Once all of them made it outside, the zombies could be heard banging against the door.

"And you kids, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Most of them nodded.

"Okay. If you go straight through the tennis courts and pass the construction site, you'll hit the mountain. If you cross the mountain and get to Yangdong-"

"Mr. Nam!" All of them looked back and just their luck, zombies started running toward them.

They all started running and made it inside the tennis courts. Planning on running through the court, they were trapped due to zombies blocking the back door.

"We can't go out there. We can't go anywhere."

"What should we do? What do we do?"

Breaking the door open, zombies started flooding inside.

"Oh shit, what now?"

While a few people began fighting against the zombies, Mr. Nam threw a smoke bomb away from the group. Doing so made most of the zombies run in that direction.

"Let's go." Running out one by one, Cheong-San, On-jo, and Mr. Nam were the only three left.

While On-jo tried getting her dad to leave with them Cheong-San started pulling her back since the zombies started heading back their way.

Mr. Nam pushed them out the gate and locked it on himself.

"On-jo, look at me. Go. Run! Go. Go!"

Zombies started running toward the group which led to them running once again.

Running a short distance they made it into the construction tower, they all thought they'd be safe until the two halfbies froze.


They all abruptly stopped once Nam-ra and Y/n spoke at the same time.


"Why, why, why?"

It was an eerie silence until multiple construction workers, zombified, came running.

"Go upstairs. Go!"

Once they made it upstairs they all looked for a way out only to realize they were trapped.

"Where do we go? There's no way out. It's blocked."

Y/n ran towards a window and lifted the tarp, noticing a ledge she decided this will do for now.

"Go through this way." As each person made their way out zombies started entering the room barely missing them.

All of them were sitting still trying to catch their breath.

"Stay away from the edge."

"Come over here."

"Quiet. We can't make any noise."

Nodding her head in agreement, Y/n leaned forward to see if any zombies were under them only to be yanked back by Mi-jin, forcing her to sit down.

Y/n was laying in between Mi-jin's legs with her legs dangling off the edge.

"Damn it. Nothing is working out. We keep hitting dead ends."

"Would you just be quiet? It's your fault Joon-yeong died. If you hadn't bitched at him and just shut up, he would have never jumped out there."

"Okay. It is my fault. Happy? Are you happy, asshole?"

"Both of you shut the fuck up, Mi-jin it wasn't your fault, he saved you and jumped out on his own. Yes, it's terrible another person died but it doesn't matter now. The past is the past, you can't change it."

Y/n received a pinch in the arm from Mi-jin, probably because she told her to shut the fuck up, but it still got everyone to stop arguing so loudly.

Speaking in a low tone, Ha-ri turned towards On-jo.

"Your father, he saved all of our lives, you know. I'll never forget what he did. None of us ever will. If many people remember someone, that person is sure to go to heaven."

After she finished talking she stood up and called for Mi-jin.

"Mi-jin, let's go. Let's look for a good spot where we can jump off. We're the oldest."

"Whatever, it's not like we get any respect."

"I'll go this way, you go that way."

Getting off Mi-jin's legs, Y/n moved out of her way and laid her head in Woo-jin's lap instead. As one foot was propped up the other dangled off the ledge.

Meanwhile, his eyes were wide and he tried his best not to move.


Moving to the edge, Y/n sat there trying her best to keep herself together. Every few seconds either her fingers would pop or her head would twitch.

Opting to bite her lip instead, a metallic taste filled her mouth. Hearing Mi-jin and Ha-ri coming back they all turned their heads toward them.

"I think that that's the only way out."

"No. It drops into the basement on that side, and there are exposed steel bars. No way we can jump."

"That side faces the school, so there's no point trying it. There's a door on the first floor that leads to the mountain. We have to go that way."

"But it's full of zombies in there."

"Can't we reach the roof if we used the windows to get to the top? If someone goes to the roof and screams, the zombies will follow them. Then I'm pretty sure it'll empty out in there, and the rest can escape."

"I think it can work."

"No. I said no. Please stop sacrificing yourselves."

"Yeah, I agree with you. We said we'd all survive together."

Zoning out of their conversation Y/n suddenly heard something.

"Do you hear that? They're saying to take cover."

Everyone towards toward Y/n, who only stared at Nam-ra.

"Who is?"

"We need to take cover. There will be explosions."

"What do you mean explosions?"

Instead of replying, Nam-ra spoke for her. Everyone turned towards her while Y/n stood up and dusted off her pants.

"Hyosan Intersection, Future college, and also our school will be blown up."

"Hey, are those fucking soldiers gonna shoot missiles at us?"

"Do you know when?"

"I can't tell, they're just saying to evacuate now."

"Shit. Where do they expect us to go, huh?"

While a few of them started asking questions in a panic, Gwi-nam's shout echoed throughout the building.

"Cheong-San! Y/n!"

"It's Gwi-nam."

"That asshole never dies."

"Maybe we heard wrong? It's silent now."

The tarp was ripped off the window revealing an angry Gwi-nam, though when is he not angry?

"Here you are." Sending a wink in Y/n's direction, he was almost hit with a bat but backed away in time.

Faster than anyone could comprehend, Su-hyeok and Cheong-San were both laying on the floor groaning in pain.

Gwi-nam had grabbed Cheong-San and leaned him over the edge. Grabbing his arm, he suddenly bit it causing everyone's eyes to widen.

Before anybody could help Cheong-San, Y/n fell onto her knees while Nam-ra slid down the wall and all three halfbies started groaning from the sudden buzzing noise.

Almost as if they started seizing, Cheong-San took advantage of the moment and pushed Gwi-nam over the edge.

"It's okay. It's not what you think it is. It's okay. Do you hear me? Don't do it. You're going to be fine."

"On-jo, no one's dying. Not here. Not today."

The realization suddenly hit them hard, most of them began crying while others could only watch with blank faces.

Ripping his name tag off, Cheong-San gave it to On-jo.

"You hold on to it for me. And I'll hold onto this." Sharing their first kiss, death waits for no one, as Cheong-San ran inside the building.

"Hey! All of you. Come after me! Today I am the happiest guy in this school!"

"Come on, everyone. This is it."

Su-hyeok helped Nam-ra while Mi-jin helped Y/n. Running out, they could all hear Cheong-San's distanced shouting.

Making it off of school grounds and into the forest, an explosion went off causing the ground to shake.

Turning towards the explosions they were greeted with random objects and debris being thrown their way.

โ†ณ A/N

the scene where it showed all the people who've turned into zombies was so sad bro, this show revolves around death I swear.

On-jo's dad and Min-Jae could've survived frfr.
