Chapter 4

   With thought in my mind, I went to pick her up. I knw she must be planning something, because whenever mom ask about her husband or family she starts crying. I mean why won't she just name the village or any family members name just to save time or the nearest future which of cause is today, but no! She'd rather cry than submit her relatives whereabout.
    I know she must have planned this from the beginning, coming into our lives, I just know it. Women are the same, they all are cunning, but they can't deceive me, no! not me and definitely not this time.
          Finally I arrived at the hospital and took Ahad with me up to her room. When I opened the door, I saw her smile grew wider the moment she set her eyes on Ahad, and for a moment all that I said about her in the car faded away and I was beginning to doubt myself.
  "Mom "

    "mom" I heard Ahad's voice. I quickly sat up and he ran into my arms that I opened for him. I really like it when he calls me 'mom', it makes me feel complete. I sat him down on the bed near me, while he looked around for something to play with.
"good morning" I said to him, but he seemed to be somewhat lost in his day dream. Well not until Ahad snapped him out of it.
  "uhhum, what son" Irfan replied a little startled.
  "let's go home now, since we've got mommy"  he said in his sweet childish voice.
  "Soon son, I'm just gonna go pay the doctor a visit"  he replied looking at me.
  "Good morning"  I again payed my respect.
  He replied by inquiring about my health.     
"Morning, how are you feeling?"
    "Feeling better" I replied.
     "Ok then,  I'll be seeing the doctor now. Make sure to get ready when I return".
  I nodded in return and he left.
He left me with Ahad, and I've already packed my clothes since yesterday. What do I mean by clothes, I mean I have nothing, I came with nothing, I'm going with nothing. But come to think of it, if I'm with nothing then where are my clothes. Yeah good question, but before I could think further, Ahad just jumped on me and started bombing questions on me.
   But the one that caught my attention was "papa always told me that you're in the hospital and I can't see you. Now I can also show you to my bff"
I was confused, so I had to ask him again.
" you mean your papa always told you that I was in the hospital"
"yes mom, I thought he never wanted me to come see you, but when I saw you I was happy and I still am" he replied in his baby voice.
  Now I see why he always calls me his mother,  don't mind me I love the name but was always wondering where it came from. And now my question just got answered out of the blues.
  "wow!, just wow!! Was what I said before I heard Ahad again.
  "Mom promise me you won't leave me, promise me we'll always be together and you'll always be reading me bed time story"  Ahad spoke grinning from ear to ear.
    I know from today we won't be able to see each other again, but I had to I can't just let a kid down. I know you'll understand, so I quickly answered "I  promise you son that I won't leave you, I'll always be by your side".
   Poor kid was shouting, squealing and jumping from here to there, nd I felt something in my heart ♥. I think I just let this kid down, no! I can't be one of them, I can't let anyone down. I don't wanna be one of them, but what to do, I can't say I'm not his mom, the poor kid will be devastated and his whole dream shattered😭, and that's not just me. With that I held him close to my heart and he embraced me back.

" I promise"  The moment I heard what she said to my little baby, I had no control of my body. My eye shot started itching because of anger, my body stiffened and I was sending cold daggers at her which I'm sure she never got. How could she? promise my boy something she can't fulfill. Ohh all hell is gonna break today, and that's a promise. 😈

So heres a short chapter, I knw it's not much and forgive me 4 dat🙏.  I hope u'll luv it. Do me a favor and don't be a silent reader🙅. Vote and comment, so I knw u hv mah back🙌. Luv u oll 😘.
Bye till my next update, expect me soon🙋
