Chapter 5


" Ohh welcome back" Maryam said the moment she saw me by the door.
  I just raised my head as the response and ordered it's time to leave.
She gave me a confused look but I just shrugged it off and took Ahad from her, which in return refused and went back to his 'mom' as he calls her.
     The ride back home was quiet, just Maryam talking to Ahad about the usual baby stuff and him replying with stupid answers. But at least it ease my heart to know she loves my boy just as much as he loves her.  I'm sure he thought she is his mother. I told him once that his mom was in the hospital, to be honest I never want him to talk about his mother ever and that was when I came up with the lie about his mother being in the hospital, but truth be told she never was.
    Ahad dozed off after their brief discussion and soon afterwards she did. 
I stared at her, she's what we call an African woman, the epitome of beauty.  She's beautiful in her own way, with caramel skin which I'm sure will be soft.
Moving up to her head, it's supposed to be covered with her vail but is no more because the breeze flew it away. Her hair, oh my gosh... Black and fluffy 😍 that I wanted touching badly, but I had to control my emotions.
   "I need to wake her up to close her hair, and I'm sure she left it open intentionally so I can see it, but the devil is a liar" I thought.
I tapped her and she flinched a little nd then went back to sleep. What's she doing she needs to wake up now she can't seduce me, not anymore, Yeah.
   Ahad laid peaceful in her warm embrace and I couldn't find the heart ♥ to wake her up, because waking her is like waking both of them. So I let her be 4 now. Not long after, she came back to life.

The car came to a halt at the parking lot of the house. To say the house is beautiful will be an understatement. The house is, no no no, the mansion is one of a kind. It's beauty is indescribable. It's just Wow Wow and wow. I didn't realize I'm still in the car mouth 👄 wide open and what not until he asked me to close it before a fly makes it a home, not to mention the smirk on his face.
    I turned and quickly closed my mouth in total embarrassment and the feeling to wipe that smirk off his face, such an idiot he is arrg😤
  He attempt taking Ahad from me, which he in return of course declined the offer and hugged me more tight if its even possible.
With the feeling of rejection, he left and straight to the house he went. I in the other hand ✋ followed Ahad as he offered to lead the way into the huge mansion, since he knows his way around the house. I've said it before and I'll say it again, for a 4yr old he sure is one hell of a smart kid. He's just wow unlike his father 😢.
   "Mom come with me grandma must be waiting, she should be back by now"
Ahad said as he practically dragged me into the living room. And that's when I take back everything I said out side cause the interior design is way more more more exceeding all description
   Ahad walked me up the stairs, down the hall way and into a room. Black, White and Ash is the color of the room. From the bed to the side drawers, the mirror and the wardrobe is black, While the wallpaper decoration is White and Ash. The bed is laid with a black, White and Ash bedsheet. Everything in the entire mansion is just shouting 💰 money money.
  I had to slap my self in other to snap out of my day dream or else I might drool. Don't mind me it's not as if I've never been into a beautiful house before, even my house is one but this is different. She is praying and so Ahad bid me farewell till he returns and asked to me sit on the bedside chair which is also black💏.
  Oh well I don't even know what i'm doing here in the first place. I should be on my way but instead, here I am waiting for a stranger in an unknown destination. Who I'm I kidding, I don't even know how I got here. The street name or the route to the house. That's what I get for sleeping in a stranger's automobile, arrgh...
"Mairo" Irfan's mother called and dragged me out of my favorite thing, which of course is day dreaming.
"yes" I answered quickly and composed myself directing my gaze back to her.
" You've not prayed right? My dear" she asked, and then it hit that I've not. So she showed me the bathroom and told me to perform ablution while she waits for me in the room.
    The restroom is also of same color with the bedroom. I decided to just do my business and get out before she starts looking for me.  A prayer mat awaits me when I walked out of the restroom, so I just prayed.
  "You need to tell me where your family is, at least if you won't tell me about them you can tell me where you live or their contact address so we can contact them" she broke the silence after like eternity of silence.
   They way she lowered her voice I decided its time I tell her everything. The crying and everything won't change a thing. So here goes nothing.
    " Actually Ma...

So here's a chappy. How is it? Hope you love it. Soooo sorry for the late update my phone got stolen and with school and everything I couldn't find time to update.
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Anyways kar fa na cika ku da surutu. Til my next update. Luv yhu all.
