"I didn't hear anything, I just couldn't hear anything."

"Like what?"

"I mean after Na-yeon went out... and then Ms. Park went after her. I didn't hear anything after that."

"You mean screaming?"


"Maybe they didn't die then. They wouldn't have been quiet if zombies were biting them. They must be alive."

Nobody uttered a reply, instead, it fell back into silence.

"Why won't you respond? No one answers me. I'm always talking to myself."

"I think you're right."

"Me too."

"Forget it."

"I didn't hear anything either."

"Me either, I was scared because I didn't know how I'd feel if I heard them screaming but I didn't hear anything."

"Come to think of it, neither did I."

"Then I'm right. They're alive, right?"


While almost everyone was working on a makeshift toilet, Y/n was using her backpack as a pillow and was fast asleep.

As Y/n was sound asleep the others were sharing information they had on the zombies.

After they ran out of things to say, everyone went into their own spots and one by one they fell asleep.

Since Y/n was the first to go to sleep she was also the first to wake up. Walking over to the window, she yawned and stared outside.

Is Gwi-nam still alive? Probably not.

Standing next to her was Cheong-San, though he looked like he was in shock since no one came to save them.

"No one came.."

"Did you really expect someone to come?"

No response, maybe she should've said something else to comfort him, to be fair she was half awake.


"We need more information to decide whether to wait, run, or get out."

"What can we find out about this situation and also how?"

"We can check online if we have a cell phone."

"But we don't."

"The teacher's office."

"I'll go." As if she had a third eye everyone stared at her.

"It's two rooms across and one floor down, no?"

Following behind her were Su-hyeok and Cheong-San.

She went ahead while Cheong-San and On-jo had their moment.

"So? Why do you keep following me Bare-su?" She didn't look back, instead, she tried peeping into other rooms to see if anyone else survived.

"Who else do you have?"

"Both of you better not die, I'd probably be framed for killing one of you."

"Is that your way of saying you care?" Su-hyeok and Cheong-San laughed while Y/n only ignored the two.

"Fuck off."

Once they made it two rooms across, she peeked her head around and saw a good amount of zombies.

"Can we go in?"

Shaking her head no, she leaned her head against the wall. While the other two were busy talking about the On-jo situation, Y/n dropped down the wall and had her hands hanging on the edge slowly inching across.

"Both of you shut up and come on."

She sure felt like spiderman.


Once they made it inside, one by one they crawled behind desks until a repeated thudding caught their attention.

Peaking her head around she recognized Eun-ji. She was smashing phones, one by one.

That sure lowered their chances of getting a working one.

A blue phone suddenly slid across the floor, making eye contact with the other two, she decided to try and grab it.

Only for her to make eye contact with Eun-ji.


"I'm gonna kill you!" She turned aggressive real fast.

As she pounced on top of Y/n, Su-hyeok got up and grabbed Eun-ji, throwing her into a cabinet.

They were about to escape only to realize the phone didn't work. So she ran, ran to grab another, Cheong-San had the same idea as they both separated from Su-hyeok.

"You go, we'll meet you there!!"

Grabbing Cheong-San's arm, she started dragging him out of the room. All the noise they made only attracted more zombies.

One simple task went so wrong.


Meanwhile, Gwi-nam was currently asleep in a chair until the principal scared the boy awake.

"Hey, you're Gwi-nam, right?"

"What? Why?"

"How is it outside? Still the same?"

"I don't know." Groaning he relaxed back into the chair.

"You can drive a car, right?"

"I can't."

"Come on! I had to cover up your mess last year when you drove your dad's car and caused an accident."

"Why do you ask?"

Fishing out his car keys, he shoved them into his face.

"Here's my car key, it's in the parking lot. License plate 7340. Bring it here."


"Go to the night duty room and out the window, it's in the lot."

"No way."

"You punk. Listen to your principal at once!"

"I said no." Both of them glanced at the knife, they even went for it at the same time but the principal still grabbed it first.

"Give me that."

Grabbing it easily, they played tug of war over it.

"You punk!"

"I said to let go."

Pushing the principal, he flipped over and fell onto the table.

"Fine. Just get out of here."

"Go with me."

"Why should I? You go."

As the two argued like children it suddenly turned into a death match. Gwi-nam was winning as he was tieing up the principal.

The door opened and two people interrupted his game.

Cheong-San and Y/n.

Well damn, he really is alive.

"Hi." Y/n waved her hand, forgetting about the pocket knife she held.

"Is that the principal?"

"Get this jerk off my back! Get this psychopath away!"

"What the hell Gwi-nam?"

"Cheong-San, come here and tie his arms. The bastard won't stay still."

He looked at Y/n and nodded toward her.

"Didn't think you were alive."

"Same goes for you."

While they conversed as if the principal wasn't being held hostage, Cheong-San opened the phone's camera and started recording.

"You're finished. Do you hear me? I'm expelling you! Untie me now! C'mon Y/n! Untie me! What would your dad say about this?"

"He's probably fucking dead, anyways what will an expulsion even do? It's a goddamn apocalypse man." Instead of helping him she walked over to the chair and sat down.

Gwi-nam was glad she said that someone finally thinks the same way as him. Cheong-San still decided to play hero though.

"Stop that, Y/n get behind me." She chose to ignore him.

"Stop what? This fucking guy.. tried to kill me. He said to go out and get his car!"

"I'm filming everything, let go or I'm gonna send this to the police immediately."

Y/n silently snickered, the police are going to be useless during the apocalypse.

"I'll kill you."

"Just stop acting like human garbage, no one respects you just because you act tough."

"I'm the new boss of the school, don't you get it?"

Yeah, no, this made Y/n roll her eyes, corny ass.

"Don't make me laugh, you're just a loser who serves bullies your entire life."

"Yeah? Say that again, huh?" That surely seemed to push him off the edge as he sliced the back of the principal's throat.

"So am I still a loser? Are you with me or not? Give me the phone!"

They both seemed to have forgotten Y/n was there since she just watched them fight with a glint of amusement in her eyes.

Once the phone landed near her foot Cheong-San grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room with an angry Gwi-nam following right behind.

โ†ณ A/N

since i made Gwi-nam not do what he normally did we'll say that one dude, Myeong-hwan, was the one who messed up Eun-ji's life.

i made y/n switch parts with Cheong-San a lot.. my bad lol. i'm also not the best at writing fight scenes so, apologies. ๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
