Chapter 3: The Black Library



A portal opens outside the doors of a dark mass of miasma and false light.

Kyrie: "*Sigh* Good thing I got that out of the way... I never wanna see that mofo any time soon..."

The blue-red-gradients-eyes girl mutters disdainfully.

She looks at the small pouch in her hand.

Kyrie: "'So... I got the satchel that can pull anything out. I wonder if I should return the Yamato and Devil Sword Dante since I can just make one out of nothing.' "

She hides the satchel inside an undercoat pocket.

Kyrie begins walking near the door. All of the sudden, the door emits a bright purple light, which causes Kyrie to shield her eyes from it.

Kyrie: "AAUUghh-! What the hell was that...?!"

She then starts hearing a parody version of the Paper's Please theme.. but in clown sounds...

Kyrie: "Whaa-ha-ha-at...?"

She questions her sanity as she approaches... a booth.

She sees a normal-sized clown inside the booth. It seemed to resemble a booth for a border.

Kyrie: "Wait,... I recognize, you...! Y-You're...! You're--! You are...-!"

Cegorach: "HeeeeellOOO! Welcome to the Black Library. Do you have your papers? Papers,... please? "

(A/N: I edited this picture together.)

[B A Z I N G A]

Kyrie: "[*Fake Russian Accent] Eh, no. Sorry, comrade. I left papers back in home."

Cegorach: "nO pAPeRs...?! AAAALLLRIGHT! Do you have your Library Card?"

Cegorach feels a familiar yet uncanny feeling like she had something to do with the Imperium.

Cegorach: "Oh, sorry, sorry. I mean the Librarium Card for the Blackarius Librariarius."


Kyrie: "Oh, y-yes, comrade! You see, I just graduate from clown college with high honors so they give me card as reward for merits, slapsticks, and stolen jokes."

Cegorach: "Oh, wow! Really? Did they give you the Blackarius Vantablackus Darkarium Librarium Liberarius Limperialis Cardasiusus?"

Kyrie: "Something even better, comrade! I get picture of cringe clown who can't get life...! *Muttering* Just like how he can't get no bitches."

Cegorach: "Ohh~ Veeeery interesting."

Kyrie then slides a card face-down on the counter. Cegorach takes it and looks at the other side.

The Laughing God was in silence for a second.

Cegorach: "This is a mirror."




Kyrie: "[B A Z I N G A] "

The sound of a crowd erupting in laughter roars through the darkness.


Cagorach: "Shit! That was good."

Kyrie: "Sadly, can't be your ghostwriter?"

Still said in a fake Russian accent.

Cegorach: "And why is that?"

Kyrie: "I'd just be deadweight."

Cegorach: "*GAAAAASP!*"

Kyrie: "What? Little glum, comrade? Come! We go to elevator to... lift your spirits."

The Laughing God's neck snaps backward, gasping for more air.

Kyrie enters the booth through short-ranged teleportation. She puts an arm around the human-sized-

(Currently 6'3")

-Laughing God and decides to crack another joke.

Kyrie: "Oh, right... I want to tell you story. I was at funeral with friend Bob. He went to grave and said, "Hi, I'm Bob the Necromancer, and today we're doing an unboxing."."

Cegorach's neck cracks 90 degrees to the left.

Kyrie: "That is why I was an orphan. After what Bob did, nothing became apparent."


After that, the Laughing God shifted reality and disappeared from Kyrie's side. Kyrie stops her fake Russian accent.

Kyrie: "... Damn. Dad left for milk again."

The sounds of trumpets roar and bright multi-colored lights scattered across the abyss. A red carpet unrolls from the door of the Black Library to where Kyrie was standing. To the sides were stair-seats full of Cegorach's many harlequins, clapping, applauding.

The door was now elevated on some stairs for some reason, the red carpet still on it.

Cegorach was next to the door, applauding her.

Kyrie walked up the path and stairs and met Cegorach.

Cegorach: "Never have I ever- *sniffle* heard some cringe and wacky humor in all my times of being here. Here's your Librarium Card."

He says as he flicks a solid tear off his face, holding Kyrie's 'Librarium Card'.

Kyrie takes the card. She was then turned around by the Laughing God, turning her to face the camera.

Herlequin: "Say BAZINGA!"

Cegorach, now in human size, puts his hands on Kyrie's shoulders like she was a student.


Kyrie: "[BAZINGA]"

They take a photo together.

Cegorach: "And now! For one last joke from the graduate! Take it away!"

Kyrie turns to Cegorach with a microphone.

Kyrie: "Hey, clown! Who's the fastest reader?"

Cegorach: "Who?"

Kyrie: "Me, because I'll be jumping off so many stories...!"

Ah, yes. Life is pain.

The crowd of Harlequins "Ohhhh..."'s for a second before proceeding to laugh.

Cegorach: "What a stunning antic! Thanks for coming to the show, folks!"

Kyrie: "Hang in there, everyone! See ya!"

With that Cegorach lets Kyrie in the Black Library.

The door closes behind her as she looks at the ground blankly.

Kyrie: "... 'That was depressing.' "

She takes a deep breath and looks at her "Librarium Card".

It was a card the size of a normal ID. It had her full name on it, her photo, and her signature. Under the "teacher" line was the signature of Cegorach, The Laughing God.

Kyrie: "*Sigh* I guess he knew. He also didn't teach me anything (-_-)"

She puts it in her Magic Satchel.

A few days later...

Kyrie has spent days with little sleep, (not that she needs a lot anyway), and eating her favorite meals as she searched for knowledge, not about Chaos, but about world/universe-traveling and/or dimension-hopping.

She was currently sitting on a table with a stack of books to her side. She pulls out her favorite KFC order with an extra large Diet Pepsi. She takes a sip and feels instantly relieved.

Kyrie: "Aaahh. That's muuuch better..."

Kyrie didn't intend to go to the Black Library, but she went with the flow and did not let an opportunity like this slide. She thought to herself about her improvisation with the Laughing God. She was lucky to have even made it in the library, let alone get praised by Cegorach.

It was embarrassing.

Kyrie: "Aauugh! Why did I say that...?! That was cringe...! And it was so fucking embarrassing..."

She bashes her head against the table (promptly after putting the KFC meal aside).

She blushed at her own embarrassment.

After that self-depriving instance of fluster, she changes her clothes into black pants and an oversized hoodie.

She then covers her head and face with the hood.

Kyrie: "I'm never going to forget this, am I...?"

She asks herself, still embarrassed.

Sooner or later, she'll get hungry enough to eat and finally start studying again and searching for the right book.

An unknown amount of time passes.

Kyrie doesn't remember how long she's been in the Black Library. In all her time being there, searching and browsing, she has never met anyone else, which made her feel quite lonely.

There was a way she could have sped this up but she wasn't thinking of it. She didn't use her psyker powers to search for an exact book. She only used them to help herself get and return books to and from their shelves.

The only evidence that some time, a long time has passed, is that her hair had grown down to her shoulders. She only had somewhat short light-blue hair before.

She does her routine of walking back and putting books back and taking up new books until she came to one that made her head ache. She was about to grab it from the shelf but her headache stopped her.

Curious as to why this happened, she took the book and looked at the cover. Kyrie was wide-eyed.

Kyrie: "Finally..."

She says with a bittersweet mixture of disbelief and relief.

Kyrie: "This is the one...!"

The book was revealed to be about multiverse travel.

With joy and glee, she takes another Diet Pepsi from the Magic Satchel and chugs down the entire can.

Kyrie: "This calls for a celebration!"

Trying to better her mood, she forces herself to celebrate.

She takes out a small speaker, turns on the music, and starts dancing like a Kriegsman in Vraks.

This cheers her up because of the pleasant memories it brought back to her - her learning how to do that dance and being caught practicing by her little brother.

A train of thoughts then proceeds to go through her mind. Her loneliness helped her realize just how much people meant to her - how much relationships mean to human beings.

No matter how famous you are, or how powerful you are, or how pained you are, the relationships you form with your loved ones - ones close to you - are the things that will help you through most hells.

She took out a small framed photo from the Magic Satchel. It was a picture of her with her family.

She was filled with peace of mind and perseverance... for a time.

She frowns after realizing she may not even be able to return to them. She's changed her face, after all. She has a slightly different (and tomboyish) voice. She's also taller.

She gives that picture-frame one last look before putting it back in the satchel.

She then proceeds to start reading, planning to persevere through and learn how to travel the multiverse.



