Chapter 26


"babe are you really sure you want to go by car" Ibrahim asked for the hundredth time in the past 19 minutes, yes I've been counting.

"yes, and here's my answer for the next hundred questions to come; yes*100. Now please let me sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow" I answered entering the changing room.

"wow you look, what's the word again" he said scratching the back of his head, then on remembering the word he clapped and moved from the bed to where I'm standing; his lips almost touching my ear before saying the word. "like a giant potato"

"what!! You must be kidding me, dude you don't call your pregnant wife that" I shouted at him before turning my back to him.

"you know what? We have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow, so bad night for you" I huffed before climbing the bed. Once done with my sleeping supplications, I turned off the light not minding that he's still standing there laughing at me.

After some moments of laughing, he finally decided to stop and I heard some shuffling sound, not to mention a bang * I don't know wether it's his head or leg* he finally made it to the bed.

After he said his prayer, he encircled his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. I didn't protest, because I'm addicted to it already. And with that, blackness consumed me.


"Ibrahim! I really need to go" I whisper yelled his name. I've been telling him for the past one hour that I need a bathroom break but he refused to stop the car.

"oh my Allah babe, we just went for a whiz barely two hours ago" he said irritated.

"you think it's my doing, you really think I want this don't you?" I asked back with tears threatening to fall any moment from my eyes. Stupid tears, I don't even know why I want to cry.

"look I'm really sorry okay?  Please don't cry, I really can't stand it when I see Your tears.   I'm stopping the car right now if you want, just please don't cry" he replied getting all worked up.

I internally smiled before nodding my head in affirmation. After a while we stopped near a local restaurant in bauchi state. I changed Ahad's diaper, although there's nothing but pee in it. I know he wouldn't leave me a dirty poo surprise cause he hates doing it in a diaper. But what to do, it's a long journey and we can't be stopping after every hour because a little guy wants to you know what.

After our little bathroom break we took off again, not before buying masa and suya (yeah I don't know what it's called in English) with yoghurt for Ahad.

"wow, it's really been a while since I've been to this city" Ibrahim exclaimed as we drive through the city. We've reached Adamawa 30 minutes ago, and it's 7 in the evening.

The royal palace is just another 5 minutes drive from here and my leg really hurts due to sitting down for hours. Thinking of meeting more of his family members is giving me goosebumps all over my body. What if they don't like me? What if I don't match their standards? What ifs and nots kept clouding my mind until I felt a warm hand holding mine.

I looked up to find my sweet husband smiling at me with love and care. So what if they don't like me, at least his mom, sister and son likes me. With that I shut the feeling out and smiled back at him, because even he is feeling uneasy. It's been 6 years since he last visited the city too, since before his marriage to you know who.

The gate was already opened due to a meeting that is being held I think in the palace. So we just entered the building. It's an olden day building adorned with many colourful paintings. The interlocks beautifully arranged, the flowers dancing with the wind. It's a great view for the eyes.

Ibrahim parked the car in the parking lot and two palace guards came rushing to him.

"ranka shi dade jikan sarki( May you live long, grandson to the king)" the one with a long whip said squatting a bit.

"a'a, Baba Nadabo please get up" Ibrahim said squatting down also. He signalled me and I immediately came down from the car, squatting also.

We exchanged pleasantries and they took out the loads from the car bonnet. I carried Ahad who is fast asleep while Ibrahim took our luggage.
We walked through a garden that is so beautiful and green, I felt like removing my shoes but comforted my self not to do so.

The walk stopped when we reached a two storey building. And outside stood Yaseer with a smile on his face.

"Yasir, î see you're already here" Ibrahim uttered while shaking his hand.

"ahh yes some hours ago, let me go to the masjid. We'll talk when I get back" he answered and proceeded not before pinching me on the cheek. He always does that, coming up with a lame excuse that my cheek is sooo soft.

On entering the house the first room you'll come across with is the kitchen, we walked passed the kitchen and the the corridor that leads to the parlour.

Khadija is on one of the couches with remote control in her hand like always. Aarif is next to her on the carpet playing with his toys, and mom  is not in sight.

Ibrahim said his salam and immediately went up the stairs while I just crashed there on the nearest couch with Ahad.

"mom are we here already?" asked my little angel waking up from his sleep and in the process rubbing his eyes.

"yes my little one, now go up the stairs you'll find your papa. Tell him to clean you up, I'll be there in some minutes" he nodded and ran off.

"woah, you're huge" Khadija commented looking at me.

"oh and yes the journey went smoothly, Alhamdullillah" I answered back sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"what! I was getting to that part if you'd have a little patience. I'm just really surprised at how huge your tummy got in just 2wks"

"yeah, even I am. Sometimes I get a little scared at how huge it is becoming every day. And they say thay your second pregnancy is not usually big, boy are they wrong" I concluded standing up.
"let me go and pray" I added ruffling baby Aarif's hair.

"papa I'm hungry" whined Ahad rubbing his tummy.

"that's all you know, food. Wait for your mom to finish reciting the Qur'an then we'll go down for iftar, even I am famished" Ibrahim said adjusting Ahad's pajama pants.

I concluded the surah and closed the Qur'an, keeping it in the bedside drawer. And then we headed down the stairs which I so much hate. It's very stressful and uncomfortable to ascend and descend.

"Sannun ku da zuwa yaran nan ( welcome children) how's the journey" mom asked as we were seated in the dinning room.

"it was tiring, Alhamdullillah" Ibrahim answered giving me a glare.

"now what's with the glare" asked mom hiding the fact that she is smiling.

"well mom it's all her fault that we had to suffer. We were okay following the plane, but she had to object. Now my butt hurts and also my neck" he stuffed food feigning anger.

"what matters is that you're all here safely so Alhamdullillah"

I smiled at mom and stuck out my tongue at Ibrahim and immediately continued eating. Yasir and Khadija didn't say a word, I guess they must have been really hungry. Ahad, well he ate almost all the food on the table which is worrying me because he might have an upset stomach.

"yesss the food was delicious, thank you. Ahh no until tomorrow gaskiya, it's too late now. Ok ok, no worries. Aha they'll surely get it" mom said ending her long call with the queen, her brother's wife.

"I'll be going to my room because tomorrow is going to be a hectic day, so goodnight" mom added standing up. She picked her phone and glasses before leaving the living room. The parlour now has me, Ibrahim, Khadija and Yasir. Ahad and Aarif have long been put to sleep.

"Ibrahim tell me how you two met, and how you fell so much in love with my sister" Yasir asked backing away from the TV.

"uhmm I think we rather stick to what we're watching, I mean the show is about to end"

"I take it as you're trying to dodge my question and I am not one to give up so easily"

"noo, I'm not trying to do anything, it's just that the show is soooo interesting"

"says the guy who has been pestering me to change the channel. I mean since when did you start enjoying Zee World" this time around Khadija answered.

And all throughout their conversation all I did was laugh. Like seriously how hard is it to say, 'I married your sister out of compassion, but later fell in love with her' duh, simple.

"hey little sis, don't mind him. Just tell me how you two met" Yasir sat beside me, one of his hands on my shoulder.

"we met on the road" I simply answered.

"care to elaborate more"

"he was driving and not thinking straight and I was crossing the road and not looking at the way, when suddenly we jammed"

"how?" he asked confused.

"he banged me with his car... "

"stop making me relive the day" Ibrahim shouted.

"fine sorry dude, we'll just change the subject. But you'll tell me everything later on when he is not around" Yasir said pointing at Ibrahim.

"why should I, your wife knows every detail so ask her"

"because I'm your elder bro, and I can still punish you in front of your son and husband" he winked and signalled at his wife to follow him.

"well goodnight to you all" Khadija said following her husband.

"can you believe him" I eyed his retreating back.

"don't mind him he won't touch you as long as I'm still breathing in this world. Now let's go and sleep also, it's past 11 and tomorrow is gonna be a long stressful and hectic day" Ibrahim said stretching his hands for me to take.

We walked up the stairs and to Ahad and Aarif's room. They were deep asleep so we just prayed for them again and headed to our own room.

"when is dad coming" Ibrahim asked randomly as we were on the bed.

"he said on Sallah day, or a day after sallah"

"ok toh, Allah kawo shi lafiya"

"Ameen, Ameen. So how many people are we visiting tomorrow"

" Uncle, his cousins and their family. Let's just say we are many" he answered and gave me a peck on the cheek and lips. Before adding
"now go to sleep"




"I'll go visit your uncle first, you can go visit whoever you want" mom said coming down with her veil.

"ok safe journey mom" we all answered.

"this is where we part our ways" Khadija said hugging me. Yasir and his wife are going separately while me and my husband are also going separately.

"so whose house are we going to now?" Î asked as we exit the house, Ahad walking beside him.

"Salma. She's uncle's second born and she married from among uncle and mom's cousin, which is why she also stays here. And she's the sweetest and best cousin"

"by the sound of it I'm loving her already" I replied back.


"Who am I seeing like Irfan in my house" she squealed as she opened the door. "tell me I'm not dreaming" she added.

"looks like somebody is excited to see me" Ibrahim said swatting back an invisible hair.

"better not let your head swell, as it is I don't have your time..." her words getting stuck in her throat as she saw me.
"my oh my! Who is this cutie" she expressed claiming my hand and ushered me into the house completely.

"she's my wife" with that he sat down on the same sofa as I, by my side.

"well she's beautiful and heavy. OMG  yep I'm gonna be an aunty again, I hope it'll be a girl. When are you due?"

"ı'm due in 3 months" I answered back with a smile.

"ı feel like we are missing somethi... Ehen! Ahad, where is my little munchkin"

"he's outside with the twins, he saw them playing ball and he want in" Ibrahim replied, before adding.
" Wallahi your boys have grown up, the last time I saw them they were 4 or 5 I think"

"and now they are 10. I'm sure they can remember you, but Summy sure won't remember. She was 1 when you last saw her"

"right and I've totally forgotten about her, where is she?"

"she's with mommy babba (big mommy) in the main house. She is not coming back until a day after sallah, and it's a relief I swear"

"and I was thinking of leaving Ahad here until they resume school"

"well better change your mind, cause the twins are following you to Abuja"

"Mummy" one of the twins shouted.

"oh dear God!  What is it this time around" She sighed going outside to the kids.

"Feel free with her, she's one of the best" Ibrahim said rubbing my tummy.

"yes I can see, she's just amazing. I love her already"

Later on she came back with Ahad in her hand and the identical twins tailing behind.

"he's grown big Masha Allah, and he's a big boy now. The last time I saw him was since on his naming ceremony day" Salma said ever so dramatically ruffling his hair.
Ahad immediately shouted
"not my hair"

She looked at Ibrahim and gave him the knowing look. He is the one who taught him that. Ibrahim's hair is long black and curly and so is Ahad's. He said "what's the use of barbing my hair when Allah has blessed me with a soft long and wavy hair" his words exactly.

"what! Don't look at me, the little guy likes his hair kept also" he said defensively.
"by the way where is your husband. Shi bai san mun zo gari ba ne( doesn't he know we are in town)"

"he's just around the corner and will be here any moment from now. Handle the kids while I go talk with your wife" she didn't wait for his response and just took my hand. With a lot of struggle I'm finally on my feet following her to the other side of the house.

"Maryam, so sorry I couldn't have your time, your husband is such a pain in the ass"

"tell me something new" I answered laughing.

"I guess they must be giving you a tough time"

"yeah, and sometimes I doubt wether Ahad is the little one. You know sometimes he compete with Ahad for attention"

"uhum he was like that since he was little. If Aunty gives Khadija more attention he usually spend the entire day puffing and huffing"

"haha, now I have something to tease him about" I answered back laughing.

"by the way where is Khadija"

"oh yeah we parted from home. But they'll come here later on"

"and Aunty told me the last time we spoke on the phone that Khadija's husband is your brother"

"yes that's true"

"tell me how does it feel marrying in the same house"

"well it's...."

And that's how we kept on chatting and chatting till my phone buzzed indicating a call.


"you know we have a lot of houses to go to right?"

"I know, I just thought that you'll call me when you're ready that's why"

"well I've called you now hurry down. Well not hurry because you're heavy, just come down steady but a little fast"

"Oh Allah, quit talking to me like a baby. I'm coming"

"Irfan?" Salma asked as I cut the call

"yea we have to get going"

"ok I'll surely miss you, I will come visit"

We went down and I saw her husband and mine watching football and shouting every now and then. When they saw us they reduced the noise and I exchanged pleasantries with him, then headed out with them escorting us.

"where is the car" Salma asked as we stepped out.

"we came by foot" Ibrahim gave a response.

"this is unacceptable, why will you come without a car when you know you have a pregnant woman"

"she insisted on wanting to stretch her legs because yesterdays trip left her weak" he explained.

"well I hope the legs are stretched enough because you're taking the car" this time around her husband spoke.

"but..." I attempted speaking but Ibrahim cut me off.

"they are right. We will take the car" he said taking the already stretched keys from Samir, Salma's husband and we took off.

We visited a lot of relatives, some like me and some well not very much. Some thanked me for taking care of Ahad, although I'm not doing it to be thanked but because I love him for the sake of Allah. While some said I'm not taking good care of both of them. And now it's remaining two houses for us to visit. Uncle, who is the king and Saleem, his son and first born. He is married about a year ago and his coronation is after sallah.
And now we are going to uncle's place.

"so uncle have two wives. Mommy babba, who is Saleem's mother and mama who is Salma's mother. Mommy has 4 children, two boys two girls while mama has 5 children 4 girls and 1 son, who is the last born."
Ibrahim said as we drove into the compound of the house.

"ok, so who are we going to first, the wives or uncle" I asked.

"Uncle, he's a busy man. So I guess we better see him first because by this time, he is always alone"

"Aha" I replied.

We followed the door that leads to his private living room and saw him on a chair reading his Qur'an.

"Salamu Alaikum" we both said in unison.

"Wa'alaikum Salam" he answered dropping the Qur'an"

"good evening uncle" we both said again paying our respects while squatting down.

"A'a Ibrahim, so you've remembered your uncle kenan?" he replied back laughing.

"and this must be your wife, What's the name again... Aha Maryam" he added.
I just smiled back and bowed my head down.

"Wallahi we've spent the whole day visiting everyone one that's why we are late. And besides I keep the special person last" he said in a sweet voice.

"don't try and sweet talk me boy, I've been using this tricks since before you were born" and we all burst out in laughter.

"baba na come to your grandpa" he motioned towards Ahad and he went to him slowly.
We chatted for sometime and decided to greet the others. He's nice to chat with, he's not a proud king, but a soft one.

"mama, your boy is here" Ibrahim shouted from the door. There was no response so we just proceeded in. Mama is sitting on the carpet reading an Islamic book and two maids sitting at the far end of the room.

"Salamu Alaikum" I offered this time around.

"Wa'alaikum Salam" she answered looking up. At first she gave me the who are you look, but then later on when she saw Ahad she smiled opening her hands for him to run into and he did just that.

"come on mama won't you hug your little Irfan" Ibrahim pouted.

"when my sweet husband is here, of course not. He's all grown up, and one will think he's 8yrs. It was just last year that I saw him fah"

"ina wuni" ı sat down while greeting her.

"lafiya lau 'yar nan. Please don't mind me, come seat close to me. This big headed man has no attempt of introducing you to me" she gave him a hard glare.

"woah chillax mama, this woman here is my one and only madame of the house. Of course after you" he added immediately.

"come my daughter we have a lot of catching up to do, and as for you Ibrahim well go find something to do cause she's doing the Iftar with us"

"ı would love that mama, but we already have plans for that. And in sha Allah tomorrow is sallah so until next Ramadan In Sha Allah" he smirked.

"ok fine, but you'll be here for a month hmm?" she asked.

"yes, but I'm still reconsidering"

"mama, wallahi I'll break Hafiz's head.  Tell him not to enter my room again" a girl of about 20 years came shouting.

"if it isn't Mairamu" Ibrahim eyed her.

"laaaaaa Ya irfan, ina wuni. Wallah I didn't see you, good evening"

"well you're lucky you have my wife's name so I won't beat you for saying you want to break my favorite man's head" he let out a soft chuckle.

"oh my I'm honored, is she the one" she pointed towards me.


"she's so beautiful, I want to be your friend and your son's;  no you already have a son so your daughter's godmother" she said all giddy.

And then we all continued chatting after some time we left to mommy babba's side. She's a bit strict so we just did the greeting formalities chat a little, oh and I've met 3 of her children; 2 girls and a boy and all of them are amazing.

From there we headed to Saleem's house. It's past six already and boy I'm I glad. I'm sad that Ramadan has come to an end, but I'm also happy.


It's another chapter, 
I hope you all enjoy every bit.

Love you loads💕
Hussainatouh 💖
