Percy walked away from the mansion, and once out of sight, she whistled loudly.

A few moments later, Blackjack landed next to her, "where to boss?"

"We need to see the McLeans, and the Dares, today. Tomorrow Mr. Chase and Grandma Zhang," Percy said.

"Can I get doughnuts as payment?" Blackjack asked.

"Fine. But don't expect much of this," Percy said, as she climbed on his back.

"Thanks boss, you got it," Blackjack said, then he took off.

Percy landed in front of the McLean house, and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" a man in a suit asked.

"I'm looking for Tristan McLean, it concerns Piper," Percy said.

"Right this ways, Miss," he said.

"Call me Percy," she told him.

"Got it, Miss Percy," he said.

She was led to an office, that had a man that had the same features as her friend, and a woman that Percy assumed was Piper's stepmom.

"Master McLean, there's a Miss Percy here to see you," the man said.

"Send her in," Tristan said.

"Of course," the man said, then moved away from the door to let the demigod inside.

"Percy! You're okay, how'd it go?" Tristan asked.

"Mister McLean, I'm sorry I'm here. We won, but at a cost. The seven are dead, except me. And there aren't many demigods left either," Percy said.

Tristan looked at her. He saw the bags under her eyes, and the rather gaunt look, "my daughter's dead?"

"Yes. Piper died a hero, saving one of the younger campers from harm, but it cost her her life, along with Jason, who killed the monster who did it, not noticing the one behind him," Percy said.

"I'm sorry, Percy," Tristan said.

"No, I'm sorry. I wish I had been able to do more," Percy said.

"You have. I'm not left to wonder, and she died a hero. She's safe and at peace now. But I would like some time alone now, please?" Tristan asked her.

"Of course. I'm sorry I couldn't bring her home alive," Percy said.

"I've served in the military. You can't save everyone in a war, Percy. It will kill you to keep thinking about it," Tristan said.

"I'm trying," Percy said.

"I know. I hope you remember, they knew there was a chance, all of them did. Including you," Tristan said.

Percy smiled and left his office. She pretended not to hear the cries of grief as she walked out of the house.

She hopped on Blackjack, heading to the Dare household next.

"We'll get doughnuts after this, Blackjack," Percy said, as she got off her horse.

"You bet, Boss," Percy said.

Percy walked up to the door, not sure how to begin this one. She braced herself, and knocked on the door.

The door opened, "Miss Jackson, it is good to see you again," Rachel's butler said.

"Hey, Mr. Sneeds. I need to talk with Mr. Dare, is he available?" Percy asked.

"He's in a meeting right now, but it's about over. Is everything alright?" Mr. Sneeds asked.

"No, it's not," Percy said, fiddling with her pen.

"Oh. I'll be right back then," he said, letting her inside.

Percy gave strained smile in response. She sat on the couch and waited for Mr. Sneeds to come get her.

"Percy?" she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Mr. Dare, you have a minute?" Percy asked, standing up, and looking at him. She couldn't help but feel clammy and guilty for what she's being told to do.

"Give me a second. I'm in a meeting with Mr. Wayne," Rachel's dad said.

"Bruce? He's here?" Percy asked, looking a little nervous.

"You know him?" Mr. Dare asked.

"Yeah, he's my uncle. I live with him, because something killed my family, my mom was his sister," Percy said.

"He doesn't know then?" Mr. Dare asked.

"No, but he probably will soon. It'll depend, but I can't introduce him to that yet, not when everything's so fresh, and it's so dangerous for him, and my cousins," Percy said, tugging at the strings of her sweater.

"What do you want to do?" Mr. Dare asked.

"I'll send Blackjack away, and just wait in your living room. He can see me as he walks out. He'll probably wait outside for me, if I remember how he was well enough," Percy said.

"Alright. Send Blackjack away, then wait. We're almost done," Mr. Dare said.

Percy nodded, then headed to the door to talk to her Pegasus.

"Hey, Blackjack. My mortal uncle is here, and he doesn't know yet. Go back to Wayne Mansion, but stay hidden in the trees and bushes around it. I'll get you your doughnuts when I get back," Percy said.

"You got it, Boss. Just don't forget," Blackjack said, as he took flight.

Percy went back inside and sat on the couch.

Fifteen minutes later, she heard the office door open, and two sets of feet walk out.

"Mr. Dare?" Percy asked, as she stood up.

"Percy?" Bruce said.

"Bruce?" Percy asked, trying to ignore how shaky her hands were.

"What are you doing here?" Bruce asked.

"I needed to talk to Mr. Dare, about his daughter," she said, glancing at her friend's father.

Mr. Dare chocked on his breath, "what happened?" he whispered.

Percy's shoulders slumped, but she looked at her uncle, "Bruce, let me show you out." She grabbed her uncle's arm, and led him out of the house.

"What are you going here, Percy?" Bruce asked.

"What needs to be done. I only had to do two of them, but I said I'd do more. I have a few more to do tomorrow," Percy said.

"What needs to be done?" Bruce asked, looking at his niece's face. He saw the grief, and anger. He saw the bags under her eyes, and how thin she actually looked.

"The parents need to be informed that their children died," Percy said, not able to stop some tear from falling.

"What? How?" Bruce asked. He  winced a little, at the broken look in his niece's eyes.

"Not right now, please?" Percy whispered.

"Alright. But I'm waiting in the car, I'll drive you back home afterwards," Bruce said, "how'd you get here, anyway?"

"I got a lift. I told them to leave when Mr. Dare said you were here, not realizing we were related," Percy said, glad for the shift in topic, "I'm glad you're still somewhat like I remember."

Bruce chuckled a little, before straightening, "I'll wait for you in the car. Take your time."

Percy's face lost emotion as she nodded.

Bruce sighed as he watched her walk inside. He knew there was a lot she wasn't telling him. But he knew she was trying, just wasn't ready. She let him see her. With that thought, he walked to the car to sit and wait.

Percy walked back inside, and saw Mr. Dare sitting on the couch, with tears in his eyes, staring at the coffee table.

"Mr. Dare?" she asked.

"She's gone, isn't she," Mr. Dare said.

"Yes. She got stabbed trying to help get a five year old back behind the border. The little boy lived who stumbled upon the battle, somehow. However, a demigod who betrayed us killed her," Percy said.

"What was she doing there?" Mr Dare asked.

"She needed to free the Oracle, it was her responsibility," Percy said.

"What about the demigod who killed her?" Mr Dare asked.

"He was killed, too. He's in the fields of punishment for his afterlife, as are many of those who sided with the Giants," Percy said.

"Good. What about the others?" he asked.

Percy looked down, "I'm the only one of the seven left, not many left at camp either. Most are under the age of twelve."

"Percy," Mr Dare said, looking torn between wanting to be sad for his loss, or sad for Percy's. "Why are you with your uncle?"

"Earth made sure to make me regret defeating her. Even after everything she did. She killed my mom, Paul, and Estelle too," Percy said.

"Who was Estelle?" Mr Dare asked, as dread flooded his gut.

"My one year old sister," Percy said, as she fell to the floor.

Mr. Dare cried with her, joining her on the floor.

"I couldn't save any of them, I tried so hard. And I failed. I'm sorry, I couldn't bring her back home safely, but I tried," Percy said, standing up.

Mr. Dare let go of her so she could stand. But he stopped her from walking out the door.

"My daughter died a hero. All of them did. Remember not to tarnish that sacrifice," Mr. Dare said.

"I'm trying. But it's hard when your fatal flaw is personal loyalty," Percy said, then she sighed.

"I know. Why don't you head home now, I think we both need it," Mr. Dare said.

"This is your home," Percy reminded him.

"True. But you know what I mean. Go heal, Percy," Mr. Dare said, leading her out to door.

He brought her to Bruce's car, and opened the door for her. Then he walked over to Bruce's side.

"When she's ready to tell you, make sure you remember who she is to you," Mr. Dare said.

Bruce looked at Percy's tear stained profile, and her uneven breathing, "she's my niece, that will never change."

"I know, Bruce. She's been through hell and back, just be patient," Mr. Dare said, looking at Percy as well, as he spoke. Neither missed the flinch.

"Thanks, Dare. See you when you have a decision. But no rush," Bruce said, noting his tear streaked face as well.

"Have a good rest of your day, Wayne," Mr. Dare said, then he left and went back inside his house.

Bruce looked at Percy, who was fiddling with her pen again, "let's go home and go swimming, okay?"

"Sounds nice," Percy said, her eyes still glistened with tears.

"Do you need to do any more?" Bruce asked.

"Not today, but tomorrow I do. The rest didn't have family I could tell," Percy said.

"The rest? How many?" Bruce asked, feeling sad for his niece, but also suspicious. Where was she that would cause this much death?

"Too many," Percy said, barely above a whisper.

Bruce started the car, and drove back to the mansion, and into his garage.

Percy didn't talk the entire journey.

When the car stopped, she got out and walked inside and to her room.

She got into her bed and got under the covers. There, she finally let the tears come out.

Bruce watched her get out and go to her room. He turned off his car, and went to the kitchen.

"Alfred, can you make some hot chocolate, please?" Bruce asked.

"Is everything alright?" Alfred asked.

"Percy just crashed my meeting with Dare. She was there to tell him that his daughter is dead. She has a few more people to visit tomorrow," Bruce said.

"She doesn't sleep well, Master Bruce," Alfred said.

"I noticed," Bruce said.

"Master Bruce, she was in the kitchen baking cookies this morning, before I got there to make breakfast at 6 o'clock," Alfred said.

"You asked how long she'd been in there," Bruce said, he knew his butler's way of questioning.

"She'd been there since three, sir," Alfred said.

"Not even mentioning when she left the pool. I'll go check and see, while I wait for her hot chocolate," Bruce said.

"I'll get right on it. I'll give you a few cookies too, sir," Alfred said, then started making the hot chocolate.
