AN- I have recently learnt that the f*mous video was released months before the timing of the story but go with it because I say so. :)

A few Months Later...October 2016

Taylor's POV

If the world could swallow Taylor at the moment she opened her phone she would dive head first.

That morning had started lovely. After a long and productive night of songwriting with solid demos to send to Jack, her producer, a good night's sleep and a Brunch set up with her friends at noon nothing could have ruined her pleasant mood. But Kanye West releasing a video with her naked definitely can take away a nice thing. Never has Taylor felt so disgusted and violated before.

The blonde singer didn't know how to react, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the video, watching it over and over again in hopes that she was imagining all of it and it actually wasn't her and a bunch of other celebrities in the video, some she personally knew some she didn't. Sat in her bed for what seemed like hours all Taylor could think was, why her? hasn't everyone already taken everything for her, randomly deciding to hate her one day was tiring enough without people dragging up her past and manipulating her.

At this point Taylor was almost to tears and just emotionally tired of life around her. Taylor wanted to escape. Taylor wanted Julian.

Fed up with everything forced Taylor to take immediate action. Opening her laptop she searched up the soonest flights out of New York and into Liverpool hoping to be across the pond by nightfall. Sure she could have just used her private jet but she needed to give at least a week's notice before leaving on it and that was far too long to wait. Taylor needed to leave now.

Finding the perfect flight and booking it relieved Taylor of some stress caused by the fiasco all that was left to do was find accommodation. She did debate risking her luck and crashing at Julian's but didn't know whether he had a spare room or not so decided to treat herself to a fancy hotel in the center of the city. After finalizing her reservation she was greeted with the ringing of her doorbell.

Taylor was obviously confused by this, not expecting anyone or any packages so cautiously opened the door in fear of being bombarded by reporters (It wouldn't be the first time).

"Why are you still in your pajamas?!?!". Taylor realized she was still in her pajamas.

"I've been busy Abigail." inviting the ginger woman in.

Making herself at home at the kitchen island made Taylor think back to when Julian had done the exact same thing, "I gathered that when you ditched brunch. YOU NEVER DITCH BRUNCH!"

"I know. I'm sorry. I guess I just lost track of time, I didn't really expect my nude body to be in a music video today." Taylor looks like a child who has just been told of by their mum while Abigail just snickers

"That's one way to put it" bringing Taylor into a hug, "I'm sorry Tay, do you want me to do anything"

Muffled by the bear hug the blonde replied, "Help me pack?"

"Why would you need help packing?"

"'Cause I am going to England tonight."

Abigail pulled out of the hug and held Taylor at arms length by the shoulders and said in a worrying mother tone, "Why are you going to england?" Seeing that Taylor wasn't answering her question Abigail made her sit opposite her at the island and looked her right in the eye, "Are you sure you should be fleeing the country at this time?"

Taking a deep breath and gathering her thoughts TAylor answered, "I just can't. I can't deal with the internet and just want a break from everything for a short time."

"Ok if you are sure, I am going to pack you a really cute dress you probably won't wear though." the ginger said to her friend fully supporting and understanding her. Abigail stood up from the island and raced towards Taylor's wardrobe going to find the perfect outfits for her, "Why England though, it's all rain." pausing, realizing and gasping Abigail turned to the blonde, "YOU'RE GOING TO SEE JULIAN!"

blushing, Taylor did a child-like shake, the ones that children do when they get embarrassed in front of new people, "Maybe."

"I hate you so much" pointing a finger at Taylor


"Because now I need to make your outfits extra cute for your boy toy."

"Don't call him that, anyway I have a boyfriend." she countered disappointedly.

"One you haven't spoken to in nearly two weeks. Honestly Taylor i don't know why you haven't broken up with him yet." Abigail questioned while tossing Taylor's entire wardrobe into her bed.

"I just... I don't know how to."

"That's a first."

"Oh shut up." She said jokingly giving her friend a faux annoyed glare before huffing and flopping onto her bed, "I don't want to hurt him that's all" speaking for her heart with kindness, "It will kill him when i have to tell him why."

Pausing what she was doing Abigail sat down next to her best friend since high school and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "There's no point leading him on though."

"Yeah you're right" putting her head onto her friend's shoulder TAylor continues, "I'll do it after Liverpool. Promise."

Staying in that position for a few peaceful moments made Taylor cherise her friendships, knowing that her friends will be there to check up on her made the singer feel safe and gave her the courage she needs to regain her career and beat the haters and media.

"So what time is your flight?"

Checking her watch, TAylor replies, "in three hours."

Abigail's eyes bugged out at her answer and yelled, "You need to get out of your pajamas!" followed by her running around like a headless chicken to get Taylor's clothes packed.


I am coming to england


ok. why?


feel like it


ok. When


you seem surprisingly chill.


well i am sitting in a tub of ice so that explains it


first the dirty jokes and now dad ones?


i have variety

answer my question.

When are you coming to england


2.am today



i'll meet you at the main entrance in my car


what no. i'll just get a cab


and pay the outrageous cab fares

i won't let you


I don't want to get you out of your bed just for me.


i honestly don't mind taylor


but it will be the middle of the night


ill met you outside the main entrance.


ย no i dont want to be a hassle

read. 12.23pm


read. 12:25pm

fine! you can come pick me up in your stupid car




that gets a response??!?!?

Author's Note

Hey guys.

school is starting up for me in a few days so i will try to update at least once every but i promise i wont forget about this story

summers over๐Ÿ˜ญ
