Everyone was covered in debris, whether it be on their face or clothing it was noticeable. Looking around particles of burnt objects were seen floating in the air.

Resting in the middle of the forest, Mi-jin was leaning on Y/n while she was leaning on Ha-ri.

The air was tense until On-jo's shaking voice was heard.

"I can't go on like this. I'm sorry. Can you wait for just a sec? Actually, never mind. Go ahead. I'll catch up with you."

Following behind On-jo were Su-hyeok and Nam-ra. Y/n decided to stay back just in case any lone zombies tried coming their way.

Getting up, Y/n one by one asked if everyone was okay. When she got to Dae-su, she took off her green sweater, similar to Nam-ra's, and tied it around his leg.

Doing so left her in a black long-sleeved undershirt.

"That should help stop the bleeding for now. Try not to move your leg too much." Once she finished helping him she walked towards a tree and leaned against it keeping a lookout for when the three come back.


Walking through the forest, Su-hyeok and Woo-jin were helping Dae-su.

"The soldiers saw that we were at the school. They left us without helping us and then they bombed it. Maybe they actually want us to die."

"I don't believe that."

"I think it's my fault. Because we were with zombies they must think we're neither a zombie nor human, like me and Y/n. Maybe that's what they thought."

Walking in between On-jo and Nam-ra, Y/n slung her arms over their shoulders and began speaking.

"Stop worrying about it, we've made it this far ourselves and we're doing fine."

Whether she was convincing them or herself, she gave them both a small smile and squeezed their shoulders. In an attempt to reassure them.

"Ah, shit. I think we're lost. There hasn't been a trail for a while. I think we've been going in a fucking circle."

"Ha-ri, look."

"There's something there. Someone must've left it here."

"Who did something so nice, huh? A ginseng digger?"

"Who is that?"

Instead of relying on Mi-jin just turned away with a cheeky smile on her face

"There's another one."

Slowly sliding down, a few of them almost fell since the hill was steep.


Once they made it into the city everyone was on edge again.

"Didn't he say to go to Yangdong?"

"You don't think there are zombies here too, do you?"

"No way, maybe they evacuated because it's next to Hyosan."

"Hey, I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

"It wouldn't be this clean if there had been a zombie rampage."

Both Nam-ra and Y/n came to a halt, making everyone stare at the two.


"Hold on." While it was silent around the group, the two halfbies heard the zombies growling growing closer.

"Y/n, what is it?"

"Zombies. Everywhere."

"A lot, a lot of them?"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven... Run."

They all started running only for the zombies to still find them. A few of them grabbed some sort of gardening tool they found from the side.

"I feel like this might be the end."

Growing closer and closer zombies started showing up. Su-hyeok and Dae-su took the front while the rest fought whoever got past.

In the back, Y/n's bones started cracking as the veins came back, once again.

Woo-jin was currently pressed against a box as a zombie had him trapped. About to get bit, Y/n grabbed the zombie by its throat and threw it.

Muttering thanks he went back to fighting as did Y/n. Either it was karma for telling lies or the world just didn't want her happy, the sight in front of her would be burned into her head.

Turning towards a screaming Woo-jin and a crying Ha-ri, she ran over pulling the zombie off.

"Woo-jin. Damn it, oh no." Dae-su began crying as well since he's lost almost all of his friends.

"Fuck. I knew this would happen."

"It's okay. It's okay."

"Ha-ri, you really made it to nationals?"

Not being able to respond she nodded her head yes.

"Liar. You came to school because you failed the preliminaries or else you'd be at the tournament. If you lost you should've gone home, why did you come to the damn school? Keep doing archery, okay? Don't give up, okay?"

While his face started twitching he called Y/n over. Sitting next to him, Y/n laid his head on her lap.

She didn't want his last image of her to be sad so she tried her best not to cry.

"I always tried talking to you, I thought you didn't like me much but seeing as you're crying over me I'd say I was wrong."

Being unable to hold back her tears any longer a few slipped past her eye. Reaching his hand up, Woo-jin wiped them away.

"Don't cry, it'll be okay.. Make sure everyone lives, alright? Including you, take care of yourself.." His hand fell to his side before he started turning. Rolling onto his side, blood started pooling around him.

Standing up, she watched him with wide eyes as a few tears slid down.

Y/n never liked crying in front of people, she always found it embarrassing. As much as she tried to stop the tears, they just wouldn't end.

"Fuck." Aggressively wiping her eyes, she failed to notice Nam-ra heading toward Woo-jin.

As soon as the zombified Woo-jin stood up, he targeted Ha-ri only to be stopped by Nam-ra twisting his neck.

"More are coming. Let's go. There won't be any that way. If we run we're going to make it. We should have enough time."

"I know I've killed a lot of zombies myself, but a human being would apologize for killing her brother in front of her."

With everything going on, Y/n's emotions started spiraling. So many people have died, was it her fault?

Did she cause their death?

Keeping a straight face, guilt kept gnawing at her, until she heard her voice talking to her.

eat them.

you didn't cause their deaths, they did.

eat them.

get revenge for the ones you lost.

Slowing down, Y/n bit her lip causing the thoughts to fade away.

"What the fuck." She hadn't a clue what that whole thing was about. Sure, she'd feel guilt now and then but since when do your own emotions attack you?

Shaking her head she was about to turn around only to see Nam-ra running back as well. Pushing her problems aside, she tailed Nam-ra.

Su-hyeok looked back and took notice of the two missing figures.

"Wait a sec, Y/n and Nam-ra are gone. I'll be right back."

"You okay on your own? Go ahead. I'll catch up." Dae-su tried following the two who ran after the halfbies but didn't last long since he had an injury.

Running through the foggy city they found Nam-ra eating dead bodies remains.

"Hey, Nam-ra.. Why are you all by yourself?"

Dropping the body, she spoke in a low tone.

"Stay back.."

"Come on. Come with us. Hm?"

"I said stay back." Leaving no time to react, Nam-ra ran towards On-jo and dropped her onto the floor about to bite her.

"Nam-ra! Nam-ra, don't do this!" Su-hyeok tried pulling her off but she held more strength than him. Picking up his shovel, he raised it over his head as if he would hit Nam-ra.

Y/n was watching from around the corner with her eyes wide, she decided to assume something also told her to eat them.

Guessing she couldn't resist it, Y/n ran over to the scene and pulled Nam-ra back.

Once she realized that she almost bit On-jo, she backed away from the three and ran. Su-hyeok was busy helping On-jo while Y/n went after Nam-ra.


Making it to the camp, the six survivors had their hands in the air as they were greeted with guns being pointed at them.

Walking through the halls with buckets of necessities, On-jo was called over by Kim U-sin. Her dad's coworker.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt? What about your dad? Did you see him? So-ju said he was going to go find you."

Looking down at her dad's flashlight, U-sin seemed to understand and fell silent.

After a few hours in their quarantine bunker, they were questioned by an investigator from the military.

"Do you know the teacher, Lee Byeong-chan?"

Ha-ri was the first they asked.

"I only took morning classes, because I had training. So no, I don't."

Mi-jin was the second one they questioned.

"That's not important at all right now. Listen, I'm a senior. I wanna go to college."

Hyo-ryung was the third one they questioned. She only responded with silence.

Dae-su was the fourth one they questioned.

"What? How many times do I have to tell you? He kidnapped a kid from our class named Hyeon-ju."

Su-hyeok was questioned fifth.

"Why? Why did you leave us there? You abandoned us."

On-jo was the last to be questioned.

"No. I won't ask adults for anything ever again in my life. So, please don't ask for my cooperation."



"Where have you been? I couldn't find you. I saw the others a few times around here."

"I wanted to see them but I couldn't do it. I thought it might remind me."

"Will you forget if you don't see them?"

"I went to the mountain last night and saw a campfire. I think someone lit a fire on the school rooftop."

"On the rooftop? Are you sure about that?"

"I could have been mistaken, but I'm pretty sure. Nam-ra and Y/n both said that we should have a campfire if we ever meet again. I plan on going tonight."

"I'll go with you. I'm sorry about that day. The day Nam-ra almost bit you. I couldn't stop her so, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Your decision saved our lives that day. Don't tell the others. It might be too dangerous, so let's go by ourselves."

Once night fell, On-jo went to the fence and was met with the group from the beginning.

Walking to the little shrine they made for their deceased friends, many of them dropped off snacks but Mi-jin set an empty Marlboro 100's cigarette box down with her old lighter.

"Who's those for?"

"Hm.. Y/n, she gave them to me before she went to find you guys." Moving on, they headed towards the school.

Making it to the roof they were faced with an empty roof and a lit campfire. Circling around it they all spoke amongst themselves.

"Who do you think made it?"

"Maybe it was the kids who came back to the school like us."

"Maybe it was a youtuber or something. Like those kids who like haunted houses!"

"No. Y/n and Nam-ra. Maybe they lit it because they missed us."

"How would you know that?"

"I don't know for sure. But I think I'm right."

"You made it." Turning towards the voice they saw Y/n standing near Nam-ra. Both of them started walking closer to the group.

"This is nice."

"Are you both okay? How've you been?"

Both the halfbies smiled at the sight of their old friends.

"We've missed you, morons." Nam-ra nudged Y/n in the side causing her to mutter a low, ow.

"What she's saying is we've missed all of you."

"That's practically the same thing I said." Shaking her head, Y/n kicked a rock toward Ha-ri and sent her a small smile.

"We wanted to visit you all but we ended up not going."

"It's okay now, let's go. Come with us." Onjo moved closer to the two.

Before anyone had time to react Mi-jin practically tackled Y/n into a hug and had no intention of letting go any time soon.

A few stared until Nam-ra's voice caught their attention.

"We still have things we have to do. There are more like us. Some of them ran away from the school a while ago, but there are still a few left."

"You guys aren't zombies, don't say that."

"You know how we're not really kids but also not adults either? That's us. We aren't human but we also aren't monsters."

"We're friends even if we're apart. Okay? Oh, it's them. Don't miss us too much, alright losers?"

Backing out from Mi-jin's tight hold, Y/n pressed a kiss to her temple before running to the edge with Nam-ra.

Jumping over, they left behind a dazed Mi-jin and their confused friends.

โ†ณ A/N

I've never written a book before so i hope it wasnt too bad lolol.ย  ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

anyways, this will be the last chapter until a season two gets produced. if we ever even get one that is.

it was a good run, hopefully I'll see you all again for season two :)
