[C10] Epilogue: GATE

In this version of the world of GATE, Kyrie's footprint in it drove the story to a very different course.

Due to Kyrie's appearance as Von Mors, she has sparked a religion. That religion quickly grew with Piña and the remaining occupants of Italica being witnesses to "his" power.

Asmodai, Belios, and Benjamin became the forefront of this new religion.

Speaking of the three, Kyrie had left a corpse of herself using the Dead Ringer and keeping the body there with her psyker powers. The three were devastated to have seen her dead.

They mourned her. They mourned her death greatly.

Later on, the three had become official apostles of Von Mors. The three had changed their names.

Benjamin became Bellamy Von Kurst.

Asmodai became Asmodeus Von Hauk.

Belios became Belial Von Vos.

There eventually developed the main saying of this new religion.

"Victorum et Mors!"

Meaning "Victory for Mors", or in another [rough] translation, "Victory and Death."

Their symbol was the two-headed Aquila, signifying Von Mors sees both sides but, with the color gold in the insignia, leans towards the true good.

Miracles were performed by Von Mors, granting the purest of ones who pray to him the power they need to purge evil.

Von Mors can read the people's hearts, and judgment will come for them. And he liked progression, not stagnation.

How was he able to perform these acts if Von Mors was Kyrie?

That small, seemingly insignificant fragment of Kyrie's psyche quickly grew with the amount of worship, quickly becoming its own being, knowing very well that Kyrie was his mother.

Yes, Kyrie had accidentally made a son... who then became a legitimate god in the GATE world.

Some of the other gods, however, were not akin to welcoming an unknown newborn into their pantheon.

Meanwhile, for the JSDF and the world beyond the GATE, Itami's death became a staple for arguments. Other countries eventually involved their militaries beyond the GATE.

The other countries raised bigger conflicts and eventually started a small war with the entire world in the Special Region.

At first, the followers and apostles of Von Mors were asked and begged for their help to defend them, since they are the only ones powerful enough with his blessings to be able to even harm and defend against the 'enemy'.

By decree of their god, they were allowed to participate, but no blood must be spilled, and honor must not be forgotten.

Three "Chapters" were sent across the lands; the Imperatorius, the Grey Knights, and the Ordo Degurechaff.

Yes, there's a Chapter named after Kyrie's fake name, Mana Von Degurechaff.

*Note: A single Chapter is equal to 1,000 members.

The Imperatorius is a Chapter primarily composed of those with the golden armor, their god dubbed the armor 'Custodes'. They are the jack of all trades yet masters of none, armored with the most righteous of steel. Asmodeus became the Chapter Master of this group.

The Grey Knights are individuals with gifts in any form who choose to serve Von Mors. They are a Chapter focused on specialization in specific things. Some Grey Knights are masters of one, but not necessarily a jack of any other trade, dawning their specialized magic and silver armor. Bellamy became the Chapter Master of this group.

The Ordo Degurechaff was the political, relief & general support, and scholarly Chapter. They were a heavy support group. They often assist and are highly adept with humanities, logistics, politics, relief efforts, tactical advisors, etc. Though they're not primarily a combat Chapter, they are still taught some combat techniques and educated on some magic unique and exclusive to them. They're easily recognizable with their cyan-colored and red-secondary cloaks (similar to the Mechanicus). Belial became the Chapter Master of this group.

(A/N: Obviously, no mechanical stuff. Just the clothes.)

Piña became one of the Adepts/Scribes of-and-for the Ordo Degurechaff. With her help and expertise, they were able to unify the Kingdoms and reorganize the Empire.




This small war broke out between the Special Region and the JSDF. It has come to be called the War of Strife.

As this war was happening, Von Mors had his own problems.

Up in the realm of the gods, not all were alright with a newborn having this much power and influence. Thus, the war of the gods happened in heaven.

The following are the individuals who were allied, neutral, or foes with Von Mors.

Ra/La (Reason: Knowledge);
Elange (Reason: Knowledge);
Palapon (Reason: Hardy);
Duncan (Reason: Von's followers have nIce equipment);
Zufmuut (Reason: Hardy's personality).

Emroy (Reason: Loves war);
Deldort (Reason: "Just because");
Wareharun (Reason: Nature is a true neutral force);
Lanaryur (Reason: Doesn't want involvement).

Flare (Reason: Racist);
Hardy (Reason: Wants to marry his mom);
Miritta (Reason: See image below).

Von Mors survived and ended up killing the powerful three who stood against him and his allies.

Von Mors then took up their portfolios and split them between his allies instead of passing them down to the dead gods'/godesses' apostle.

Elange and Ra/La shared the portfolio for being the god and goddess of Fertility.

Palapon took the portfolio for becoming the god of the Underworld.

Zufmuut and Duncan did not ask for a reward for they saw that Von Mors' motives were pure and aligned with their morals.

Last, but not least, Von Mors took up the portfolio of Flare, the god of the Sun. Adding to his portfolio of being a god of Judgement and Progress, he now also has become the god of the Stars.

The followers and apostles of the felled god and goddesses either became normal people or wanted retribution for the death of their deity.

Back with the War of Strife, the JSDF and the other militaries' respect grew for the followers of Von Mors. Despite having casualties themselves, the followers of Von Mors still choose to ensure the enemy soldiers' survival, only ensuring they cannot participate in the war.

This caused political tension on the other side, eventually leading to the impeachment of the hostile country-rulers who choose to continue attacking. Those rulers were overruled and diplomatic relationships eventually formed between the Special Region and Earth.

With that, Von Mors finally gets his rest, although wishing to have been able to see or even meet his mother.





Kyrie: "Can I have some Space Marines?"

Emperor: "We have Space Marines at home."

Space Marines at home:
