[C11] Arifureta: Preventing The Harem

(A/N: Fuck the second season.)

(A/N 2: I'm tired of thinking too deeply. Time for some braindead improvisation.)


Mission Briefing:

Objective: Prevent Hajime Nagumo from becoming a haremist

Harem Level: Triggering (Especially Season 2)

Difficulty: Normal++

Restrictions: None


A portal opens up in a dark cave-like atmosphere. Out steps a 5'11" tall girl wearing a red cloak along with a particular outfit.

(A/N: No booba. No earings.)

She had decided, "fuck it", and chose to change her appearance again, turning her hair black. Though one thing couldn't change, her eyes. 

At first, it was just a gradient of blue and red, mixed. Now, one is always red and the other is always blue. It must be from all that suffering Magnus put her through jamming all that Mechanicus knowledge down her throat.

Kyrie: "'Now,... what name should I give myself this time? Hmm... I'll go with... Ain Soph Naval because it sounds fancy. Plus, just to fuck with this Arifureta world, I have fangs like a vampire now. Heheheee.' "

Although she has fangs, she chooses to "hide" them.

She extended two bayonets from her sleeves, Anderson style. Jojo pose.

Kyrie: "'I'm so fucking cool.' "

She then leans her head to the right a bit, dodging a kick that can decapitate any normal being.

Kyrie: "Ah, I see you're approaching me. Instead of running away, you come right toward me."

She says as an uncanny grey bunny stands before her.

It stays silent as it stares at her.

Two more appear, making them three in total. They jump at her at vicious speeds.

For any normal man, this would be a surprising feat that only experienced warriors can face.

But they didn't count on two things.

1. Kyrie had the reaction time and speed of the strongest Astartes + the speed, agility, and reaction time of Vergil.

2. She slept 9 hours last night.

It looked like she didn't even move, but she bisects them all vertically, their six corpses slattering around her.

She gets a bit of blood on her. Curious, she decided to have a lick. She licks some blood off her right bayonet.

Kyrie: "... Hm. That's uhh, actually an interesting taste. I could've sworn these guys taste like shit. 'Maybe it's that mental fortitude enhancement thingy because of being a psyker.' "

A few wolves then surround her,

Kyrie: "Oh? Pack hunters still, Wolves of Fenris?"

She says, casually.

Kyrie: "It's a lovely moon, you monsters."

She simply sits down and equips the Yamato.

They are all dead. Not big soup rice.

Kyrie: "Basic bitch."

She unequips the Yamato and re-equips her bayonets.

Kyrie then hears someone scream in terror.

"IT ATE MY ARM!!!", the sound of a male voice screams out in horrid pain.

Kyrie: "'Oh, so I'm in this part of the timeline. Lucky me, I got to be at the beginning of the anime instead of FUCKING SEASON 2!' "

"T-Transmute! Transmute! Transmute!!!", he sounded panicked as Kyrie saw him manipulate the rock around him to hide inside a rocky mound.

Kyrie: "'Hm. Hajime looks a bit more pathetic in this state. Good thing I'm preventing him from becoming that bitch of an edgelord.' "

This hulking raccoon scratches and continuously tries to break through the reinforcements Hajime places, the boy going deeper into the mound. Sounds of metals rubbing against each other sound off across the dark cave.

Kyrie: "'Guess I should do this now if I want to change this story completely.' "

She pulls her shades down and dashes at the raccoon hulk with both of her bayonets.

The monster quickly saw her and created green crescent slashes across the air to hit her. Kyrie parries them with only one bayonet. She parries and cuts down, vertically bisecting the raccoon-hulk abomination.

Kyrie: "I'm so sorry, Rigby. It didn't have to be this way."

Kyrie then looked at the transmutation-affected mound. She felt Hajime's mind become faint. He must be unconscious.

She uses her psychic powers to open the mount, revealing Hajime, bleeding on the ground.

Kyrie: "Oh, how fragile humans are. Especially their minds. I will prevent you from becoming... subhuman, boy."

She says, mostly to herself as she stood over a bleeding, one-armed Hajime.

She made a campfire and went to the broken bits of the stony mound. She finds a Holy Crystal, a sphere. She uses her psychic mind powers to create a stone tripod, like the ones used in laboratories.

Kyrie places an empty cup underneath it and allows it to drip.

She walks over to Hajime. She pulls out a bandage from the Magic Satchel and starts patching him up. There was no risk of death for Hajime because the one treating him is a psyker, and she won't let him die anyway because that's not her goal.

She goes over to the dripping stone and sees that the water collected wasn't enough.

Kyrie: "Too slow. (-_-)"

She uses her psyker powers, she surrounds it with a bit of heat. The dripping became a tad bit quicker.

After getting what seemed like enough, she took the cup of holy water and walked over to Hajime, pours some on his bleeding arm, and then put it to his lips.

Kyrie: "Drink if you wanna live."

Some time passes and Kyrie's just cooking some monster meat on sticks. She was barbequing some monster bits. She takes a stick and takes a bite out of it.

Kyrie: "Uh-huhm. That takes like shit. But I've had worse. I'd rather eat this than get to experience what Nurgle's cooking in his disease cauldron."

In a bit, she hears the grunting of someone slowly waking.

She turns her head and puts her glasses up, looking at who she presumes is Hajime.

Hajime slowly woke up, the pain in his body everlasting.

His back was still on the floor as he turned his head left and right. Seeing as he was no longer in the safety of his hole, he shoots his back up and looks around frantically.

Kyrie: "'Time to act all mysterious-like.' "

Within a small fraction of a second, she turns her head back to the fire and the cooking food, looking like she never turned her head in the first place.

Kyrie: "Ah, I see you're awake, boy."

She says in a calm Alucard tone.

Hajime's eyes lock onto the sitting figure who was poking at the fire. He did not know how to react, still shocked from what had happened earlier.

Kyrie: "Do stay for, I don't know, dinner? Eh, I've lost track of time in this labyrinth."

Hajime: "W-Who are you?"

Hajime asked, hesitant and still frightened.

Kyrie: "Me? Umm, well, let's just say I'm kind of a monster among monsters, Except I'm reasonable, and the others are just stupid."

Speaking all mysterious stranger-like, she stills her head, looking at the fire and sticks with meat.

Hajime sees the carcass of the monstrosity that ate his arm.

Hajime: "Y-You... You killed it..."

Kyrie: "Come over here. You must be hungry, I think."

Against his better judgment, there was nothing he could do, so he accepted the offer and went over, struggling with the pain in his arm.

As he approached her, Kyrie turns her head to look at him. Hajime freezes at the sight of her, for some reason.

Kyrie: "Don't worry. I don't bite. Heheheh."

She speaks, jokingly to prevent further panic and/or fear.

He swallows his spit.

Hajime: "That monster... Did y-you... Did you... save... me?"

Kyrie: "Yeah. I, um, guess I did..."

She says as she takes a bite out of a stick of monster meat. Hajime sees her fangs. He becomes startled for a brief moment before the feeling of lethargy went over him.

Hajime: "W-W-Why... Why did you save me?"

He lowered his head as he sat opposite her at the campfire.

Kyrie: "Why did I save you? *Nom* ... Why does anyone do anything, really? I could've saved you because I wanted a better meal. I could've saved you because I want you to be indebted to me. I could've saved you because I'm lonely. *Gulp* Who knows, honestly? Because I don't even know myself. 'Oh, I definitely know. I will mold you into a man who can actually accept Kaori's feelings.' "

Hajime: "..."

Hajime was given something to think about.

Kyrie: "...Hm? Are you, er, not going to comment about my teeth?"

Hajime: "Are you a vampire?"

Kyrie: "I guess I am. I drink blood but prefer actual meat. Maybe eating a lot of these did something to me, 'cause I did no-ha-ha-t look like this before. My full name's Ain Soph Naval."

Hajime: "Nagumo Ha- I mean Hajime Nagumo... M-... My first name i-is... Hajime... How are you being so... alright with... all this?"

Kyrie: "Hm? What do you mean?"

Hajime: "I'm so useless... You killed something stronger than the Behemoth. If only I didn't enter the Labyrinth. If you hadn't saved me... I would've been dead."

He was consumed by his despair. He accumulates tears on the corners of his eyes. His voice was frail and fearful.

He opens his mouth, about to speak again, but the hunger strikes him, his stomach growling and aching. He clenches his abdomen with his one arm.

Kyrie gets up and grabs the cup of holy water and hands it to Hajime.

Kyrie: "You're hungry, but monster meat isn't exactly healthy for humans."

Hajime: "I'm... so... hungry..."

Kyrie: "I know, so you need to drink this after eating it. This is holy water from a Holy Crystal. It can heal injuries well."

With his mind occupied by the dread of hunger, he takes the cup and two sticks of monster meat barbeque. He eats them off the sticks like a hungry hyena. Immediately feeling a sharp pain in his body after consuming the meat, he drinks the water.

Kyrie: "Oh yeah...! Uhh, I forgot to warn you, eating the meat can actually hurt like hell and even kill if its your first time eating it. You've eaten this before, right?"

Hajime drops to the ground and seizes, writhing in hellish agony.

As he suffers on the floor, images begin flashing in his head, images of what had happened earlier - who tried to kill him. 

His hair slowly whitens, losing its black pigmentation. He's still suffering, though.

Kyrie: "You know,... if there's something in one's life that one wants to change, they do it. Though there will always be stagnation and consistency, if you want something done, you have to do all you bloody can to do something about it."

Hajime sees more flashing images of his friends and comrades.

Kyrie: "You rip-"

Kyrie: "-and tear-"

Then an image of his fall.

Kyrie: "-until it is done!"

The clear image of his enemy displays itself in his mind.

This son of a bitch, Daisuke.

His eyes at every angle, only seeing the face of Daisuke. This may or may not be a bit manipulated by Kyrie's psychic influence, including his feelings of anger.

Hajime's body relaxes, his body limp on the ground.

Kyrie: "What say you, then?"

She asked seriously with a stern and stone-cold expression.

Hajime: "I- Want- Revenge-!"

He spoke in a deeper, angrier voice.

Kyrie: "I see. 'Heh. I'm already changing you compared to the anime. Now,... what will you do about this,...... Ehit?' "





No meme with Kyrie today. Here, have some Legion of the Damned art.

Art not mine. It looks amazing tho.
