Chapter 13


"hey I'm not going to meet her, I promise" he said sounding unsure.

"what do you mean you're not going? What if it's something important or may be she wants to see Ahad" I concluded also unsure of my response.

"she has nothing to do with Ahad. She became childless the moment she left him crying in his crib. She didn't know how I raised him, so she won't see him. You're his mother now and not her, damn it" he half yelled scaring the inside of me.

I flinched because of the way he shouted. He must have noticed it because he immediately apologized.

"I'm sorry, I just really hate it when I talk about her. I loathe her and people of her character"  he stood up entering the bathroom not even sparing me a glance.

Wow he really hates her that much!
Now how to find out what she truly wants. Could it be she repented and wants to have a second chance.

What if she wants to get back with him. Or may be she'd changed her ways and wants to get to know Ahad.

If that's the case then it's not entirely a bad idea. She's his mother after all, so he wouldn't deny her that right.

"aren't you going to work today?" Ibrahim questioned settling down in the dining room.

"God you're so old" I looked at his scrunched face before adding.

"don't tell me you've forgotten the day  off you gave us"

"ok first of all, I'm not old. And yes I do remember giving you a day off, it just slipped off my mind"  he answered the scrunched face still there.

"you're still old you know" I said just to annoy him and it worked.

"well thanks alot for ruining my breakfast" he was about to stand up when I stopped him.

"fine I'm sorry I won't do it again" I said defeated.

He was almost done eating when I decided to bring up the topic of Laila

"so when are you going to meet Laila"

"I haven't yet decided"

"how about you invite her over for lunch tomorrow since it's a weekend. Then you'll discuss whatever it is you want, without me having to worry about you" I suggested.

"but I don't want to meet her" he said being childish.

"but you'll have to one day or the other, so why not now"

"no I don't have to"

"yes you do, Ahad will one day come to know of her and then he'll eventually see her"

"just let it be, ok? We'll find a way out when the right time comes. I'm late for work and I have an important meeting right now"

"ok let me walk you out"

I handed his suitcase the moment he got settled in the car.

"take care of yourself for me" he said giving me a quick kiss.

"I will, and you too" I answered waving at him until he was out of sight.

"hey" a message popped on my screen. I checked the ID and saw Ibrahim's name
Maryam; Aiii

I replied back almost immediately.

Ibrahim; what are you doing?

Maryam; I'm just resting, why?

Ibrahim; nothing important, I'm just missing you that's all.

Maryam; the feeling is mutual. When are you coming back.

Ibrahim; I can come back now if you want.

Maryam; And leave work unfinished, not on my watch.

Ibrahim; I'm through with all my meetings for today. And besides it's only paper work that I'm doing, I'm sure I can finish it tomorrow.

Maryam; nop I still think it's a bad idea.

Ibrahim; humph 😤😤 alright anti-fun, I won't come.

Maryam; hey don't call me that I'm also pro-fun.

I waited for his reply but it never came,  I took it as he was busy and dropped the phone down.

I am currently in the kitchen cooking my and Ahad's lunch. Since today is Friday, he closes early from school.

I was almost done slicing the onions when I felt a hand being wrapped around my waist. I squeaked and was about to hit the person with the nearest pot, when I heard Ibrahim's voice.

"woah, easy there tigress" he collected the pot from me and dropped it on the kitchen island.

"you scared the heaven out of me" I squealed heaving a sigh.

"I just wanted to surprise you, didn't know it'll turn this violent" he raised an eyebrow laughing at my scared state.

"well you're very luck you caught it on time, other wise who knows whether I might be the one laughing" I smirked looking at his annoyed face.

"remind me not to sneak on you. Anyways, what's cooking" he asked sitting on the island.

"I have tons of ideas on what to cook, but I've not yet come to a decision. So just tell me what you want and I'll cook it right away"

"how about you just kick back and relax while I do the cooking"

"and have you burn down the whole kitchen, no can't do"

He did a mischievous laugh before picking me up and dropping me off in the dining area.

"just trust me babe, I'm a good cook. I sometimes cook when mom is busy, you'll love it"

I let out a dejected smile before answering.

"fine, but just this once. And if it turns out to be wow, then we'll have to create a cooking time table"

"Anything that'll make you work less, I'll gladly do it" he smiled entering the kitchen.
I followed him into the kitchen and sat on the island.

"do you want something, you could have asked me"

"nahh, just here to see you cook"

"alright then, but do not laugh at me when I make a mistake"

"I'll think about it"

"come on, make a decision or else I'll lock you in our room and will not open the door till I'm through cooking"

"fine! I promise. But wait, when did you change. I thought you're just coming back?" I looked at what he is wearing for the first time since he'd returned.

"when I  entered I went straight up to change before coming here, so that explains what I'm wearing"

"ahhh, I see"  I replied picking an apple from the fruit basket.

I heard the gate opening and I know it must be Ahad so I decided to go open the door for him.
I was half way through the kitchen when Ibrahim stopped me.

"where are you going to"

"Ahad is home, let me go open the door for him"


"mum"  he hugged me giggling about something the driver told him.

I picked him up and twirl him across the room, before putting him down.

"how's school today"

"it was boring, the teacher gave us another assignment and she didn't let us go for sport today"

"why didn't she? "

"she said the school is calling an exterminator today"

"sweetie she did it for your safety. Now let's go freshen you up, and ready for Friday prayer"

"come on Ahad allow me put on the pant or papa is going to the masjid without you. Ko baka san ka samu ladan sallan juma'a ne"

"no mom I want"

"then let's shame the devil and dress up before papa finishes"

"Aha, you look handsome in your white shadda. Let's go show papa"

"papa look at my dress" Ahad ran into the room shouting his papa's name.

"my son is looking good as always" like always, so full of himself Ibrahim spoke spraying his cologne.

I collected it and also sprayed it on Ahad before putting it back in it's  place.

We took like billions of selfies and then they left for the masjid.

I arranged the food on the dining table also before going up to our room to pray.

"I must admit, you're not such a bad cook" I praised my husband who in return gave me the I told you I'm a great chef look.

"so..." Ibrahim said in a sing song dragging the o.


"about Laila, I can't meet up with her tomorrow"

"why, I'm almost done with the arrangements"

"are you sure you're ok with her coming here"

"it's absolutely nothing. I may not be at ease knowing she's with you, but then again I'll be more relaxed because I'll be with you"

"that's so sweet of you"

"isn't it one of the thousands of things you love about me"

"true...true. I'll just text her to come here tomorrow"

"sure ok. I just hope it goes well"

"it will in sha Allah"


"Laila this is my wife, Maryam. Maryam, Laila" Ibrahim introduced us to each other.

"it's a pleasure seeing you" she said with a fake smile.

"likewise" I also gave her the sweetest fake smile I have.

"come sit please" I ushered her into the living room.

"I didn't know you remarried" Laila said eyeing me in a way that only I can see her.

"you expect me to sit and wait for you to realise you were wrong and gladly accept you back" Ibrahim shot back at her.

"come on babe, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be nice to your guest" I emphasized on the word babe just to irritate her.

"it's ok Maryam, I kind of deserve it. I did terrible things in the past which I'm pretty sure is unforgivable"

I raised my head to let her know I'm listening.

"I came here to ask for your forgiveness for all that I've done to you in the past IB. I know I'm such a bad wife and mother, if only I'll get a chance to prove it to my son I'll..."

"don't you dare call him your son. She..." Ibrahim pointed at me

"has been a mother to him unlike you, even though he's not her son but she loves and cherries him like hers. So please don't even mention his name, I don't want your bad omen following him"

"babe please! Allow her for goodness sake to say what brought her here" I gave a pointed look to Ibrahim making him go mum.

"thank you" Laila glanced my way before continuing.

"find it in your heart to forgive me. Just please allow me to see my son"

"I'll think about it" he answered turning his face away.

"I'll talk to him later on, don't worry" I assured her.

When I noticed the heat in the room has cooled down a bit, I offered her lunch and just in time Ahad entered accompanied by his driver.

"Salamu Alaikum" he hugged me and I picked him up twirling us both.

The driver handed me his Qur'an and a gave him a confused look.

"he lost his bag and the rest of his books I only managed to find the Qur'an"

"ok no worries, I'll just follow you tomorrow and go look for it"

"Ahad is it really you" Laila attempted collecting him from me but in a swift Ibrahim took him.

"don't touch him. You have no right to do that. Just leave my house"

"IB please just let me pick him even if it's for a second"

"I'm sorry but you can't, just go before I change my mind and not think about it again"

"ok. It's nice meeting you, I'll take my leave now"  she said dispirited.

I took Ahad from him and settled him on the floor.

"Ahad sweetheart, go to your room and wait for me"

"ok mum" he answered and climbed up the stairs.

"Ibrahim what was that, I thought you said you were going to give her a chance"

"I did, but I don't remember giving her permission to touch my son"

"he's her son too you know"

"The one she chose money over him?  The one she left a week after he was given birth to? Look don't even go there" he said anger lacing in his voice.

"but at least she was ready to make amends for her mistakes, she might not be entirely good but she still needs a second chance with her son"

"don't even go there, just shut up and let me handle this. You're not his mother so let me handle it on my own"

What he said stabbed me in the heart like a dagger, and I my knees became weak that I didn't know when I knelt down.

Yes he's not my son but god knows I love him like I do my daughter. I left him and ran upstairs allowing the tears to fall down freely on my face.

And Follow*

Love you lods 💕

