L/N Y/N, your average school girl, except she's semi-popular. She's only well-known since her father donates to the school often, causing her to be a principal's favorite.

When she walks to class her classmates will wave or say hello, in return they get a curt nod.

L/n doesn't necessarily have friends, people say they are but she disagrees. She doesn't talk to anyone frequently enough to consider them her friends.

Honestly, she enjoys being alone, not in a depressing way, of course, more so she enjoys the silence. She was an observer, that's who she was.

She occasionally chats with Woo-jin but it's normally cut short when his friends interrupt.


Y/n was the first to arrive at school, but instead of heading straight to class, she goes to the roof.

In reality, Y/n hates school, so she uses the roof as her escape. She smokes right before school starts and uses a shitload of perfume to cover it.

Nobody knew about her bad habit, and that's how she wanted to keep it.

Leaning her back against the railing, she brought out a new pack of Marlboro 100s.

Pressing the end of the cigarette to her lips, she started patting down her pockets looking for her lighter.

Mumbling out a short 'shit' she looked back up to be met with two brown (?) eyes staring at her.

His hand was stretched out with a lighter while she just stared at him. Getting tired of holding his hand up, he brought it towards her lips and lit the cig.

He sat down next to her, while she was still processing what was happening. Grabbing another cigarette from the box she threw it at him, hitting him right between the eyes.

"What the fu-"

"Tell anyone about this and I'll kill you, I mean it." She looked him dead in the eyes, unsure of how he'd respond.

Gwi-nam was not talking back, most likely since it was early in the morning, but still odd nonetheless.

All he did was wave her off and it went back to silence, the sound of their cigarettes burning occasionally.

Both just stared into the distance, until y/n checked her phone and started rushing to get inside.

"Wow, no goodbye? Little miss perfect doesn't have manners."

"Fuck off, like you do?" With that she rushed inside, leaving behind a smirking Gwi-nam.


As Y/n sprinted through the hall she started spraying perfume all over her uniform, trying to hide the scent of smoke.

Opening the door of her classroom she was met with Nam-ra studying, seeing as she had AirPods in she didn't hear Y/n enter.

Closing the door, she walked over to her seat, sat down, and pulled out her school book.

Instead of studying she just drew sketches around her book, and slowly more and more students started arriving.

She was in her own world until Ms. Park entered the classroom

"Come on guys, take your seats."

As the students started turning in their phones, Y/n pulled out her old phone and turned it in.

"Who's in touch with Hyeon-ju?"

"Nobody? So none of you have tried calling her today?"

"Uh, we cleaned the science lab together yesterday, but I haven't seen her since."

"If anyone hears from her sometime in the next few days, let me know right away, okay?"

As Ms. Park talked about exams, she also sent a text in the class group chat.

Hearing a phone ding, all eyes went to Dae-su. Causing a few students to let out laughs.

Y/n watched quietly as Woo-jin started scolding Dae-su for not putting his phone on silent.

Catching her stare he sent her a small wave. He only received a small smile in return.

While Ms. Park was teaching, Hee-su suddenly stood up, though she looked pale and sickly.

"I need to use the bathroom." Once she was done speaking she left the classroom.

Bringing Y/n out of her daze, she heard Ms. Park call out Su-hyeok, better known as Bare-su.

Teachers just love embarrassing their students, no?

Before he could get embarrassed further, an injured Hyeon-ju came stumbling in, passing out in Ms. Parks' arms.


Once the school bell rang, students left their classrooms and headed to lunch, while in the nurses' office lay an unconscious nurse.

As for Y/n, she was sitting in the back of the lunchroom on her phone.

She was enjoying her peaceful corner until a dogpile of students started screaming and trying to get in.

A hoard of people was running, pushing each other, and even sacrificing one another.

With wide eyes, Y/n stood up and watched as everyone ran around.

Talk about bad luck...

As if she jinxed herself, the fire sprinklers turned on making everything slippery.

About to leave the cafeteria she noticed Gwi-nam on the floor with a zombie on top of him.

Grabbing a tray she sprinted over and bashed it against the zombies' skull, making it fall limp.

Helping him up, the zombie started getting up again, so she ran, dragging him with her.

"Holy fuck."

She almost tripped on an arm sticking out from under a table but before she could Gwi-nam hoisted her up for a second and switched the roles.

Now she was the one being dragged as they ran. Running inside the kitchen, he hid under a counter (?) while Y/n separated from him and grabbed a knife.

Seeing as he pushed another person out of the hiding spot she decided he wasn't the best person to stay with.

"Thanks for the save earlier but I gotta dip so.. bye?"

Not waiting for a response she ran out while he was busy fighting for his life.

As a zombie started charging towards her she slashed its throat and continued, is it abnormal she didn't bat an eye to killing?

Yes, yes it is.


Looking out the window, a hand started slamming against it.

"It's Bare-su!! Bare-su!! Help him up!"

After they got Nam-ra and Su-hyeok inside he laid down catching his breath.

"It's that, isn't it? Zombies."

Before anyone could respond a zombie started crashing into the door Joon-Yeong was holding shut.

They could all hear its growling but it shortly turned into a gurgling, blood splattering onto the door's window.

Once the zombies' body slid down they saw Y/n standing there staring at them.

Running towards the door Woo-jin opened it despite Na-yeon's protests.

Closing the door he nodded toward Joon-yeong so he knows to hold it shut again. Turning around he inspected her body to make sure she wasn't bit.

"Checking me out Woo-jin?"

Gyeong-su and Dae-su laughed, while the others were taking the situation seriously.

As she walked past him she set the knife on her desk and searched her bag. Seeing as her cigarettes and pocket knife were still there she flung them over her back and sat down on top of the desk.

"So.. what now?"

↳ A/N

i changed how gwi-nam gets introduced because i don't want to make him as big of an asshat as he already is.

so instead of him being unlikeable and harassing eun-ji, he shall become y/n's smoke buddy. tit for tat πŸ‘πŸ»
