Taylor's POV

Being hauled up in her New York apartment was not how Taylor wanted to spend her day but due to the heavy rain and storm like clouds looming in the distance she thought it was safer to be with her cats. Having now inspiration to write anything really bothered Taylor and trying to keep busy and not bored was a whole challenge for the blonde. she had already watched both law and order and criminal minds episodes, baked cookies and even did a pilates youtube workout but still it was only 10am.

Being disinterested in everything in her home turned Taylor to her phone were she decided to see if she could bug the one person who always seems to respond fast.



delivered 10.02



delivered 10.03


Julian i am bored

delivered 10.05


i'll let you tell me your jokes if you answer

delivered 10.8


you better be dying since you are not answering me

delivered 10.10

seeing her futile attempt to annoy Julián she directed her attention towards instagram instead. Scrolling mindlessly on it for over an hour just looking at cat pictures and random mostly unfunny memes her eyes and brain started to hurt and she was growing yet again bored. I app she had swore not to open again because of its toxicity was in the corner of her eye, enchanting her to click on. she gave in surely to regret her decision.

It started off relatively pleasant with some posts from her friends here, some random news articles there. It was until a certain Kardashian came up on her feed with her most recent post.Taylor couldn't imagine that her situation could get worse but oh it could, with a five minute video she had no idea existed the arguments and controversy had just been turned up to ten. A video only she knew was edited, showcased her 'approval' for Kanye's song 'Famous' but although she was hurt at the lies the article E-news had released not even an hour after the video's upload was salt in the wound. boarding to tears she just wanted to scream and rant to anyone who would listen and understand so copying the link of the article Taylor sent it to Selena. She thought.


hey not dying sorry just busy day at work

delivered 12.37


God works fast but enews sure works faster


delivered 12.37






fuck shit

this is not how i wanted for you to find out



hey hey

breathe Taylor

it's going to be ok


no its not

you will probably never want to talk to me ever again


hey who said anything about this because i never did

and  who am i to blame when i have this article about me


Reading the article about Julián she could help but laugh. She felt sorry for him but she was able to wipe away some of the sorrowful tears that had formed.


you really got your watch and identity stolen by your one night stand?


yeah i did

but that wasn't even the worst bit. they tried 

taking my  car away from me thinking 

she had bought it using my card


what the '57 convertible


yh she is my one true joy

what's so bad about it


nothing. just not what i expected for a fancy soccer player


why what did you expect


idk one of those boxy range rovers that my friend Cara tells me they all have


Tbh most of my teammates have those 'boxy range rovers'

So what football does Cara delevingne support


Liverpool actually


well tell her i appreciate her support


I think she would die if I told her.


can i facetime you?

i feel like there is more to talk 

about that cannot be said over text


yh i would like that

Taylor inwardly panicked at this her face was all puffy from crying and her hair was borderline matted at how messy her bun was but she didn't change anything feeling the Julián wouldn't care how she looks and would appreciate her outward honesty. Only a few seconds after her text was sent her phone ringer went off, taking a few breaths Taylor answered and a bright blue sky popped up. a striking difference to the gray view outside her window. "hello?".

"Hi" was all that was said in a very distinct accent. One that Taylor could remember from a night she couldn't remember anything.

"Why aren't you showing your face?"

"I am just walking to my car" he panned to his back camera to show Taylor the red convertible

"you actually drive that... thing!"

"Yeah why wouldn't I" the Argentine said when putting his several bags in the boot, "I bought so why not drive it"

"Does it even have proper seat belts?" she said, trying to postpone the inevitable awkward conversation they were going to have.

Julián caught on though "Yes it does! but stop trying to procrastinate"

having been found out Taylor sighed and told him "get on with it then. ask your questions"

"I don't know what questions you want me to ask, I know why you didn't tell me" Julián paused started driving his way home, "you didn't know what would happen if you told me you were a world renowned pop star in hot waters." he told Taylor.

"I-i-i mean yeah, you probably had the same reason for not telling me."

"Well when I found out you were american i thought you wouldn't know who I was." Julián deadpanned

"But i do" she said softly

"But you do, '' he repeated. "I liked what we had. the anonymity of it all"

"Who says it cant remain like that?" Taylor proposes raising one eyebrow and smiling.

"I am not saying we can't" there is a silence from the other side of the phone then Julián looks at Taylor for the first time and grins "We can just be fully honest with each other now".

"Hey I was always honest with you" they both softly laugh at this, "I was just stingy with the details".

The rest of the facetime car journey was peaceful with the occasional grumble in Spanish from Julián at the other English drivers and a laugh that would follow from Taylor. In the quiet time Taylor was finally able to reach for her notebook and scribble down any ideas her newly found imagination conjured. In her own head she didn't hear the engine turn off in the car it wasn't until Julián spoke that Taylor was made conscious of your surroundings again, "What are you writing?"

Taylor jumped at the disturbance, "oh just some ideas, I don't know if there is anything solid though."

"So you are releasing another album then"

"Yeah. I need to salvage my reputation first though"

"Who says you have too?" Taylor looks up and gives him a confused look so he explains further, "You owe Kanye or anybody nothing, so prove it to him"

Thinking about what Julian had said gave Taylor a flurry of ideas not just for a new song but for the whole aesthetic of her feotus album. writing all of her thoughts into her notebook so fast as to not forget anything of them made her handwriting look like chicken scratch only legible to her made her neglect her muse. It was almost half an hour after the idea had been given to her, Taylor had finally finished scribbling, looking up Taylor was met with a kitchen frame and Julián nowhere in sight. So she did the only logical thing and yelled;


"Dios mío!" was heard faintly in the background before Julián came into view "what was that for?"

"Just wanted to see where you had gone."

"I went for a shower when I saw you were so engrossed in your book." he said evidently having taken a shower shown by the wet hair and shirtless physique Taylor tried her hardest not to stare at, "you're welcome by the way."

sarcastically she responded with, "For what?"

"The idea" grinning widely.

Most of the evening was spent much like before with the back and forth banter, Taylor asking Julián what it is like being a soccer player to which he corrected saying 'footballer!'. They made dinner together and ate it together. Taylor told Julián about Tom, Julián was uncharacteristically quiet during it even when Taylor mentioned The crack between the two recently. Julian told her the story behind his car having fallen in love with the film Grease because of his Abuela and got it to honor her death, he preferred that model rather than the original one.

As the night drew longer all three cats made appearances but Luna was more interested in Taylor than Meredith and Olivia were in Julián.
Taylor broke out her guitar and played some old Beatles songs for the pair. Julián also showed Taylor his drum kit in the corner of his living room. She had admired the make and his ability on it, seeing he was more advanced than most people but not as nearly as good as the legends as he calls them. Around 9pm for Taylor but 1am for Julián they finally said their goodbyes and followed each other on social media platforms.

From different sides on the Atlantic The two came to a silent agreement never to tell each other how they feel in fear to ruin their state of grace and preserve their friendship until someone inevitably screws up and tells.
