Taylor's POV

TW- vomit and after thoughts of last chapter.

Waking up on her hotel bed was expected, just not with Selena's hair in her mouth.

The pounding headache was also an unfortunately expected side effect of New Year's Eve. Sitting up far too quickly made her room spin and had to take a breather while deciding whether she needed to puke or not. she did.

Stumbling to the bathroom was a feat in its own right but luckily for her, her ensuite bathroom was already occupied, probably by Gigi, she always ended up sleeping in the bathroom whenever the girls went on a bender together. Taylor was forced to brave the sunlight filled hotel room.

Mustering up all her energy, Taylor practically crawled towards the kitchen ignoring everything she encountered on her quest to throw up, even ignoring the distinct smell of bacon. The kitchen sink was heaven to her eyes and Taylor was just thankful that there was a safe place for her to spill her guts without having to clean the floor.

Bent over the sink her hair was disgustingly all over her face and slightly covered in her own vomit. Taylor rinsed her sick down the drain and rested her head onto the cool surface not having turned the tap off just letting the ice cold water wake her up.

"What are you doing?" a heavily accented voice said before the tap was turned off and a pair of big hands found their way to her back and hair. It was nice not to have her hair in her face anymore because that meant she could rest her cheek against the metal easier. But it was nicer having a comforting hand rubbing her back. She didn't need to look back to know that it wasn't Julián by her side. "How's the hangover?" he was laughing at her, the bitch.

"Shhh. just shut up Julián." The bitch laughed at her again. "How are you not hungover with me"

"Because unlike you, I only had one beer"

Taylor really wished she didn't lift her head up quite as quick, another wave of nausea washed over her.she groaned and really wished her face was on the cold sink again. "You only had one beer? I swear you had just as much as me"

"No I have a football game so i don't really drink that much"

'Oh shit is that today' was all she could think. She was not prepared to be out in public even with this hangover.

"No. It's tomorrow, don't worry". So that was all that she could say actually.

The singer slumped back into the comfort of the sink with relief, "Oh thank fuck for that"

"Go lie down or have a shower you smell like death"

"You look like death" she grumbled her rebuttal while Julián looked confused and offended. He was trying to prompt her to move away from her sanctuary, but right now his morning voice was luring her from the cold delight of the kitchen sink. She kinda hated how he had this effect on him. "Fine whatever take me away from my true love"

"Taylor. it is a dirty sink."

"So? Do you hate love? Wow Julián" she exaggerated the 'wow' and had Julián questioning why on earth he chose to help her. They both knew the answer but were too afraid to admit it to the other, or themselves.

"Go lie down and I'll bring you coffee to make up separating you two Juliet."

The living room was a mess. Bottles covered the entire area, various shoes and clothes were thrown over chairs and a very nice cowboy hat was on the table. The singer didn't recall any cowboys visiting them during the night but in her defence she doesn't really remember anything after her and Julián got back to her hotel room.

The rational and responsible thing would be to start cleaning up the mess instead of leaving the poor cleaners to do it but Taylor really couldn't be arsed and just shoved some of the shit to the other side of the sofa and said 'i'll do it later'.

Looking at the state of the entire room from the sofa all Taylor could think was, "We really did recreate the hangover" and laughed to herself like a crazy person.

Julián made his entrance with "We will have to check the roof for Cara." He placed two hot mugs of coffee on the limited space on the coffee table and sat next to the blonde. "How are you feeling?"

"Hungover." Julián only looked at her with a serious face and big puppy eyes. They both knew that wasn't what he was referring to. Taylor sighed before answering his real question. "I am fine J. really"

He didn't seem satisfied with her answer, "Are you sure?"

Not really. How could she know? But Taylor knew the best thing for her was to forget because ultimately nothing would be done and eventually she would move on.

"You are allowed to feel Taylor. I know I wouldn't understand but ignoring it won't help"

Julián's words were true, she knew that much but a part of her felt ashamed. Not because it happened, but because of what happened. Women out there had it so much worse than her. She shouldn't be feeling violated for something so minor. 'It was fine, it was nothing," she kept repeating to herself. She had survived worse, in the grand scheme of things, this was nothing.

The singer leaned into Julián's side and he wrapped his arms around her in a secure cocoon. Here in his arms nothing could get her, not any unwanted man, not the media, not even her own brain attacking itself. Looking at the incredible man next to her let Taylor know she was going to be ok.

"What?" He had noticed her staring. "What are you thinking mariposa, you have that glimmer in your eye."

"Nothing?" It wasn't nothing though. Before meeting Julián she had believed that she wasn't meant for love and that she would never have something real again, but something about Julián made her believe that she deserved love again. It was a scary thought but sitting here surrounded by her and her friends bottles on new year's day inspired Taylor. Inspired her to let herself ignore all the negativity and focus on what truly matters, her family.

Author's note

I changed my mind. Taylor and the kitchen sink are endgame sorry.

Taylor's inner monologue isn't any reflection on how anyone should feel after those experiences. It is just how she feels and it isn't healthy.

Your feelings and emotions are valid. Remember that.

Love you guys xx 
