Taylor's POV

The drive to Taylor's New York Apartment was supposed to be a short drive but was made an hour longer due to the New York traffic but it did give them time to talk about things. There was an awkward silence at first but Julián was the one to break it.

"So this is New York City then."

Taylor was surprised that he had spoken given his depressed mood from earlier today. looking over at him from the driver seat was like looking into a whole new world. The way the night lights of the city shone into his eyes and refracted to create an endless rainbow that Taylor so desperately wanted to find the end of. The way Julián looked out of the window at the surroundings entranced by the untold stories made Taylor want to write a book about all of them just for him. The way his hair was messy but perfectly styled at the same time and just begging Taylor to run her hand through it for evermore. The way Julián could just look at her and she would give her whole heart to him if he only just asked.

Julián Garnacho enchanted and terrified Taylor Swift all at once.

"Yeah... yeah it is' ' Taylor answered quietly, secretly smiling at the boy who wasn't looking her way.

After finally managing to escape the traffic jam they pair reached taylor's apartment building Taylor was politely greeted by the doorman but Julian was given a glare which rivaled his mother's.

Looking to Taylor for support Julián worriedly asked, "have I done something to offend that man?"

"Oh no you are fine Joe is like that with every new person i bring up here." She replied nonchalantly as if it is an everyday thing, "He has gotten worse since the whole Kanye situation began, he is a really sweet man and has helped me so much. "

"ok that's good because it was like when I got told off for hacking off my sister's hair when I was 5" Julián shivered at the memory while Taylor was just stunned at how someone could do that to their sister.

laughing she replied, "you are unbelievable Julián Garnacho and you are not getting near any scissors in my house."

As the doors to the lift opened Julián played into her joke and said, "I think you would look great with a pixie cut Taylor"

"Don't even try it" She warned, pointing a finger at him as the door of the lift closed behind them.

It was obvious that Julián had cheered up since the end of the final. Taylor thought getting him away from the football atmosphere and social media would distract him from the loss but that also meant getting him away from his teammates. All of his teammates understood the guilt he felt, with most having some experience as well so when Lionel Messi came up to Taylor in the car park and told her in broken English that she needed to be there for Julián and get him out of his head Taylor knew what she was going to do.

shoving Julián into the right apartment this time after almost entering Taylor's elderly neighbor's flat she sat Julian at her kitchen island like a toddler and asked him, "What do you want for dinner?"

His response, "What can you cook?"

Thinking for a moment before coming to a realization Taylor then smacked her lips and said,"ehh... nothing. but i can bake"

While laughing Julián walked around the island and moved Taylor out of the way by her hips. Taylor felt butterflies in hips, "Let's see what I can conjure up with your cupboards". After scavenging in her cupboards for a few minutes and then looking in her fridge for any meat He came up with the perfect idea of what to make and Julián announced, "we are going to make my Vovô's pastels"

"WE?!" The blonde screamed

"Sim!" he said in portuguese, grinning like a maniac.

"No. What even is pastel?"

"It's this pastry pocket that you deep fry and put anything your heart desires in it." Julián animatedly explained clearly excited about the idea of cooking with Taylor and Taylor couldn't say no to that grin of his.

"Fine! What are we putting in these."


After some arguing they decided to make steak pastels with a tzatziki dip to put into it and Julián gave into Taylor's pleas to make s'mores for dessert claiming 'one traditional dish for brazil, one traditional american dessert'. Julián put Taylor in charge of the steak and the tzatziki while Julián made the pastel pockets. Once they were finished cooking they sat at Taylor's dining table and Julián patiently awaited her reaction to the dish

"Soooo how is it?"

"Do you want the truth?" Julian obviously nodded but then regretted his answer when Taylor pulled a disgusted face, "It's amazing" she said breaking her act ,"this is honestly the best thing i have ever eaten."

"I knew you would like it," the Argentine exclaimed loudly , "You can do anything with it! dessert, put jam in it. Breakfast? egg and hot sauce. Unlimited possibilities!" Taylor just laughed along with his enthusiasm for the food.

Throughout their meal jokes were told and stories from their childhood were shared like why Julián decided to chop Catalina's hair and what it was like for Taylor to grow up on a farm. Anything and everything that came to mind was spoken about in this safe space the two had created.

When it was time for dessert Julián was completely lost with Taylor's instructions and didn't quite understand the concept of a s'more.

"So you're telling me I have to light this marshmallow on fire?" he said holding his marshmallow in front of his face


Looking at Taylor like she is a mad woman Julián ways, "Why would I do that though"

"Because it will melt the chocolate and make it easier to eat" the singer sighed, "Do you want me to do it" knowing that she had lost the last of Julián's brian cells

"Yes please" he said with a toothy grin, passing his marshmallow to her.

Once they were finished with their smores and had finished cleaning the dishes they started playing music in the kitchen. Julián put the plates away and grabbed Taylor's hand and spun her into a slow dance to 'Songbird' by Fleetwood Mac.

"What are you doing?" Taylor questioned him, shocked and confused at his sudden action.

"Dance With me." was all Julián said staring longing into Taylor's blue eyes.

They remained like this for a while slowly sway to the beat of the music not saying a word to each just bathing in the sweet nothing between them gazing into each other's eyes, taylor was taking in the taller man's features and imperfections and make him all the more perfect like the small scar just above his eye he got in his first year at liverpool or the freckles that dot his face in the sun.

As the song was coming to a close Julian brought Taylor out and spun her into his arms then dipped her low until her hair was touching her tiled floor. The pair stayed like this for what felt like forever standing still. breathing heavily. until Julián moved his eyes away from hers and to her lips. Something clicked in the two of them, slowly moving towards each other, their lips so close to each other that Taylor can feel Julián's bated breaths on her cheeks.

Taylor made the move. She was going to connect their lips like she has wanted to since she met him in person, like she has wanted to since they facetimed for the first time, like how she has waited months for this moment.

A phone snapped them out of their magical trance.

Standing up right they now avoid each other's eyes. They were awestruck by only a moment ago and went to see who's phone interrupted their moment.

Awkwardly coughing, Julián said, "That's leo. I-i should probably go. I have an early flight back to England tomorrow" Collecting his things he went to open the door but turned to Taylor and said truthfully and whole-heartedly, "I had a really nice time tonight, Thank you Mariposa for distracting me from reality for a while." and then swiftly left, leaving Taylor alone in her kitchen with a head full of regret.

Author's Note

heyyy guys. please dont murder me i promise it will be soon ;)

Joe is Joe from the princess diaries. And nothing will change my mind.
