Taylor's POV
A week later

TSwizzle.    45 likes

-crying because i have to rejoin society.😭😭😭

SelensStopmez- what you doing in that studio gal
         LanLan- please i want to knowww

GigiHadid- is this the only stuff you got up too👀👀
    TSwizzle- yh I don't know what you are talking about.

JGarnacho- glad you enjoyed😊
   GigiHadid- oh she enjoyed it
       SelenaStopmez-  stop he's so cute 🥰

BlakeLively- it's good to take a break ❤️.

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Like all good things Taylor's trip had to come to an end. After two weeks of successfully avoiding any scandals the blonde figured it was best to go back to New York and let her friends not worry about so much.

Julián had been an absolute gem to Taylor: always there for when she wanted to do something, texting her funny things he saw on Instagram and when he wasn't there he was always in her mind. With out Julián Taylor believed she would truly be lost.

When he dropped her off at the airport nothing was said between the two, both didn't want Taylor to leave but knew it was time. A mountain of unsaid emotions lingered between them as Taylor turned one last time to look at the man who had her heart before leaving him.

The flight was long and full of turbulence. She honestly thought that it was gods sign to go back to Liverpool and stay there forever. It was midnight when she landed back at JFK airport and managed to catch a cab back to her apartment.

Opening her door and flicking on the light she was met with her boyfriend sitting at her kitchen table.

Author's note

Back to back updates. Who am I?

Anyway I have two assignments that I have not done that we're due two weeks ago oops. So what am I doing instead, writing fan fiction.

Bye guys 👋
