Since Su-hyeok and On-jo did nothing but watch Cheong-San break down on the floor, Y/n took matters into her own hands.

Crouching down to Cheong-San's level, she pulled him into a hug. He immediately clung back and continued sobbing.

She turned them around so he couldn't see his mom being hit over and over.

Rubbing his back, she whispered words of hope, trying to mute the sounds of the zombie mom being hit.

"Once we get out of here, there will be a cure and all humanity will be saved. We'll go back to school and everything will be fine."

The amount of bullshit she was spouting was unbelievable, but to keep going Cheong-San needed to grieve like a normal person.

If she had to be the rock of the team and make sure they survive, so be it. A few white lies couldn't make the situation, that they're in, worse than it already is.


Once they looked back they noticed zombies started heading toward them.


Su-hyeok and Y/n helped Cheong-San up and dragged him with them as they ran.

Letting On-jo take over, the thunder made Y/n fall slightly behind.

"Come on, we have to go. Let's go, let's go!"

Once they got up a minor hill more thunder was heard which, thankfully, made the small hoard that was chasing them run in different directions.

Turning a corner, they were all running at a different pace, making the slowest ones fall behind. That being Ji-min and Hyo-ryung.

As the group got ahead they didn't seem to notice how two people were gone.

Once Hyo-ryung fell she called out for her friend.

"Ji-min, help me!" Instead of helping she backed away slowly and ran in another direction.

Aren't friends supposed to help each other?

About to be bitten, Woo-jin came to the rescue and threw himself onto the singular zombie, making them both fall.

"Get up!" Trying to pull her up they both ended up slipping again.

Once the zombie started heading towards them it was suddenly shot by an arrow and fell over.


Dragging each other, the smaller group began running toward the others.

Making it inside the gymnasium, Y/n and Nam-ra tensed. Joon-yeong picking up on it asked Y/n.

"What's wrong, Y/n?"

"Y/n?" A voice replayed instantly, almost like an echo.

"Run. Let's go-" Before she could finish that sentence she felt someone jump on her back, hugging her from behind.

Lightning flashed the gym and the other's eyes all widened at the sight, a huge hoard of athlete zombies.

"Oh shit." She heard Mi-jin's voice in her ear and knew it wasn't a zombie, just someone who thought Y/n died.

Being brought out of her thoughts, Mi-jin kept hitting Y/n on the head, trying to tell her to run before they turn into a zombie's next meal.

Since the hoard started running towards them Y/n decided to run as is, protecting Mi-jin, as she ran towards the storage room.

Since Min-jae was being chased by zombies and Mi-jin was on Y/n's back, that left Ha-ri to push Joon-seong.

"Run! Go! Save yourself! Just go! You'll die!"

Instead of having her kill herself, Joon-seong sacrificed himself.

Once Woo-jin dragged his sister inside, he closed the doors in the knick of time, as a zombie ran into the doors.


"What is it? Do you see something?"

"The smell is stronger."

Standing up, Y/n started stretching while Dae-su started sniffing himself.

"I can't really smell anything."

"I think they're all coming this way. The smell is really strong."

"I'd have to agree, the rain also stopped so the zombies won't have their senses dulled anymore."

"Doesn't matter. We're all trapped in here for good now, there's no way to get out."

"Please don't say that."

"Ah, damn it! Let them kill us if they want."

Y/n sat back down and watched Nam-ra as she checked a baseball bat's sturdiness.

"Ha-ri, you didn't fail in the preliminaries, did you?"

"No. I did really well."

"Your tournament. What happened? Why did you come back to the school?"

"You're her brother? She got a perfect score, so she made it to nationals."

"No way, really? You're really in the nationals? Mom and dad don't know?"

"Bro, how could they now? Look around. She jumped out of the archery bus and ran to find you."

It seems as if Dae-su lost his sanity since he started walking toward Ha-ri and suddenly confessed.

"I think you're the perfect girl."

"What? You freak. Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Y/n was in the corner trying to keep her laughter in, honestly who confesses in an apocalypse?

"I watched you when you were shooting your arrows. I saw you train every morning. I went to every tournament and cheered for you. Caught myself yelling 'copper beauty' a few times. I've liked you for many years. Now, I wanna be a man, not just a fan."

He totally doesn't sound like a stalker.. That thought alone pushed Y/n over the edge. Tears started forming in her eyes as she tried her best to refrain from letting out any laughs.

As she stared at them, she held a straight face with tears rolling down her cheeks. If she laughed now it would damage Dae-su's ego.

"I'm gonna die anyway, I just wanna say what I want first."

It was silent until Mi-jin spoke up.


"You're Dae-su, right? You call my brother 'brother-in-law'?"

"Yeah. So that means you knew. Brother-in-law, you told her?"

"Yeah, I might have."

Holding out her hand, Dae-su pulled her up.

"Must be nice to meet me."


"Then you're okay with dying?"

"Yeah... What? Today?" Being hit in the gut, he doubled over, only to receive a knee in the gut as well.

As soon as he thought it was over she slapped him on the back of his head.

"Good. I'm pissed off and need to vent."

"Woo-jin, stop her."

Y/n had to put her hands on her face to hide the tears. It was either comedic gold or Y/n also lost her sanity, wiping the tears away she looked up only to see Ha-ri throwing volleyballs at Dae-su.


While two people kept arguing, a loud bang echoed inside the small room causing everyone to look toward Nam-ra.

"We'll vote on it."

"You are?"

"Class prez. One, we split up. Two, we stay together." Everyone's hand raised to stay together.

"Okay, we voted to stay together, then."

"Is it smart to vote on life and death matters? What if we collectively decide to do the wrong thing?"

"You know, there's such thing as collective intelligence."

"There are too many unintelligent people here. You can't make intelligence with a bunch of idiots."

"Anyways, let's move on. One, we make the outside higher. Six votes. Two, We fold the lids, making a box. So that's four."

"Okay, but don't resent me when the zombies climb over and kill us all."

"Don't worry, I'll take the front and any blame. You hold back."

I wish you wouldn't.


Once everyone was covered in sports gear, they all got ready.

"This is it. Here we go."

Pushing out the door, Su-hyeok took the lead and hit any zombies that came towards them.

Forming the circle, they all struggled to push.

"Damn it!"

"They're climbing over!"

More and more zombies came piling up around them. The circle wasn't a circle anymore since all the zombies made it distorted.

"Push harder! Harder!"

"It won't move!"

As their plan was failing, multiple people stopped pushing and opted to hit the zombies instead.


Joon-yeong looked over toward Mi-jin only to see a zombie grabbing at her. Rushing over he started pushing it back with his hands and ended up getting bit.

Y/n pushed the zombie back with a bat while Joon-yeong was sat on the floor, staring at his wound.

"Hey, are you ok?!"

"Shit. I said I'd take responsibility." Getting up he began climbing over their barrier while Mi-jin and Y/n tried pulling him back down.

"Where are you going? Hey, wait!"

Once he made it over, he took down three zombies falling onto them.

"Get off!" He started pulling zombies away from the group while Y/n reached her hand out and pushed any that came near Joon-yeong.

"Push! Push! Hurry up and push!"

The veins from earlier returned to her arms as she started getting stronger, each zombie she pushed would go sliding along the floor.

"Go home! Make it home! Go home!"

Many had started crying but they pushed nonetheless. With a single tear rolling down her cheek, she looked at Joon-yeong one last time before he fell over and started turning.

No matter the number of people she's seen die in front of her, she'd never get used to it.

Seeing the state Mi-jin was in only made it worse, she was a whole different person. She'd acted all tough, but now she was slowly breaking down.

As they continued to push they finally made it to the back door, only for it to be locked.

"The door won't open!"

They were all about to give up and accept their fate, until the door suddenly opened, revealing On-jo's dad. Nam So-ju.

↳ A/N

Joon-yeong's death was literally the saddest. made me sob and shit. πŸ€•

i didn't want to make his death too dramatic but if i saw him die in real life I'd be bawling lol.
