[C23] Smartphone: Imposter Syndrome & Comfort[?]

[A/N: Yeah I've run out of bullshit meter for now so Smartphone isn't that meme-y. Oh and not Warhammer meme above cus yes.]


After that ordeal against those metal monster skeletons, the Guild branch within Misnede immediately spread the news of this new threat. The head of the Guild, Eugine, has dubbed them the Necrons, classifying any request and mission about it only to a group of Rank S Adventurers. Even then, it's still a risk, according to eye-witnesses.

Neighboring kingdoms were informed of the sudden and new threat through the communication networks of envoys, messengers, merchants, etc—using both formal and informal means.


There was no evidence other than the witnesses, who all claim to have seen that, after the battle in Mismede, the Necrons vanished after being taken down. It was almost considered a rumor or mass hysteria if not the king of Mismede himself did not testify.

Various groups from various kingdoms were sent to investigate this further.

Until then, despite Mismede suffering a heavy blow from the monsters, the issue was put under relatively low priority by some kingdoms.


A black-haired, green-eyed Imperial knight of a girl bows down before King Tristwyn Ernest Belfast with her shield on the floor and her sword at her side.

Adrielle: "Your majesty, my name is Adrielle Alled Ciaphas Yarrick. I am serving as both a gift and an envoy to the Kingdom of Belfast."

She introduces herself as he, Touya, Leen, Yumina, and Linze. The Monarchs were also present in their fluffy forms.

Tristwyn: "Raise your head for I have acknowledged you. What business have you here that Touya has personally brought you upon me?"

Adrielle: "Your majesty,... I would like to apologize on behalf of the Kingdom of Mismede, for I am permitted and instructed by King Jamukha to explain, as true allies share secrets."

Touya remained alert, attentive, and curious about what she had to say, wearing a somber and somewhat stern look on his face.

Tristwyn: "I hereby acknowledge this statement. Speak."

The young girl finally raised her head and looked the king directly in the eyes with a look of perseverance and worry engraved in her eyes.

Adrielle: "Approximately 1000 years ago, the Kingdom of Mismede discovered an ancient platform, a flat platform with a single, giant magical circle inscribed on the platform of metal. When the first Mismede empowered the circle, it gave birth to the first Yarrick, a heartless woman that bore jade eyes that break even the strongest of wills. As repayment for creating her, she will be of service to him until he decides the time was right."

Touya: "'A metal platform? Was that some part of Babylon? Plus, 1000 years ago? That's just 3000 years short of the time of Regina Babylon.' "

Adrielle: "Eventually, the heartless woman felled the enemies of the first Mismede, helping him establish the kingdom it was today. This was due to the woman's incredible and unique magical prowess—chantless Null magic, Null magic creation. At that point, maybe she was the founder of the Null magic we know today, but that is only an exaggeration."

Touya: "Chantless...?"

He whispered to himself as he gets an itch at the back of his head as if he suspected a connection between a recent memory and the current story.

Adrielle: "The woman eventually fell in love and got married, soon gaining children. Mismede welcomed her as a special noble, or even as his Prime Minister but she declined, only requesting to live a normal, noble life with her family and, subsequently, her starting bloodline."

Yumina: "What does that mean, if I may ask?"

She asked curiously with a kind-hearted outlook.

Adrielle: "... I am from that household—the secret Yarrick Household of Mismede... and we have been living in secrecy for hundreds upon hundreds of years."

Tristwyn: "I... see. This alliance must be important. I can see that Mismede truly trusts us despite being recent allies."

Adrielle: "My family has only been assigned to tasks that cannot be accomplished by mere humans, and so we protect them, lighting them a path under the banner of humanity."

She speaks with pride and honor as if the sun has blessed her soul. Yumina saw the truth in those words, and she didn't need to use her Eye of Intuition for that. It was clear and distinguishable as day is to night.

Adrielle: "It is a tragedy that those monsters took my entire household away from me..., so I have nowhere to go."

Tristwyn: "I understand your circumstances and that of Mismede as well. My sincerest condolences, Lady Adrielle. But... if you do not mind, there is still something that is still on my mind. Why exactly are you a gift from Mismede?"

Adrielle took up a stance, taking her shield and placing it on her back, pumping out her plated chest to show her honor.

Adrielle: "Due to the current circumstances of Mismede after the Necron's seemingly random attack, I can no longer be held there... Thus, they have sent me here as a sign of friendship, to become the only ace left from a deck of cards."

Normally, the king wouldn't understand, but Touya has introduced him to the concept of poker and its cards. Meanwhile, Touya's eyes perk up after hearing an analogy about cards.

In other words, Mismede was giving Belfast the last remaining blood of their most cherished history.

Absolutely shaken by the revelation, the king stepped off his throne, stepped down a few steps, and bent a knee to her, shaking the others more than they already were.

Yumina: "F-Father...?!"

Tristwyn: "This is my thanks to Mismede. Even if I am a king, I am not foolish enough to deny such a blessing and such a noble gesture."

He spoke with conviction and warmth. He stands up in front of her, towering over her just a little.

Tristwyn: "As King of Belfast, I accept you into our Kingdom. Welcome home, Adrielle Alled Ciaphas Yarrick."

A small o was formed on her mouth as the king bent his back to bow at 45 degrees.

She couldn't help but shed some tears in front of the king. How embarrassing, but it didn't matter.

Once everyone calmed down, he sat back on his throne and made an ultimatum.

Tristwyn: "My daughter, Yumina!"

Yumina: "Father!"

She appeared before him, resolute.

Tristwyn: "Touya!"

He steps next to Yumina.

Tristwyn: "Bear witness to this, heed my words! Adrielle Alled Ciaphas Yarrick is hereby appointed to the Mochizuki house."

Touya: "Eh?"

Tristwyn: "Treat her well, for she has just lost all whom she loved."

Thus, Adrielle became a resident of Touya's mansion.

Leen has been silent all this time. She knew about their history and had vowed to an old friend that saved her never to say a word. She even had to lie to Touya and fabricated a story about that weird cryptic book being connected to his assailant.

Leen had already thought about the possibility that the man that attacked Touya was a rogue or unknown descendant of the Yarrick bloodline, or rather, she knew that the attacker was female. After all, only female descendants of the Yarrick household are blessed with that sort of power.

Yet another issue remained, where did her apprentice find such an ancient book? She lied about finding it under the Garden of Babylon, and, when she had asked her aide about where she found it, she only gave weird and vague descriptions of some sort of vision, and the next thing she knew, she had the book in her hands and awoke on her bed. She truly is something, alright.

Behind the scenes, when all the formal stuff was done, Leen approached Adrielle in a darkened hallway.

Leen: "... Will you really be okay, Rei?"

Her tone. It was more somber, more genuine, as if talking to an old friend.

Adrielle: "...Yes, Lea,... I'll be alright."

Leen: "So you really do have her memories... I'm relieved."

The black-haired girl only gave a hearty smile before continuing to walk.


Touya: "We're back...!"

He shouted at a moderate level, lightly echoing in his mansion's main entrance hall. The staff greet him and began making preparations for dinner, for the sun wished to rest. The Monarchs that were always with him really needed to rest, so they separated from him for now, deciding to do their own thing.

Along with Yumina, Linze, and Adrielle, they walk along the hall that would lead them to a certain improvised infirmary room. The girl didn't dare look at Yumina or Touya for she felt that she was intruding in the house of Touya's loved ones.

Adrielle: "I am... deeply sorry for this outcome, Lord Touya..."

This flusters Touya in the non-crush way. It just alarmed him a little.

Touya: "😅 Please don't call me a Lord. My marriage with Yumina hasn't even been formally announced yet."

Adrielle: "Still, I am intruding in your household. I heard that this place was where you and your comrades reside. In addition, Yumina told me that they all have feelings for you, so it feels like I am intruding by being assigned to you."

Touya: "Adrielle-san, it's okay, I swear."

He says with his good-natured smile as they continued walking.

Touya: "You saved Elze and Yae when I couldn't. Honestly, that's a first for me. And, honestly, I think I was thinking that I could take on anything until I got humbled by that attack on Mismede. So,... don't think about being ashamed. I'd personally say you deserve a break and some rest, after all."

He wore a somber and considerate smile, avoiding the mention of her dead family and house. Touya knew she was likely the only one in her bloodline left.

Yumina: "I agree with Touya! You have earned your stay here, Lady Adrielle, so please relax. We insist. 😄"

She was, for a loss of words, touched by these signs of hospitality and empathy. She lowered her head and smile.

Adrielle: "I can see why you fell in love with him..."

Touya: "Hm?"

Yumina: "I know, right? 😊"

When they make it to the room where two maids just left. They go inside and see a one-armed Yae drinking a glass of water while Elze was reading a book, flipping the pages with her stumps for hands.

They saw Touya and they greeted him with an odd number of open arms.

Touya: "Everyone, this is the one that saved you and me. Her name is Adrielle Alled Ciaphas Yarrick."

Adrielle: "B-...But please call me Adrielle and refrain from calling me Audrey or Rei. Those names are reserved for family and close friends."

Yae: "So you were the one that saved us back there? I'm greatly grateful, Adrielle-dono!"

Elze: "Mhm. Even though we can't fight anymore, it's better than being dead, honestly."

She jokes around a little, shrugging with her bandaged wrist stumps.

Yae: "If you ever feel like you don't belong here, know that we will always welcome the one who saved the man we love."

She was referring to the time when his hands became plagued with deep and gory third-degree burns.

Adrielle finally felt welcome even by just a little bit.

Soon after proper introductions and gratitudes are given, Touya leaves her in the room he provided for her.

Adrielle hears the door click. She puts her shield beside her bed and takes off her armor and trench coat. After that, she casually walks to the middle of the room.

Her breathing hastened and deepened. The world crumbles as she screams in Imposter Syndrome.

Adrielle: "I SHOULD BE DEAD!"

She cried out as her knees crumpled to the floor.

Adrielle: "That was so close! That was too close! I thought that was it! The end of our bloodline because of some unforeseen force of equilibrium or something BUT I SURVIVED?! "

She got angry at herself for surviving. Both the feeling of survivor's guilt and her imposter syndrome went into this mix of mashed emotional distress.

Adrielle: "Why did I have to survive...? I WAS THE WEAKEST ONE IN THE FAMILYYYYY! UUUGH I AM SUCH AN IDIOT! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SACRIFICED YOURSELF FOR ME, MOTHER! For god's sake, how am I still alive...?! "Survive"? You mean run away like a damn coward and let your entire bloody family die, is that it? Because that's what I did! Like a piece of shit!"

She bashed her fists against the floor, cracking it and drawing blood from her right hand.

Adrielle: "I wasn't even trying to survive...! I was just trying to kill more Xenos...! They thought I was running away."

She starts to break down into tears as her hysteria grew and deteriorated her mental state.

Adrielle: "You fools! You beautiful fools, you have no idea the SHEER SIZE of the bed of lies I didn't even try to create! I'm not even as skilled enough as half of you!"

She looks at her reflection through a mirror on the wall.

Adrielle: "You piece of shit. The house of cards you built will FALL, crushing not only you but also those who associate with you! Ohww, WHY DID I HAVE TO LIIIIVE?!"

She punches the mirror, making the shards dig into her right fist.

Adrielle: "What have I become...?"

Her tears flow like a waterfall of blood. Still facing the mirror, she looked at her artificial left hand and her bleeding, organic right hand.

Adrielle: "I am such a worthless human being... I can protect all under the banner of humanity but not the under the banner of my very own family..."

All of a sudden, she feels someone embrace her from behind. It was Touya, and he looked so distraught and bittersweet that he shed a few tears with her as he hugged her from behind.

Adrielle: "Touya...?"

Touya: "It's okay... Everything's okay, Adrielle..."

In truth, she was not the only one with guilt. Touya has a different form of it, and it is his failure to protect and his sadness for not giving his close ones an answer yet.

Adrielle: "You... saw... everything, didn't you...?"

She asked, in despair, as her back slouched.

Touya: "Yeah, I did... Sorry."

Adrielle: "..."

She turns around to look at him before reciprocating his sentiment and hugging him back, allowing herself to cry on his shoulder as they both sit on the ground, sorry for hiding her true self from him and grateful for his help.

When the black rock cracks and the fire break ends, the survivor is left as the line of defense. But now the survivor has felt comfort during a crucial, high-emotion moment. Her heart beats after her weeping.

She thanks Touya for even just that.

Yumina was peeking through a small gap in the door. She saw the gesture that Touya gave her and smiled with content.


Rui: "[[Hey, Traz! Check this shit out!]]"

Trazyn: "Yes, yes, what is it? I was doing very important combat practice."

Rui: "[[You mean acting. You're tryna freshen up your overlord acting skills because you keep getting out of character.]]"

Trazyn: "Oh, for the love of-- Fine! Now, what is it?"

They're such good friends. Rui smiles with innocence.

Rui: "[[This "Phrase" or "Fraze" machine is quite interesting despite its inferiority to Necron and Imperial technology.]]"

She opens the two halves of a live Fraze; it squirms about, using tendrils to try and attack Rui but were always stopped by her prototype Manipulus Utilitas mechadendrites. She presents to Trazyn the red orb. It glows a little.

Trazyn: "Oooh. What's this thing?"

Rui: "[[In my words, it's a lesser version of Necron technology but it follows some standards of Imperial engineering. The denizens of this world call this a "magic stone". To us, this is merely a vessel that holds safe amounts of Warp energy and uses it as a conduit to act like a C'tan Shard. It's not very powerful compared to the actual thing, but it works.]]"

Trazyn: "Good stuff, if I do say so myself. What're we gonna do with it?"

Rui: "[[Let's mass produce different types of Frazes! It's strong enough not to be overkill for the people of this world and it's cheap to make! The surface is literally just plasteel ceram-glass.]]"

Trazyn: "Well, that's cheap as hell! Let's do it! Oh, and how are the Necron Pariahs going?"

Rui: "[[Alright, I guess? We have like... 9.]]"

Trazyn: "That's good news. My partner should be able to use them. Until then,..."

He takes out a few Pokeballs.

Trazyn: "Gotta collect 'em all."


[A/N: Class has been teaching Creative Writing recently. But they forgot one thing, I don't have creativity :D]

[A/N 2: Yeah, maybe expect shorter chapters that no longer span 4,000-5,000 words. Even after my break, its exhausting to think.]




Kyrie sits down on an armchair with a cold and dull look in her eyes. She looks at a screen, some sort of box that is supposed to give her some strange prompts. She pops her neck as her Servo-Spine follows her movement.

Kyrie: "So, I'm here, now. Ask me anything."

Kleos: "Introducing, Speak. With. Kyrieeeeeeeeeeee!"

*Game show music plays*

Kyrie: "Shut up."
