Chapter 19


How can she be shameless as to touch me. I can't believe I fell in love with someone like her.

But what if he's lying

A voice in my head shouted.

No he's not, if she didn't tell him then how did he know...

Another voice spoke igniting the beast in me. It's like I was not in control of my own body, because I did not know when I threw the bedside lamp.

It made a loud crashing sound but I couldn't care less. I yanked the bedspread off the bed and it fell to the floor. The mirror and all the breakable things in the room didn't survive the great mind turmoil.

Maryam rushed into the room and attempted coming closer.

"stay there! Don't you dare come close or I swear to Allah I don't know what I'll do to you"

"what is wrong with you Ibrahim, why are you doing this"

I let out a humorous laugh and said

"after all you've done to me, you're still asking what the problem is. You know what? I don't even have your time, just please get out"

"amma Ibrahim..."

"get out!"  I barked making her yelp and swallowed the remaining of her words. She walked out slowly and closed the door behind her.

She fooled me, played with my heart and lastly betrayed me. She had to get pregnant for another man when I can give her that. What has she ever asked for that I denied, infact I ask her everyday single day if she needs anything.

Oh Allah I hope she's not putting Ahad in her silly way. Laila is far better than her, at least she didn't have an affair with someone when she was married to me.

Looking at my life crashing in front of my eyes, I feel like I'm a looser. Why do I have to be such a looser in love life. God what have I done to deserve this. Remembering everything happens for a reason and that Allah is the best of all planners, I quickly aksed for forgiveness from him.

I picked up my phone to call Abdul  but then remembered he just got married and of course he won't have my time.

"God what can I do? Who should I believe? Or should I just confront her?" I kept on asking my self silly questions.

Seeing that talking to myself won't work, I picked up my car key and headed downstairs. I saw her feeding Ahad his lunch and laughing at something he said.

"Ahad my boy, what do you say about going to grandma?"

"yes papa I would love that"

"ok then quickly finish and let's hit the road"

"ok" he answered and wiped his mouth with the napkin and she let him down from the chair.

"let me get his bag, I'm sure he is going to ruin the cloth he is wearing later on" Maryam spoke climbing the stairs.

I didn't reply her because I don't have anything to say to her. Looking at her makes me feel guilty for treating her badly when I know she is pregnant, but then Haroun's words kept on going on and on in my head. I just couldn't decide who is right and wrong.

She hands the bag to Ahad and pecked him on his forehead. She looked at me about saying something when I picked up Ahad and left the house, not before hearing her faint voice saying
"if you're not happy with me being pregnant just let me know"

"a'a babana so you're the one who has been knocking. Wallah I thought it was one serious visitor" mom said opening the door.

"I'm a serious visitor ai" I answered entering deeper in to the room.

"shut up joor. Ahad my my boy" she gestured towards Ahad.

"granny!!" He squeal hugging her.

" I thought you've forgotten me. He's spending the entire week here right?" she asked me while settling him on her lap.

"actually no, I didn't bring his clothes, only the ones that he'll wear later on today" I answered scratching my head  a bit.

"this is nonsensical, you know for sure he have clothes in this house. He is not going anywhere"

"ok! Ok!!  He is all yours" I raised my hand in a submissive way. This woman is something else, she can take your mind off things easily and can also detect worry like the detective she is.

"where is Maryam, or aren't you guys together" she asked looking behind me.

"no, she is at home" I answered feeling angry that my mom reminded me of her.

"why didn't you come together. We spoke earlier and she told me you were bringing Ahad together, and then from there you're going to work together"  Mom spoke emphasizing the word together.

"yeah we were gonna come in the morning but then she had to stay home and that is why we didn't bring him in the morning" I explained, even though I excluded some important details myself.

She gave me the aren't you going to say something more look, and I shrugged because the moment I say Maryam got sick, she must interrogate me and last last find out what I don't want her to know about.
So I changed the topic.

"mom where is Khadija and my little nephew"

"she's upstairs, I'm sure she is not aware of your arrival that's why"

"ok toh, let me go and meet her"
I didn't wait for her reply and climbed up the stairs.

I knocked the door before entering the living room, and she was watching TV while taking milkshake.

I didn't know Ahad was trailing behind me until I heard him shout

" Aunty" and he jumped on her as if she is a bed.

"my baby, when did you come" she asked hugging him.

He left her question hanging and went straight to his nephews cradle.

"ouch sis, I couldn't even get a welcome brother, thanks alot" I feigned hurt and she rolled her eyes.

"you know for a grown man, it doesn't suit you so just cut the act"

"uhmm I don't have your time, at least my nephew is happy to see me; i hope" I said ignoring her rude comment.

She averted her gaze to to the door as if waiting for someone to come in, then asked

"where is Maryam, or is she downstairs?" she asked still looking at the entrance.

"Ya Raheem, can't one get peace of mind just for a day without being asked of Maryam" I murmured face palming myself.

"you said something" she asked looking at me weirdly.

"no, I said nothing. Maryam is not here" I answered back feeling sick already.

I walked deeper into the room and scooped my nephew in my arm.

"baby Aarif, how are you my boy" I pecked his forehead and stroked his  cheek.

"Such a handsome boy Masha Allah" I spoke and sat down with him.

Ahad did the same and repeat what I said

"such a handsome boy" with his baby voice.

"so when am I hearing the good news"
Khadija asked plopping a grape in her mouth.

"what do you mean?" I asked not liking where the topic is going.

"you know what I mean. When is Aarif goin to have another cousin" she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"just shut up and watch your film" I replied remembering earlier today.

"Ahad my boy, ask your father when he is getting you a baby brother or sister"
Khadija spoke to Ahad drawing him out of whatever it is he was doing.

"yes daddy, I want one just like uncle Heesham gave Lail" Ahad replied looking at me.

"look khadija don't spoil my child please. And Ahad don't worry soon, okay" I answered giving both of them pointed looks.

"hey that look might work on Ahad and  Maryam, but you know dang right it won't work on me. I want a niece and I want it fast" she whined like a baby.

When I  noticed she won't stop bringing the topic up I decided it is time to take my leave. Seriously it's as if she is doing it on purpose, so I announced that I'll be on my way.

"ya Irfan do consider my poor baby here and give him a sister to play with" she pointed at Ahad as she spoke.

I shook my head and headed out of the house. When Ahad saw I was leaving, he picked up his bag and followed me out.

"A'a where are you going to again, you are staying here with granny"

"but I don't wanna, I want to go back to mummy" he said about to cry.

"you guys please talk to him, I don't know what to say to him" I said looking from my sister to mother.

"kai raba ni da wahala, carry your son and go before he turns my house upside down" mom spoke before adding

"Aarif's cries is already so disturbing, I cannot come and kill myself"

"toh yaya Irfan, till I come" she entered the house waving.


"now Ahad tell me why  you didn't want to spend the week with grandma" I asked as parked the car in the house garage.

"nothing I just missed mom, and she promised me a ratatouille for dinner" he said happily and then shrugged.

Immediately I dropped him out of the car he ran in to the house.

"mom we are home" he shouted entering the kitchen.

I left him and just sauntered up the stairs.

I entered the bathroom and relieved myself off of stress by showering. After that I  dressed up in sweatpants and tee.

I was about to start my work on the system when Ahad entered my roon crying.

Alerted, I got up and hugged him.
"what happened son? why are you crying? Did you hurt yourself?"
I asked him all at once and he just shook his head in negation.

"then what happened" I asked getting perplexed.

"it's mummy, she is sleeping on the floor in the kitchen, I tried waking her up but she refused to" he said crying some more.

I rushed downstairs with Ahad still with me,  and saw her on the floor lifeless.
I dropped Ahad and quickly went to her.

"Maryam, speak up. Say something" I tried waking her up she didn't bulge.

I poured some water on my hand and put on her face but still there is no response. I walked to a room downstairs and came back with perfume. After struggling with her for like 5 minutes she finally came back to life.

I called the doctor and then took her to our room, Ahad following suit.

Maryam opened her eyes ever slowly and set them on me, I couldn't stand her eyes imploring mine so I just averted my gaze but didn't miss the tear that dropped out of her eyes.

The doctor examined her and said it wss just stress. She prescribed some medicine and strictly ordered her not to work or do anything stressful.

"how are you feeling"  I asked almost immediately the doctor left the room.

"Alhamdulillah, just a slight headache" she answered back inaudibly.

I felt guilty for leaving her alone knowing she is pregnant. Even though I knew the baby wasn't mine, but at least she is my wife.

"why didn't you take care of yourself, you knew you are pregnant for God's sake" I banged the beside drawer making her flinch in fear.

She kept munm and didn't reply me. Yes I still love her despite what she did to me, I do not want to lose her. But I can't continue living with a woman like her.

I left her with Ahad who had been bombarding her with questions ever since he entered and saw her wide awake.

Entering the kitchen I saw the already  arranged ratatouille on the kitchen island awaiting to be taken to the dining table. I served an amount that I know will be enough for the three of us on the same plate and headed up.

"mum! When is my sibling arriving?" I heard Ahad asking her jumping on the bed.

"very soon my boy, we should just pray for the best from Allah" she replied touching her belly.

The sight would have melted my heart if I didn't know the baby she is carrying is not mine, but now it's quite the opposite. I feel like chasing her out of my house for good.

Knocking on the door I entered and dropped the tray of food, drink and water on the table. I helped her up and also sat Ahad down on my lap. Then cautiously began feeding them.

I had lost my appetite when I heard her little convo with Ahad, so when I finish feeding them and I carried the tray and attempted going down when she stopped me by holding my hand.

Ahad left the room before me so she got the chance to ask what's been on her mind.

"Ibrahim, why are you doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this except loving you. Is it the pregnancy you don't want, just tell me so as to know what I should do" she cried letting her words out.

I felt a pang in my heart but remembering her betrayal, I yanked my hand from hers and left the room.


"Laila dear, I'm just giving you a  head start. Make sure you make him divorce her in a week or I'm going to kill him so that I can marry Maryam" Haroun's voice boomed through the phone.

Laila paced up and down as if it'll reduce her throbbing heart. Her palm immediately got sweaty the moment he uttered killing Ibrahim.

She loves Ibrahim, she can't imagine her life with him dead. She didn't know what made her leave him in first place.

But of course she married him for his money from the start. But later on when she left him, she fell heavily in love with him.

When she saw her baby's smile at the park one day with Ibrahim, she fell in love with him too. She left him with his father because she knows he'll be better off with him, not because she didn't love her baby.

Which mother doesn't love child, even if she don't like the child there must be an atom of love there for the child.

"hello are you there" Haroun asked sensing her long pause.

"yes I'm there, just please don't hurt him. I swear I'll know what to do to make him divorce her"  she puffed out an exasperated air and listened to what he was saying.

"just make sure to do it within this week or you know the consequences" he let out a humorous laugh making a ticking and tocking sound of the clock as he cut the call.

She threw the phone careless on the ground not minding that it's the latest edition of the phone and it's very expensive.

She thought why waste time on a silly phone when I can get it anytime I want since I'll be marrying Ibrahim.

With thoughts on how to make Ibrahim divorce his wife, she entered her car and drove off to his house to meet her son.

Yeah it's another chappy. Anyways I'll be waiting for your
And don't forget to
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Luv u loads💕 (Maryam Bebe I've changed it koh? Pls don't eat me raw. She doesn't lyk my lods😑😑)
