Taylor's POV

Waking up the next morning Taylor had no idea where she was because the uncomfortable surface she was laying on was certainly not her bed or any bed at all. Gathering her bearings and waking up more She realized that she had fallen asleep in a bathtub. Walking out of the bathroom with only one shoe on Taylor uncovered the aftermath of Gigi Hadid's 21st birthday party hosted at their luxurious beach house in Malibu.The previously packed house now just contained five girls the morning after, bottles were thrown all over the counters of the kitchen and streamers that had once been neatly hung up on the ceiling were now scattering the floor. rounding the corner to the living room was worse  than ever expected. somehow a flamingo pool floaty ended up on the chandelier but she found Selena asleep on the sofa wearing a shirt that was definitely not hers judging by the large size of it but on the bright side Taylor found her missing shoe.

More people were starting to wake up and emerge into the living room, looking at the destruction that happened the previous night. "So last night was something else '' Karlie was the first one to speak and although she spoke softly and quietly Taylor found herself wincing at the sudden sound.

It was Cara's turn to talk now "speak for yourself" before flopping onto a sofa and directly onto Selena at the same time "i am as fresh as a daisy". At Selena groaned and tried to pushed Cara off put was too asleep to actually succeed

"I woke up in the bath with only one shoe" Taylor deadpanned while the four other girls just laughed at her. "Also has anyone seen my phone?" a confused expression now on her face

"yeah i think i saw it by the hot tub sometime last night" Gigi told the blonde while going into the kitchen to make some coffee. But Taylor's phone wasn't by the hot tub or outside at all it was actually also in the kitchen. Gigi saw Taylor's phone and grabbed it for her knowing her friend was searching endlessly for it. When grabbing it though the model turned it on and saw the notifications.


How's the hangover?

Intrigued and surprised at this Mystery Man, Gigi raced back into the living room and showed Karlie, Cara and Selena the phone. There was a collective gasp let out by the group of girls and speculations started

"What do you think the situation is there?" Cara started off  getting off of Selena and taking her own seat, "like is he a sneaky link or...

"Nah, I know that her and Tom aren't on the best of terms right now but she wouldn't do that right?" Karlie disagreed with Cara and tried to find a reason for their friend's secret"maybe just a new friend she hasn't told us about yet?"

Selena paused and mumbled, "Taylor tells us everything though". Having a revelation she suddenly springs up, "Maybe she likes him".


After an extremely long time discussing Julián , why this was only the first time hearing about him and what the relationship between the two could be Taylor finally reappeared from the patio doors unsurprisingly without her phone. Just before she was about to complain to her friends she was bombarded by them, "Who's Julian?" Cara asked all of them with different facial expressions, some serious, some curious.

Taylor froze. "how do you guys know about Julián?"

"lover boy texted you asking how you were." Showing Taylor her phone.

"Really?" smiling widely at her phone.

"so, were you going to tell us about him?" Selena askes this time

"I swear I was at some point" she promises "but I liked being in my bubble with him". 'Aws' from her friends followed and then Taylor delved into the tale of Julián and Taylor. detailing their first interaction, their late night conversations and his persistence to truly get to know Taylor for who she is without knowing her public image. She explained to them how he felt genuine and how kind he is in their talks, how she can be free to be herself and not act like a celebrity but a normal person. While telling this she consistently had a wide smile on her face and a blush on her cheeks that was not last night's make-up. Her friends just stared at her in shock and awe, never hearing the woman talk so passionately about someone let alone a person she had never actually met.

"wow" was all that was said from Karlie

followed up by Gigi saying "You sound in love with him"

If Taylor could get redder than her album she would of at that comment "W-w-what no that's absurd" trying to play it off as best she could "I don't like him like that" she said more firmly this time.

"sure...Does Tom know about him?" Selena asked this time.

"well he knows about Julián's existence. Just not about our conversations"

Cara yelled at her for this, "GIRL why have you not told him!"

"How would you feel if your boyfriends told you they were speaking to another girls for months"

"MONTHS!" Karlie shouted

"Damn, you got a point there"

Taylor explained further by saying, "I just know how hurt he will be when he finds out and I am that we aren't exactly on the best of terms right now but I still don't want to hurt him y'know."

"but..." Selena said knowing there was more for her friend

"But I really enjoy talking to Julián." she admitted to not only her friends but to herself

"Well you obviously do since you where on the phone with him basically all nights"

All their heads couldn't turn faster towards Gigi's younger sister, Bella who had just arrived in the house, bin bag in hand.

"Wait what!?"

"Yeah you wouldn't let him hang up and kept whining 'No Julian you are not allowed to' when he tried to". The younger girl explained calmly then realizing her intrusion in the conversation apologized and left to go clean in a different room leaving the five girls speechless.

"huh" the silence was broken by Karlie, "you should probably text him back"

"yeah, I am really curious about what he has to say" Gigi added

getting up and grabbing her phone which was still her hand, "Fine, but I am doing it in my room. WITHOUT you guys' input". A chorus of 'boos' followed after her as she went down the corridor to her room. Flopping onto her bed Taylor had the courage to face her possible embarrassment that was sure to come her way.


How's the hangover?


ehh had worse but definitely had better



with the way you sounded last night i thought you were a goner for sure


was i really that bad


yeah you kept making fun of my accent and trying to mimic it


was i any good at it


no you were terrible


yh that figures

what else did i do


Well after that you got bored and went around 

 talking to everyone. like were you at a club

 coz there where so many people there


you should take it as a compliment


Why? that i was being ignored



to answer your question it was a friend's

birthday party at her house and a bunch of

random people i have never see came


and yet you decided to talk to every single one of them?


what can i say drunk taylor is very social


I will keep that in mind.


so tell me

what else did drunk taylor do


after you were done ignoring me you went outside

 and cried about otters while calling my voice 

gorgeous when i tried comforting you

I almost felt bad for hanging up but then 

you were silent for like 20 mins and just 

figured you had fallen asleep.


omg i am so sorry i put you through that.

 i actually don't remember calling you at all


Oh no worries you are hilarious drunk 

 it was actually me who called you by accident


ohhhh. again, I am sorry!


hahah Its fine, it was fun


i better be off i am a work right now and need to get back

enjoy the hangover!


i will 🙄

Sitting on her bed Taylor couldn't piece together her thoughts and feelings perfectly because she liked what she has with Tom but wants more in a relationship than he can give her. With Julian she feels this certain spark that she never had with Tom or any of her other exes before. There's just something different about him she can't quite figure out yet, Julián intrigues and enamours Taylor. Filled with thoughts and ideas coursing through her mind Taylor does the only logical thing for her and reaches for a pen and her song book.
