Currently, everyone was searching around the classroom to find a phone Y/n was now regretting dropping hers in the cafeteria.

"I found one!"

"Whose is it?"


Trying to unlock it, as if luck strikes, the zombified girl walks to the door. Cheong-San, not the brightest, tries using facial recognition to unlock it.

"You're gonna have to get closer." Su-hyeok spoke in a 'matter of fact' tone, also not the brightest.

"Y'know you don't need to unlock it to use the emergency call option.. Just call 112."

They turned towards Y/n while she was busy wiping the blood off her hands.

"Hello? What is your emergency?"

"This is Hyosan High School. A ton of zombies showed up at lunch, and they're eating people."

"Don't say zombies." On-jo whispered, apparently the only smart one.


"Hey, do something. Tell Ms. Park to come and help."

"What exactly could she do? Do you not see the situation we're in? If you haven't realized, we're all fucked."

Most of them glared at Y/n, while she just continued carving a heart on her desk.

"What has she done as class president?"

"So you just want me to leave now?"

"Well if you're offering."

"Damn, stop being a bitch Na-yeon." Looking over her piece of art she traced it with a finger.

"Why do you think you get to talk now? Go back to being the quiet outcast."

"Well damn, got me there, huh?" Rolling her eyes, Y/n put her head on her hand and watched the scene unfold.


"Ladies, ladies, can you just stop whining?"

"Oh? Now you're butting in shithead?"

"What? Did you just call me a shithead? Call me a shithead, you shithead!"

"Hey uh.. Maybe hold the door? No? Ok."

Being ignored, she decided to do it herself and slowly inched to the door until it flew open.

Pointing her knife at the intruder, she immediately lowered it.

"Coach kang?"

"Are you guys okay?"

"What about you? You weren't bitten?"

Y/n slowly backed away, she never liked him, he just gave off weird vibes.

"Hey guys, let's block the door first. Get moving hurry. Let's move this."

As everyone started moving desks towards the door, Y/n was still sitting on top of her desk.

"What are you doing? Move quickly, don't just sit around Y/n."

About to help she noticed On-jo and I-sak huddled together whispering, that was until On-ji shouted.

"You have a bite mark on your arm!"

People started backing away as coach Kang tried defending himself, doing a poor job at that.

"No, no, I wasn't bitten.. I wasn't bitten.."

"I think you should leave right now.. Get out of here immediately.."

Standing up from her desk she inspected coach Kang and sure enough, he was bit.

"You want me to go back out there? After all, I did here? You want me to go back out?"

Walking towards I-sak, he suddenly got a nosebleed. On-jo tried knocking him out with a bag, which failed.

He started walking towards the two and stood a few feet away before he fell over and started seizing. (?) As his bones cracked and popped, Y/n started inching closer until Cheong-San pulled her behind him.

Before anyone could process what happened he had already bit Min-ji.

Dae-su pulled him off and threw him aside, just for him to get back up and go for Su-hyeok.

While Su-hyeok was fighting against coach Kang, Cheong-San grabbed a desk and ran toward their teacher, trapping him against a wall. Since he was struggling, Gyeong-su helped push the desk.

As Min-ji started turning, Na-yeon and Su-hyeok started pulling the desks away from the door.

Y/n walked towards the trapped coach Kang and sliced his throat, watching him go limp, she pulled Cheong-San and Gyeong-su out the door, with Dae-su trailing behind.

The running came to a halt when a hoard of zombies appeared in front of them, making Na-Yeon stumble backward and fall.

Pushing to the front, Y/n helped Su-hyeok keep the hoard back. She went from slashing their throats to trying to mimic Su-hyeoks fighting style. (?)

Finally helping, Cheong-San and Gyeong-su broke off windows and began hitting the zombies.

Dae-su, being smart, grabs a door and rams into the group of zombies.

Pushing them to the stairs, the group ran upstairs while Su-hyeok stayed behind fighting, which went unnoticed by the group.

Running down a hallway, they made it to the lab except zombies started running towards them from both sides.

"It's locked!" On-jo grabbed the fire hose and used it to break the lock.

While Y/n was pushing the door a zombie grabbed her shoulder leaning in to take a bite, she stabbed its eye making it pull back.

Once she pulled the knife out, blood spurted on her face earning a groan from the girl.


Immediately after the lock was broken they started running inside one by one.

While everyone started to calm down and catch their breath, Y/n was trying to wipe the zombie blood off her face.

A sudden yell caught everyone's attention.

Looking up Y/n saw Dae-su being grabbed by a bloody hand, acting fast she stabbed the arm and looked towards him to check if he was alright.

He muttered a small thanks before more zombies started forcing their way in.

"Grab a desk!"


"Su-hyeok? Has anyone seen him? You were with him right?"

"He was behind me."

"Then where is he now?"

"I don't know.."

While On-jo sat with I-sak moping, Y/n had a feeling he was still alive, since he fought against the zombies so well earlier he should be able to handle himself, no?

Shortly after the room went silent the PA system started ringing.

"Students and teachers of Hysoan High Schook, I'm Park Sun-hwa, the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking others indiscriminately, so please flee and find a safe place. If any student or faculty hears this and is able to, please call the police and the fire department. Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out."

After a short pause, Ms. Park let out a shakey breath before speaking once more.

"Hey, everyone.. You're okay, right? You're not hurt, right? I don't know what's going on in here or how this whole thing happened, but.. still, find a safe place and hide. I'm sorry. I can't help. Don't get hurt, okay? Please, let's stay alive and meet again. Okay?"


"Why are your hands so cold? I-sak. What's wrong? Are you-"

"Really. I wasn't bitten. I mean it. I really wasn't bitten."

Y/n's eyes widened, damn she didn't expect that.

"What's going on? Did you get bitten?"

"I said I wasn't!" Y/n got up from the ground and picked her knife up.

"Put it away Y/n, she wasn't bitten!" On-jo rushed over to the girl.

She didn't respond only staring at the duo with no display of emotion. Slowly she made her way towards them, still a good distance away but close enough to attack.

"What are you doing? Get her out of here now!"

Once again, Na-yeon cowers in fear.

"No. Come on. I said I'm okay."

Cheong-San slowly pulled On-jo away and grabbed Y/n's arm pulling her behind him.

Falling to the ground I-sak started changing, bones crunching, even growling. Charging toward the trio, Cheong-San pushed I-sak back.

Y/n pulled him by his collar and pushed him behind her.

"Sorry for this I-sak.." Was she really sorry?


This apocalypse might have been the best thing to happen for her, no more rules apply, no more school.

Finally freedom.

↳ A/N

i know ms. parks speech was two long paragraphs but i felt like it should be included, it was kinda sad tbh.

i refer to the zombies as "it" a lot. lol.
