[C12] Arifureta: Character Development

Time flies inside the labyrinth.

Forged in special rock, steel, and synthesized metals, Hajime had made the weapon that will grant him the righteous firepower he desires to exact his vengeance. 


Under a diet of holy water and various monster meats, he gained power. And under his motivations, he is destined to rise like a damned soul.

The one who led him to this path, and the one who oversaw his development, growth, and artificery, was a being of darkness, a being of power no man or monster can ever fathom.

Inspired by Hajime's creations, the being had created her own weaponry. Not just one, but two.

(A/N: No writings nor pictures.)

Ebony and Ivory.
(She recreated them out of the materials in this world using the Mechanicus knowledge Magnus forcefully transferred into her brain.)

(She did like Alucard's Hellsing ARMS Casull Auto and Hellsing ARMS Jackal but she thought the barrels were too long for her taste and hand size.)

Hajime and Kyrie were facing away from each other, having a distance of 10 meters from each other, armed and dangerous.

Hajime: "Oi, Ain. Don't go easy on me, now. I've been itching to fight you."

He speaks, deadly and in anticipation.

Kyrie: "Heh. If I were to oblige, you'd probably lose, not just your other arm, but also your legs... And I would've eaten you."

Hajime: "Oh ha-hah. Good one."

He says with traces of sarcasm.

The air thickens under the density of the two.

Hajime turns and pulls the trigger, shooting two rounds of magic ammunition; one directed at Kyrie and the other to the right of her.

Kyrie dodges left and runs around to close the distance. She extends a single bayonet from her right sleeve.

Hajime didn't hesitate either. He runs directly towards her, shooting his Donner in Kyrie's direction. Every shot, Kyrie dodged with ease, without even using her Vergil speed.

Hajime throws a flash grenade, to which Kyrie feigns being blinded.

In that brief moment, Hajime shot two more magic bullets at Kyrie.

Kyrie foresaw this and blocked it with her bayonet.

The bullets had more of an 'oomph' to them than expected. She recoils back to a higher position, to which Hajime responds by shooting a few shots and Quick Stepping up and behind her.

He kicks the bayonet off Kyrie's right hand, impaling it against the nearby wall. At the same time, he reloads.

With one quick motion, the two aim their guns at each other.

Hajime: "I won't hold my breath."

Kyrie: "Now that's just nasty, kid."

Hajime: "Kid?"

He chuckles to himself, staring at Kyrie.

Hajime: "Well,... then I guess your time's up, grandma!"

He chain fires his revolver, which is a dangerous and bold move.

The dark-haired woman shot six rounds.

The bullets hit each other, even at this close range. Her reaction time was impeccable.

Hajime Quick Stepped and used both legs to kick her in the face, causing the two of them to fall from that height. He reloads.

Kyrie allows herself to fall while Hajime reloads. As they fall, Hajime opens his legs and locks Kyrie with them. Kyrie fires at his head, to which he uses his head to redirect the guns away from it. He returns fire but she evades.

Kyrie kicks him off.

They land on the floor safely, Hajime pointing his reloaded gun at Kyrie.

She, meanwhile, was casually walking, looking at her pistols.

Hajime: "Heh, you got a jacked-up notion of fair play, Ain."

He pops the bones in his neck.

Hajime: "But it's beginning to piss me off."

He replaces one magic bullet with a real one. He points it at Kyrie, looking at her with a gleeful disdain.

He shoots, but Kyrie doesn't move. The bullet grazes her face, hitting an electric wolf behind her.

Kyrie: "All that, even protecting me,-"

One small stream of blood bleeds out of the small wound.

Kyrie: "-for a drop of blood."

She does a quick step of her own. She zooms at him, faster than him.

Hajime immediately reacts by throwing a grenade near his foot, jumping, and shooting it. Kyrie jumps up above him, giving a wide smile.

She spins in the air while shooting Hajime numerous times. 

He uses a combination of Aerodynamics and Quick Step to barely get out of her attack. He lands on the ground but, oh dear, she was already right behind him.

Kyrie had a gun pointed behind his head.

Kyrie: "Well, you tried. But this is where you lose."

Hajime chuckles, turning his head a bit to look at her.

Hajime: "Who said I lost?"

She feels a psychic headache.

A flashbang detonates between Hajime's legs, blinding Kyrie for a split second.

She dashes to the right and sprays shots at Hajime.

Hajime, having lost his trump card, gets sprayed down by the volley. He collapses on the floor, having no wounds on his body.

Hajime: "Agh... Heheh. Looks like you got me. *Deep Breathing* "

Kyrie: "Hey, that wasn't bad for someone who can actually think and have a working brain."

Hajime: "Hey! You saved this brain!"

Kyrie: "That doesn't mean it can't still be a dumbass."

Hajime: "Piss off!"

The two have a light-hearted laugh together.

Kyrie then walks up to him.

Kyrie: "Get the fuck up, Gunner. We've got a labyrinth to escape."

She says as she crouches down and removes her incandescent shades.

Hajime takes her hand and gets up.

Kyrie: "You didn't use your Lightning Field."

Hajime: "Besides with the gun? Yeah. Hah...! And I almost had you."

Kyrie: "Unlikely, boy-oh. I'm waaaaay ahead of you in power and experience."

Hajime: "You had a nice find with magical ammunition. They don't damage our bodies, but it still bloody hurts."

Kyrie: "Now you're picking up my vocabulary."

She says with a wide smile. During their time, they got to know each other a bit more.

The two settle down at a campfire. The two have their regular meal of monster meat and holy water.

Hajime: "By the way, I've been wanting to ask you something."

Kyrie: "Sure, go ahead."

Hajime: "How long have you been down here? From what you kept repeatedly showing me, you're as deadly as you look."

Kyrie: "Aw, thanks for the compliment. I've actually forgotten how long I've been here. I think I just woke up here, one day. I don't remember a lot, not even my age."

Kyrie falsifies some facts about herself.

Hajime: "That sucks."

He says, somewhat bummed out.

A wave of nostalgia and memories hit her, making her recall her life before, making her a bit sad.

Kyrie: "But I did have a little sister."

Hajime looked at her with a curious look on his face.

Kyrie: "Or at least, I'm pretty sure I did. She was nice and didn't like being separated from me."

Hajime, hearing this, grew a small but genuine smile.

Hajime: "Did she cry a lot?"

Kyrie: "You would not believe...! She sounded like a banshee who screams in your ears for hours!"

Hajime: "Sounds like a real handful."

Kyrie: "She's not all bad, though. 'Why am I telling him this...?' She always tells the truth, is always sympathetic, and always hugs me at least once a day."

She snickers a bit before her face became plastered with the look of bittersweetness.

Hajime: "Oi, you alright?"

Kyrie: "Yeah, yeah... I just got a bit sad after remembering that she actually died. She was stabbed..."

A chill of guilt flowed through Hajime's spine.

Hajime: "'I shouldn't have asked that.' Sorry... What's her name...?"

Kyrie: "... Maria..."

Hajime bitterly smiles.

Hajime: "That's a nice name... I wish I could've met her. Judging by the way you described her, she must've been a really social kid. Talking to her should be entertaining."

He spoke in a way to try to relieve the tension of sadness.

Kyrie giggles, genuine care in her laughter.

Both Hajime's and Kyrie's expressions softened; Hajime's because she's never laughed like that, and Kyrie's because she remembered her good memories with her sister before her death.

Suddenly, she casually pats Hajime in the back, pushing him forward a bit.

Hajime: "Damn it, even your so-called friendly pats on the back can be lethal."

He spoke in a joking manner.

Kyrie: "Sorry. I don't get much company. But,... thanks... Thanks for reminding me of my little sister... I really miss her. 'I miss you, sis...' "

Hajime offers a warm smile.

Hajime: "No problem,... Ain."

The two continue to eat in silence, Kyrie returning a soft smile.

Hajime: "'She has a little sister... It's sad how this world works. It angers me to be reminded that good people die.' ... Damn..."

Kyrie: "What?"

Hajime: "Oh, uh, er, nothing. I was just thinking."

They continue eating. Hajime stared at Kyrie, her coat, shades, and tie not on her right now. She wore only her white polo and black pants. (Flat chest heheheh)

Hajime: "'You saved my life and helped me realize my purpose. I know that I would've died or gone insane down here if it weren't for you... I swear, Ain,... that I'll make sure you'll be happy - truly... happy. I'll make it up to you.' "

They soon finish their food.

Kyrie: "Alright, it's high time we start continuing this labyrinth thing. I haven't tried doing anything myself 'cus I was too busy doing nothing."

Hajime: "Heheh. That makes sense coming from you."

After some preparation work, the two sought out the bottom of the Orcus Labyrinth.

They fought vicious monsters and disgusting little enemies. There was no stopping the two. They have the weapons, strategies, and machines they need so that no foe may best them in battle.

All this time, Hajime was carrying a box-like backpack with drawings of the monsters they faced etched into stone tablets, which Kyrie found crude but viable.

They walk toward a set of giant doors, having two stone guardian statues - cyclopses - beside each side of the door.

Hajime gets a bit confused as to why Kyrie stopped him from touching the door.

Hajime: "Ain, is something wrong?"

Kyrie: "... Hand me 6 grenades."

Hajime: "What? Why?"

Kyrie: "Something feels off to me... Come on, hand me some grenades."

He sighs and scoffs as he gives Kyrie six grenades.

He sees her jump up the two stone statues and plant 3 grenades on each statue's head.

Something clicked in Hajime's head.

He snaps his finger.

Hajime: "Damn it! I should've expected that sort of cliche!"

Kyrie jumps down and grabs Hajime by his one arm and starts running.

Hajime: "H-Hey! Put me down, Ain! Right bloody now!"

He yells, annoyed and surprised.

Kyrie: "I may or may not have added some condensed explosive rocks along those grenades so we best get some distance away!"

After some running, she stops and drops Hajime on the floor.

Hajime: "Urgh, that hurt, you know?"

Kyrie: "Oh, I am well aware of that."

She says in an innocent and smug manner.

Hajime recoils a bit, squinting his eyes and frowning his mouth.

Kyrie: "Aww, now that's just cute."

Hajime: "Tche!"

Kyrie: "You look so threatening and hardcore but you're actually sensitive on the insi~ide."

Hajime flinches, recoiling in a twitch of fluster. He throws his gun, hitting Kyrie in the face with the grip's butt.

Kyrie: "Oof- Heh. Weak shit."

Hajime: "Ain! Shut up already!"

She chortles as she casually aims her guns and shoots the grenades on the heads of the statues.


The heads of the statues explode into mists of congealed yellow blood.

Their headless corpses of the cyclopses break the stone covering them under their own weight as they lean forward and hit the ground.

Hajime: "*Sigh* I gotta admit, you can be brutal but cunning."

Kyrie: "Tell me something I don't know. 'Ugh. I gotta eat more of this monster meat. I gotta commit to the bit. Although, I miss eating steak with mashed potatoes.' "

She spoke, not in the Alucard way, but her normal way.

They dig out the mana crystals from the monsters' corpses and place them in the slots of the gigantic door. Two circles of light then emit from it before the door opens.

Hajime pushes the heavy doors open, steps to the side, and bows while his hands present an opening.

Hajime: "Ladies first."

Kyrie chuckles, light-heartedly.

Kyrie: "What a gentleman, you are."

She says in a playful manner as she walks through. As she did, the two heard a voice from down the far end of the room. It came from a floating, glowing golden cube.

"Who's there?"

Hajime sees Kyrie quickly aiming her Ebody at the cube, her shades on the bridge of her nose, her head lowered.

The glow from the cube then stops, revealing a person, a young girl with golden hair and red eyes melded with the cube.

Kyrie: "'I've read the wiki about her. What's her full, real name again?... Uhmmm Uhhh... Something... something... Avatarl?' "

She then proceeds to spend an entire day in her mind, her thoughts accelerated to an extreme degree [when she wants to] due to her psyker gifts. She thinks of the sound of fingers snapping.

Kyrie: "'Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl! Got it! Hell yeah! Finally!' "



Chapter Feedback:


Kyrie: "Bro, my grandma just died... Her funeral's next Friday."

Guardsman: "Thank the Emperor! We were almost out of Corpse Starch."

Kyrie: "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
