Chapter 810 - 811

Chapter 810 Zelong pleads

The fallen ice sheet is larger than imagined.

The ice-sand's collapse speed was no slower than Su Ziyi's flying sword, or even slightly faster.

Half an hour later, when Su Ziyi finally flew out of the ice field and looked back, what he saw was a black sea that looked like ink. However, this time there was no longer any aura that made Su Ziyi feel uncomfortable. Instead, it seemed to have been purified by some force, making it even purer.

An idea flashed through Su Ziyi's mind and he continued to fly forward.

Zixi's speed was too fast. Although there was only a little time difference between them, Su Ziyi could no longer feel the other person's breath at all, and could only judge by the residual evil spirit in the air. But these evil spirits have become very weak, so even those who are as sensitive to the evil spirits as him have become a little reluctant at this time.

When it completely disappeared, Su Ziyi stood there in a daze.

What is he doing?

As Su Ziyi had imagined before, the ice field was not the only place where accidents occurred in the secret realm. The vast and boundless cedar forest connecting the ice field also suffered. A large amount of land was directly opened up, and the cedars fell down in various directions. Looking around, it was a mess. And it was in this place that the messenger jade pendant in Su Ziyi's arms received a signal.

He is from Xuan Cang Sect.

The signal was very urgent. It seemed that he had suffered an accident. Therefore, Su Ziyi flew in that direction without thinking too much, but after his spiritual consciousness discovered the trace of the other party, the look on his face became strange, because this time, next to the Xuan Cang Sect member, he found As far as Zelong is concerned, the two sides are not opposed to each other. They are standing on the same front and confronting the other side.

On the other side, it is the charm of the mountain.

With just one glance, Su Ziyi could roughly understand the complexity and torment in Zelong's heart, but it was not the time to worry about it now, because there were four or five other monsters behind Shan Mei, and the other party had no Shan Mei is so easy to talk to, and she is looking at Zelong and the others with salivation.

Just as Su Ziyi thought, Zelong's mood was indeed not calm now, and he was even quite angry.

It doesn't look like a monster now, but like a little humanoid doll. Although it could hide its appearance from the foundation-building stage next to it, it could not hide it from the monster beasts on the opposite side. As soon as the opponent smelled its breath, their desire for its flesh and blood immediately made them red-eyed. If it weren't for the mountain charm pressing down in front, I would have pounced on him long ago.

But these inferior existences couldn't shake Zelong's mood at all. What hurt him was the indifference on Shan Mei's face, the look like he was looking at a stranger, which made him so angry that he wanted to turn into a beast immediately. The form shreds everything in sight.

And just when it could hardly control itself, Su Ziyi fell from the sky.

Su Yulang's coma diverted Zelong's attention very well, and also made the originally anxious foundation-building practitioner overjoyed, and he hurriedly came over. Su Ziyi ignored him and just looked at Shan Mei. He found that after not seeing each other for so long, Shan Mei's aura became even deeper.

This also made Su Ziyi's eyes darker.

Su Ziyi couldn't defeat Shan Mei, nor could Zelong, so his help was actually of little use. Fortunately, Shan Mei had no intention of attacking them in the first place. When Zelong turned his back to it and was caring about Su Yulang, he took a deep look at Zelong, and then took the few with him without turning his head. The monster reluctantly left.

And when it disappeared, when Su Ziyi looked down again, he found that Zelong's small face was full of tears, and he was biting his lower lip to prevent himself from crying.

This is really rare.

This foundation builder of Xuan Cang Sect is also an elder, but Su Ziyi is not familiar with him. After Shan Mei left with the monsters, the other party completely relaxed and complained to Su Ziyi about his misfortune. He said that he had never expected that the monsters that came in this time were so powerful. It seemed that he couldn't defeat any of them. .

From his words, it was obvious that he was not optimistic about their actions this time.

Su Ziyi didn't know what to say now.

Even Xu Zhique has no chance of winning against either Shang Zixi or Shan Mei, let alone the others? However, from the moment they made the decision, they had no way out. Therefore, after the elder calmed down, Su Ziyi left with him and Zelong.

The secret realm has changed, and it would be foolish or stupid to act alone now.

But that night, the earth turned over again, and even the stars in the sky became dim.

After everything calmed down, Su Ziyi finally found a piece of flat ground to sit down and turned to look at Zelong: "Do you know what happened? This is the second time. It is definitely not an accident." From Shan Mei After leaving, Zelong's mood has been weak, and he also looks a little afraid and cowed, which makes Su Ziyi have to guess what he might know.

Sure enough -

after hearing Su Ziyi's words, its eyes dodge a little and its mouth closed tighter, but the emotion in its eyes was very struggling, and it was obvious that it didn't want to tell Su Ziyi at all.

Just at this moment, Bian Qing and Su Yulang woke up, distracting Su Ziyi's attention and making Zelong secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

However, it didn't know that its appearance actually fell into Su Ziyi's eyes.

Early the next morning, they set off again. However, they never encountered other people on the road that day. They did see a few monsters, but these monsters were already dead, and judging from the way of death, they were Xuan Cang Sect’s methods. Immediately, the elder became excited and believed that it was Xu Zhique who moved his hand.

Su Ziyi thought the same thing, but what's the use?

On the fourth night after entering the secret realm, the earth began to tremble again.

This time, Su Ziyi found that he had no idea at all, as if he had expected this situation for a long time, and was not surprised, watching all this happen with a cold eye. At this time, the elder also began to realize that something was wrong. His heart, which had been a little relaxed because he had found the clue to Xu Zhique, suddenly became tense again. His eyebrows were drawn together, but they still didn't move away.

That night, Su Ziyi looked up at the sky and found that less than half of the stars in the sky had disappeared.

And tomorrow, I don’t know how many will disappear.


The continuous earthquakes made the elder become anxious, and the delay in finding Xu Zhique also made him fall into a situation like a trapped animal. Regarding his negative emotions, Su Ziyi did not say a word, because his mood was also bad at the moment, because even if Su Yulang came on the stage, Zelong always kept his mouth shut and kept his secret.

Really, this feeling is bad enough.

During the day on the sixth day, Su Ziyi finally felt Zixi's breath again.

The Fallen Immortal Secret Realm is really too big, which can be seen from the fact that they haven't met anyone else in the past few days, so Su Ziyi has basically given up the idea of ​​finding Zixi. However, unexpectedly, when the sky broke on the sixth day, he once again felt a strong sinister aura, and there was also a trace of breath in it.

Immediately, Su Ziyi couldn't sit still and chased after him.

It's one thing to feel it, but it still takes a little effort to find it.

By the time Su Ziyi saw the black tide spreading all over the ground again, it was already half an hour later, and Zi Xi's matter had come to an end, just in time for Su Ziyi to arrive and watch him bury another magic weapon deep underground. Take out the scene. The moment the magic weapon fell into his hands, the huge mountain below shattered into sand and completely disappeared from the land.

Su Ziyi stopped and stopped approaching.

It was not because he was frightened by the sight in front of him, but because he saw the mountain charm not far behind Zixi, and saw a dozen monster beasts that were at the peak of the ninth level.

With this kind of lineup, even if his brain was filled with water, he would not just pounce on them.

Otherwise, it is not called brave, it is called sick.

Su Ziyi's arrival was not hidden from the other party, but whether it was Zi Xi or Shan Mei, they acted as if they hadn't seen him, and left immediately after taking away the magic weapon. Su Ziyi's eyes darkened, and he hesitated for a moment, but he quickly made up his mind and decided to follow. At this time, Bian Qing and the others, who had been left behind by him before, also caught up. As soon as Zelong saw Shan Mei's back, he suddenly felt a little depressed.

When Su Ziyi moved forward and prepared to chase after him, it finally spoke after being silent for several days: "Can we just let it go?" Its voice was a little hoarse, and it sounded like it had been crying for a long time, but everyone in the Su family knew that

. , Zelong is naughty, but crying should not always happen to him. Therefore, even if Su Ziyi was as anxious as he was, he still stopped at this moment and asked: "Why?" He knew that Zelong was tough, so he added at the end: "If you can't give a reasonable reason, then this is Stop talking." After saying that, he planned to chase the mountain monsters who were almost out of sight.

"Don't chase!" Seeing that Su Ziyi was really about to catch up, Zelong was really panicked at this moment. He reached out and grabbed Su Ziyi's sleeve, pulled it back fiercely, and directly tore off most of Su Ziyi's sleeve. sleeve. When Su Ziyi looked back, he saw Zelong, who had always been fearless, with a scared face. His little body began to tremble, and he whispered as if begging: "Don't go..."

"Please... don't go... you will die..."

Chapter 811 The dead end in the secret realm

——"You will die..."

——"No one can escape, everyone will die here..."

Zelong looked in pain, and the hand holding Su Ziyi's sleeve relaxed, as if he had thought of it As if he was extremely afraid of something, his lips trembled slightly: "This secret realm has been a complete trap from the beginning... I didn't even think about letting people get out alive..." Su Ziyi was shocked, but the one who spoke before him

was Su Yulang: "How could this happen?"

"This is not the first time that the Fallen Immortal Secret Realm has been opened. Before us, so many monsters and cultivators have been here. Why did it change this time?" Although The encounters along the way made Su Yulang already know that changes had occurred in the secret realm, but this kind of... has completely subverted the original appearance of the secret realm, and even transformed into a Jedi... This should not be... and is impossible!

But is there anything in this world that is completely absolute and never changes?

Zelong uttered four words in a muffled voice: "Secret Realm of the South..."

Suddenly, several people felt as if a stick was hitting the back of their heads, awakening all the problems they had ignored intentionally or unintentionally, allowing them to Realize that this kind of thing that completely subverts their cognition is also possible.

"The Southern Secret Realm shouldn't be like that..."

"But, there was a mutation last time... It's the same as here..." "

I haven't been to the Southern Secret Realm, but it's not a barren secret realm... As long as If it is not destroyed, then there is no problem in persisting for hundreds or even thousands of years... But last time, all the early monsters gained nothing and suffered heavy losses." "Isn't it the same here?" Zelong twitched the corner of his mouth

, He raised his head and looked at Su Ziyi, his eyes full of pain. However, Su Ziyi noticed that there was no despair there, so he asked: "Did Shan Mei tell you these things just now?" Bian Qing and Su Yulang next to them were stunned, looked at Su Ziyi, and finally their eyes were all Concentrated on Zelong.


"That's right, it told me." After saying this, it fell silent.

At this time, the elder who had been standing nearby and listened in the mist couldn't help it anymore: "What are you talking about?" What secret realm in the south? What kind of mountain charm? What are these? As for the mess... However, although he didn't understand the rest, he understood what Zelong said at the beginning, that is - they are all dead, this secret realm is a trap, and everyone will die here.

Although I was prepared to die here when I set out, this way of dying was a bit frustrating. Seeing that Su Ziyi hadn't spoken for a long time, he felt like his head was about to burst into flames: "Master Sudan, let's go find the Supreme Sect Master and the others as soon as possible! This matter is too serious... We must inform others as soon as possible." He was so anxious that he said It was almost bubbling, but Su Ziyi remained unmoved, and even the expression on his face did not change. He kept looking at Zelong with a very cold look.

"We should contact them..."

When Elder Guo wanted to grab Su Ziyi's shoulders and shake him awake, Su Ziyi finally spoke. However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Su Ziyi said, "Leave this matter to Elder Guo. I have other things to do here."

Other things?

What's up?

Immediately, everyone thought of Su Ziyi's previous pursuit of Shan Mei and Zi Xi, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Zelong was extremely anxious: "Didn't I tell you not to chase? You will die!" "

But you tell me how you can not die?!" Suddenly, Su Ziyi roared angrily: "You will die if you chase! If you don't chase, you will die!" , this secret realm will also try to kill you! Tell me how you can not die?!" His roar really scared Zelong, and also suppressed Bian Qing and Su Yulang. No one expected it. His sudden outburst.

However, Su Ziyi has been feeling aggrieved for too long.

From the moment they entered the secret realm to now, nothing has gone well. Zelong didn't need to tell him. He knew that they had been tricked this time, and they had no way to resist. They could only watch the changes in the secret realm day by day. One day old.

He saw clearly.

He could see that these consecutive days of earthquakes were just the beginning, and more terrible things would definitely happen in the future. But what can he do? Just lie down and accept the facts and wait to die? Or should we find a place to end it directly and be done with it? No one who has cultivated to his level would do such a thing, let alone him who has been trying to find a way out of Qingze Continent for decades?

He is not willing to give in!

He doesn't want to die here!

If you just accept it all and do nothing, it will be like a slap directly on his face, mocking him severely, mocking his overestimation, mocking his worthlessness, mocking him for having been busy for a long time, and finally Fetching water from a bamboo basket is in vain, even your life will be lost here! Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't it funny?

Su Ziyi wanted to look up to the sky and smile.

He suddenly felt very sad.

From the time he came to Qingze Continent to now, everything has gone through Su Ziyi's mind, happy, unhappy, sad, serious... In the past hundred years, he has experienced so many things and met so many things. People, but now I feel not happy at all. My heart is empty and I can't stand on the ground.

What is his life for?

Is it for the heavenly magic? Or for immortality? Or is it to pursue a higher status than others? No, he clearly just wanted to live a happier and more fulfilling life, so that before his life ended, he could look back on his life and say without guilt that his life had not been in vain.

But what now?

His somewhat erratic gaze fell on the faces of Bian Qing and Su Yulang next to him. Seeing the worry on their faces, tears rushed out of their eyes and flowed down.

He cannot die.

He can't die here.

He couldn't let his husband and children die here without any reason.

They obviously still have so many things to do.

There are still so many beautiful sights that they have not seen, so many delicacies that

they have not tasted... They have been working hard to stay alive all their lives, and have never stopped to enjoy life. Life has not begun yet, how can they be here? What about the curtain call?

After wiping her tears, Su Ziyi's mood slowly stabilized.

However, what he just said really scared Bian Qing and the others. What made them even more uncomfortable was that they couldn't ask yet, for fear that they would hit Su Ziyi's pain points again. So, there's really nothing to do but watch them.

This feeling is very powerless.

Fortunately, Su Ziyi recovered quickly and even smiled at them, and then continued to say to Elder Guo: "I have made a decision here, so I will leave it to you to inform the Supreme Sect Master about them. ." This time, no one objected to his decision. Elder Guo even nodded in agreement after being stunned for a moment: "Okay." From the beginning to the end,

Zelong never said a word. When Su Ziyi started to leave, it followed him, and its struggling eyes instantly became firm.

The troops were divided into two groups, and the Su family was separated from Elder Guo.

"Let's go." When Su Ziyi said this to him with a smile, Bian Qing felt his heart hurt so much, as if he was being pricked by dense needles, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't say anything. Finally, a thousand words turned into a hand, holding the other person's hand tightly, trying to pass on his power in this way.

Su Ziyi felt his gentleness.

Although Su Ziyi recovered his emotions quickly, Shan Mei and Zi Xi moved too fast. At this moment, there was only a very weak breath in the air, allowing Su Ziyi and the others to vaguely determine the approximate direction of the other party.

This is a bit difficult.

However, this time, Zelong, who had been opposed to Su Ziyi's pursuit before, suddenly turned into the form of a monster. He moved his nose and flew directly to the front, very fast, without a moment's pause, as if he knew where they were going.

Su Ziyi and the others were stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that Zelong might have tracking skills that they didn't know about.

The other party had not shown up before, probably because they really didn't want them to have anything to do with Shan Mei. And now... Su Yulang, who stayed at the very back, had a slight smile on his face. After seeing that the others had flown far away, he hurriedly followed.

With Zelong's cooperation, they successfully found Zixi's location this time.

However, due to the disparity in strength, it was still difficult to catch up with the other party at once. From day to night, they chased each other from day to night. As night fell, they even lost track of the other party, and even the weak breath disappeared.

But I don’t know what method Zelong used. After stagnating in the air for a while, he still found a direction: "Go this way." "They just used the teleportation array, and now they have reached another place far away."

"It may take a few days to get there. Are you sure you want to chase after it?"

"Did you just say that they used the teleportation array?" Su Ziyi asked another question first: "Where can I find the teleportation array? Can we see if we can pass through the teleportation array?" Logically speaking, his idea is logical, but - "We can't use that teleportation array."

"Because they destroyed it when they left. We can't use the teleportation array that fell on the other side." It tilted its head and looked at Su Ziyi, and said in a very serious tone: "There are many teleportation arrays in the secret realm, and they are all hidden in a certain pattern. Only Only by using certain means can you obtain the right to use it, not the spirit stone."

"And you should have seen the means of their manipulation, which is the weird magic weapon."

"Let them gain control of the entire secret realm step by step."
