Chapter 14


God I can't believe I said those words to her. I always tell her that she's been a mother to him than his real mother.
She loves him, takes care of him more than I do.

Even when I'm with him all he talks about is his mom, and I did the unforgivable. I should better go and apologize right now.

I know I've hurt her feelings but the least I can do is ask, it won't be that big of a deal.

I hurried up the stairs to our room to find and talk things through with her but she's not in. 

"may be she's in Ahad's room" I thought to my self walking out.

"Maryam I need to talk to you" I said as I saw her in putting on some lighter clothes for Ahad.

"not now" she didn't even spare me a glance, she just walked past me.

"I mean now, like right now" I held her arm preventing her from moving any further.

"Ahad go wait for me downstairs, I'll be there in a sec to serve your food" she smiled the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

God even with what I told her, she still takes very good care of him. I'm such a bad person, I really am.

"what do you want" she muttered controlling her angry voice.

"I just want us to talk"

"oh! I thought there was never an us, I thought I was just a nanny taking care of you son. Look I know you married me out of pity and I'm very grateful for that, I promise never to cross my boundaries again" she voiced out pulling her hand.

"oh Allah you're just so insufferable, I just want us to..." she didn't even let me finish my sentence she just successfully pulled her hand away from my grip and left the room, not before adding

"come down for lunch"

I smirked and did a small dance in my head, even when angry she thinks of other people. I'm just so very lucky to have her as my wife,  I wish she'll stop  being stubborn and let's work things over.

"here, open up" she said to Ahad giving him food in his mouth.

Hmm when did that one start. He knows how to eat, then why is she giving him...urgh she's just so unbelievable.

"Ibrahim, why aren't you eating. Are you that angry with me that you won't even taste my food"

"no! Hell no, I'm not mad. I'm just thinking of something else, but I'm really sorry. I'll just start eating"

She didn't answer back. She kept on feeding Ahad until he told her he's full. She cleaned his mouth and he ran off to Allah knows where.

Alright time to get my woman back.

"babe, look I'm sorry. Believe me I didn't mean what I said, I was just angry at Laila. I didn't want her near our son that's why, please forgive me it won't happen again. Like I said. I was just angry" I explained with a heavy heart.

"so you mean each time you're angry, I should prepare myself for your tantrums?" she asked hands akimbo.

"I'm still working on it, I'm trying. Besides with you around, I don't think I can be angry"

"uhmm, I see. That's why you lashed out your anger on me" she let out a humorous laugh while saying it.

"let by gone be by gone. I promise I won't do it again. Plus, if I do it again, then you can punish me anyhow you want"

"not a bad idea" she faked thinking.


"Cause when it all falls down, then whatever
When it don't work out for the better
If it just ain't right, and it's time to say goodbye
When it all falls down, when it all falls down
I'll be fine, I'll be fine
You're the drug that I'm addicted to
And I want you so bad, but I'll be fine"

I heard Maryam sing while doing the dishes. Her hips moving side to side with her every action. She dances so Masha Allah.

She is so engrossed in her work that she didn't even notice I am standing by the door.

"that's one hell of a music, what's the name" I asked making my presence known.

She jumped a bit before finally composing herself.

"you scared me. Learn not to sneak on me, will you?"

"I didn't mean to, besides you were busy dancing that that you didn't notice me"

"wait you saw all that" she described with her hand.

"yep, from the beginning" I laughed noticing her discomfort.

"what's the name?"

"Alan Walker All Falls Down" she answered pausing the music.

"go get ready, Khadija will be here any minute" I pushed her out of the kitchen and finished what she started.

"Ya Irfan, I've missed you" Khadija hugged me.

"well too bad, cause I didn't" I stuck my tongue out remembering it was her favorite combat whenever I punish her.

"harsh! But thank Allah I'm here for your wife, not you" she huffed sitting down.

I took my nephew from her and sat opposite her. Ahad from God knows where appeared and sat down near me cooing at his cousin.

"Ahad didn't you see your aunt?" I asked eyeing him.

"Ina wuni" he paid his respect while hugging her.

"lafiya lau my boy, how are you"

"I'm good" he answered curtly and ran off.

"where is Maryam, what's taking her so long"

"relax! I'll go check on her. Is not as if you're not already late for the ceremony"

I entered and saw her struggling with a necklace. Girls and accessories.

"here let me help you" I offered collecting the item.

"Thank goodness, I've been struggling for quite some time now"

I took in her whole figure and wrapped my hands around her waist. I lifted her face up to meet mine.

"you look gorgeous, sweetheart" I kissed her forehead before adding
"this lipstick is too much, I don't want it" then I kissed her.


Omniscient POV

"What are you doing Laila? It's been a month now and you still haven't got them separated. Why did you think I hired you?" asked the man on the phone.

"I know, and believe me I'm trying. The man just completely shut me down. It's been a month and he still hasn't considered me seeing my son" replied Laila walking back and forth.

"look I do not care about your son. All I care about right now, is to have Maryam back in my life again. I can't stand seeing her married to someone else. Maryam is mine and will always be mine"

"why can't you understand I'm doing the best I can. Even I can't stand seeing IB with another woman" she laughed a wicked one before continuing.

"but don't worry, his wife is a coof. The moment I manage to fool her, the rest will follow suit. I know what to do to seperate them"

"how?" the person asked very curious.

"you'll see. Just sit and see how the drama unfolds"

"ok, but this better be good"

"don't worry, it'll be"

They ended up the call and Laila entered her car. She fasten her seatbelt and drove off.

"This will be the end of you Maryam, just you wait and see. You think you can have my husband and son? No! You're wrong" she puffed and added

"IB is mine and mine alone. Even though I left him, I still love him"

In the downtown area, a luncheon is being held. People of different classes are there, not to mention the loud music that is playing.

Maryam and Khadija congratulated the couple and took thier seats.

"So you haven't told me, how was she"
Khadija asked Maryam before taking a sip of her drink.

"oh! Allah, why do you like spoiling my mood" Maryam grumbled holding her head.

"listen girl, you need to learn to let go of the past. I know you can never forget her. She's your daughter, I know. But she's dead, no offense. You need to share your pain, speak to someone about it. It doesn't have to be me, you can talk about her with Ya Irfan"

"it's not that easy, honestly speaking. You know how it feels, so you can relate"

"Maryam dear, I might relate, but at least you have a husband to share it with. So don't hesitate, you never can tell what will happen" She completed, her eyes with tears threatening to fall.

"In Sha Allah we'll find your husband. Now don't let that tear drop. We can't let it ruin our day"

"But on a serious note, you should visit your father, I'm sure whatever he's doing is not willingly. I know he loves you both and you him. I know it's not good to accuse someone, but I doubt if your step-mom is not behind everything that is going on in your life"

"I know right? I just wish I know what to do to bring my daddy back. I'll just keep on praying and hoping for the best"

"yes. Now let's enjoy our time"


"what do you mean I should let her into his life, he's just a small kid. He'll be confused" I almost yelled at my best friend.

"What's the harm in there? She'd repented and is asking for another chance, the least you can do is allow her bond with her son"

I gave him a dirty look. If looks could kill, he would have been dead by now. I mean we're talking about Laila here. The most cunning and surreptitious person I know. Or has he forgotten what she did to me.

"I don't think it's a good idea"

"come on man! Don't be like this, you don't have to tell him she's his mother. She'll be like a mothers friend, but with a motherly love" Abdul raised his brow waiting for my answer.

"fine I'll give her just a day with him. If he likes her, I'll consider it. But if he doesn't, then so be it" I concluded sitting down.

I decided to change the topic, I mean I'm tired of hearing Layla's name. At home Laila, here again he's talking about her. Oh I wonder when I'll stop hearing her name.

"Abdul enough of Laila, remember you called me here for an important issue. Now spill the beans"

"fine" he took a deep breath huffed and puffed before finally saying what he wanted.

"I'm getting married"

"what! that's good dude. I'm so very happy for you"

"what do you mean you're happy, you're suppose to grief like I am"  he let out an exasperated air.

"I don't understand why I shouldn't be, you're my best friend"

"if we are friends then please grief with me"

"but why? You're getting married"

"yes I am, but not to the love of my life. I'm getting married to late Adams fiancee"

"tell me you're joking?" I asked feeling surprised.

"no I am not. You know next week is the day he is supposed to get married, you know before he died. So parents thought, no cancel the thought. They ordered that I marry her next week. That she's a good girl and all, and besides she's our cousin. But I don't love her,  infact I'm at the verge of hating her"

"subhanallah Abdul, you shouldn't be saying stuff like this. It's not her fault that you're getting married, so don't blame her"

"of course it's hers, she can easily say no. But no she didn't, instead she agreed like that's what she's been waiting for"

"still, don't do anything silly. You can learn to understand each other. Like I did with Maryam, now nobody understands me more than her"

"it's easy for you to say, because you don't love anyone. I love someone, so I can't love her. I'm just going to hurt her"

"no bro, be strong. You won't do anything of such, you'll learn to tolerate and love her"

"enough already, I'm tired. Can you please let me be, I'm having a headache"

"fine, I'm going. Besides I'm sure my wife and son are waiting for me at home" I gave him an apologetic look before leaving.

I feel sorry for him but there is nothing I can do to him. It's his life and not mine, I can only pray for what's best for him. And I pray he choose the right path.

Now I just need to give Laila a chance, if she succeeds, that's her cup of tea. If she doesn't, then nothing will make me happier.

With the thought in my head I left him and headed home, hoping to see the beautiful face of my wife first.

So lovely readers, here's this. Enjoying so far? Please kindly

thanks y'all

