[C16] Arifureta: New Cadians

Just before Kyrie started the sudden training for the rabbitmen, she had made a bulk order to Hajime to make a lot of durable trench coats made from synthesized material. This was Hajime's forte - transmuting ores and materials - so he was able to create them within 36 hours thanks to Yue's help.

Hajime was apparently kept mostly blind to Kyrie's method of training... which is Tanya's way of training her soldiers.

Hajime and Yue were training Shea to become a good leader, as per Kyrie's advice. Shea is very incompetent, but she has the literal strength and premonition ability to be a decent bulwark. The only thing she needed was DECENT intellect.

Hajime taught her essential knowledge, and Yue trained her in combat.

As for the rabbitmen tribe Kyrie was training, after basically being shelled for a day and a half, only relying on the holes in the ground and the shovel in their hands, they become hardened soldiers fairly quickly because of their 'adaptiveness'... and some more innate psychic inclination from Kyrie.

The rabbitmen currently reside in trenches they dug to avoid the projectiles Kyrie was shelling down. Now they face Kyrie on an open battlefield, her standing out in the open in the distance. She was to not move.

The chief of the rabbitmen tribe held a makeshift wooden whistle that he carved out of some dead wood using the sharp stone knife Kyrie provided all of them before the second exercise began.

Chief: "Rabbitmen! Ready your weapons! Be ready for blood!"

He says as he holds the whistle in his left hand and the shovel in his right.

He places the whistle against his lips and-


All the rabbitmen jumped from the trenches and charged directly at Kyrie.

They were like a swarm of Death Korp guardsmen charging towards death.

Kyrie grinned, mostly in awe and pride at what she's made them.

She aimed at them with her Ivory in her left hand, shooting them with magical ammunition so as to not outright kill them.

She uses the Quickiebomb Launcher armed with [magical] shockwave bombs to mortar the incoming.

Many of the rabbitmen collapse and get tossed around by the shockwave explosive.

They charged without slowing down, not even speaking to those who were knocked down.

Kyrie finishes the clip of the Quickiebomb Launcher and hides it back in her extradimensional storage [through a ring like Hajime's].

By the time they make it to Kyrie's position, only three made it to meet her in melee combat.

A woman rabbit tried to predict Kyrie's strikes as she swing her shovel at her, her knife going in for a secondary attack.

Kyrie ducked and swept her legs, but the rabbit woman dodged.

Kyrie: "Hm?"

She raised an eyebrow, smiling, impressed.

A small rabbitmen child managed to sneak by to jump Kyrie.

Kyrie was holding back a lot in this fight, not even using her psychic premonitions.

The small child had two knives, attempting to stab Kyrie's back.

Before she could move her gun, it was knocked away by the woman using her shovel, allowing the kid to get an opening.

The rabbit woman accomplished the task, but Kyrie was still able to use her other hand to redirect the flow-momentum of the kid, making the kid miss.

Kyrie shoots the rabbit woman with magical ammunition. At the same time she shot, she felt a cut on her back.

Looking back, she sees the chief of the rabbitmen tribe, staring at her with a determined and dauntless gaze.

Kyrie: "Wonderful."

She mutters to herself as she punches the chief in the face, knocking him down as he didn't have enough time to react.

Kyrie: "Magnificent."

Her smile grows.

The group who didn't make it walked towards Kyrie to hear her verdict.

She chuckles to herself a bit as the rest get up and wait for her response.

Chief: "Are you satisfied with our performance, Commissar?"

The chief asked as he grunted getting up, serious and disciplined, nothing like the former chief just a day and a half ago.

During this training, he had become a hardened man, molded by psychological conditioning under this ruthless training.

Kyrie's officer cap covered her eyes but they see her smile. She quickly starts giggling.

Kyrie: "You men, women, and children were magnificent! In the face of such danger, desperation, and overwhelming power, you face it head-on without hesitation!"

The chief salutes, followed up by the rest.

Chief: "Thank you, ma'am!"

Kyrie: "You have earned your praise, Guardsman. Form up!"

They all form into three separate columns composed of two columns each.

Kyrie: "Congratulations, Guardsmen. With the completion of your training, most of you will graduate."

Someone in the second column raises their hand.

Kyrie: "Speak."

"Elaborate, ma'am!", a rabbit man says, resolute.

Kyrie: "I am glad you asked. For those exceptional enough, those who I have observed having the right merits will receive extra training to become bearers of stratagem and knowledge."

Though some had their own curiosities, they did not question her.

She marches left and right for a few seconds in silence.

Kyrie: "Guardsman, as I have stated, the world is unforgiving. Yes, it is. But that does not mean you will forsake your own culture to survive."

Some of the hardened rabbitmen were off-put and even surprised by this.

Kyrie: "I have seen you all on the battlefield, facing danger and desperation. You all look as if you were willing to adapt to survive, though it is well, you should not forget who you truly are. ... Just because you are willing to take on a new tradition does not excuse forgetting your former."

The rabbitmen started to seem a bit ashamed.

Kyrie: "Whatever... that's that and I was just reminding you all. Ahem."

She faces the lines and clicks her heels together.

Kyrie: "Guardsman!"

They all reaffirm their lines, alert.

Kyrie: "Do you accept these burdens knowing no cowardice?"

She asks them, resolute.

"YES, MA'AM!", they shout in unison.

Kyrie: "Do you accept these burdens as your second nature?"


She nods.

Kyrie: "You stand firm against the villain,... the enemy,... the betrayer. You will grant little mercy and give little ground."


They salute.

Kyrie: "With humility, you bear an additional tribal name - Cadia -, the symbol of duty unbroken. ... With reverence, you receive actuation,... awakening your fighting spirit."

The looks of the rabbitmen became even more resolute.

Kyrie: "With pride, you apply the training and future teachings of your provider... and join your fellow Guardsmen... in battle."

She salutes back at them, wearing a proud grin.

Kyrie: "Cadia stands!"

"CADIA STANDS!", they roar out proudly.


I will not cover Shea's training.

Kyrie did a selection for the newly-refined tribe of Haulia Cadia. Those who were selected gained extra insight into some small fields of knowledge; agriculture, siege warfare, architecture, and artificery. Another day passes because of this.

Now we're here seeing Shea looking dumbfounded and shocked at how different her people became in roughly 3 days. Hajime and Yue were just as dumbfounded. The tribe was wearing coats like they were uniforms, holding a spear in their right hand.

Yue: "... Onee-sama..."

Hajime: "Ain..."

Shea: "What..."


Kyrie: "What? You wanted them to survive, I taught them how."

Shea: "They look nothing like they were before! Even the children of our tribe look tough now!"

Hajime: "And you didn't have to kit them out like they were fighting a war!"

The tribe stands firm like soldiers awaiting orders.

Kyrie: "At ease, Cadians."

Most of them sigh in relief and laugh a bit.

Chief: "We haven't changed that much, Shea. Heheheh. We've just been learning some discipline, that's all."

The chief's voice was deeper, although more relaxed now that they were given the permission to be at ease.

Shea recoils because of the difference.

Hajime: "Why you-.... [*Groan!]... You know what, I should have expected this."

He says like he was done with this shit.

Yue: "Yes, you should have."

Yue smiles innocently.

Yue: "Onee-sama! I've helped teach Shea some necessary things!"

Kyrie: "Good work, Yue! Get the hell over here!"

She opens her arms.

Yue charges and the two share an embrace, now shocking the new Cadians.

Kyrie and Yue were acting like real loving sisters to each other, asking how was their experience and such.

Hajime then lays a hand on Kyrie's shoulder.

Hajime: "Hey, enough talking."

Kyrie: "What? Did you want a hug too?"

She says, light-heartedly.

Hajime's eyes squint as he looks to the side. His ears turn a bit red.

Yue: "Oh, don't worry, you two. I won't get in the way."

Kyrie: "What is that supposed to mEA-"

Yue forces the two to hug while running away.


Hajime: "..."

Kyrie: "*Sigh* Fine. I'll entertain Yue for now."

She returns a snug hug.

Hajime's heart races and so do his thoughts.

Shea: "Are you about done? (-_-')"

Hajime: "Y-Yeah. Sorry about that, Ain..."

Kyrie: "Eh. It's fine. I don't mind."

She says casually, not paying much heed to what she said.

Hajime: "'She doesn't?...' E-Ehem. Now that we've helped your people, it's time you help us find our way."

Chief: "Of course. Commissar Kyrie-"

Hajime: "[*2d6 Psychic Damage] 'C-Commissar-?!' "

Chief: "-informed us of this. Let us Cadian Guardsman lead you through the wilderness. No blight shall harm you."

[A/N: Cadia and Haulia are now synonymous to them.]

Hajime: "Sure... 'Ain, you war-enthusiastic bloody shit. Hahah... What the hell?' "

Shea: "Hey...! What about me?"

Kyrie: "We'll talk about that later."


Hajime: "So,... this is the Great Tree."

Chief: "Sir! It has been dead since before Verbergen was established! It has never rotted away! It has stood here unchanged for ages!"

Hajime: "Err, thanks..."

After examining the flat stone in front of them, inferring the need to complete the other labyrinths to... well... do something involving the tree. They contemplate this.

Hajime: "Hmmn. What do you girls think? We don't really have a reason to complete these labyrinths."

Kyrie: "Yeah. There's no incentive other than treasures and artifacts."

Yue and Hajime wait for Kyrie to continue, knowing full well that she has something else to say.

Yue & Hajime: "... Buuut?"

She chuckles.

Kyrie: "But it is nice to have a goal. Besides your personal goal, Hajime, of getting your revenge, I technically don't have my own other than to help you. Plus, I have a sister to protect. Without something to look for, what's the point of bloody living?"

Yue: "If you're going to protect me, who's going to protect you?"

She light-heartedly says in an argumentative manner.

Hajime raises his finger, about to say something, but Kyrie shrugs.

Kyrie: "No idea. :P"

She didn't notice Hajime raise his finger.

Hajime: "*(T-T)* "

He reluctantly lowers it.

Kyrie: "Now, down to business. Guardsmen! Form up!"

They form up. Except for Shea, who didn't know what that meant. She was just standing near the side.

Kyrie: "I am Commissar Kyrie Kotomine. You are the Haulia Cadia Guardsmen, both under the entitlements of Haulians and Cadians. For the past few days, you have steeled yourselves under my command. In the past few days, you have become capable soldiers. I am honored to have trained such adaptable personnel. I am undoubtedly certain that this tribe, you people will live in a new light, no longer bearing such fears and incompetence and lack of knowledge. You are all Guardsmen! And I salute you all for your courage and valor."

She salutes them after that short speech, using her psyker powers to already enhance her natural charisma. The rabbitmen were even more nervous and uncertain about where this will lead, most of them developing a nervous sweat.

Kyrie: "Cam Haulia, front and center!"

The chief steps forward.

Kyrie: "About face!" 

He turns in the opposite direction, facing the organized tribe.

Shea: "What is she doing?"

Yue: "She's assigning a new officer. We have to leave soon, after all."

Shea: "Whah-?"

Hajime: "Yeah. After all, we can't stay here and delay our goals."

He clenches his robotic fist.

Hajime: "I still have a bone to pick with someone."

Kyrie: "I am stepping down from my position as your Commissar."

Hearing this, the tribe breaks a bit of their discipline and whispers their voices of unrest, asking why she was stepping down and why must she leave them.

Kyrie: "It has been a journey for you, Guardsmen. I am sure of it, but nothing lasts forever, just as suffering, grief, and despair do not last for eternity. I am appointing your new officers right here, right now. Cam Haulia will now ascend to Commissar. He will lead you. And beside him is his aide, Lieutenant Shea Haulia."

Shea: "Eneha-whuah...?!"

Hajime: "Huh. Neat. I guess this is why she wanted us to teach you how to be competent enough."

Yue: "Onee-sama can be scary with how unpredictable she can be sometimes."

Shea: "Eh?!"

She approaches the front of the chief. She pulls out a magical sword with the design of a Power Sword and hands it to him.

Kyrie: "Congratulations on your promotion."

Chief: "... Thank you, Commissar."

Kyrie: "No need for thanks. Shea is still a developing girl; you should know a bit more than she does. Your people's culture, heritage, memories, and whatnot are matters that we very well know should stay with us. I am reminding you not to lose yourselves after this new culture and training I have put all of you under changed you."

She closes her eyes and places a hand on his shoulder.

Kyrie: "That is all, Commissar Cam. Dismissed."

She says with calm compassion. She walks away.

The chief, now Commissar, Cam Haulia, looked at the sword Kyrie gave him. He tightened his grip as to show the others he is not letting the despair of losing their trainer hurt him.

Commissar Cam: "You heard the woman so don't wanna see any sad sacks, Guardsmen! We are rabbitmen! Let her teachings stay with you. Let her glory be our song! We are the Haulia Cadia Guardsmen, and our enemies... shall fall!"

Cheers erupt from the organized group.

Hajime: "You'd make a wonderful public speaker."

Yue: "That was amazing, Onee-sama."

Kyrie: "Aww, it was nothing. 'Damn it. I can't stay in this world for too long or else I'll get attached. i need to speed shit up. When I find Myu, I'm going to fly over to that mermaid village and deliver her myself.' "

Shea looked at Kyrie, Yue, and Hajime, and then back at her joyful yet disciplined tribe.

She had a choice to make, regardless if the deal was that she'd stay in return for training on how to survive.

In the end, she decided to stay herself. Though she really wanted to stay with Kyrie and the other two, under a slightly altered view of things, she saw that she belonged with her people.

Next on Kyrie's agenda is to speedrun tasks.





Inside the Imperial Library.

Kyrie: "Ahhh... That was a good round of training and gaming. Don't you agree, Mag?"

Magnus: "Quite well, indeed! I get to see your psychic prowess in action and you get to learn more about how to not be consumed by Chaos or attract Daemons. Oh, and the hot potato with a Melta grenade was fun too."

Kyrie: "Ahahahah! I have no idea how I survived playing that with Kitten and you. I would've liked to play it with your build-a-bear bro but I'm worried he'd hold onto it."

Magnus: "He has always been a brick wall from the bloo'ey beginning."

They both take a looooong sip of their own can of Diet Pepsi whilst sat on their own respective beanbag chairs... wearing hoodies.

Magnus: "Come to think of it, I'm beginning to like seeing you in an oversized hoodie. It's somehow... nice."

Kyrie: "Thanks for the compliment, mate. (⁀ᗢ⁀)"

Magnus: "I- err... yeah, sure."

He just doesn't think and says those words.

Kyrie: "I've always liked oversized hoodies. They fucking comfortable! But besides that one thing I like, I also like Pepperoni on my pizza."

Kitten: "[*Faint Whisper] That's disgusting..."

Kyrie: "What the f**k did you just say you- f**king heretic...?!"

Magnus: "Fuck's sake, Kitten. 'Looks like father wanted him to watch over us... in hiding.' "

Kyrie: "No f**king pepperoni on your pizza?! Do you lack faith?! Do you lack a spine, Custodian...?!"

Kitten: "Uuuuhhh-... 'Where are those censors coming from?' "

Magnus: "Calm yourself, Key. Kitten was just imitating one of his brothers."

Kyrie: "Explain..."

Magnus: "I've been overhearing some chatter whilst I was listening to the whispers of the Warp, and I heard that some of Kitten's brothers hate Pepperoni on their pizza."

Kyrie: "Alright. Where are these little twats"

Kitten: "What?"

Kyrie: "Where the f**k are these wankers...?! You think this is a f**king joke?! I'll rip 'em to pieces and drink their bastard blood! The stupid little twats."

Magnus: "No, that's the Blood Angels' job."

A few moments later.

Kyrie breaks through a wall of the Imperial Palace, surprising the Fabstodes.

Kyrie: "Alright, ya tossers. You want some f**king tea?! You f**king want some, do you?!"

She smashes Custodisi against a wall with an unrevved Chain Axe.

Kyrie: "Huh?! Ya f**king bastards! No pepperoni on your pizza? Is that f**king right?! HOW ABOUT NO F**KING HEAD ON YOUR SHOULDERS!??!"

She says as she aims a Vengeance Launcher at them.

Wamuudes: "AAAAAAAHHHH!!"

Karstodes: "AAAAAAAHH!"
