"We're going to have to build a tall barricade here, and then we lure them in with music, use the instruments too. If we leave the door open, they'll follow the music in. Once it's clear we take the back door up to the roof."

Y/n was sitting on top of a desk while she watched On-jo pace back and forth coming up with a plan.

She and Nam-ra were already separated since On-jo managed to get everyone to trust the two.

"In other words, what you're saying is we stack desks, chairs, and whatever else we can find in the middle of here. Open the front door and run out the back door, right?"

"Not here, further back. There aren't that many of us but there's a lot of zombies."

"Let's give it a shot, we can figure out the rest later."

"We have a tv too, we should be able to connect to it and make it louder."

Everyone started doing their part and the barrier started getting built. Going to pick up a chair, Y/n's finger suddenly cracked out of place then went back, like earlier.

Looking around, she realized nobody saw it and went back to help.

Y/n didn't know if this had a further meaning so she chose to ignore it for now. It still grossed her out every time it happened though.

Originally she wasn't double-jointed so, seeing her fingers twitch in a new direction was a gross sight to see.


Once they made sure the barrier was secure and would hold up, Cheong-San and Su-hyeok walked over to the door.

They both started talking before Cheong-San came back, while Su-hyeok checked if they were ready.

Opening the music room's door, Su-hyeok ran to the opening they left and jumped over.

A few zombies ran in but once the music started a lot more started pouring in.

Y/n was holding a desk, pushing it into the zombies as they tried pushing it back.

As they struggled for a few minutes On-jo turned towards Dae-su.

"Dae-su, you gotta make some noise."

"Die, zombies! Fucking die!"

"Do it one more time!"

The hoard doubled in size and everyone started struggling to keep the barrier up. They still couldn't leave yet so, they made more noise.

As more and more came in, parts of the barrier started falling. Starting with chairs, to lose instruments.

"It's not going to hold!"

"How much longer is it gonna take?"

More and more kept running in, it was like a never-ending hoard of zombies. A few even started climbing over. After a few minutes of struggling it was finally clear.

"Clear. We have to go now!"

One by one they started running out, and as soon as they all left, the barrier broke down. Running up the stairs, towards the roof, they were met with a locked door.

Y/n stayed in the back, she could hear the footsteps and growling getting closer and closer.

"It's locked."

"Move." Dae-su, Woo-jin, and even Joon-yeong all tried knocking the door down but it wouldn't budge.

"Do you hear that?"

"They're here."

As the zombies got closer, Y/n could feel a few of her fingers cracking as they did earlier.

Looking down she saw dark red veins traveling up her arms, the same veins appearing under her eyes.


While the others kept banging on the door, the three stayed near the bottom of the stairs.

Once the zombies were in front of them, Cheong-San started hitting them with a broken music stand, Su-hyeok used a broken chair to push them back while Y/n kept kicking them down.

One zombie landed on top of Cheong-San, and before he could push it off Y/n grabbed it by its neck and threw it down.

This time, Cheong-San saw her fingers twitch, while she had her hand wrapped around the zombie's neck.

Nam-ra noticed a tarp on the side and threw it over the stairs, trapping the zombies for a while.

It was as if time slowed, Gwi-nam came walking up the stairs holding a zombie by its neck.

Once he made it past the tarp, the other zombies got past as well.

Y/n was busy pushing zombie after zombie down that she hadn't noticed what was happening behind her.

Cheong-San was handling himself until Gwi-nam grabbed him by the shoulders, trying to take his eye.

Turning around Y/n saw Nam-ra holding Gwi-nam, by the throat, over the railing.

"What the hell?"

"Why didn't you die?" Throwing him down the stairs, Y/n watched as the veins on Nam-ra faded away.

She checked hers and they were gone as well like they were never there to begin with.

"The doors unlocked!"

The other ran outside while Y/n looked down the railing, where Gwi-nam was thrown.

"Y/n! C'mon!" Running through the door, she closed it shut and slide down, sitting down next to her was Cheong-San catching his breath.

Looking at the others they were all shouting towards the helicopter that left them.

While Hyo-ryung was crying, a sudden banging on the door caught everyone's attention.

Both Cheong-San and Y/n backed away from the door.

As Gwi-nam kept throwing punches at the door, he put all his strength into one last punch.

Hearing a bone crack, Y/n walked towards the door and spoke.

"Did you break your wrist, Gwi-nam?"

"Fuck it. Open the door, Y/n!" Instead of replying she sat against the door and waited for him to walk away.

Once he walked away, everyone calmed down and started planning their next move. Most of them went to build a 'sos' sign while Y/n was laying on the floor watching the clouds.

↳ A/N

the door scene made me think of "veronica, open the-open the door please, veronica open the door."

this chapter was short. how lame.
