Chapter 10


"It's a pleasure working with you Mr. Hugh. I assure you the fashion show will be perfect" I said closing my office.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Sa'oud. You don't know how happy I am to be working with the best clothing company in the country" checking his Calvin Klein wrist watch, he added

"I'll get going because I have an important meeting to attend to. We'll meet on the day of the show" we shake hands before he took off in his car.

Today is a very hectic day, and being Monday added to the stress. I'm just glad that this is all over and I can finally go home.

I know she will be in the kitchen cooking dinner or probably doing something else.
Oh I can't wait to eat her delicious food. Sometimes when she's cooking the aroma of the food makes my mouth watery. To say her food is delicious will be an understatement, because no amount of words can describe the taste.

But me being me never commented on the food. I mean how can I, her head will definitely burst of pride.
Call me an egoistic brat but that's how I am. I decided to text her and and let her know I'm on my way.

"may be it'll be weird to text her" I spoke to myself.
"but then again we are friends now, so it will be normal. I mean it's what friends do, isn't it? " my mind said interrupting me.

I settled on not texting her, besides I only got her number earlier today. So she'll think I'm creepy and then she will look down on me, and I don't want that.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I said entering the house.
"Wa'alaikum Salam" she answered back coming out from the kitchen. And my guess was right, she's cooking dinner.

"welcome back" she collected my briefcase and suit to take up.

"Thank you" I answered following after her.

"You go freshen up, I'll just go finish what I'm doing" she said dropping my stuff where it is kept.
I closed the bathroom door not before noticing her bringing out my comfy outfit.

"Where's Ahad" I asked plopping down beside her.

"In his room doing his assignment. His teacher told him to memorize the surah they were taught today in school"

"oh I see. So whachu doing" I inquired raising an eyebrow.

"hmm... Nothing just surfing the net. I'm reading this story I saw on Google earlier about a university student that committed suicide because her family doesn't care for her" she replied back showing me the post.

"it's a tragedy. May Allah protect us all" I muttered turning on the TV.

After flipping from channel to channel I decided on a particular one that is showing the local news. Beginning to get bored I thought of starting a conversation.

"so what do you do for a living" I put my ego aside and asked her

"well I've worked as the director of my dads company for a month, but after I got married he asked me not to work again. Reasons best known by him" she answered keeping her phone aside before continuing

"but I studied textile engineering. I also know how to make clothes, let's just say I'm a tailor. An event planner and what not."

"Wow! You know all that! " I am shocked as it is right now.

"I'm just independent, anything I put my heart in, I do it" she replied laughing and then as if remembering something she quickly swallowed it back.

"then how about you work with me. There's this fashion show I'm organising in the next two weeks, how would you like to be the planner? " I asked her.

I know she must be bored of lazying around the house, so what else can make her busy other than that.

"no way, shut up!" she screamed covering her mouth with her hand

"I'm serious, I really want to see your handwork" I held her soft tiny hand in my huge rough one and squeezed it a bit assuring her I'm with her.

"I would like that, but I can't. What about my duties as a wife."

"don't worry we'll leave around 10 then you come back like 2 in the afternoon, how is that? "

She just nodded her head in agreement and hugged me. She took me by surprise but then I hugged her back.

Although my body felt warm and weird stuff, I pushed it aside to inhale her fragrance.

Oh her fragrance is intoxicating. She smells of rose and lavender. After a while she let go, and I felt empty.

What is wrong with me. I am becoming something else, I need to focus here. Ok no more thinking.

"thank you so much, I don't know how I'm gonna thank you enough" she sniffed wiping a lone tear in her eyes.

"look you don't have to, you're embarrassing me. Please stop it, I thought we agreed on being friends" I wiped her tears and hugged her again.

"now wipe that thing on your face, you don't want your son to see you crying now would you" and she immediately wiped her tears, though she's crying but only silently.

After sometime she finally stopped crying. I let her be and decided to go and pray maghrib since it's already time.

"Come on stand let's go up, you need to pray. But first we should check on our son, uhm? " I smiled helping her up

"okay" she replied amused.

"you're extraordinarily nice and I love this side of you" she added leaving my hand and opening the door to Ahads room.

The moment he came in contact with my eyes, he ran up and hugged me. Almost knocking me down.

"papa! " he screeched which in return made me close my ears with the palm of my hand. He's got a lot of energy in him.

"hey lil one" I ruffled his hair and entered into the room completely.

He pouted his lip at me and I gave him a look that says you're a grown up boy, so I won't carry you no more.

Maryam must have understood us because she carried him in her arms and walked them to the table were he was doing his assignment, and sat him down on her lap.

"so how's your memorisation going" I asked Ahad pinching his cheek.

"I'm almost through, mom is gonna recite with me after our maghrib prayer" he chirped cheerfully, his baby voice everywhere.

"ok then Maryam, I'll be on my way now" I kissed Ahad on the cheek and side hugged her before leaving to the masjid.

I opened the door only to be greeted by the melodic voice of Maryam. She is reciting the Holy Qur'an, while Ahad is seated beside her reciting after her.

I watched as she recite every aya. She is just so good. How can somebody be so good, and the best thing is she doesn't realize it.

After a while they were through with it. It's when she was folding the prayer mat that she noticed me by the door.

"for how long have you been standing" she asked putting the prayer mat aside.

"quite some time now. I wanted to announce my arrival, but you were reciting so Masha Allah. And I couldn't find the heart to speak"

"uhmm. Let's go then, I'm hungry and so is Ahad" She said picking up Ahad.

"ouch! It hurts you know" I said feigning hurt.

"what? and why" she asked with bewilderment.

"you didn't even ask if I'm hungry, you only think about Ahad. And by the way you shouldn't be carrying him, he's a big boy"

"don't tell me you're jealous of your own baby. She asked twitching her lips up in amusement.

"no I'm not" I immediately defended myself. "I'm just stating the obvious fact. I mean you're married to me not Ahad" I added walking out of the room.

Like always the food was superb, only this time I did complement on her food. And unlike what I've expected, she only smiled and thanked me.

Not like before, we chatted while eating. We discussed almost everything and nothing. Ahad entertained us with his childish gibberish.

After the dinner we watched a series and it was isha time. I decided to pray in the house with my wife. It's a little bit cold outside so I think I'll just stay indoors.

"goodnight boy" Maryam kissed Ahads forehead covering him with the comforter. I kissed his cheek and left his room together with Maryam.

"so would you rather start work tomorrow or the next after" I asked Maryam making myself comfortable on the bed.

"when do you think fits? " she asked walking inside the changing room.

"well the fashion show is in the next two weeks, so how about immediately" I replied after thinking for a while.

"ok I'll start tomorrow then" she replied full of vivacity.

She had changed into her nightie. She looked beautiful in it. My heart beat started running marathon. I don't know what she's doing to me but I kinda like it.

When ever I see her, I feel a little something in my stomach. My heart beats faster, I feel like like I don't want to loose her.

The moment I see her and Ahad together, I feel possessive over them. I get the feeling to protect them. I just don't know what she's doing to me.

I don't know what has gotten into me but my leg automatically betrayed me, and before I knew it I was standing next to her.

Out of words and also reason of being in front her, I chose to make up an excuse. Which in my defense is the truth.

"you look gorgeous in this nightie" I rested my hand on her chin, raising her head up a bit.

She looked taken a back by my confession, but then I saw her blushing.

I did a little dance in my head to know that I have an effect on her.

She kept on blushing and the worst part is, she won't look up at my face.

I wanted her to look me in the eye. I want her big sparkly orbicular eyes staring right into my blue one. Her eyes are so captivating that I want to get lost in.

When I look at her, I can see insecurity, nervousness and what not.

I want her to know that I'm with her and whatever step she takes I'll be taking with her.

I rested my forehead on hers and looked into her beautiful sparkling eyes.

Before I could think further I kissed her. I freaking kissed her.

Her lips are so soft just like the rose petals. She in return of course didn't respond back to my kiss because I took her by surprise.

I so wanted her to kiss me back but I guess it'll never happen.

I kissed her slowly and full of promises, telling her we are in this together.

And at that time I realized that I might have developed a feeling for her. It might not be a strong one but at least I tried.

The feeling of getting heartbroken again made me to swiftly pull back but I immediately regret it.

She was panting rapidly with her pink swollen pink lips that I so badly want to kiss again but I strongly refused the urge to do so.

I was feeling bad for kissing her like that, I didn't know whether she feels the same way as I do about her.

Regret was the only thing visible in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I loved it when I kissed her, but what I do regret is kissing her without her consent.

I look up only to come face to face with her eyes that clearly shows she is hurt.

She looked right in to my soul with her hurtful eyes. Had I known she wouldn't like it, I would never have done it.

All my anxiety came rushing back like rain fall. I need to apologize as quick as possible I thought.

"Maryam I..."

But she turned her back on me not before raising her hand to stop me from talking.

I don't let go of things easily either. So you'll have to listen to me young woman. I said in my mind.

Waddap my peeps. How's the chapter?
It seems as if our Ibrahim is in love.
Hmn I wonder if Maryam does love him back.
Lemme not disturb you... Luv u lods.
Don't forget to tap the star pls.
Comment and share also🙏

Hussainatouh 💕
