Chapter 28


"doctor how is my wife" Ibrahim asked as the doctor walked out of the theater.

"she's in a not so good condition, but the baby is perfect and healthy you can see her"

"I don't get you" Ibrahim said looking at the doctor as if he is having two heads.

"I mean your daughter you can see her after the nurses finish dressing her up, but you'll need to bring clothes for her" the doctor explained carefully.

"but...but how's... What I meant to say is she's not due until next month and ..."

"yes but due to the heavy fall she went into instant labor, and I'm sorry to say this but your wife is unconscious and if she doesn't wake up in the next few hours then she'll be in a coma. She went just few minutes after delivery"

"innallillahi, Allahumma ajirni fi' musibati" muttered Ibrahim crashing to the floor. He sat there for some minutes before bringing out his phone and dialled a number.

"hello yes Khadija come with the baby clothes... No I'll explain everything to you when you come" after a long pause he added "no don't bring Ahad along he can't see her in this condition, you know he is not too well" with that said he end the call with a long sigh. He looked up and saw the doctor still standing giving a piteous look.

"come child, don't leave your daughter crying. Come carry her" said the doctor opening the theatre room. They both walked in and the nurse hands him his daughter wrapped in the hospital bedspread.


My heart sank as I spot my life lying  with life support and I can't do anything to help her. The nurse gave me my daughter and I felt something that I've never felt before, I don't know wether is happiness or sadness. Happiness because Allah has blessed us with a baby girl or sadness and emptiness because my love is not awake to share the moment with.

Yawning of my girl is what brought me out of my revere. She yawned again and cuddled me, then she open her eyes. Her black orbs just like her mother's, which made a lone tear to fall but I quickly wiped it.

"don't worry baby girl your mummy will soon join us" I whispered in her ear along with the adhan and some prayers then did a khuthba in her ears, my Amna.

"Salamu Alikum" mom offered entering the room, along with Khadija and Yasir. Maryam's father is out of the country for an important meeting and will be back tomorrow in sha Allah.

"Wa'alaikum Salam" I answered standing up from the chair I was seated on. We've been shifted to another room almost an hour ago.

"sannu dan nan, how is Maryam doing" Mom asked sitting close to her on the bed while Khadija and her husband took their seat on a chair next to the one I was seated on before, after dropping off all the food and baby stuff they entered with.

"Ibrahim I'm talking you" mom said tapping me a bit on my shoulder.

"she's...well... she is in a coma" I spoke dejected.

"what? Innallillahi. May Allah grant her quick recovery" Khadija said not so happy unlike when she entered. Yasir on the other hand couldn't say anything, I mean how could he. His sister is in a coma I know it must be hard for him.
I went out and came back with the baby and hand her to Yasir.

Yasir took her with shaky hands and  wrapped her to his chest then said some prayers in her ear, he blinked twice then thrice to stop his tears from falling. After some time he handed her to mom who smiled when the baby did the same. With all that is happening in the room I left them and went out for some fresh air, I've been in this hospital since yesterday evening but Maryam only delivered today around 8 in the morning. Mom begged me to go home and sleep but how can I when my pregnant wife is in a terrible condition. After much persuasion and failure she left together with Yasir and khadija and today too I know damn much that she'll ask the same.

I went to the hospital masjid and picked up a Qur'an and started reciting, and just like that all what I've been feeling was replaced with happiness. I prayed hard for my wife and family's safety and health until I couldn't think of anything else to ask, so I left the masjid for the hospital.

"Ya İrfan there you are, you scared us to death wallahi, I called your phone on several occasions but you didn't respond to any" Khadija exclaimed as I entered the room.

"uhm sorry I wasn't aware of it, my phone is on silent mode that's why"

"it's alright, mom is outside waiting for you. She said you should meet her by the car"

"Ok" I replied and immediately left the room. In the parking lot I spotted mom and Yasir discussing so I joined them.

"Ehen Ibrahim come let's go home, you need to freshen up and eat something before something bad happens to your health" mom said opening the door for me

"but mom I can't just leave Maryam alone like that, not when she's in this condition" I replied back feeling weak already.

"I'm not asking you to abandon your wife son, all I'm saying is you need your strength for both of them and Ahad. You have to come with me else Ahad will start asking questions which I know the answers but of course can't tell him. Please just come with me, the way you're feeling about Maryam and your kids that's the way I feel about you too. You're my son for goodness sake, I can't let you kill yourself" mom overreacted with some moist in her eyes.

"fine I'll come with you"

"perfect! Yasir and Khadija will watch her before you return"

"Alright. And bro do take care of them please" I replied referring to Yasir.

"cross my heart" and that made me smile.

Immediately our car parked in mom's parking lot, I hopped out of the car and made for the living room.

"papa" Ahad came running towards me.

"hey lil champ, how are you today" I picked him up twirling him round the room.

"I'm good, where is mum and My sibling, aunt said that my sibling is out so I want to see"

"yes son and it's a baby sister. Now you'll see her if you promise to behave yourself. And no more questions please" I offered with a sad smile

"ok, but why is mum not with you I want to see her"

"I thought I said no questions" I snapped and he shuddered in fear. Ya Allah! What kind of a father I'm I.
Before I could reach him mum did and she gave me a very displeased look.

"mom I'm..." before I could say anything further she dragged Ahad and they all went upstairs leaving me behind to sit and condemn my self for being such a bad father.

I was deep in thought when Aarif sat on the same couch as I and since he can't talk he lied down on my lap.

"my boy, why so sad?" I asked as I noticed he's been utterly quiet.

He just shook his head and showed me the stairs, I was confused so I just picked him up and walked the stairs walked up the stairs together.
I dropped him off and he dragged me towards the room he shares with Ahad. The door is not completely closed so I noticed Ahad sleeping with  an uneven breathing.

I quickly yet quietly rushed inside the room then took a seat next to him on the bed, the bedspread is wet which means he cried himself to sleep and it's all my fault. I've never once shout at him in my life, he's a very obedient and responsible child even at his young age. I have never in my life catch him misbehaving which is why we get along so well. He was a quiet boy before he met Maryam which explains why he was scared because of the way I snapped at him. And I really regret it because it's not his fault, all he wanted was to see his mom.

An idea popped in my head so I left the room with Aarif still trailing behind me and entered mom's own. She was talking on the phone so I just told Aarif to go to his grandma while I left for my own room.

Even though it's been long since I used this room, it's still clean and all. I still have some clothes in the wardrobe and they are neatly arranged. I took out a simple ash T-shirt and a black jeans-like trouser, then quickly hit the shower.
I don't have any curler here so I just jelled the hair and styled it.

Ahad was already up when I entered his room, so I showered him and dressed him in clothes similar to mine and styled his hair too.

"papa I want to pick my own shoes" he said slowly afraid I'll shout at him and that really broke my heart.

"ok let's do this, why don't you pick both our shoes then?" I said giving him space to select what he wants.
Not long after he points towards a black leather shoe for me and an ash timberland for himself.

"mom were heading out!" I shouted so that wherever mom is will hear us because she is not in her room.

"ehen son I was wondering how to take food to the hospital dama, but since you're going out let me just arrange the Warmers in the trunk of your car" she spoke entering the kitchen.

"toh" I answered stepping out of the house to open my car. The maids arranged the food and I closed it back. I went back to the house and waved bye to mom, took Ahad's jacket because it's a little bit cold and then we took off.

We went to a lot of places, uncle and aunt's house even Abdul's house. When Abdul learned of Maryam's health he scoffed and scold me for not telling him. He even said I'm not his best friend because I didn't call to share my happiness and grief with him, and sadly it's true because I'm a bad friend.

I parked my car exactly 1:30 in the afternoon at  the hospital surrounding. When we left Abdul's house, we prayed Dhuhur and now here we are.

"Salamu Alaikum" I offered entering the room, with food warmer in both my hands.

"Wa'alaikum Salam" Khadija answered and hurriedly took them from me.
She did the same to Abdul and Ahad who is holding the bag of cutlery.

"Welcome back" she offered me with a sad smile "ina yini" she added to Abdul who just nodded and smiled as response. He usually doesn't like answering greetings, said that he feels somehow when he is greeted and that he is not of age to be greeted

Ahad who since we came didn't say a word and has been looking at his mom hoping she'll call on to him asked.

"papa why is she not talking"

"she's sleeping, but don't worry she'll wake up soon."

Khadija left the room and later came back with baby Amna in her arms, she handed her to Abdul who smiled when he felt her warmth. There's something in his eyes but I chose to ignore it. Abdul is a children lover and I know why he is sad, he wished Amna was his. But of course his wish won't come true since is not over a week that they became friends with his wife.

After some time he handed the baby to me and I told Ahad to come see his sister.

"papa she is so tiny, and...and her fingers are so small!" he exclaimed examining her.

"of course she is, she is just some hours old. And even you my son is little in my eyes, but not as little as her that is" I said to which he scowled.

"I'm 5yrs papa, which means I'm a big boy" he answered touching Amna's cheek and I just smiled in return.


It's been three months since Amna's birth, and She's been growing up to be as pretty as her mother.

I can remember the day the doctors told me Maryam was likely to go to coma, but thanks to the Almighty she didn't. That very same day when Khadija along with Abdul and Ahad left the hospital at around Maghtib time I went to the Masjid and prayed like my life depends on it because it does, I didn't return to the room till after Isha.

"hey love please wake up, you're child needs you, I need you, Ahad needs you.  And we miss you. I never thought just some hours without talking to you can be this torturing.

I feel like some part of my rib is taken from me. You're my everything, I'm just a walking zombie without you. Babe just wake up, earlier today I shouted at Ahad and I think I'm running mad because anyone who mentions your name I feel like I can injure that person because the person brings out my deepest love for you, which I think I'm about losing.

  God I know I sound like a sick puppy in love and that you probably can't hear me right now, but if by any chance you are hearing what I'm saying just squeeze my hand. Your daughter hasn't eaten anything apart from the date and zam-zam water I gave her earlier.

I love you Maryam, I always will. By Allah I wish you quick recovery, infact speedy one, today if it's..." I couldn't finish my essay because of the way Maryam held my hand with pressure.

I looked up to see her looking at me with her tear filled eyes. She attempted speaking but couldn't then pointed towards the jug of water. With trembling hands I rushed for the water and filled a cup with it.

I pressed a button on her bed and a nurse came rushing, when she noticed Maryam awake she went back and came in with the doctor. The doctor examined her and said she's out of danger, immediately the word left the doctors mouth I bent down in prostration to thank my lord.
Two weeks after she was discharged and I can't I explain how happy I was.

"babe since I'm okay, what do you say about the naming ceremony"  she had asked me three days after her discharge.

"I'll say we need at least two weeks more, besides you're not completely okay"

"I am hundred percent ok and I can prove it"

"then prove it" I challenged smirking.
She dropped Amna in my hands then stood on the bed and started jumping..

"fine you win, we can have the ceremony on Saturday, I'll inform others. You know they've been bugging me about the name but I didn't tell, only Ahad, mom, Yasir and Khadija knows. The rest I refuse to tell until the naming ceremony is conducted" I said feeling like a good boy.

"then you've done a good job" she responded patting my hair.

"hey love bird, what are you thinking of" Abdul asked dragging me out of my day dream.

"nothing, just thinking of the day I thought I lost my wife" I answered sincerely.

"yeah men I can't believe it's been three months" Abdul exclaimed.

"yep and now, Amna is learning how to sit. God they grow up so fast"

"anyways I just wanted to let you know I'm leaving, since your attention is no longer with me" said Abdul glaring at me.

"sorry but not my fault, and not to worry I'll come tomorrow in sha Allah. We need to finish the paper work tomorrow if we really want to work together "

"Maman baby sai da safe, the food was superb" Abdul offered to Maryam as we headed to the main parlour.

"thank you very much. Be sure to send my regards to your lovely wife please" Maryam answered back.

"Who's my little girl?" I asked Amna as I threw her up in the air, to which I got a giggle as response. But of course the moment didn't last long as Ahad came running with something in his hand and Salma's twins following him.

"papa tell them I'm sorry and I won't do it again" he said hugging my legs.

"what are you sorry for and what won't you do again" I asked him but he kept shut so I turned the question to the twins.

"uncle he broke my flute" Najeeb spoke eyeing him.

"and now he wants to break mine" Nabeel spoke up wanting to snatch his flute from him.

"Ahad why did are you messing with their instruments. I thought you were the same boy who when asked said he doesn't want any musical instrument"

"but papa I didn't break it on purpose, it fell down the stairs"

"then why did you carry the other one"

"I just wanted to learn how to play. I'm sorry"

"no don't apologize to me, apologize to your brothers"

"I'm sorry ya Najeeb for breaking your flute and I'm sorry ya Nabeel for taking yours without your permission"

They hugged him in return and said it was nothing, just that he should inform them next time he wants any of their possession.

"now all of you go to bed, it's way past your bed time" and they all went running.


"ahh bed sweet bed" I expressed as soon as my back came in contact with the bed.

"you were in bed like 4 hours ago" Maryam commented lying down next to me.

"yeah and I missed you" I added wrapping my hands around her waist.

"me too." she responded hugging me too.

"well you were busy with the kids today that you didn't even make a single time for me" I whined like Ahad. Seriously I'm behaving like a child lately.

"no, you didn't notice but I gave you some signals but you were just caught up in becoming partners with Abdul to notice it" she pouted which I find overly cute these days.

"then let's do this, a date tomorrow just the two of us" I offered her my hand to which she turned down.

"sorry Mr. Husband but I'm a nursing mother who can't leave her baby" giving me the are you out of your sense look she spoke dryly.

"of course I know that, but you can squeeze some of your breast milk in a container or something" not quite sure of myself I spoke. "besides I've seen it once in a movie and it worked" I added.

"I have a better idea" she smiled looking at me, before continuing "instead of a date why not a family outing with the boys, then when I no longer breastfeed we go on a date just the two of us"

"not what I had in mind but works for me anyway. I can even buy Najeeb a new flute and Ahad one" I expressed remembering earlier today.

"it's settled then, the Sa'oud family day out" Maryam exclaimed making a pillow with my chest.

"Goodnight baby cakes" I said kissing her forehead.


Yeah another chapter.
Two more chapters to go 💃💃💃

Love you loads💕
