yellow black-collared robes caught Su Ziyi's attention.

He remembered that the cultivators who left yesterday were wearing the same robes as these people. It seemed that they were all members of the same sect. Although these people have low cultivation levels, they all have arrogant attitudes. When walking in the city, even some cultivators with higher cultivation levels than them will automatically get out of the way when they see them, obviously out of fear. The sect behind the opponent.

I don’t know what the sect behind these people is capable of.

At this time, Su Ziyi suddenly hated himself for not knowing Diyue dialect. If he could speak Diyue dialect, many troublesome things could be solved easily.

Su Ziyi retreated to a corner, observing the group and feeling regretful.

There is not a single foundation-building cultivator in the entire city. They are all in the Qi-refining stage. Among them, the disciples who belong to the sects on the mountain have the highest cultivation level. The other casual cultivators who open shops basically only have Qi-refining level three. Four levels, the highest is only the seventh level of Qi Refining. And even if their cultivation level is higher than those of the sect disciples, they will automatically give in. It is obvious that their life is not easy.

But this was only a little bit of what he saw. When Su Ziyi passed by some store doors and saw the faces of those sect disciples, he realized that what he thought was too simple.

There should be one or more foundation-building cultivators in this sect, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be so arrogant.

This made Su Ziyi a little more cautious about his actions later today.

The market was not big, so Su Ziyi walked from one end to the other like a wandering spirit, and it took him only half an hour to slowly walk around the entire town. After walking around, he found that the best business here was the elixir store. There were many cultivators coming in and out there, and these cultivators all had blood energy in their bodies. The difference was just more or less. It was obvious that these people had been busy recently. Been through combat.

And it's still with monsters.

Time passed quickly, and soon the sun was turning westward. Su Ziyi did not go to the inn, but found a shaded place to hide himself. When dusk came, he covered his body with mud and followed several sect disciples who returned late, and walked towards that sect. Along the way, he was very careful and did not disturb the people in front of him until he reached the mountain gate.

But what worries Su Ziyi the most is the location of the mountain gate.

Like Xuancang Sect, there is a mountain gate formation at the mountain gate. Under the defense of the mountain gate formation, no outsider can easily enter Xuancang Mountain. As for this mountain, although Su Ziyi's formation level is not high, he still feels that a mountain gate formation has been set up, but he doesn't know what the level and effectiveness of the formation are.

Therefore, Su Ziyi was very cautious, even holding his breath, for fear that he would reveal his flaws accidentally.

Following those people, Su Ziyi discovered that this mountain guarding formation was the same as the one in Xuancang Mountain, both relying on tokens to distinguish entry and exit qualifications. This couldn't help but put Su Ziyi in trouble. He watched those few people in the Qi Refining Period talking and laughing as they walked through the mountain guarding formation and entered the mountain gate. He thought for a moment and backed away.

At this time, there are still many people who have not returned to the sect.

Hidden on the road from Fangshi to Shanmen, it didn't take long for Su Ziyi to wait for an unlucky guy who was alone. However, at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, Su Ziyi knocked the person unconscious without any effort, and then used medicine to charm the person. , just picked up the token on the other party and left. The poor guy was left lying unconscious in the woods.

With the token, Su Ziyi successfully entered the mountain gate without disturbing anything this time.

Such a small sect is not as good as the Xuan Cang Sect, but it is just a small mountain. As long as the foundation-building cultivator thinks about it, flying around this mountain does not take half a cup of tea. It seems really boring. .

But that's just the surface.

As soon as he passed through the mountain gate, Su Ziyi felt several relatively powerful auras from the mountain, which were basically the strength of the early and middle stages of foundation building. It seems that this mountain-protecting formation has other special effects, and I don't know how it does it. After thinking about whether he was an alchemist or not, Su Ziyi threw the question behind him and hid in the shadows, quickly running towards the mountain.

In order not to disturb those foundation building stages, Su Ziyi did not release his spiritual consciousness, and relied purely on his eyes, which were countless times better than ordinary people, to observe.

This sect is too poor.

Unlike the spiritual veins buried under Xuancang Mountain, this mountaintop is much barren, and the concentration of spiritual energy is not much different from the outside. I don’t know why the people of this sect placed the sect here. Although the number of houses seems to be quite large, and they have everything, they are all small in size and do not look imposing, which makes it difficult to feel intimidated.

Dodging the patrolling disciples, Su Ziyi quickly reached the uppermost hall.

Next to the main hall, there were three wooden buildings standing in the shape of a Chinese glyph. Su Ziyi went over and took a look and found that the three wooden buildings were the martial arts hall, the utility hall and the library. When he saw the library, his eyes lit up. He carefully looked around, and after making sure no one was paying attention, he quietly slipped into the library.

This library was not big, with only three floors, but each floor was filled with densely packed books, all of which were written by Di Yue, which gave Su Ziyi a headache.

It seems that there is no use for him to sneak in.

Just when Su Ziyi was hesitant to leave here and look elsewhere, he suddenly felt a strange movement in the air, a rather powerful aura suddenly appeared, and it was also accompanied by the sound of a stone being dragged. His mind froze, and his body, which had been a little relaxed just now, immediately became tense. With a little step, he jumped up to the pillars on the ceiling, hiding himself by the width of the pillars.

The sound came from the first floor.

Su Ziyi followed the sound and saw that the bookshelves seven or eight rows ahead had moved inexplicably. No, it shouldn't be said that the bookshelf is moving, but the stone slabs under the bookshelf are moving. There were more than one moving stone slab, making a harsh sound in the silent night, but because there was no one around, it did not disturb other people. However, all

this was caught by Su Ziyi.

More and more bookshelves join the movement, and eventually when all the bookshelves come to a stop, they are no longer where they were before. They are arranged in four directions, guarding the square inch of land in the middle, which looks a bit strange. And just when Su Ziyi was wondering what was going on, the stone slab in the middle space moved, revealing a dark hole.

But the next second, a red face appeared at the entrance of the cave.

This is a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building. It is not known what kind of mental method he has practiced. His whole face is too red, as if it has been roasted by fire. But this redness did not last long. When the man walked out of the cave, his face gradually calmed down like his breathing. Even though his face was still a little red, he looked like an ordinary person.

It turns out that there is a cave under this stone slab.

There was more than just a red-faced man below. After he came up, four more cultivators appeared one after another. All of them had spiritual energy rolling around their bodies and their breaths were impetuous. They should have just finished practicing or used force. This couldn't help but make Su Ziyi even more curious about this. But before he could think of anything else, several strange smells appeared outside the library.
