Chapter 3.5: Purpose Realization

The air was clear and the temperature was adequate. The Black Library was filled with knowledge of both Chaos and non-Chaos.

Kyrie had been reading the first few chapters of the book.

Meanwhile, back in the Office...

Destiny: "... I'd like to report a complaint against my sister to FR."

FR stands for Force Resources.

Fate: "And why is that?"

Spoke, calmly, and unchanging in his neutral-serious expression.

Destiny: "This is the 20 billionth time I've been split into many existences and turned back into one. It's horrible to experience that, you know! Feeling your very material, immaterial, transmaterial, and concept be torn up into pieces, reformed, "refined", torn back down again, and put back together...!"

Fate: "I shall make a report about it and send it through the Higher Ups and I will see what I can do."

Destiny: "Wait, really...?! You're taking this to the Higher Ups?!"

He asks, shocked, yet ecstatic.

Fate: "Yes, older brother, I am."

Destiny quickly runs over and embraces Fate. This meant a lot to him despite being the one to call Faith to penalize him a lot.

Destiny: "Thank you, brother, thank you!"

Fate: "No... problem..."

Fate hesitates to speak.

After a small brotherly moment, they break the hug.

Fate: "While you are, er..., going outside, could you deliver this to my youngest daughter?"

Fate hands Destiny a small black envelope.

Destiny: "Of course, my lovely little brother!"

He says as he takes the letter.

Destiny opens the door out of Fate's office and waves him off.

After Destiny leaves, Fate couldn't help but bleed out a smile on his usually-stoic expression.

Destiny meets with Fate's youngest daughter in his office.

Destiny: "Hey there, K! Your Pops has a letter for you."

"Please don't ever call him that ever again. ಠ_ಠ", a young, feminine, and almost childlike voice speaks.

Destiny: "Fine, fine."

He says as he gestures casually.

Destiny: "Just here to give it to ya, Kleos."

Kleos: "I know, I know."

Kleos takes the letter.

[Small Timeskip]

Kleos goes outside his office and reads it. Kleos reads through the lines thoroughly and closes her eyes.

Kleos: "A little guidance, you say...?... Alright, then."

Kleos says as she gains a mischievous grin.

Back to Kyrie.

Kyrie had fallen asleep reading half of the entire book. There were Diet Pepsi cans everywhere across the table. That seems unhealthy.

Kleos appears behind the sleeping Kyrie holding a book.

She hovered it around Kyrie's sleepy head, pulls it back, and slams the spine of the book against the back of her head, causing her to wake up in a dizzying panic.

Kyrie: "Wha- he- whut?"

She appeared like a drunk Demoman.

Kleos had already gone.

Kyrie looks at the book that has supposedly fallen.

The title of the book was, "Fallen Down: Harems Galore".

Kyrie's mind was immediately internally ticked off at the sight of the word "harem".

Against her better judgment and infuriated unclear mind, she takes a read.

She ends up reading the first page before throwing it away in anger.

With a burning rage, she gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and opened her eyes. She knew now what she must do with her power - gain more of it, and kill harem protagonists across the multiverse.

Kyrie: "I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle, nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all..."

Kyrie looks at the book about harems.

Kyrie: "I will use my knowledge to get more power, my power to get more opportunities, my opportunities to get more knowledge, and I will have... more power - more power to kill these heretics."

She looks at the book about multiverse-traveling.

Kyrie: "I was put here in the grim darkness of the future to feed on the last breath of every one of you fuckers."

She said, calmly, in an intimidating manner. She places a hand on the page.

Kyrie: "I'm going to feed your soul to Nurgle, have him shit it out, and use it to smother your fucking girlfriends to death. You are all dictating your obituaries to me just by your actions..."

As she monologues, her red-blue-gradient eyes swirl around as they glow iridescently, the left eye eventually turning blue and the right eye eventually turning red.

Kyrie: "Bury the light deep within. I will bury you all 6 feet underground."



