Julian's POV

After his mother's visit came Christmas (which is usually boring and uneventful when your entire family lives on the other side of the world). Julián made the most of his time alone by treating himself to an indian on Christmas day with a harry potter marathon, it's his own little tradition.

But Christmas is in the dust and it is now new years eve and he was in London. He wasn't technically supposed to be there until the next day but Julián liked the history London came with and went on one of those touristy bus rides to let his inner child free for an afternoon. Anyway it was the night that was important. He was going to see Taylor.

The couple have been talking very frequently over the last month, she wished him a happy 25th birthday on the 4th of December (she had to find out through Instagram) and he wished her a happy 27th birthday on the 13th of December (he found out because Selena Gomez dmed him giving him a heads up). When Taylor found out about his Christmas habit she was appalled and vowed that next year 'he will have turkey forced down his throat' whether the Argentine likes it or not. Julian is too scared to say no to her.

Currently Julián is sitting in a black cab on his way to the hotel? Hall? Club? The place Taylor had got for her new year's eve party. At first she was hesitant to host one this year because of all the unfair drama following her like a shadow, but Julián convinced her a small party would help her gain her confidence back and with a tad more convincing from Selena and Gigi she relented.

Pulling up to the fancy club a lot of people standing outside greeted him. This made Julian very confused, he was led to believe that it would be a small gathering of trusted people. Apparently not.

There was a queue to get into the building and the footballer wasn't too sure if he needed to join the queue or just waltz straight in. thankfully he didn't have to wonder very long


Just head to Gary at the front. He will lead you in x

Julián honestly believes that Taylor spies on him. How else does she always know what he is thinking?


I can see you looking lost from the window. Get in here dummy x

So she does spy on him. He looked up and , as expected, Taylor's face greeted him with two other women at her side. He gave the trio a big smile, they giggled and disappeared back into the dark room.

Julián has been to many events and galas but he has never felt as nervous to approach a bouncer than he has now. He didn't know whether it was because of the girl waiting for him at the other side of the door or the permanent scowl 'Gary' had on his face. The Argentine slowly and cautiously approached the front of the queue and squeaked a small 'Hi', getting the man's attention.


Blunt, ok. That should be expected, he is just doing his job. Why are my palms so sweaty? "Uhh Julián Garnacho?" Without another word Gary opened the door to reveal a darkly lit club.

If Julián didn't look lost outside he certainly did now. The club was like its own planet by itself; the techno lights made the room look alien, the fog machines and loud music gave a unique atmosphere, the amount of people crammed into one space made Julián feel claustrophobic and he was all alone.

He wandered aimlessly for a time trying to find anyone he recognised (only Taylor). He failed to find Taylor but he succeeded in finding the bar so Julián counted that as a win.

He was there five minutes before he got bored and went to explore the upstairs section.

Luckily the second story lounge was much quieter and had its own bar, it was weird why the bulk of people were downstairs. Maybe they didn't see the small staircase in the corner or thought it was a staff section. There were various tables and lounges dotted around the place that had other guests mingling with one another and floor to ceiling windows that let you see out onto the bustling street. On one of the sofas in the middle of the room was a small group of girls, no more than five of them. In the centre of the group a familiar blonde woman was already looking at him with a glimmer in her eye.

She looked absolutely gorgeous with her curly blonde hair and silver dress and she was bolting for him. By her stumbles Julian could tell that Taylor had been there for a while and had already got a drink or two in her system.

"Julián!" the blonde all but toppled him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The man could barely get a 'hi' in until he was being dragged towards the flock of tipsy women. "Guys, I want you to finally meet Julián." she made jazz hands and Julián to question her sanity. A chorus gasp was let out and the small ravenette let out a squeal, so that is Selena. "These lovely ladies are Cara, Gigi, Bella, Gigi's sister and Selena," Taylor pointed to the respective person as she spoke.

" it's great to finally meet you all.'' Julián was being polite and knew the toughest challenge he would ever face was getting her friends to approve of her choices of men, Julián just hopes he can make a good impression.

Gigi was the one that answered on behalf of the group "You too Julián, we have heard a lot about you. A lot". They all giggled between themselves which made Julián worry. What has Taylor told them?

"Good things I hope!"

"We can't get her to shut up about you whenever you are brought up. It's sickening to us who are single, "Selena cried. Taylor jokingly flipped her friend off but blushed into Julián's shoulder as she hugged his arm tightly.

After some time of various drinks and a few games of pool Taylor grew audibly bored and ran down stairs to the dance floor with Bella, Cara and Gigi following suit. Leaving just Selena and Julián alone. He wasn't uncomfortable with Taylor's friends per say, he just preferred to have Taylor's presence to ground him and make him feel belonged and not an outsider, lingering for a moment in the spotlight. Selena was probably the easiest to get on with, their shared sense of humour and mother tongue made it effortless.

While lining up her shot with the pool cue Selena started her inevitable interrogation. "So Julián, why my Taylor?"

Ok. right to it, just like Gary. "What do you mean?" Her phrasing confused the man.

She didn't answer him straight away, instead she took her shot and sipped on her vodka drink. Once finished she looked him dead in the eye. "You could have any girl surely, so why Taylor? Are you just using her to get some fame?"

Selena's words were harsh but fair. Although she may like him and think Julian is a good man, her best friend's feelings trumps Julian's ego more. " I don't know about any girl, maybe a guy who likes secrets but-" he tried making a joke but looking at Selena's snake eyes he dropped his act, "I have never met a woman quite like Taylor and I never will again. It isn't because shes famous- I hate the small amount of attention I get already- it's because she truly cares about people and has done so much all by herself that i admire and adore her so much"

Selena's terrifying stare softened at his words and a small smile crept its way onto her face. "Fuck you."


"I hate you so much." she lets out an airy laugh. Was she laughing at him? "There is literally nothing wrong with you, you are gorgeous, you earn great nothing, you love your family and you are hopelessly in love with her. I am supposed to find something wrong with you and I can't!"

The Argentine wasn't too sure how should react to her rant, "Thank you?" he settled for. She was wrong though, no one is perfect, he feels disconnected from his family and misses his roots he moved away from so young. He is anxious that one second his career could be over, he never told anyone but being in the medical room that November match had terrified him, he didn't show it though because everyone expects him to be the happy, goofy guy and he won't let himself disappoint anyone. He fears one day he will snap and destroy everything around him. Julián is scared to admit he loves Taylor in fear she will run away like all the others before her.

The latina singer was too drunk to realise his deep thought and pushed him from behind towards the stairs. "Come on lover boy, it's almost midnight"

Author's Note.

There is going to be like three or four chapters on new year, i have shit planned.

I am also probably going to take a break from 'Deja Vu' for a little while just to focus on this book.  One of you might want to remind in like a month to update 'Deja Vu'.

Bye for now x
